Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11473)

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  • Developing Drug Addiction Recovery Skills by Understanding Addiction and The Brain
    Janet G Cruz
    DOWNLOADABLE WORKBOOK INCLUDED!!! Conquer addiction and keep relapse at bay, even if the road ahead seems unfathomably difficult. Your chance to redefine your life starts here. Do you find yourself, or someone you love, spiraling down the destructive path of substance or food addiction? Does the clawing fear of relapse lurk at the back of your mind, haunting even your fleeting ...

    32,39 €

  • Como Emagrecer
    Camila De Lima
    Aqui você encontrará mais de 70 receitas deliciosas esaudáveis para te ajudar nessa tarefa. Perder peso naturalmente e semfazer dieta. Você também aprenderá 10 exercícios físicos fáceis eeficazes que você pode fazer em casa sem precisar de nenhumequipamento ou espaço. Esses exercícios irão ajudá-lo a construirmúsculos, queimar calorias e melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar. Ao final...

    8,53 €

  • Como Alcançar Seus Objetivos Na Dieta
    Camila De Lima
    Neste conteúdo vamos explorar como trabalhar tanto a mentequanto o corpo para alcançar seus objetivos na dieta.Através de uma abordagem criativa e simples, você aprenderátécnicas e estratégias para manter-se motivado e no caminhocerto, poisAlcançar seus objetivos na dieta é possível quando você trabalhasua a mente e o corpo em conjunto. Com as técnicas e estratégiasapresentadas...

    10,20 €

  • Hodge Podge of Life
    Mildred Beard
    'Hodge Podge of Life' by Mildred Beard is a heartfelt memoir recounting her life’s journey from her humble beginnings in Ethel, West Virginia, to her unwavering faith and community engagement. Inspired by conversations with classmates, Beard embarked on a spiritual quest, leading her to a profound connection with God.The book highlights pivotal moments in her life, including fa...

    17,64 €

    Danika Stegeman / Danika Stegeman LeMay
    Ablation is an elegy to Stegeman LeMay’s mom, who died in 2020, and, simultaneously, a love letter to Stegeman LeMay’s young daughter. The book was written in the liminal spaces opened by birth, death, and trauma. It contains poems, hybrid text, images as windows and thread as a form of healing. The book’s materials coalesce and surface, waves washing along the thresholds of co...

    31,58 €

  • El poder de dejar ir
    Daniel J. Martin
    7 Sencillos Pasos para Liberarte de Tu Carga Emocional - Descubre Cómo Soltar el Pasado y Abrazar un Futuro Feliz y Lleno de PosibilidadesForma parte de la naturaleza humana desarrollar apego hacia las cosas que nos rodean. No hay duda de que, en algún momento de tu vida, te has aferrado a algo: un recuerdo, un error, un rencor, una pérdida o incluso una relación.Numerosos estu...

    14,44 €

  • Living On the Edge of a Scalpel
    Heather B
    After years of hearing that she was an inspiration to family and friends, Heather decided to strive to inspire a larger audience by writing. Citing a lifetime of personal experiences, she gives her readers an inside look at her world of insane medical drama, PTSD, pain, grief, and loss. She shares that the only way she has learned to accept each situation she has had to endure ...

    13,80 €

  • Living On the Edge of a Scalpel
    Heather B
    After years of hearing that she was an inspiration to family and friends, Heather decided to strive to inspire a larger audience by writing. Citing a lifetime of personal experiences, she gives her readers an inside look at her world of insane medical drama, PTSD, pain, grief, and loss. She shares that the only way she has learned to accept each situation she has had to endure ...

    21,76 €

  • ALL IN
    Jefferson K. Rogers
    Become the person others emulate. In his early thirties, Jefferson Rogers was broke, addicted, and on the verge of losing everything he had built. Things had to change. He had to change. In ALL IN, Jefferson reveals how he flipped the switch on his addictive tendencies and channeled them toward a life of progress, positivity, and peace of mind. With a roadmap based on the meth...

    16,39 €

  • Flavors of Confidence
    Massimo Rigotti
    Flavors of Confidence: S.O.B.E.R. Method offers a holistic approach to recovery that extends beyond traditional addiction treatment. By combining Stoic philosophy with reflective Observations, personalized Behavior modification, and Execution of positive changes paves the way for the Restoration of self. This book serves an indispensable guide for those on the journey to sobrie...

    13,72 €

  • Meia-idade, Classe Média E Puto Da Vida!
    Alex Crivier
    UM ENSAIO INCORRETAMENTE HILÁRIO; MAS HONESTO. O que é a crise da meia-idade? Por que a certa altura do campeonato todos, praticamente sem exceção, encanam com a vida? O que significa ser classe média? É ter tido sucesso em escapar da pobreza ou é ter fracassado em alcançar a riqueza? Ao chegar à encruzilhada dos 50 anos, é impossível não fechar para balanço. Na contagem do est...

    13,33 €

  • Sconfiggere il Burnout
    Leonardo Tavares
    La vita moderna è come una strada tortuosa, piena di bivi e curve strette. Mentre avanziamo nelle nostre carriere, cercando di trasformare i nostri sogni in realtà e coltivare relazioni significative, corriamo il rischio di imbatterci in una minaccia silenziosa, un baratro chiamato burnout. 'Sconfiggere il Burnout' è un’esperienza profondamente umana, un viaggio attraverso le c...

    12,03 €

  • Combattere la Depressione
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Combattere la Depressione' non è soltanto un libro; è un viaggio condiviso tra l’autore e il lettore, tra coloro che lottano e coloro che si uniscono per sostenere. È modellato dall’esperienza umana, dai momenti alti e bassi, e dalla ricerca incessante della luce in fondo al tunnel. Nelle pagine di questo libro, esploreremo strategie di auto-curabili, il potere delle relazioni...

    15,96 €

  • Sopravvivere al Lutto
    Leonardo Tavares
    Questa è una lettura indispensabile per tutti coloro che hanno perso una persona cara. La perdita di qualcuno di importante può essere una delle esperienze più difficili nella vita. Il lutto è una risposta naturale e sana a questa perdita, ma può essere un processo molto doloroso e impegnativo. In 'Sopravvivere al Lutto', esploreremo insieme i diversi aspetti del processo di lu...

    9,97 €

  • Game Ain’t Over
    Rev. Robert P. Harris Jr.
    This was my private war. The streets were a battlefield. We were fighting over drugs and risking death. The syringes we used were filthy, we would get infected by diseases, but we didn’t care. I was tired from running, hiding, hustling, and stealing.So I escaped and signed up for the Army. But, the Army gave me orders to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, which was close to Clarksville; ...

    45,87 €

  • Enkrateia
    Paula Moura
    Após uma vivência cheia de tormentas, dúvidas, buscas e uma contínua terapia psiquiátrica e psicológica que completa 3 anos, Paula Moura traceja suas palavras nos contornos de sua dor.Esta obra é um compilado de diversos pensamentos e sentimentos provocados pelo relacionamento narcisista com sua mãe e reforçados pelo tratamento recebido da sociedade e das pessoas com as quais c...

    10,13 €

  • 21 Life Lessons For Teenage Boys
    Ali Welch / James Abboud
    Navigating Boyhood to Manhood: A Guide for the Teen Years!Growing up from pre-teens to teenagers presents unique challenges for boys. At times, it might seem like there’s no manual or guide to help you understand your emotions, changes, and the path ahead. That’s where '21 Life Lessons For Teenage Boys' steps in - a beacon of wisdom tailored specifically for you and every evolv...

    13,10 €

  • Kampf gegen Depressionen
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Kampf gegen Depressionen' ist nicht nur ein Buch; es ist eine geteilte Reise zwischen Autor und Leser, zwischen denen, die kämpfen, und denen, die sich vereinen, um Unterstützung zu bieten. Es wird von menschlichen Erfahrungen geprägt, von Höhen und Tiefen und von der unermüdlichen Suche nach dem Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Auf den Seiten dieses Buches werden wir uns mit Selbst...

    18,12 €

  • Sunlight on the Ocean
    Rhyl Venning
    'Your baby has cystic fibrosis. There’s no cure. She might live to thirty.'What do you do when your world falls apart? When it’s out of your control? When the future holds the threat of every parent’s worst nightmare?Rhyl Venning wrestled with these questions soon after the birth of her 'miracle' daughter Kari-Lee, born following years of infertility and medical intervention.Ye...

    24,81 €

  • Angst-AG
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Angst-AG' ist eine Einladung, die komplexen Korridore unserer inneren Welt zu betreten, in der sich Angst als ein kompliziertes Puzzle aus Emotionen, Gedanken und Empfindungen manifestiert. Hier beginnen wir, das Gewebe dieses universellen menschlichen Erlebnisses zu entwirren, und bieten nicht nur Verständnis, sondern auch greifbare Strategien, um diesen emotionalen Wirbelstu...

    16,38 €

  • The Art of Grieving and Becoming
    Kathleen Paonessa Roth
    Join me on my journey of grieving and becoming in this self help book designed to help others living with grief. You don’t have to be stuck, instead venture into the world of possibilities in this unknown chapter of your life. ...

    13,29 €

  • Heal.A 61-Day Journey of Embracing Hope and Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxiety and Depression
    Claritza Rausch Peralta
    'Heal: Embracing Hope and Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxiety and Depression' is a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. It is a reminder that there is always hope, even in the most trying times. Allow this book to be your companion on this journey towards healing, and may it lead you to a place of profound peace and restoration. ...

    26,50 €

  • Anxiété, Inc.
    Leonardo Tavares
    'Anxiété, Inc.' est une invitation à pénétrer les couloirs complexes de notre monde intérieur, où l’anxiété se manifeste comme un puzzle complexe d’émotions, de pensées et de sensations. C’est ici que nous commençons à dévoiler le tissu de cette expérience humaine universelle, offrant non seulement une compréhension, mais aussi des stratégies tangibles pour dompter ce tourbillo...

    16,42 €

    Jeff Malphurs
    Joe Moore has always been a leader of his predominately black neighborhood in a small Southern town. He’s a devoted family man, an inspiring mentor for the local youth, and a strong-willed, but spiritually uplifting rock for those around him. Through a life of hardships and triumphs, Joe refuses to exist without purpose, live without passion, or die without cause.His life-long ...

    8,40 €

  • Drogas - Diário De Uma Mãe
    Tita Caldas
    Numa atitude de lavar a alma e aliviar o sofrimento que a atormenta, a mãe escreve todo o drama vivido pela família com a desconfiança, a descoberta do vício, o convívio, o tratamento e as recaídas de seu filho que se envolveu com drogas.E uma terrível dúvida a persegue: Será que plantei a boa semente? ...

    34,29 €

  • The Dream
    Romaine Morgan
    Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary tale that is "The Dream"! Join the courageous Garcia family as they embark on a heart-pounding journey through the perilous landscape of love, loss, and unwavering determination in the face of insurmountable challenges.  Relentlessly pursued by mysterious and unseen forces. Brace yourselves a...

    17,52 €

  • Trauer Überleben
    Leonardo Tavares
    Dies ist eine Pflichtlektüre für jeden, der einen geliebten Menschen verloren hat. Der Verlust eines wichtigen Menschen kann eine der schwierigsten Erfahrungen im Leben sein. Trauer ist eine natürliche und gesunde Reaktion auf diesen Verlust, kann jedoch ein sehr schmerzhafter und herausfordernder Prozess sein. In 'Trauer Überleben' erforschen wir gemeinsam die verschiedenen As...

    11,10 €

  • Guia Dos Apodícticos
    Hindemburg Melão Jr.
    O Guia dos Apodícticos desafia você a pensar muito além do senso comum, emergindo entre todas as obras desse gênero pela eficácia e riqueza de conteúdo, além de outros diferenciais notáveis.Se você já leu vários livros técnicos, científicos ou acadêmicos sobre determinado tema, deve ter notado que são muito semelhantes entre si, com quase mesmos conteúdos, analisados sob a mesm...

    13,97 €

  • Willower
    Deanna Kassenoff
    On April 30, 2007, Deanna Kassenoff experienced a parent’s worst nightmare when her nine-year-old son, Sam, collapsed on the playground at school and died from sudden cardiac arrest. Drowning in grief, considering ways to end her own life, Deanna was faced with a choice: give up or rewrite her story, one with a different ending.Willower is a book about using the power of story ...

    14,63 €

  • What NOT To Do When Your Husband Dies
    TJ Marchitelli
    A young widow’s journey of grief and insight, What Not To Do When Your Husband Dies is a poignant and powerful look at navigating the aftermath of a sudden loss. Drawing on her background in Neuroscience and Meditation, the author shares her own experiences of navigating widowhood, offering readers invaluable knowledge and support. With this book, readers will discover:The powe...

    18,80 €