Historia: teoría y métodos

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: teoría y métodos (839)

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  • El formatge i els cucs
    Carlo Ginzburg / Anaclet Pons / Justo Serna
    Un llibre bellament escrit que narra la història del moliner friulià Domenico Scandella, conegut com a Menocchio, que va morir en la foguera per ordre del Sant Ofici a la fi del segle XVI. Un estudi que ha esdevingut un clàssic de la història de les classes populars i on Carlo Ginzburg reconstrueix, a partir dels expedients del procés inquisitorial que li fou incoat, així com d...

    16,00 €

  • Individual Choice and the Structures of History
    Harvey Mitchell / Mitchell Harvey

    67,65 €

  • Divergent Paths
    Norman Levine
    Divergent Paths is the first in a series of three volumes that explores the historiography of the relationship between Hegel and Marx; it sets the terms of the relationship between Marx and Engels, and explores the genesis of the theories of Marxism and Engelsism from the late 19th century to the present day. Given the vast pool of contemporary post Marxist theoretical work, a ...

    173,27 €

  • Medieval Polities and Modern Mentalities
    Timothy Reuter

    179,52 €

  • Divergent Paths
    Norman Levine
    Divergent Paths is the first in a series of three volumes that explores the historiography of the relationship between Hegel and Marx; it sets the terms of the relationship between Marx and Engels, and explores the genesis of the theories of Marxism and Engelsism from the late 19th century to the present day. Given the vast pool of contemporary post Marxist theoretical work, a ...

    62,57 €

  • An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography
    In the first major work on Indonesian historiography to have appeared in any language, twenty-two outstanding scholars survey available source materials in Asia and Europe and discuss the current state of Indonesian historical scholarship, the approaches and methods that might be fruitful for future research, and the problems that confront Indonesian historians today. The contr...

    48,98 €

  • Memoria y utopía
    Luisa Passerini / Inmaculada Miñana / Josep Aguado
    La memoria y la utopía identifican dos disposiciones del sujeto, una vuelta hacia el pasado y otra hacia el futuro, siendo ambas actitudes críticas respecto al presente. La intersubjetividad define el eje central de la obra: la memoria es concebida como puente entre el pasado y el presente, entre el silencio y la palabra, entre lo singular y lo colectivo, y, en consecuencia, co...

    16,00 €

  • Pierre Vilar
    Autores Varios
    La comprensió del passat, pot ajudar-nos a conèixer el present i, per tant, a comprendre'l millor? El nostre món global i liberalitzat, podem penetrar-lo a través del coneixement històric acumulat i de l'anàlisi històrica? La història, és útil per al pensament crític contemporani? Pot enriquir-ne la perspectiva, enfront d'un futur incert? Podem pensar històricament el present? ...

    16,00 €

  • Historiography and Self-Definition
    Gregory E. Sterling

    49,88 €

  • Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800), The
    Walter Goffart
    In this substantial work Walter Goffart treats the four writers who provide the principal narrative sources for our early knowledge of the Ostrogoths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, and Lombards: Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon. The University of Notre Dame Press is pleased to make this book available for the first time in paperback. Winner of the Medieval Academy ...

    63,58 €

  • Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800), The
    Walter Goffart
    In this substantial work Walter Goffart treats the four writers who provide the principal narrative sources for our early knowledge of the Ostrogoths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, and Lombards: Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, and Paul the Deacon. The University of Notre Dame Press is pleased to make this book available for the first time in paperback. Winner of the Medieval Academy ...

    179,04 €

  • History and Geography in Late Antiquity
    A. H. Merrills / AHMerrills

    180,24 €

  • The Brown Decision, Jim Crow, and Southern Identity
    James C. Cobb
    The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling was a watershed event in the fight against racial segregation in the United States. The recent fiftieth anniversary of Brown prompted a surge of tributes: books, television and radio specials, conferences, and speeches. At the same time, says James C. Cobb, it revealed a growing trend of dismissiveness and negativity toward Brown and ...

    37,41 €

    John T Downes
    Pre-Colonial Africa: The late 19th Century History as Soap OperaDAVID: the sensitive young Scottish crofter’s son who dreamed of a being a missionary.HENRY: an illigitimate Welsh boy who lied about his background, nationality and even his name to fulfil his lust for glory.FREDDIE: after a disasterous love affair, he enlists in the most dangerous job he can in a vain attempt to ...

    14,76 €

  • History
    Jorn Rusen

    44,62 €

  • The Imagined Island
    Pedro L. San Miguel / Pedro LSan Miguel / Jane Ramírez
    In a landmark study of history, power, and identity in the Caribbean, Pedro L. San Miguel examines the historiography of Hispaniola, the West Indian island shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He argues that the national identities of (and often the tense relations between) citizens of these two nations are the result of imaginary contrasts between the two nations drawn ...

    48,20 €

  • Vollenhoven's Problem-Historical Method
    K. A. Bril / Kornelis A. Bril
    Brill gives a concise overview of the Dutch philosopher Dirk Vollenhoven's problem-historical method and its influence on Reformational philosophy. Bril first highlights changing historical periods, including the internalizing or subjectivizing of the norms lying outside of, or behind, the cosmos. Part Two reviews four models of historiography, namely those of Jan Hendrik van d...

    15,37 €

  • Els noms de la història
    Jacques Rancière / Antoni Furió / Ferran Garcia-Oliver
    Una historia és, en el sentit mes corrent, una sèrie d'esdeveniments viscuts per subjectes generalment designats amb noms propis. Tanmateix, la revolució de la ciència històrica volgué revocar la primacia dels esdeveniments i els noms propis en benefici de les llargues durades i la vida de les persones anònimes. Era així com reivindicava al mateix temps la seua pertinencia a l'...

    11,00 €

  • Toward a Global Community of Historians
    Karl Dietrich Erdmann
    Globalization presents major challenges to scholars of history. Different variants of global history and world history compete with, and transform, more traditional approaches of national, regional, and local scope, accompanied by new forms of international and transcultural cooperation. However, as this book shows, these transnational trends in the historical discipline are no...

    183,34 €

  • Greece and Italy
    American Italian Historical Association
    The XXXIII Conference of the American Italian Historical Asso-ciation was held in Lowell Massachusetts, where Greek immi-grants settled at the turn of the century and established a vibrant community. Italians from Calabria, Naples and Sicily soon followed. Throughout the years the two ethnic groups collaborated in many cultural activities, among which the Lowell Opera Company, ...

    12,74 €

  • Using History
    Jeremy Black
    This is the first book to tackle public, non-academic history for the student and general reader. Furthermore, it does so from a truly global perspective as opposed to focusing on the traditional Western-dominated model. ...

    44,74 €

  • Sir Arthur Bryant and National History in Twentieth-Century Britain
    Julia Stapleton
    Sir Arthur Bryant and National History in Twentieth-Century Britain is a significant new study of the work of the popular historian and journalist, Sir Arthur Bryant (1899-1985). Since his death, scholarly interest in Bryant has focused on his Nazi sympathies in the late 1930s. Julia Stapleton broadens our understanding of the man and the writer. She shows us that Bryant prefig...

    163,17 €

  • Narratives of Enlightenment
    Karen O'Brien / Karen O’Brien

    35,84 €

  • Postsocial History
    Joyce Patrick / MACabrera / Miguel A Cabrera / Miguel A. Cabrera / Miguel ACabrera / Marie McMahon
    In Postsocial History: An Introduction, historian Miguel A. Cabrera points to the crisis of modernity as a locus for the collapse of social historical models. Previously established theories of social change and social relations are proving insufficient, calling for the emergence of a new social historical theory. By arguing convincingly for the inclusion of language in that mo...

    64,30 €

  • History
    J. Rusen / Jeorn Reusen / Jorn Rusen / JRusen
    Without denying the importance of the postmodernist approach to the narrative form and rhetorical strategies of historiography, the author, one of Germany’s most prominent cultural historians, argues here in favor of reason and methodical rationality in history. He presents a broad variety of aspects, factors and developments of historical thinking from the 18th century to the ...

    184,33 €

  • La diferencia sexual en la historia
    María-Milagros Rivera Garretas
    Este libro tiene la arriesgada pretensión de ofrecer un pasaje a un lugar en el que apenas ha estado nadie. El lugar es la historia que está más allá de lo social, no en contra de lo social. En el siglo XX, el triunfo del pensamiento de izquierda un pensamiento masculino espléndido ha ido llevando a la gente a creer que toda la historia es social. Y, sin embargo, no es así, com...

    14,00 €

  • El otro, el mismo
    Autores Varios
    Biografía y autobiografía han sido, y siguen siendo, prácticas culturales estrechamente relacionadas con la concepción de sí mismos de los hombres y las mujeres occidentales. Hasta tal punto es así que puede considerarse a ambas como una especie de necesidad cultural en Occidente cuyas implicaciones históricas y metodológicas es necesario analizar. ¿Son la biografía y la autobi...

    22,00 €

  • The Pius War
    In The Pius War, Joseph Bottum has joined with rabbi David G. Dalin to gather a representative and powerful sample of these reviews, deliberately chosen from a wide range of publications. Together with a team of professors, historians, and other experts, the reviewers conclusively investigate the claims attacking Pius XII. The Pius War, and the detailed annotated bibliography t...

    142,57 €

  • Becoming Historical
    John Edward Toews

    182,35 €

  • Politics and History in the Tenth Century
    Jason Glenn

    168,17 €