Historia antigua: hasta c. 500 e. c.

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  • Words of Ahikar
    Scriptural Research Institute
    The Words of Ahikar is the oldest surviving Israelite story, with known copies in Aramaic dating back to the 5ᵗʰ century BC. As it has been translated into many languages over the past two and a half millennia, it now has several names and translations, including the Words of Ahiqar, the Story of Ahikar, and various variations of the name, including Achiacharos, from the Greek ...

    14,99 €

  • Alejandro Magno
    Billy Wellman
    ¿Sabía usted que Alejandro Magno introdujo una vez la proskynesis en la corte macedonia?La proskynesis, el acto de besar el suelo o los pies de alguien de rango superior, era una costumbre habitual de los persas. En la corte del Imperio aqueménida, este acto se realizaba normalmente ante el rey. Tanto si eran nativos del país como si no, los súbditos tenían que postrarse ante e...

    21,72 €

  • The Silk Road
    Billy Wellman
    Journey on the Silk Road, and discover trade, cultures, and adventures from the ancient world!Step onto the fabled Silk Road, an epic network of ancient trade routes that spanned thousands of miles and linked the East and West for centuries. In The Silk Road, embark on a captivating voyage through time and terrain, where cultures converged, goods flowed, and history unfolded.Th...

    21,03 €

  • Las 7 maravillas del mundo antiguo
    Captivating History
    Probablemente haya oído hablar de las siete maravillas del mundo antiguo. Pero, ¿cuánto sabe realmente?El mundo antiguo albergó algunas de las mayores civilizaciones de la historia. Los egipcios, los griegos, los babilonios y otros pueblos quisieron dejar su huella en la historia para que otros recordaran su grandeza. ¿Y qué mejor manera de explorar esa grandeza que examinar al...

    20,17 €

  • Reflections on the Dawn of Consciousness
    Marcel Kuijsten
    Why are gods and idols ubiquitous throughout the ancient world? What is the relationship of consciousness and language? How is it that oracles came to influence entire civilizations such as the ancient Greeks? If consciousness arose far back in human evolution, how can it so easily be altered in hypnosis and 'possession'? Is modern schizophrenia a vestige of an earlier mentalit...

    18,62 €

  • Ancient Society
    Lewis Henry Morgan
    'Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism to Civilization' is a seminal work by American anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan, first published in 1877. Morgan’s book is considered a foundational text in the field of anthropology, particularly in the study of social evolution and cultural development. The central theme of 'Ancient ...

    21,25 €

  • المساجد الأثرية بالمنيا - مصر
    محمود أحمد درويش
    دراسة تحليلية في تطور التخطيط المعماري من العصر الفاطمي إلى عصر محمد عليتحتفظ محافظة المنيا بأربعة وعشرين مسجدا أثريا تتخذ من حيث التخطيط المعماري عدة طرز محلية ما بين التخطيط المكون من أروقة وصحن مكشوف، والتخطيط ذو الأروقة دون الصحن المكشوف.وهناك خمسة مساجد تتخذ التخطيط المكون من أروقة وصحن مكشوف هي: العمراوي بالمنيا والحسن بن صالح بالبهنسا، واليوسفي بملوي، واللمطي بالمنيا، وا...

    34,10 €

  • The Prose Edda
    Snorri Sturluson
    'The Prose Edda,' a timeless compilation of Old Norse tales and poetic theories meticulously crafted by Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century. Offering a treasury of myths, legends, and insights into Viking Age beliefs, this cornerstone of Norse literature unveils the rich tapestry of gods, giants, and heroes that populate the ancient Nordic cosmos. From the th...

    7,82 €

  • The Prose Edda
    Snorri Sturluson
    'The Prose Edda,' a timeless compilation of Old Norse tales and poetic theories meticulously crafted by Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century. Offering a treasury of myths, legends, and insights into Viking Age beliefs, this cornerstone of Norse literature unveils the rich tapestry of gods, giants, and heroes that populate the ancient Nordic cosmos. From the th...

    14,96 €

  • Ancient Egypt - 20 Fascinating Answers
    Mike Ciman
    Discover secret Egypt with fascinating answers and beautiful illustrations. - What was the judgment of the dead like in Ancient Egypt?- What was the role of the priests? - What materials were used in the monuments?- How were the pyramids built?- What was the importance of the afterlife for the Egyptians?- How was mummification done? Discover these and other answers about Anc...

    16,81 €

  • Afterlives of the Roman Poets
    Nora Goldschmidt

    44,37 €

  • The Homeric Hymn to Hermes
    Oliver Thomas

    77,39 €

  • Encyclopaedism from Antiquity to the Renaissance

    77,04 €

  • Kellis

    54,64 €

  • The Rhesus Attributed to Euripides
    Marco Fantuzzi

    92,54 €

  • Borges’ Classics
    Laura Jansen

    35,99 €

  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome

    44,05 €

  • Untangling Blackness in Greek Antiquity
    Sarah F. Derbew

    32,93 €

  • Return of the Cloth
    Louis Tartaglia
    Not since CS Lewis has there been a writer who uses fantasy with such elegant prose. This book weaves spiritual and psychological lessons into a wondrous story of character transformation using religious historical facts to teach profound lessons.Not often does a man know when he has fulfilled his destiny. The young camel, Jamil, and two camel drivers started out on the journey...

    25,96 €

  • Return of the Cloth
    Louis Tartaglia
    Not since CS Lewis has there been a writer who uses fantasy with such elegant prose. This book weaves spiritual and psychological lessons into a wondrous story of character transformation using religious historical facts to teach profound lessons.Not often does a man know when he has fulfilled his destiny. The young camel, Jamil, and two camel drivers started out on the journey...

    18,01 €

  • Festivals, Feasts, and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece
    Yiqun Zhow / Zhou Yiqun / Razin Andrei
    ENGAncient China and Greece are two classical civilisations that have exerted far-reaching influence in numerous areas of human experience and are often invoked as the paradigms in East-West comparison. This book examines gender relations in the two ancient societies as reflected in convivial contexts such as family banquets, public festivals, and religious feasts. Two distinct...

    62,08 €

  • The World’s Greatest Books (Ancient and Mediaeval History)
    'The World’s Greatest Books: Ancient and Medieval History' immerses readers in the captivating tales of ancient civilizations. From Gaston Maspero’s exploration of Egypt to Flavius Josephus and Henry Milman’s insights into Jewish history, the journey continues through the glory of Greece and Rome. Edward Gibbon’s epic on the decline of Rome and insights into the Holy Roman Empi...

    9,45 €

  • The World’s Greatest Books (Ancient and Mediaeval History)
    'The World’s Greatest Books: Ancient and Medieval History' immerses readers in the captivating tales of ancient civilizations. From Gaston Maspero’s exploration of Egypt to Flavius Josephus and Henry Milman’s insights into Jewish history, the journey continues through the glory of Greece and Rome. Edward Gibbon’s epic on the decline of Rome and insights into the Holy Roman Empi...

    16,61 €

  • Mayan Civilization
    Thomas Osborne
    Exploring ancient Greece’s history is spectacularly inspiring. The Greeks gave us our foundational concepts of geometry, our first astronomical models, the beginnings of modern medicine, and our understanding of democracy. Greek sculptures, paintings, and mosaics captured the human form realistically and movingly - like nothing ever seen before. The ancient Greeks were a powerh...

    16,03 €

  • Kurukshetra’s Shadow
    Arundhati Sahoo
    Wars are kinder to men, for they are given a chance, in the battlefield,to showcase their prowess at weapons and strategy-making - either toemerge victorious or to die valorously. The very act of fighting a battlewashes them off their earthly sins, securing their position in the heavens.But what about the women? Burning silently inside, anxious andafraid, guilty and grieved, pa...

    8,76 €

  • Raízes E Ritos
    João Otávio Costa Almeida
    Uma pequena cidade no sudeste de Minas Gerais, que se muito se destacou por ser um polo tecnológico. Porém a cidade de Santa Rita é exemplo não só na área de tecnologia, sua culturapionera, na criação de eventos únicos, nos desenvolvimentos artísticos e muito mais, representa a grandiosidade desse povo. ...

    8,47 €

  • The Destiny Book
    Helena Lind
    Humanity has never been more vulnerable, imperiled, and in need of evoking a uniting awareness than now.How about the seminal cosmic blueprint that has shaped cultural identities and codified faiths since the dawn of civilization? Which foundational force is synonymous with our universal quest for human purpose? What is the metaphysical paradigm deeply ingrained in the human ex...

    10,08 €

  • Diccionario de Mitos y Leyendas
    Adéntrate en un viaje apasionante a través de los misterios y maravillas de la mitología y las leyendas de todo el mundo. Este diccionario es una puerta de entrada a un vasto universo de relatos y narrativas que han capturado la imaginación de la humanidad durante siglos. Desde los mitos griegos que pueblan el Olimpo hasta las historias sagradas de las culturas indígenas, este ...

    21,40 €

  • The Secret History
    Procopius / Richard Atwater
    New Large Print Edition, comfortable and easily readable format.'The Secret History' by Procopius, as translated by Richard Atwater, immerses readers in the Byzantine Empire’s clandestine intrigues, unveiling the political landscape during the 6th century under the rule of Emperor Justinian I (527-565 AD). Against the backdrop of ambitious military endeavors, grand construction...

    18,78 €

  • The Secret History
    Procopius / Richard Atwater
    New Large Print Edition, comfortable and easily readable format.'The Secret History' by Procopius, as translated by Richard Atwater, immerses readers in the Byzantine Empire’s clandestine intrigues, unveiling the political landscape during the 6th century under the rule of Emperor Justinian I (527-565 AD). Against the backdrop of ambitious military endeavors, grand construction...

    25,27 €