Historia: teoría y métodos

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: teoría y métodos (806)

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  • The Force of Comparison
    Willibald Steinmetz
    In an era defined by daily polls, institutional rankings, and other forms of social quantification, it can be easy to forget that comparison has a long historical lineage. Presenting a range of multidisciplinary perspectives, this volume investigates the concepts and practices of comparison from the early modern period to the present. Each chapter demonstrates how comparison ...

    176,86 €

  • Conservative revolutionary
    D. W. Hayton / David Hayton
    A biography of the historian and public intellectual Sir Lewis Namier from his origins in a secular Jewish family in Poland to recognition as the most important historian of his day, whose ’revolutionary’ method was enshrined in the verb to Namierise. ...

    42,20 €

  • Ni amar ni odiar con firmeza
    Francesca Denegri
    Con una combinación de marco teórico sofisticado y notable investigación archivística, los autores de Ni amar ni odiar con firmeza. Cultura y emociones en el Perú posbélico (1885-1925) logran desmadejar las raíces culturales de la violencia y el desastre nacional en el cual el Perú no solo perdió su riqueza más preciada, el salitre de Tarapacá, sino su dignidad ciudadana y su a...

    19,90 €

  • The Middle Ages
    Winston Black

    82,38 €

  • How to be a historian
    Herman Paul
    What is unique about this volume is that is explores the history of historical studies through the prism of ’scholarly personae’ (models of virtue, embodying how to be a historian). It offers a stimulating new perspective on the unity, or disunity, of historical scholarship as it existed in nineteenth- and twentieth-century. ...

    169,89 €

  • History in Times of Unprecedented Change
    Zoltán Boldizsár Simon
    Our understanding of ourselves and the world as historical has drastically changed since the postwar period, yet this emerging historical sensibility has not been appropriately explained in a coherent theory of history. In this book, Zoltán Simon argues that instead of seeing the past, the present and the future together on a temporal continuum as history, we now expect unprece...

    174,01 €

  • Archeologies of Confession
    Modern religious identities are rooted in collective memories that are constantly made and remade across generations. How do these mutations of memory distort our picture of historical change and the ways that historical actors perceive it? Can one give voice to those whom history has forgotten? The essays collected here examine the formation of religious identities during the ...

    44,05 €

  • De la encomienda a la hacienda capitalista: el valle del Jequetepeque del siglo XVI al XX
    Manuel Burga Díaz
    El valle del Jequetepeque, en la costa norte, ha sido utilizado para penetrar en la complejidad de la historia agraria peruana. El encomendero estanciero y el hacendado capitalista constituyen el inicio y el término del presente libro. La propiedad agraria en este valle surge con la hacienda colonial dentro de un contexto de economía feudal y en presencia de una población en co...

    31,20 €

  • Abe Lincoln’s Anecdotes And Stories
    Abraham Lincoln / R. D. Wordsworth / RDWordsworth
    This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the sa...

    12,98 €

  • Reading History in Britain and America, c.1750-c.1840
    Mark Towsey

    127,84 €

  • Engaged Historian
    Stefan Berger
    On the surface, historical scholarship might seem thoroughly incompatible with political engagement: the ideal historian, many imagine, is a disinterested observer focused exclusively on the past. In truth, however, political action and historical research have been deeply intertwined for as long as the historical profession has existed. In this insightful collection, practicin...

    183,92 €

  • Acilia partigiana. Eroi venuti dal popolo.
    Lorenzo Proia
    Un argomento ancora poco trattato dalla storiografia: quellodella Resistenza nella borgata di Acilia durante l’occupazione nazi-fascistadella Capitale. 75 persone istruite all’uso delle armi, guidate dai fratelliLido e Nello Duranti; il discendente diretto dei due partigiani, Lorenzo Proia,laureatosi in Storia con il massimo dei voti e giornalista professionista, cinarra la lor...

    20,17 €

  • Quantitative Methods in the Humanities
    Claire Lemercier / Claire Zalc / Arthur Goldhammer
    This timely and lucid guide is intended for students and scholars working on all historical periods and topics in the humanities and social sciences--especially for those who do not think of themselves as experts in quantification, 'big data,' or 'digital humanities.'The authors reveal quantification to be a powerful and versatile tool, applicable to a myriad of materials from ...

    52,58 €

  • Quantitative Methods in the Humanities
    Claire Lemercier / Claire Zalc / Arthur Goldhammer
    This timely and lucid guide is intended for students and scholars working on all historical periods and topics in the humanities and social sciences--especially for those who do not think of themselves as experts in quantification, 'big data,' or 'digital humanities.'The authors reveal quantification to be a powerful and versatile tool, applicable to a myriad of materials from ...

    26,26 €

  • Davy Crockett Day by Day
    William R. Chemerka / William RChemerka
    Davy Crockett’s real-life adventures and legendary exploits have been constantly acknowledged, memorialized, and celebrated in prose and poetry, film and television, music and art, newspapers and periodicals, and in outrageous myths. This book provides a chronicle of those assorted manifestations in three major sections: The first highlights Crockett’s life, the second traces h...

    26,44 €

  • My Swan Lake Life
    Louise Blocker
    When Louise Blocker’s then eight-year-old grandson asked her two poignant questions-one about slavery and the other about her childhood-she initially gave him brief responses. But upon further reflection, she realized he deserved more thoughtful answers, which would involve embarking on a fact-finding mission, both into her own ancestry and into the history of slavery itself. M...

    18,46 €

  • La relación «Conquista y población del Pirú, fundación de algunos pueblos» de Bartolomé de Segovia
    Bartolomé de Segovia / Pilar Rosselló F. de Moya / Pilar Rosselló Fde Moya
    Este libro contiene la primera transcripción de la versión original de la relación Conquista y población del Pirú, fundación de algunos pueblos, escrita en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, así como un estudio preliminar que esclarece la autoría de Bartolomé de Segovia.Rosselló rescata la figura de Bartolomé de Segovia luego de revisar las hipótesis que identificaban como autor a...

    13,25 €

  • The Early Modern Hispanic World

    161,56 €

  • A Concise History of History
    Daniel Woolf

    37,51 €

  • A Concise History of History
    Daniel Woolf

    114,55 €

  • Antonia Santos camino hacia la gloria
    Academia Colombiana de Historia
    Presentación, La historia, José Antonio Galán, Fundador, Preludio de un glorioso porvenir, La guerrilla de Coromoro, Acciones bélicas, Las estrategias, Plutarco Vargas Santos, Eduardo Santos Montejo, Camino al heroísmo, De la guerra a la paz, Una provincia levantisca, Reflexiones de Antonia, Camino a la gloria, El triunfo de la Revolución. 10 ...

    6,24 €

  • Nuevas miradas sobre la historiade la Independencia de Colombia
    Academia Colombiana de Historia
    Hacia una mirada compleja de la celebración del Bicentenario de la batalla de Boyacá; Aportes para la conmemoración nacionaldel Bicentenario del triunfo en la batalla de Boyacá; Anotaciones para un balance historiográfico del proceso de la Independencia neogranadina; Una novedad política: la experiencia de las juntas de gobierno de 1810; La construcción de un ejército en Casana...

    14,70 €

  • Women Writers and the Nation’s Past 1790-1860
    Mary Spongberg
    1790 saw the publication of Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France -- the definitive tract of modern conservatism as a political philosophy. Though women of the period wrote texts that clearly responded to and reacted against Burke’s conception of English history and to the contemporary political events that continued to shape it, this conversation was largely i...

    173,92 €

  • Historia del perú contemporáneo
    Carlos Contreras Carranza / Marcos Cueto Caballero
    La historia del Perú de la cual se da cuenta en este libro corresponde a los últimos doscientos años: comienza con los sucesos que condujeron a la independencia y termina con los avatares del país en el segundo decenio del siglo veintiuno. El eje organizador de la exposición son los proyectos de reforma del país que, aproximadamente cada medio siglo, modificaron el perfil de la...

    39,52 €

  • European Regions and Boundaries
    It is difficult to speak about Europe today without reference to its constitutive regions--supra-national geographical designations such as "Scandinavia," "Eastern Europe," and "the Balkans." Such formulations are so ubiquitous that they are frequently treated as empirical realities rather than a series of shifting, overlapping, and historically constructed concepts. This volum...

    25,72 €

  • Contemplating Historical Consciousness
    The last several decades have witnessed an explosion of new empirical research into representations of the past and the conditions of their production, prompting claims that we have entered a new era in which the past has become more "present" than ever before. Contemplating Historical Consciousness brings together leading historians, ethnographers, and other scholars who give ...

    184,29 €

  • Microhistories of the Holocaust
    How does scale affect our understanding of the Holocaust? In the vastness of its implementation and the sheer amount of death and suffering it produced, the genocide of Europe's Jews presents special challenges for historians, who have responded with work ranging in scope from the world-historical to the intimate. In particular, recent scholarship has demonstrated a willing...

    44,13 €

  • Los valencianos y el legado foral
    Autores Varios
    El interés por los Fueros, su historia y su época nunca ha desaparecido del todo. Una muestra de ello es este libro, donde un grupo de profesores de la Universitat de València reúnen un conjunto de reflexiones sobre aspectos muy diversos del legado foral. Por una parte, se estudia el origen y la aplicación del derecho en la época de vigencia de la legislación valenciana y, por ...

    16,50 €

  • Aproximació històrica a la Ribera del Xúquer
    Autores Varios
    D'ençà de la recuperació de la democràcia han estat nombrosíssims els intents de trobar una identitat de poble, comarca i país a través de l'estudi històric de la vida de les comunitats que configuren la Ribera del Xúquer, a tots els nivells, i tant des de l'àmbit universitari com també des del món dels cronistes, l'erudició local o els joves investigadors, implicats en els nou...

    18,00 €

  • El Paititi
    Vera Tyuleneva
    El horizonte que separa el espacio empírico visible y abarcable de un imaginario lleno de peligros, riquezas y seres fantásticos, ha representado durante siglos la frontera más difícil de franquear que haya trazado la mente humana.El Paititi la ciudad perdida de los incas, oculta en la selva amazónica; el país de la abundancia al este de los Andes, poblado por naciones próspera...

    24,36 €