Internet: obras generales

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  • Надежное изучение репутации программного обеспечения на основе опыта пользователя
    Ти Дуань / Хиао Цаи
    Многие пользователи имеют такой опыт, что после загрузки или покупки программного продукта, он работает не так хорошо, как вы ожидали. Однако в какой-то степени это приносит удачу, потому что многие другие пользователи загружают вредоносные программы непосредственно из Интернета. Эти проблемы заставляют людей тщательно и серьезно задуматься о репутации программного обеспечения....

    68,16 €

  • Une étude fiable de la réputation des logiciels basée sur l’expérience des utilisateurs
    Tie Duan / Xiao Cai
    De nombreux utilisateurs font l’expérience qu’après avoir téléchargé ou acheté un logiciel, celui-ci ne fonctionne pas comme prévu. Cependant, c’est une chance dans une certaine mesure, car de nombreux autres utilisateurs téléchargent directement des logiciels malveillants sur Internet. Ces problèmes amènent les gens à réfléchir soigneusement et sérieusement à la réputation des...

    68,10 €

  • Uno studio affidabile della reputazione del software basato sull’esperienza dell’utente
    Tie Duan / Xiao Cai
    Molti utenti hanno questa esperienza che dopo aver scaricato o comprato un prodotto software, non funziona bene come previsto. Tuttavia, è una fortuna in una certa misura, perché molti altri utenti scaricano applicazioni software dannose direttamente da Internet. Questi problemi inducono le persone a pensare attentamente e seriamente alla reputazione del software. Come si è det...

    68,10 €

  • Cuentos de la abuelita
    Rafaela Mila
    Cuentos, poesías y fabulas que relata la autora se encuentran este libro escrito con mucho amor. La lectura acompañada de la imaginación siempre nos invita a soñar. ...

    10,96 €

  • Измерение приложений SaaS на основе используемых функций
    Али Бу Нассиф
    Программное обеспечение как услуга (SaaS) - это онлайн-доставка программного обеспечения клиентам в качестве услуги. Накопительное лицензирование (также известное как лицензирование с оплатой по мере использования) - это тип лицензирования программного обеспечения, который позволяет пользователям оплачивать сборы в зависимости от фактического использования программного обеспече...

    76,65 €

  • Mesure des applications SaaS en fonction des fonctionnalités utilisées
    Ali Bou Nassif
    Le logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) est une fourniture en ligne de logiciels aux clients en tant que service. La licence cumulative (également connue sous le nom de licence payante à l’utilisation) est un type de licence logicielle qui permet aux utilisateurs de payer des frais en fonction de l’utilisation réelle du logiciel par opposition aux licences traditionnelles où les...

    75,37 €

  • Pomiar aplikacji SaaS na podstawie wykorzystanych funkcji
    Ali Bou Nassif
    Oprogramowanie jako usługa (SaaS) to dostarczanie klientom oprogramowania online jako usługa. Licencje zbiorcze (znane również jako licencje typu pay-as-you-go) to rodzaj licencjonowania oprogramowania, który umożliwia użytkownikom uiszczanie opłat w oparciu o faktyczne wykorzystanie oprogramowania w przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnych licencji, w przypadku których użytkownicy są z...

    75,37 €

  • Messen von SaaS-Anwendungen basierend auf verwendeten Funktionen
    Ali Bou Nassif
    Software as a Service (SaaS) ist eine Online-Lieferung von Software an Kunden als Service. Die kumulative Lizenzierung (auch als Pay-as-you-go-Lizenzierung bezeichnet) ist eine Art der Softwarelizenzierung, mit der Benutzer Gebühren zahlen können, die auf der tatsächlichen Nutzung der Software basieren, im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Lizenzen, bei denen Benutzer eine Lizenz zur ...

    75,34 €

  • Medindo aplicativos SaaS com base nos recursos utilizados
    Ali Bou Nassif
    Software as a Service (SaaS) é uma entrega online de software aos clientes como um serviço. O licenciamento cumulativo (também conhecido como licenciamento pay-as-you-go) é um tipo de licenciamento de software que permite aos usuários pagar taxas com base no uso real do software, em oposição às licenças tradicionais em que os usuários são obrigados a adquirir uma licença de uso...

    75,37 €

  • Challenges and Opportunities for the Convergence of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing
    Sathiyamoorthi Velayutham
    In today’s market, emerging technologies are continually assisting in common workplace practices as companies and organizations search for innovative ways to solve modern issues that arise. Prevalent applications including internet of things, big data, and cloud computing all have noteworthy benefits, but issues remain when separately integrating them into the professional prac...

    314,80 €

  • I Won’t Forget Passwords To Remember
    Midnight Mornings Media
    Remove the frustrating hassle of having loose leaf papers with usernames and password information scattered everywhere and keep them in one convenient place. This hardbound password manager book helps you never lose or forget a password again.perfectly sized at 5.5'x8.5'110 pagesgreat for home, school or officecool logbook to get organized with alphabetized A to Z pagesgreat pa...

    17,16 €

  • I Won’t Forget Passwords To Remember
    Midnight Mornings Media
    Remove the frustrating hassle of having loose leaf papers with usernames and password information scattered everywhere and keep them in one convenient place. This hardcover password manager book helps you never lose or forget a password again.perfectly sized at 5.5'x8.5'110 pagesgreat for home, school or officecool logbook to get organized with alphabetized A to Z pagesgreat pa...

    17,16 €

  • Cases on Edge Computing and Analytics

    242,28 €

  • Innovations in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Factory
    Industrial internet of things (IIoT) is changing the face of industry by completely redefining the way stakeholders, enterprises, and machines connect and interact with each other in the industrial digital ecosystem. Smart and connected factories, in which all the machinery transmits real-time data, enable industrial data analytics for improving operational efficiency, producti...

    327,76 €

  • How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism
    Cory Doctorow
    OneZero, Medium’s official technology publication, is thrilled to announce a print-on-demand edition of How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism by Cory Doctorow, with an exclusive new chapter. How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism was first published online in August, where it was an instant hit with readers, scholars, and critics alike. For years now, we’ve been hearing about ...

    7,81 €

  • Опции высокоскоростного подключения
    Клифф Лав
    На протяжении всей карьеры Клиффа Лав ему показывали плохое подключение к Интернету. Он был заинтересован в том, куда движется рынок и какие варианты будут успешными или неуспешными. Этот проект, представленный в качестве Capstone для его магистерской программы по управлению технологиями в Денверском университете, представляет собой анализ вариантов, доступных сегодня, с анализ...

    74,63 €

  • High-Speed-Verbindungsoptionen
    Clifford Love
    Im Laufe seiner Karriere wurde Cliff Love immer wieder mit schlechten Internetverbindungen konfrontiert. Er interessierte sich dafür, wohin sich der Markt bewegt und welche Optionen erfolgreich sein oder scheitern würden. Dieses Projekt, das als Capstone für seinen Master of Technology Management an der University of Denver geliefert wurde, ist eine Analyse der heute verfügbare...

    74,63 €

  • Options de connectivité à haut débit
    Clifford Love
    Tout au long de sa carrière, Cliff Love a été confronté à une mauvaise connexion à Internet. Il s’intéressait à l’évolution du marché et aux options qui pouvaient réussir ou échouer. Ce projet, présenté comme une pierre angulaire de sa maîtrise de gestion technologique à l’université de Denver, est une analyse des options disponibles aujourd’hui avec une analyse des perspective...

    74,57 €

  • Opzioni di connettività ad alta velocità
    Clifford Love
    Durante tutta la carriera di Cliff Love, gli è stata presentata una scarsa connettività Internet. Gli interessava sapere dove il mercato si stava muovendo e quali opzioni avrebbero avuto successo o meno. Questo progetto, consegnato come Capstone per il suo Master in Technology Management all’Università di Denver, è un’analisi delle opzioni disponibili oggi con un’analisi delle ...

    74,57 €

  • Opcje połączeń o dużej prędkości
    Clifford Love
    W całej karierze Cliffa Love’a prezentowano mu słabe połączenie z Internetem. Interesowało go, dokąd zmierza rynek i jakie opcje mogą się udać lub zawieść. Projekt ten, zrealizowany jako Capstone dla jego Masters of Technology Management na University of Denver, jest analizą dostępnych dziś opcji wraz z analizą przyszłych perspektyw łączności na rynku. ...

    74,57 €

  • Opções de Conectividade de Alta Velocidade
    Clifford Love
    Ao longo da carreira de Cliff Love, foi-lhe apresentada uma fraca conectividade à Internet. Foi interesado sobre onde o mercado se movia e que opções teriam sucesso ou fracassariam. Este projecto, entregue como Capstone para o seu Mestrado em Gestão Tecnológica na Universidade de Denver, é uma análise das opções hoje disponíveis com uma análise das perspectivas futuras de conec...

    74,57 €

  • Digital contention in a divided society
    Paul Reilly
    Representing the first in-depth qualitative study of how social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are used to mediate contentious public parades and protests in Northern Ireland, this book explores the implications of mis-and dis-information spread via online platforms for peacebuilding in societies transitioning out of conflict. ...

    157,31 €

  • Cases on Edge Computing and Analytics
    Edge computing and analytics are fascinating the whole world of computing. Industry and business are keenly embracing this sound concept to develop customer-centric solutions by enhancing their operations, offerings, and outputs. There is a bevy of advancements in this domain that came with the arrival of IoT devices. The seamless convergence of microservices and serverless com...

    314,66 €

  • Principles and Applications of Narrowband Internet of Things (NBIoT)
    The internet of things (IoT) has emerged as a trending technology that is continually being implemented into various practices within the field of engineering and science due to its versatility and various benefits. Despite the levels of innovation that IoT provides, researchers continue to search for networks that maintain levels of sustainability and require fewer resources. ...

    282,43 €

    George Mansour
    Terrified about identity theft and data breaches? Discover a foolproof method to protect your information and get online with peace of mind.Are you worried about your family members getting scammed or hacked? Want to keep your computers and phones protected with iron-clad security? Cyber security expert George Mansour has helped individuals and businesses protect their data for...

    12,08 €

  • I Won’t Forget Passwords To Remember Password Keeper
    Midnight Mornings Media
    Remove the frustrating hassle of having loose leaf papers with usernames and password information scattered everywhere and keep them in one convenient place. This password log book manager helps you never lose or forget a password again.perfectly sized at 5.5'x8.5'110 pagesgreat for home, school or officecool logbook to get organized with alphabetized A to Z pagesgreat password...

    19,17 €

  • Challenges and Opportunities for the Convergence of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing
    Sathiyamoorthi Velayutham

    242,41 €

  • Innovations in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Factory

    248,84 €

  • Result Page Generation for Web Searching
    Mostafa Alli
    Diversity in user queries makes it challenging for search engines to effectively return a set of relevant results. Both user intentions to search the web and types of queries are vastly varied; consequently, horizontal and vertical search engines are developed to answer user queries more efficiently. However, these search engines present a variety of problems in web searching. ...

    242,20 €

  • Principles and Applications of Narrowband Internet of Things (NBIoT)

    216,58 €