Historia: primitiva hasta la actualidad

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: primitiva hasta la actualidad (11589)

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  • Ancient Female Sharmans
    Sara L. Weston
    In the captivating exploration that follows, 'Ancient Female Shamans,' we embark on a journey through the corridors of time to unveil the enigmatic realm of female shamans. Traditionally, the image of a shaman has been synonymous with masculinity, but the pages of history, when carefully examined, unfold a different narrative-one where the profound influence and mystical wisdom...

    14,49 €

  • Greek Mythology
    Jason Dodd
    GREEK MYTHOLOGYEmbark on a Timeless Odyssey with 'Greek Mythology: A Collection of the Best Greek Myths'Step into the world of gods and heroes, where each turn of the page brings you face-to-face with the most iconic tales of Greek mythology. From the mighty Olympians to the cunning heroes of old, this book is your guide through an epic saga that has shaped storytelling for mil...

    12,18 €

  • Greek Mythology
    Jason Dodd
    GREEK MYTHOLOGYEmbark on a Timeless Odyssey with 'Greek Mythology: A Collection of the Best Greek Myths'Step into the world of gods and heroes, where each turn of the page brings you face-to-face with the most iconic tales of Greek mythology. From the mighty Olympians to the cunning heroes of old, this book is your guide through an epic saga that has shaped storytelling for mil...

    19,28 €

  • Das Altpersische Reich
    Billy Wellman
    Mit unvorstellbarem Reichtum, Palastintrigen, Geburtstagsfeiern mit erlesenem Wein und endlosen Nachspeisen, aufwendiger Architektur und Gärten, einer unterirdischen Wasserversorgung und der 2.400 Kilometer langen Königsstraße zieht uns das Altpersische Reich in seinen Bann.Unter Kyros dem Großen entwickelt sich Persien zum ersten Großreich der Welt, es beherrschte drei Kontine...

    21,43 €

  • Juno’s Aeneid
    Joseph Farrell
    A major new interpretation of Vergil’s epic poem as a struggle between two incompatible versions of the Homeric heroThis compelling book offers an entirely new way of understanding the Aeneid. Many scholars regard Vergil’s poem as an attempt to combine Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey into a single epic. Joseph Farrell challenges this view, revealing how the Aeneid stages an epic cont...

    46,90 €

  • Plato’s Reasons
    Christopher W. Tindale
    Studies Plato’s approach to argumentation, exploring his role as logician, rhetorician, and dialectician in a way that sees these three aspects working together. ...

    126,67 €

  • A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors
    Lewis William Brüggemann

    74,38 €

  • A Supplement to the View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors
    Lewis William Brüggemann

    17,77 €

  • A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors
    Lewis William Brüggemann

    96,09 €

  • A Supplement to the View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors
    Lewis William Brüggemann

    34,86 €

  • Ancient Huntress
    Sara L. Weston
    The conventional portrayal of prehistoric gender roles has long depicted men as hunters and women as gatherers, perpetuating the notion that women played a passive role in early human societies. However, recent research and archaeological findings have challenged this narrative, revealing a more complex and nuanced understanding of prehistoric gender roles, women played an acti...

    14,50 €

  • Historia y Mitología Egipcias
    Billy Wellman
    2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro:Historia de Egipto: Un apasionante repaso a la historia de EgiptoMitología egipcia: Un apasionante repaso a los mitos, dioses y diosas egipciosEgipto es un país vibrante y diverso con algunos de los lugares más impresionantes del mundo. Su historia estuvo dominada por poderosas figuras que cambiaron el curso de la historia mundial. Desde que s...

    24,87 €

  • Antiguo Egipto
    Ahoy Publications
    Descubra los misterios del antiguo Egipto con quinientos datos fascinantes.¿Está preparado para explorar y descubrir los secretos de una de las civilizaciones más fascinantes de la historia? Con 500 Datos Interesantes sobre el Antiguo Egipto, obtendrá una visión completa de esta antigua tierra, su cultura y algunas historias increíbles. Desde la época predinástica hasta la lleg...

    11,13 €

  • Julio César
    Captivating History
    Si alguna vez ha sentido curiosidad por la antigua Roma y la época de César, pero la información disponible lo abruma, esta cómoda biografía de la vida de Julio César puede ser justo lo que estaba buscando.Al adoptar un enfoque amplio y específico, este libro ofrece al lector una buena panorámica del siglo I a. e. c. y, al mismo tiempo, se centra en los detalles del famoso líde...

    17,71 €

  • Ancient Egypt for Children
    John Richardson
    My name is Hori, and my sister’s name is Meres Amun. We wish to tell you about the history of Ancient Egypt. Did you know that the largest part of Egypt was made up of desert sands, making it seem empty and barren? There were also large rocks and high cliffs. The river Nile made Egypt a place where people could live and work. It created a vast green area with trees and vegetati...

    21,55 €

  • Apuleius
    Regine May
    The love story of Cupid and Psyche, the powerful god of love and a human girl, has fascinated readers for centuries, ever since it was written by the Roman author Apuleius in the second century AD. The enchanting story can be read as both the origin of many classic fairy tales like Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella, and as a philosophical portrait of the search of the human so...

    8,81 €

  • Part One - God, Enki, Ra/Marduk & Yahweh
    Glyn Thomas
    From an early age, the author has been fascinated by the origins of humanity and the solutions offered by religious beliefs concerning our existence beyond death. Understanding the Bible is critical for Christians, whilst incorporation (as the Old Testament) of the Jewish Torah, the Prophets and the Writings brings a common root with Judaism and also many commonalities with Isl...

    18,40 €

  • Römische Mythologie
    Adam Andino
    Römische MythologieEntfesseln Sie Ihren inneren Historiker und tauchen Sie ein in die fesselnde Welt des alten Roms mit 'Römische Mythologie: Erzählungen aus dem römischen Pantheon'. Dieses Buch ist vollgepackt mit spannenden Geschichten über Götter, Göttinnen und Helden und nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch den reichen Teppich der römischen Mythologie. Entdecken Sie die Legen...

    19,43 €

  • Epic of Gilgamesh
    Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk, and his friend Enkidu are the only heroes from ancient Babylonian stories that have survived. They are the main characters in an old poem from around 3000 years ago. In the poem, they go on adventures together, like defeating a powerful bull and killing a scary monster. But when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh is very sad and afraid of dying himself. This ma...

    11,35 €

  • 乱世人心:从晚唐到五代
    编辑推荐五代史三部曲 Ⅰ  《乱世人心:从晚唐到五代》时运消散的晚唐,血色升腾的五代。乱世立志,不论出身;横刀立马,大浪淘沙;逆天改命,贵贱陡转。旅美历史学者王宏杰*套中文著作作者主讲热播音频《三垂冈上:晚唐五代风云》全球播放量超40 000 000次 五代十国, 不足百年, 军阀割据, 天下大乱, 英雄不论出处, 帝王起于草莽。乱世之中, 谁能横刀立马、称霸天下?风云激荡, 多少枭雄并起、大浪淘沙?生逢乱世, 无论是贵族还是平民、文臣抑或武将, 都无奈地面临种种选择, 其中有杀戮、背叛、阴谋, 也有忠义、气节、温情乃至浪漫。乱世中的人生抉择, 往往无关对错, 但关生死,天堂地狱, 咫尺天涯, 而掩映其中千古不变的则是人心。在旅美历史学者的细腻笔触下, 一曲晚唐五代的血色悲歌徐徐奏响, 于无声处, 惊雷阵阵。 内容简介'五代史三部曲'系列作者为旅美历...

    40,80 €

  • 宋风成韵:宋代社会的文艺生活
    编辑推荐    宋人自信自己'文物之盛,跨绝百代',《宋风成韵:宋代社会的文艺生活》这本书选取了宫廷、官场、旅途、科场和文坛五个最具文艺气息的生活场景,讲述大宋天子如何从粗犷到唯美,诗词如何在士大夫的朋友圈成为秀才艺的社交工具,唐宋之间的书法差异如何成为宋代土人的日常压力,激烈的科举内卷之下宋代士人是如何喜欢上谈论星座、八字和看相的,以及宋代文艺圈的顶流们是如何凭借天价稿酬而一夜暴富的。宋风远去,宋韵难再,好在宋人神采风韵的江湖传说还在。 名人推荐   黄博果然是一个文艺青年,从宋人对本朝'文物之盛'的迷之自信中,把握住了时代脉搏,主要从杂乱的小说家言中,以同情之理解的立场,梳理出当时社会不断被文人士大夫'文采风流'影响改造的一幅幅生动画面,将其间的故事用轻快生动的语言,讲给 21 世纪的读者听。--包伟民 中国宋史研究会前会长 中国人民大学历史学院...

    33,04 €

  • Rural Dacia
    Eloise Smart
    In this meticulously researched book, we embark on a journey through the Roman provinces to explore the intricate process of cultural fusion between Roman and native societies. Recent archaeological discoveries have confirmed the Romanization of regions like Gaul, where a new provincial cultural identity emerged through the blending of traditions.However, our attention turns to...

    22,27 €

  • Культурные представления о древнеегипетском мире
    Хулио Лопес Сако
    Эта книга, объединяющая тринадцать статей, представляет собой скрупулезный подход к различным реалиям, составлявшим часть обширной истории Древнего Египта. Религия, миф, пластическое и литературное искусство, а также история - вот те области знания, которые лежат в основе тематики книги. Задача состояла в том, чтобы создать дидактическое, трезвое и платежеспособное предложение,...

    40,01 €

  • Le case degli dei
    Kate Prendergast
    Il dibattito sull’astronomia nei monumenti neolitici delle isole britanniche ha impegnato per molti anni ricercatori accademici e indipendenti. Questo libro sostiene che l’osservazione astronomica aveva un ruolo profondamente pratico e simbolico per le prime società preistoriche che stavano negoziando la transizione verso uno stile di vita agricolo. Concentrandosi sul sito di B...

    56,80 €

  • Casas dos Deuses
    Kate Prendergast
    Os debates sobre a astronomia nos monumentos neolíticos das Ilhas Britânicas têm ocupado investigadores académicos e independentes durante muitos anos. Este livro defende que a observação astronómica teve um papel profundamente prático e simbólico para as primeiras sociedades pré-históricas que negociavam a transição para um modo de vida agrícola. Centrando-se no Sítio do Patri...

    56,78 €

  • Judicial Decisions in the Ancient Near East
    This volume presents the first broadly inclusive collection, with accessible text and English translation, of documents related to judicial decisions in the ancient Near East, the oldest setting for such writing in the world. The texts in this volume belong to various genres, especially legal records and letters, and they span almost two thousand years. With such varied materia...

    47,44 €

  • Judicial Decisions in the Ancient Near East
    This volume presents the first broadly inclusive collection, with accessible text and English translation, of documents related to judicial decisions in the ancient Near East, the oldest setting for such writing in the world. The texts in this volume belong to various genres, especially legal records and letters, and they span almost two thousand years. With such varied materia...

    86,06 €

  • Textos para la historia de Elam
    Enrique Quintana Cifuentes
    NOTA AL LECTOREn el año 2000 el Centro de estudios del próximo oriente y la antigüedad tardía de la Universidad de murcia publicaba el volumen IV de su colección Estudios Orientales, dedicado a los textos mesopotámicos (y vecinos) que trataban sobre Elam, con la pretensión de cubrir una laguna existente en la literatura espafiola.Se recogían en él los textos con contenido histó...

    25,00 €

  • Analyse der Gewebeeigenschaften von EIW-Keramik
    Stanslous Haro
    Diese Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit der Ermittlung der Quellen der Keramikherstellung und der Beziehungen zwischen den Early Iron Working (EIW)-Stätten von Kwale (Mombasa), Limbo, Mafia und Kwale (Kisiju). Die Studie stützt sich auf frühere Forschungsschwerpunkte, die sich auf die Verwendung von physischen Merkmalen der Keramik, wie z. B. dekorative Motive, und sprachliche ...

    93,53 €

  • Análise dos atributos do tecido da cerâmica EIW
    Stanslous Haro
    Esta investigação diz respeito ao estabelecimento de fontes de fabrico de cerâmica e de relações entre os sítios de trabalho do ferro primitivo (EIW) de Kwale (Mombaça), Limbo, Mafia e Kwale (Kisiju). Baseia-se em investigações anteriores que se centraram na utilização de atributos físicos da cerâmica, tais como motivos decorativos e provas linguísticas, para explicar a origem ...

    93,55 €