Hacer frente a los trastornos alimentarios

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales / Hacer frente a los trastornos alimentarios (322)

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  • How to Lose Weight - The Satiety Diet
    Chris Clark / James L Gibb
    “Satiety is the key to weight loss.”Losing weight can be hard. If it were easy, we’d all be slim and there would be no “obesity crisis”.At first glance, it seems straightforward; if you simply ate less and exercised more, you would lose weight. Right?If only it were that simple! The Satiety Diet is based on cutting-edge research into the countless ways not only your food, but a...

    30,62 €

  • Love Notes to My Body
    Nicole C. Ayers
    Our bodies are magic makers. Our constant companions. Our wise teachers.But all too often we malign their size, their shape, their ability, their appearance, their texture. We berate and bully our bodies because they don’t fit into someone else’s narrow box of beauty expectations.Nicole C. Ayers grew tired of hating her body. So she decided to embrace her. To honor her. To fall...

    35,16 €

  • My Faith, My Shield
    A. Friend / Amy Friend
    We all battle something at one point in time or another. Some of us are aware of the wars raging within us. Fighting our inner battles can help us to be who we are truly meant to be. As a teenager, I was medically diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. After years of proper medical care and being determined to do the hard work to stay in recovery, I can say that I am healed. This is ...

    31,41 €

  • Out of the Shadow
    Rochelle Garfield
    Lori is a highly acclaimed psychologist running an innovative anorexia clinic, with a devoted husband and two adorable children. But her fairy-tale existence comes to an abrupt end when a blow-up with a client and a mysterious upcoming event force her to face the demons of her past. Lori identifies with her clients in a literal sense when she bravely chooses to embark on her ow...

    17,28 €

  • Desorden Alimenticio
    Simon Grant / Sophia Durner
    Te sientes impotente y atormentado por una enfermedad que rige tu vida.No puedes controlarlo.No ves salida de eso.Has probado todos los caminos que has encontrado sin obtener resultados, y estás desesperado por encontrar una manera segura de apostar; Un método probado que te sacará de este laberinto.Sé cómo te sientes porque solía ser como tú.El trastorno por atracón es el tras...

    16,35 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Thad Ruiz
    Com bastante ovos e carnes, fazer uma mistura ésimples. Um cafá da manhã da dieta Paleo não é diferente de qualquer outro prato Paleo. A chave para planejar seu café da manhã Paleo é determinar como analisar os grupos alimentares que você deve evitar e aqueles que são permitidos. Depois, você pode trabalhar na criação de receitas.Com todas as informações disponíveis na Internet...

    11,85 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Gary Noel
    A indústria de alimentos com certeceza se aperfeiçoou e cresceu muito rapidamente durante os últimos séculos e isso pode significar algo bom.A dieta Paleolitica foi inspirada pela forma que nossos ancestrais, os homens das cavernas, se alimentavam naquela época. Sustentada por pesquisas médicas e científicas, esta dieta foca em alimentos integrais e saudáveis, se mantendo longe...

    11,13 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Kai Dias
    Descubra todos os benefícios da Dieta Paleo com muitas receitas deliciosas! A Dieta Paleo é uma das formas que mais crescem de perder peso, o que provou funcionar para todos os tipos de pessoas. Ao contrário de outras dietas, fornece todos os alimentos essenciais e nutrientes necessários, mantendo um equilíbrio saudável e variedade de escolha, e rapidamente se estabeleceu como ...

    9,94 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Enzo Costa
    Descubra como o Paleo pode ajudá-lo a recuperar seu corpo pré-parto.Embora mais e mais pessoas estejam presentes em eventos de fitness que variam de corridas a triatlos e a maratonas, as estatísticas também mostram que o Ocidente está a tornar-se mais obeso a cada ano que passa. Os culpados são fáceis de encontrar. A ir a um restaurante para jantar? É provável que consiga um pr...

    11,14 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Floyd Miles
    A dieta Paleo pode ser simples, mas isso não significa que você tem que comer uma refeição chata! O café da manhã é bem fácil ao fazer uma dieta Paleo.No entanto, a dieta Paleo não tem as mesmas armadilhas, uma vez que se concentra em mais do que apenas reduzir os carboidratos. Também se concentra nos nutrientes que está a colocar no corpo. Não interessa quantos alimentos de te...

    13,25 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Victor Sousa
    Não há uma dieta que seja perfeita para todas as pessoas.No entanto, nossas necessidades nutricionais e sistemas digestivos não foram capazes de acompanhar. Como resultado, problemas modernos como câncer, doenças do coração, diabetes e obesidade emergiram, conforme passamos por grandes mudanças na nossa dieta.Então, o que está no seu plano de refeição para hoje? É uma sopa rápi...

    9,29 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Sal Vera
    Você se sente como se estivesse lutando uma guerra perdida com você mesmo para perder peso? A dieta Paleo pode te ajudar a decifrar quais alimentos são mais saudáveis para você e pode encurtar o seu tempo de compras eliminando as comidas processadas. Se alimentarde forma mais saudável e perder peso já são razões suficientes para testar a dieta paleo, mas tem um benefício adicio...

    10,25 €

  • Whole Person Integrative Eating
    Deborah Kesten / Larry Scherwitz
    Winner of the 2020 Book Excellence Award in the Health Category A Holistic, Science-Backed Program to Help You Build a Healthier Relationship to Food, Eating and Weight! Do you suffer from chronic overeating and have concerns about your weight? Are you looking for a scientifically sound way of eating to prevent, even reverse, food-related chronic conditions, such as obesity, he...

    18,09 €

  • Emotional Eating
    Simon Grant
    Emotional eating: the secret code to ending your lifelong addiction was carefully written to help emotional eaters and food addicts improve their relationship with food. Determined to cater to needs of all, the book will help its readers recognize whether they are an emotional eater or a food addict (yes they mean different things), help them figure out why they do it, highligh...

    16,26 €

  • Binge Eating
    Simon Grant / Sophia Durner
    I know exactly how you feel.You feel helpless and tormented by a disease that's ruling your life.You can't control it.You see no way out of it.You've tried every path you've found without getting results, and you're desperate to find a way that's a safe bet; a proven method that will take you out of this maze.I know how you feel because I used to be just...

    16,39 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Berto Duca
    La Dieta Paleo è fantastica.La dieta Paleo è stata sotto i riflettori per un po 'di tempo, ma ci sono ancora molti aspetti dello stile di vita Paleo che sono stati fraintesi. Questo libro non è solo un altro libro di dieta Paleo.E ' stato testato e rivela i modi più efficaci per perdere peso velocemente e naturalmente senza alcun esercizio cardio e ti guida su come ragg...

    13,23 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Delfio Rizzo
    Vuoi perdere peso, mettere muscoli e vivere in maniera pià sana? Ti interessa davvero il tuo corpo e vuoi smetterla con i cibi processati? È arrivata l'ora di perdere peso, diventare più forti e vivere la vita sana che hai sempre voluto?Questo libro fornisce una panoramica dell'uomo del Mesolitico e del suo stile di vita che gli ha permesso di sopravvivere e prosperare ...

    10,29 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Igor Boni
    Paleo non è solo un'altra moda; è la dieta che gli esseri umani dovrebbero mangiare per genetica.Perché scegliere la dieta Paleo? La risposta è molto semplice: si tratta di una delle diete più salutari in assoluto. È un piano alimentare capace di aumentare i vostri livelli energetici, accrescere la vostra forza e migliorare la vostra salute...il tutto aiutandovi a perdere p...

    11,14 €

  • How to Eat Dairy When Lactose Intolerant
    Brandi Yeargain / HowExpert
    Have you been suffering by yourself from Lactose Intolerance? Do you have horrific stomach pain that keeps you from enjoying life and yet you can’t seem to put down the Ice cream? Well I am here to introduce you to the next big thing when it comes to being lactose intolerant.I have the best tips and tricks to being able to eat all of those amazing dairy treats you love so much,...

    37,33 €

  • Dharma Diet
    Dharma Diet is the mindset change you need to lose weight, keep it off, and truly enjoy healthy living—for good.Losing weight and keeping it off is a challenge for many of us. We want to do it, care about it deeply, yet often get sidetracked from true success. Unfortunately, the culprit is not just the food we eat and the exercise we do (or don’t do) that affects our ability to...

    5,75 €

  • Food Log
    This food log was a request from a group member who asked for a food log to help people manage their daily nutrition. Users can track the different items they consumed during the day and their nutritional values.This interior can be tailored to specific dietary needs - for example, some people may prefer more detailed breakdown of fats, carbs or sugars, or they may want to keep...

    15,58 €

  • How To Overcome Binge Eating Disorder
    HowExpert / Lindsay Rossum
    This book offers hope for those struggling with Binge Eating Disorder and those who believe they may be experiencing symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder. It aims to provide one with further understanding into the intricacy of this mental illness, as well as necessary information for beginning or maintaining the recovery process.This book explores:• Diagnostic criteria for Binge E...

    37,29 €

  • Diabetes Diet Solution
    Christopher Arthur
    Learn how to take your life back from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, even if your symptoms are overwhelming and nothing else has helped you before. Each year, approximately 1.5 million Americans discover they are diabetic. What most don’t realize, however, is that their journey doesn’t have to end there. In recent clinical trials, 46% of participants who followed strict lifestyle ...

    19,28 €

  • Start Where You Are Weight Loss Playbook
    Shelli Johnson
    ♥ As seen in PEOPLE Half-Their-Size magazine ♥Start Where You Are Weight Loss® Playbook is a companion guided journal with questions and writing prompts that follow the instructions found in the main book, Start Where You Are Weight Loss®.Would you like to create a body that feels like home to you?Once weighing 304 pounds, Shelli Johnson lost over 160 pounds naturally and has m...

    40,73 €

  • Mindful Eating
    Maya Faro
    Sick and tired of stress, emotional eating, overeating and diets that don’t work?You have come to the right place.It’s not about torturing yourself with horrible stress that most weight loss diets usually cause...It’s about mastering one simple secret of mindful eating so that you can enjoy your food, feel calm and confident that you are achieving your health goals like you hav...

    13,33 €

  • Binge Eating
    Charlie Mason
    Obesity is omnipresent today In many cities over half of the adults are obese, and many of the children are as well. One of the largest contributors to obesity is binge eating. Binge eating is when someone is driven to eat compulsively and keeps eating passed the point of fullness and even passed the point of physical pain. It is often done in an altered state of consciousness...

    10,46 €

  • Emotional Eating
    J.P. Edwin
    Emоtіоnаl Eаtіng іѕ ѕоmеthіng thаt еvеrуbоdу has hеаrd оf, уеt іt hаѕ nо fоrmаl dеfіnіtіоn. Various реорlе dеѕсrіbе еmоtіоnаl еаtіng аѕ thе рrосеѕѕ оf consuming раrtісulаr fооdѕ thаt mаkеѕ thеm fееl bеttеr. Some реорlе еаt whеn they аrе miserable or аnxіоuѕ. Othеrѕ еаt whеn thеу аrе оvеrwhеlmеd. Fоr mаnу, thе сuе tо еаt mау соmе once thеу аrе bоrеd, lоnеlу, аngrу or dіѕtrеѕѕеd....

    9,16 €

  • Anorexia
    Sarah Meekes
    ANOREXIA Anorexia is a condition that afflicts many people, particularly young women although it can affect men also.  This book will explain to you what anorexia is, the different types, the causes, signs and symptoms, and most importantly the strategies for overcoming it.  Anorexia is primarily considered a psychological condition, and can tear families, friends and lives a...

    11,23 €

  • How to Make Peace with Food
    Sandra Yelich
    Do you –- Eat when you’re not hungry? - Keep eating even after you’re full? - Believe some foods are “bad” while others are “good”? - Sneak food? - Believe the “right-sized” body will make you happy? - Think you’re a failure when you can’t make diets work? - Believe the only way to control your eating is through diets or exercise?If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions,...

    20,43 €

  • Confessions of a Half-Century-Old Bulimic
    Marilyn M. Mesler
    This is a funny, sad, exciting, rebellious, and adventurous life story of a Southern small-town girl who just knew there was something out there in life better than being overweight and farming the rest of her life. Plagued throughout life from the age of eighteen with bulimia, a hideous eating disorder, this book documents the various trials she encountered and paths of most r...

    11,47 €