
Humanidades / Historia (618453)

  • Crônicas Do Vale Do Parahyba, Litoral Norte E Alhures
    Rodolfo Salles Mendonça
    Mestre Cosme Pessoa Fernandes, o Bacharel Judeu ou Bacharel de Cananéia e sua mulher, Karay Yo Terebê, filha do Cacique Ari Yo Piquerobi, meus antepassados da 14ª geração, por parte paterna, entre outros antepassados, pertencem ao ramo da famílias fundadoras, narro aqui parte de suas histórias.Mestre Cosme foi o fundador das Cidades de Cananéia, Iguape e Ilha Comprida e ainda s...

    14,06 €

  • Berlin 1945
    Michael Brettin
    Berlin 1945 zeigt fast 200 schwarz-weiße Fotos von Berlin unmittelbar nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, die von sowjetischen Armeefotografen aufgenommen worden sind, darunter Mark Redkin and Jewgenij Chaldej, aber auch von Deutschen, die für die Rote Armee arbeiteten, wie Otto Donath. Es sind herzzerreißende Bilder von ausgebombten Straßen, brennenden Häusern, toten Soldaten und verl...

    27,78 €

  • Tales of South American Football
    Jorge Knijnik
    Jorge Knijnik’s second work of non-fiction via Fair Play Publishing is a compelling contribution to sports literature: a Brazilian-born Australian humanities academic writing about his passion-football-in his homeland and the continent it belongs to. Exquisitely researched and written, it captures the elegance of the star players and the visceral struggles in South American soc...

    17,38 €

  • Raoul Wallenberg
    Ulf Zander
    This book tells the story of how a Swedish diplomat who saved the lives of thousands of Jews in Hungary became a symbol after his disappearance in January 1945. A variety of aspects are analysed, including secret diplomacy and representations of Wallenberg on film and television as well as in monuments. ...

    45,60 €

  • The Square Circle
    Herbert Curtis
    Memories of Alveston 1940 to 1955Join Herbie on a guided tour of a small English village as he experienced it growing up in the 1940s and 50s. Travelling the streets and lanes, he recalls the events and people that formed the tapestry of daily life at the time. Alveston in South Gloucestershire is typical of many villages throughout England. This account provides a window into ...

    10,87 €

  • The Life of Thomas Telford
    Samuel Smiles
    Embark on a fascinating journey through the life and achievements of one of Britain’s greatest engineers with Samuel Smiles’ compelling biography, 'The Life of Thomas Telford.' In this meticulously researched and engagingly written account, Smiles chronicles the remarkable career of Thomas Telford, whose visionary engineering projects helped shape the landscape of 19th-century ...

    15,19 €

  • Esoteric Buddhism
    A Sinnet / Templum Dianae Media
    Dive into the mystical world of Esoteric Buddhism with this enlightening guide. Unravel the profound teachings and practices that delve into the hidden realms of consciousness and spiritual awakening. From ancient rituals to esoteric wisdom, this book offers a captivating journey for seekers of inner truth. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned explorer of spiritual realms, ’Es...

    39,10 €

  • Mitologia Greca
    Templum Dianae Media
    conoscere i Miti degli Antichi è la strada necessaria se vuoi veramente scoprire i segreti degli iniziati e del cosmo.In questo Manuale dedicato a chi vuole scoprire i segreti degli Dei dell’Olimpo, dedicato a chi vuole riscoprire i miti antichi in modo facile e veloce, ho racchiuso i principali Miti della Grecia Antica:la storia dei Titanigli Dei dell’Olimpoi mostri della Grec...

    24,88 €

  • Mitologia di Roma
    Templum Dianae Media
    Mitologia di Roma'Riscopri la Mitologia Romana, gli Eroi, i Miti e le leggende della Roma Antica'se sei qui è perchè molto probabilmente hai notato come la storia della Roma antica sia molto presente e influente nella tua vita, e ti sei domandata quale sia il significato di questi simboli, e quale sia il messaggio che gli Antenati di Roma ti vogliono tramandare..molto probabilm...

    22,37 €

  • The LightFoot Companion to the via Francigena Great Saint Bernard Pass to St Peter’s Square, Rome - Edition 3
    Babette Gallard
    The LightFoot Companion is an optional partner to the LightFoot Guide.to the via FrancigenaA step-by-step guide to the history and culture of the via Francigena of Sigeric and the via Francigena Montana or via degli Abati in Italy with introductions to the famous, and sometimes infamous, personalities, associated with the route.Whether you want to put your toe in the water of t...

    18,87 €

  • Japanese History
    Ahoy Publications
    Embark on a mesmerizing journey through time with 500 Fascinating Facts About the History of Japan, a meticulously curated volume that promises to unlock the mysteries of one of the world’s most enigmatic nations.This book is your passport to a past filled with intrigue, innovation, and indomitable spirit, charting a course from the misty ages of prehistoric Japan to the transf...

    23,05 €

  • Relatos de la historia de Europa
    Ahoy Publications
    ¡Embárquese en un viaje en el tiempo hacia el corazón del pasado de Europa!¿Le hipnotiza el gran tapiz de la historia de Europa?¿Busca desentrañar las historias y personalidades que han dado forma a un continente?¿Le interesan las intrigas políticas, revoluciones culturales y avances científicos en la historia europea?Relatos de la historia de Europa: Cincuenta relatos verídico...

    20,91 €

  • Dicionário De Genealogia
    Gilber Rubim Rangel
    Este Dicionário de Genealogia, de autoria do advogado e genealogista capixaba, Gilber Rubim Rangel, com 420 páginas, contém 3500 verbetes e mais de 100 imagens, constitui uma ferramenta essencial para aqueles que estão interessados em traçar suas origens familiares, compreender a história de suas famílias e um tributo aos que vieram antes de nós.Com uma abordagem multidisciplin...

    42,58 €

  • Long Way Together. In Memory of Iosif Horol.
    Vladimir Melnikov
    This book is about my friend ִIosif Horol.This book is about the tragic fate of the Jewishstudent, betrayed by his beloved girlfriend.It’s about a man who haven’t broke in GULAG,but turned into a convinced Zionist. This book is about successfulescape from the Soviet Union, and about a happy, intellectually fulfilledlife in Israel. This book is about our friendship.Vladimir Meln...

    8,94 €

  • The Divine Vision
    Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa
    IT is a true saying, and one experienced and proved by us all, that we rise to higher things on the stepping stones of our dead selves. The life of man is a continual change of vision; as experiences come to him one after another, it is as if he rose from one level to another as he climbs up a mountain side, and therefore his vision steadily changes. We recognise that there are...

    21,28 €

  • Christianity and the Religions
    Arthur Selden Lloyd
    When the invitation to deliver these lectures came, it was probably intended that they should discuss the attitude of present day Christian teachers towards those of other religions. This, however, seemed fruitless. The attitude of Christian teachers to-day towards their brothers who do not know the Father is practically determined by the individual’s apprehension of the Messag...

    15,77 €

  • The Meeting of the East and the West
    Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa
    'WHO’s the man that says we’re all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding? Thus spoke once a true observer of men. Never was it truer than with regard to the men and women who live in the two great halves of the world, the East and the West. Dreams are everywhere the same, and hearts everywhere beat to the same rhythm; ignorance, lust and greed, und...

    21,26 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Epiktet
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Epiktets 'Lehrgesprächen', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Lehrgesprächen' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen ermöglichen, in ...

    16,21 €

  • The Crucible of Modern Thought
    William Walker Atkinson
    Enter the crucible of intellectual exploration with William Walker Atkinson’s thought-provoking work, 'The Crucible of Modern Thought.' In this captivating volume, Atkinson invites readers on a journey through the intellectual currents that have shaped modern civilization, from ancient philosophy to contemporary psychology and beyond.With incisive analysis and insightful commen...

    11,93 €

  • Information Operations
    Steve Dr. Tatham
    An insider’s view of the truth and mythology of Information Operations. ...

    73,20 €

  • Archivos del Presidente José Azcona
    Diarios Honduras
    La colección de artículo que hoy publicamos incluye los archivos de prensa de los diarios La Tribuna, El Heraldo, La Prensa y Tiempo de julio y agosto de 1987. Fueron dos meses de agitación. El asesinato de un magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Mario Antonio Reyes Sarmiento, a manos de un elemento de la entonces Fuerza de Seguridad Pública (Fusep), conmocionó al país y...

    17,85 €

  • Murder at the Fountain of Remembrance and other Crimes
    Dr. Tapendu K. Basu
    Dr. Tapendu K. Basu, born in India, resides in Maryland, USA. He is a member of the Academy of American Poets, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Maryland Writers’ Association, and Mystery Writers of America. He was the editor of Pen In Hand, MWA’s biannual literary magazine from 2017 to 2021. His publications include Me and Mine; Hoofbeats, A Song of You: A Poetic Hist...

    22,95 €

  • Medals, Ribbons and Unit Awards of the U. S. Army Vietnam
    Col. Frank C. Foster
    Welcome to the most complete guide on military medals, ribbons, and unit awards of the Viet Nam War. These awards hold significant importance to the American soldiers who served during the Vietnam War as well as for their families and friends. This book not only describes these awards but also shows the proper way to wear them.     Decorations and campaign medals symbolize the ...

    19,02 €

  • Hondureñismos
    Alberto Membreño
    Si usted quiere saber qué significaba en Honduras, allá por 1895, 'perder la llave', le sugerimos que busque su significado en este libro. ¡Seguramente se llevará una sorpresa!Hondureñismos es, en otras palabras, 'el caliche de los catrachos', y el primero en recopilar este peculiar abecedario fue Alberto Membreño en dos ediciones que dieron mucho de qué hablar.Dependiendo a qu...

    15,98 €

  • Hondureñismos
    Alberto Membreño
    Si usted quiere saber qué significaba en Honduras, allá por 1895, 'perder la llave', le sugerimos que busque su significado en este libro. ¡Seguramente se llevará una sorpresa! Hondureñismos es, en otras palabras, 'el caliche de los catrachos', y el primero en recopilar este peculiar abecedario fue Alberto Membreño en dos ediciones que dieron mucho de qué hablar. Dependiendo a ...

    9,27 €

  • The Mirror of the Graces - Containing General Instructions for Combining Elegance, Simplicity, and Economy with Fashion in Dress; Hints on Female Accomplishments and Manners; and Directions for the Pr
    The body is as much a part of the human creature as the mind; by its outward expression, we convey to others a sense of our opinions, hopes,fears, and affections-we communicate love, and we excite it. We enjoy, not only the pleasures of the senses, but the delights which shoot from mind to mind, in the pressure of a hand, the glance of an eye, and the whisper of the heart. Shal...

    12,24 €

  • Central Asian Cultures, Arts, and Architecture
    Ardi Kia
    Central Asia Cultures, Arts, and Architecture presents a journey through time, analyzing the history of Central Asian cultures, arts, and architecture since prehistoric times. It includes documentation of historical, cultural, artistic, and architectural accomplishments, and combines writings based on archaeological excavations and research of prehistoric, ancient, and medieval...

    54,66 €

  • Création d’une robe nationale kenyane inspirée de l’art de Joy Adamson
    Charles Obulo / Francisca Odundo / Lilac Osanjo
    Cette étude examine la robe nationale kenyane existante dans le but de développer une tenue inspirée de la culture qui soit en accord avec la diversité du paysage ethnique kenyan. Cette étude est motivée par l’adoption décevante de la tenue nationale kenyane. L’approche descendante de son développement a entravé son acceptation, contrairement aux attentes. La littérature se pen...

    85,59 €

  • Sviluppo di un abito nazionale keniota ispirato all’arte di Joy Adamson
    Charles Obulo / Francisca Odundo / Lilac Osanjo
    Questo studio di ricerca esamina l’attuale abito nazionale keniota con l’obiettivo di sviluppare un abbigliamento culturalmente ispirato che risuoni nel variegato panorama etnico keniota. La motivazione di questo studio deriva dalla scarsa adozione dell’abito nazionale keniota. L’approccio top-down al suo sviluppo ne ha ostacolato l’accettazione, contrariamente alle aspettative...

    85,53 €

  • Desenvolvimento de um vestido nacional do Quénia inspirado na arte de Joy Adamson
    Charles Obulo / Francisca Odundo / Lilac Osanjo
    Este estudo de investigação examina o atual traje nacional queniano com o objetivo de desenvolver um traje culturalmente inspirado que ressoe na diversificada paisagem étnica queniana. A motivação subjacente a este estudo decorre da adoção pouco satisfatória do traje nacional queniano. A abordagem de cima para baixo do seu desenvolvimento dificultou a sua aceitação, contrariame...

    85,53 €