Hacer frente al abuso de las drogas y el alcohol

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  • Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?
    Sienna Green
    Did you know that indulging in just three alcoholic drinks per week increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 15%? If you are shocked by that, we have 101 more jaw-dropping truths about alcohol and women that will make you rethink that glass of wine. These are the hard truths about alcohol they don’t want you to find out.........Sienna Green’s latest eye-opening book, 'Why D...

    19,86 €

  • Why Don’t You Drink Alcohol?
    Sienna Green
    Did you know that indulging in just three alcoholic drinks per week increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 15%? If you are shocked by that, we have 101 more jaw-dropping truths about alcohol and women that will make you rethink that glass of wine. These are the hard truths about alcohol they don’t want you to find out.........Sienna Green’s latest eye-opening book, 'Why D...

    26,24 €

  • Aprender A Empreender
    Alexandre Alcantara De Oliveira
    Aprender a Empreender: O Caminho do Sucessoé um livro inspirador e prático que guiará você em uma jornada de descoberta empreendedora. Se você sonha em ter seu próprio negócio, alcançar a independência financeira e realizar seus objetivos profissionais, este livro é para você. Com base em insights e experiências de empreendedores de sucesso, este guia abrangente oferece estraté...

    10,41 €

  • Never Too Late
    Adetoun A. Afolabi
    Second chances and opportunities in life are available to everyone. Situations are never permanent or in perceptual continuity. Circumstances change and evolve while wrong choices can become detrimental to salvage a situation. A good support system is required to achieve the desired positive outcome. Overcoming the negative impact of the environment is a collective effort. This...

    20,68 €

  • Never Too Late
    Adetoun A. Afolabi
    Second chances and opportunities in life are available to everyone. Situations are never permanent or in perceptual continuity. Circumstances change and evolve while wrong choices can become detrimental to salvage a situation. A good support system is required to achieve the desired positive outcome. Overcoming the negative impact of the environment is a collective effort. This...

    29,69 €

  • Emotional Torture
    Beth Nanson
    Emotional Torture - a deeply touching and vulnerable memoir of addiction, mental health, and recovery. Beth grows up in a seemingly idyllic fashion that comprised of big family get-togethers, unforgettable trips with friends, life-changing travel, multiple years of academics, and where she was arguably driven the most, her athletics. Her mother - a typical 'soccer mom', hard-wo...
  • Admirável
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Uma inquietação aparece, acintosamente, do fundo da alma. A velha alma, então, é mobilizada pelo desejo de aprender, fazendo corpo e mente experienciar.Vive-se num campo de batalhas de si mesmo!ESTE LIVRO É DEDICADOà Geração C que estará reinventando o trabalho. Num mundo digital, dia e noite online, a Geração C é explicada com 4 Cs: Curadoria, Conexão, Comunidade e Criação. Es...

    9,24 €

  • Mental Health
    D.E. Attar
    D.E. Attar was like many people now: confused, struggling, masking pain, coping, and just getting by.But her encounter with God helped her see that His way is different. Through stories, scriptures, encouragement, and journalling prompts, Mental Health: God’s Way is a valuable companion on the path to wholeness. It starts with knowing Jesus Christ and living His way. Founded on...

    17,18 €

  • Food Addiction
    Judith Martin
    If you want to stop binge eating and overeating to improve your life and health your body, then keep reading. Binge eating disorder is a very common disorder that affects people regardless of their age, ethnicity, or gender.  Struggling with binge eating can be extremely hard and it’s important don’t feel alone. The main cause of binge eating is connected to negative emotions s...

    16,36 €

  • Beyond Sober
    Laura Lee Wright
    'Beyond Sober: You Put Down the Booze, Now What?' is a must-read for anyone who has recently made the decision to stop drinking and is looking for practical tips and strategies to help them stay sober. Written by a woman in recovery who has dedicated over 25,000 hours to researching and speaking with successfully sober people, this book offers a wealth of real-world strategies ...

    29,80 €

  • The Addict’s Guide to Recovery
    Emily Sussman
    Breaking through shame and denial is essential for any addict who wants to recover, but no one can overcome them on their own. 'Your Addict' may have you in a stranglehold of secrecy and self-loathing right now, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a solution - and it’s called recovery.  While it may be a daunting prospect to take those first honest steps toward freedom...

    10,07 €

  • Living In A Two-Faced Jungle
    Michael Powell
    Delve into the shocking, true story-told as if the reader’s life depends on it-of Michael A. Powell’s childhood, 18 years of addiction horror stories, and an inspiring recovery journey with the help of his faith.Told as three books in one, Living In A Two-Faced Jungle recounts the tumultuous life of author Michael A. Powell. Pulling its namesake from life itself, Michael recoun...

    21,06 €

  • Living In A Two-Faced Jungle
    Michael Powell
    Delve into the shocking, true story-told as if the reader’s life depends on it-of Michael A. Powell’s childhood, 18 years of addiction horror stories, and an inspiring recovery journey with the help of his faith.Told as three books in one, Living In A Two-Faced Jungle recounts the tumultuous life of author Michael A. Powell. Pulling its namesake from life itself, Michael recoun...

    14,18 €

  • Just Enough Light
    James Haas
    No child grows up too quickly. Children who regularly experience trauma are exposed to more than they are capable of processing. As a result, they often present a facade which falsely conveys that they are more secure and mature than they really are. The consequences of such assumptions are potentially harmful to their health, development, and well-being.Just Enough Light is mu...

    18,47 €

  • Recovery from Food and Other Addictions
    Joanne DiCesare
    Joanne starved herself for years to numb her feelings and became anorexic.Then, in an attempt to restore her health, she began compulsive binge eating to fill the overwhelming emptiness in her heart and soul. She binged and purged, which led to obesity and the further decline of her health. Follow her secret three-decade journey of eating disorders that ruined her relationships...

    15,66 €

  • Burning Down the House
    India Prema
    When everything seemingly falls apart, there is good news; it signals an opportunity for growth, rebirth, a rise in consciousness, or a swift kick in the ass if we continue not to listen. Burning Down the House is a book| workbook for those curious about transforming or shifting their lives. The shadow (hidden aspects of ourselves) is the driver of our patterns, conditions, pr...

    18,69 €

  • Recovering Out Loud
    Kristy Henderson
    Firebird Book Awards Winner First Place - Addiction & Recovery, April 2024. In her powerful debut book, Kristy Henderson recounts the experience of living two parallel lives: an average, normal life on the exterior, and the secret life she kept in the shadows, battling with a forceful addiction to alcohol few people could see.Recovering Out Loud is a turbulent memoir about the ...

    14,98 €

    Thomas Fairfoot
    This book is a collection of essays on overcoming addiction, trauma, anxiety or depression and moving to a more successful life. Based on essays at the blog quantummeetsspirit.com. The author’s previous title on the same subject was 'Gladiators of light'.Quantum science and spirit are seen as opposites, but with closer inspection actually say the same thing which impacts our ...

    22,54 €

    Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, And Led Astray is a nonfiction book about the unimaginable life of Dexter Sanders. He experienced extreme highs and some of the deepest lows in his life as reflected in this powerful story. He encountered spiritual struggles as he tried to sort out what God expected of him in a world where others seemed to only 'practice' religious rituals but were not t...

    19,91 €

  • Renounce Relapse Repeat
    Conor F Richardson
    A Poetic Journey Down the Dark Road of Alcohol Addiction and Recovery. Includes 'Sobering Thoughts' Insights to Assist in Your Recovery ...

    10,75 €

  • One in Six
    Russell Stagg
    Tens of millions of men are survivors of child sexual abuse. Studies by the CDC, NSPCC, and others show males experience sexual abuse at almost the same rate as females, and have mainly female perpetrators (principally mothers).Licensed psychotherapist Russell Stagg explains that most survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress or PTSD (particularly complex PTSD), even if the...

    18,21 €

  • Breath of Life
    Nick Terry TNT
    Born into a turbulent and dysfunctional family-and surrounded by adults who were regularly using marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and crystal meth-Nick Terry TNT bounced around the Pacific Northwest throughout the 1980s, going to 13 different schools before being expelled in 10th grade. By his teens, Nick had entered a life of addiction and crime and was desperate to escape ...

    19,06 €

  • Breath of Life
    Nick Terry TNT
    Born into a turbulent and dysfunctional family-and surrounded by adults who were regularly using marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and crystal meth-Nick Terry TNT bounced around the Pacific Northwest throughout the 1980s, going to 13 different schools before being expelled in 10th grade. By his teens, Nick had entered a life of addiction and crime and was desperate to escape ...

    13,50 €

    The War in The Heaven by Jamaican author Gem C. Collie examines the psychologicaleffects of generational victimization in contemporary times. The book exposes perpetualinherited mistreatment due to the constant battle one goes through to fight for individualityagainst collectivism, social norms, and culture. Through vivid descriptions and powerfulstorytelling, the author takes ...

    36,23 €

  • How To Survive Your Child’s Addiction
    Patty Stanek Fallone
    Parenting a child with substance abuse issues is daunting. Patty Fallone knows this firsthand from witnessing her own son’s battle with addiction and seeing the toll it took on her entire family. She has also learned that when parents work their own program of recovery, their lives can return to a state of peace, no longer waiting for the next shoe to drop, where they can find ...

    19,04 €

  • The Sober Philosopher Workbook for Exploring Addiction and Creating Recovery
    Peg O’Connor
    Many of us find ourselves living in ways making the question 'Do I have a problem with alcohol or other drugs,' unavoidable. No one can answer this question for another; each of us must answer for our own self. The questions in this workbook will invite new insights, which may challenge our own certain or even dogmatic views of ourselves. If we believe ourselves to be broken be...

    7,78 €

  • Dicotomia & Hólon
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    o autor generalista explora as dualidades presentes em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, como filosofia, psicologia, ciência, espiritualidade e sociedade. Ele examina como essas dicotomias aparentes podem ser vistas como partes interconectadas de um todo maior, formando hólons - unidades que são simultaneamente partes e totalidades em si mesmas.Ao longo do livro, o autor oferec...

    8,81 €

  • Out in the Dark
    Suzan Digh
    Dive into a journey of self-discovery and resilience with this alternative (and dark) collection of found poetry. This collection explores one woman’s story as she navigated the intricate world of mental health, gender identity/orientation, and societal acceptance.Through the artful reconstruction (and deconstruction) of an early draft version of the author’s forthcoming novel,...

    12,03 €

  • Addicts Anonymous
    Jim Rachels
    In this gripping book, Jim takes us on a deeply personal journey of triumph over adversity. From a childhood marred by abuse and abandonment to a life consumed by addiction and despair, Jim’s story is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and redemption.Jim’s descent into addiction was a desperate attempt to numb the pain of his fractured past. As he spirale...

    35,35 €

  • Injustice
    Cherrie Ferebee / Iris Wright / Renee Woodard
    Injustice is an anthology of 6 phenomenal women and 1 man who was held captive by Injustice. They will give you a glimpse of the pain, anger, humiliation, and trauma that it has caused them and their families. Most importantly, you will see the strength and courage these authors had to evolve. Injustice was motivated to teach people how to fight without fighting, to use their v...

    29,48 €