Fortalecimiento de la memoria y técnicas del pensamiento

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular / Fortalecimiento de la memoria y técnicas del pensamiento (1152)

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  • Unblock That Writer’s Block | Scribbles, Doodles and Lessons | Diary for Daily
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    There will be days that your mind will simply not cooperate. There will be instances wherein you experience what is called as a writer’s block. If you want to unblock that writer’s block, you need to start scribbling and doodling. This is the diary that holds all your scribbles. It is in these pages that fresh ideas will spring from. Start writing today. ...

    18,71 €

  • Creative Imagery | A True Artist’s Handiwork | Blank Journal Unlined
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    An artist’s creativity knows no bound. Some ideas might just pop up at random times of the day. In those instances, take out this journal and write or draw what you have in mind. Catching ideas for further exploration later is the first step to creating a masterpiece. You will need this journal so get a copy today. ...

    18,71 €

  • To My Growing Little Bud | Pregnancy Diary Journal
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    Writing letters and keeping them all in a diary will help you create a bond with your child long before you meet. Writing will also help you cope with the many changes that come with pregnancy and motherhood, in general. Best of all, you can keep this diary as a reminder of how you felt while nurturing a life. Begin writing today. ...

    18,71 €

  • Today’s Not A Day for Drama | The Confidence-Boosting Diary of Personal Thoughts
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    There’s no better person to help you be more confident than yourself. You have to be belief that you can and that you must. If you’re confident, you can do anything you set your mind to. This is a confidence-boosting diary that records your personal thoughts - including your little struggles and victories. Fill this diary with positive thoughts. Begin today. ...

    18,71 €

  • The Artist’s Way | Creativity Journal Vintage
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    Creativity happens whenever ideas flow. There is no specific schedule as to when the tide of ideas will flow out. Luckily, you have this creativity journal always on standby. Whenever an idea creeps up, grab this journal and fill its pages fast. Monitor the progress of ideas by creating visuals of them, too. Grab a copy today. ...

    18,71 €

  • My Above-Ground Time Capsule | Journal Diary Notebook of Memories and Emotions
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    Remember those time capsules that used to be very popular in your childhood? Well, you don’t have to do that anymore. You can write in a journal instead. Fill this journal with written memories and emotions. Go through each memory every time you feel like it. Use your own experiences to improve your mood and even uplift your spirit. Grab a copy today. ...

    18,71 €

  • Trapped in My Own Emotions | Journal of a Solitude Soul
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    Sort your emotions by writing them down. Writing is a form of therapy because you’re able to name your feelings. It’s not easy to be honest when communicating with other people. But when you’re writing on a journal, there is no reason to be afraid. You can be as honest you want to be. After all, a journal is your personal property. ...

    18,71 €

  • For Those Who Read | Reading Journal Unruled Notebook
    Planners & Notebooks Inspira Journals
    Those who read would love this journal notebook. Here, you can list information information on the books you’ve read. Think of it as a visual reminder of stories you remember. Keeping a journal makes it easy to compare notes with other bookworms. Which stories do you like best so far? ...

    18,71 €

  • Celtic Reiki Seer
    Martyn Pentecost
    There are times when most people feel ignored by others; when they look out into the world and feel completely misunderstood by everyone around them. Perhaps you feel like that more than most…Maybe, you have something burning deep within you—a profound desire to share your message with the world. To create something bigger than your own lifetime will ever allow you to do.For yo...

    222,02 €

  • The Artist's Journey
    Nancy Hillis
    Art mirrors our inner state in ways that are meaningful and mysterious. Creativity is central to feeling alive. Nancy Hillis, M.D.   Are you an artist tired of feeling blocked from expressing onto the canvas the art that lives deep within you? It's later than you think. You don’t want to come to your final moments regretting your un-lived dreams. You’ve got paintings insi...

    27,23 €

  • Psicología Pragmática (Pragmatic Psychology Spanish)
    Susanna Mittermaier
    ¿Cuánto de tu vida pasas tratando de arreglar tus “problemas” y encajar dentro de la norma, y después juzgándote porque nunca eres suficientemente bueno? ¿Qué tal si las partes de ti mismo que te han dicho que son débiles, equivocadas o simplemente locas son exactamente lo que necesitas para vivir plenamente con felicidad y gozo? Herramientas prácticas para ser locamente feliz ...

    21,05 €

  • Accelerated Learning Techniques
    Kyle Faber
    If you've ever been interested in learning how to "hack" your mind and improve your memory, you've come to the right place. Mind hacking What exactly is “mind hacking?”“Mind hacking” is about getting your mind to do things your mind doesn’t know it can do or isn’t doing, things that you want it to do.The mind is extremely powerful, but it has no direction, and that’s wh...

    18,47 €

  • Lectura Rápida
    Lawrence Franz
    Lectura Rápida: La Guía Definitiva para Aprender a Leer un Libro en un Día es lectura obligatoria para cualquier persona que quiera desarrollar sus habilidades de lectura rápida. El ritmo acelerado y las demandas de nuestra sociedad moderna suelen dejarnos con poco tiempo para realizar actividades como leer, así sea por placer, trabajo o estar informado de los eventos actuales....

    16,07 €

  • Reflect to Create! The Dance of Reflection for Creative Leadership, Professional Practice and Supervision
    Elaine Patterson
    Reflect to Create! is a holistic philosophy and set of reflective practices designed to free your innate creativity and humanity to craft wise, compassionate and skillful leadership, professional practice and supervision.Explored through the metaphor of the dance and brought alive by nearly two hundred practices, this book invites you, the reader, to reflect, learn, and create ...

    69,80 €

    Steve Chandler
    Is creativity reserved for a rare, chosen few—or is it alive in each of us, behind our every breath, our every heartbeat? In CREATOR, Steve Chandler takes us on a voyage of discovery, beyond labels and categories, to a revelation about the true nature of creativity. It is not just within us—it is us. CREATOR opens our eyes and hearts to a new way of being in the world. Wise, po...

    24,50 €

  • Growing as a Professional Artist
    Leah Cutter
    So, you commit art.However, you feel...stuck. Unsatisfied. You want to do more as an artist. Can do more.You just don't know how.You've seen all the advice books out there, all meant to help you. Most of them come from people who are not artists, haven't struggled with the fear.This book may help you, but you have to want to change and then be willing to do the hard...

    8,01 €

  • Screw You, Writer's Block!
    Michael Rogan
    "The best book on writers block you'll ever read, hands-down." Tired of the usual "just keep the pen moving" advice when it comes to conquering writers block? Looking for concrete suggestions of how to banish self doubt and tell those hyper-critical voices inside your head to #@@# off, so you can finally learn how to start matter what happens? Looking for a NO...

    7,12 €

  • On the Small Side
    Cathryn Wellner
    For nature lovers and anyone cherishing a connection with the world around them, Small Scale Stories are works of imagination and inspiration. In the 10th book of the series, you will meet a spider proud of her webs, a bridge that sings opera, a fearless sparrow, a crane who admires his reflection, and many more characters whose stories are worth pondering. These small gifts ar...

    10,55 €

  • A World of Choice, A World of Freedom
    Gary M. Douglas / Gary MDouglas
    Do you realize that every choice you make determines what shows up in your life? A World of Choice, A World of Freedom is about recognizing that only by our choice do we create anything, and that every choice we make creates our reality.  So the question becomes: What do you wish to create? Gary talks about how to become brilliant with money, how to choose what works for you, a...

    16,96 €

  • The Connection Phenomenon
    Matthias Jackel
    How can we change for the better? In order to do this, we need to change our behaviour.So the question then becomes: how can we change our behaviour? The answer: by changing our experiences! The more unexpected the experience, the more likely it is to lead to massive change.In this must-read book, Matthias Jackel shares his experience from thousands of interactive drumming even...

    18,73 €

  • In Love with the Planet
    Cathryn Wellner
    A reflection catches your eye. You stand in awe. A rock is so ancient you wonder what it has seen. You stop and listen for its stories. Flowers grow in an unlikely place. You feel your heart burst with joy. A rose looks wonky, asymetrical. You honor its beauty. Your friend forgets the words to a song. You sing them for him.You, my friend, are a planet lover. You hear the songs ...

    10,64 €

  • The Successful Author Mindset
    Joanna Penn
    Being a writer is not just about typing.It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey.Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goe...

    14,55 €

  • The Successful Author Mindset
    Joanna Penn
    Being a writer is not just about typing.It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey.Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goe...

    9,89 €

  • Photographic Memory
    Lawrence Franz
    Do you have problems with memory? Does your partner constantly berate you for forgetting important days in his or her life? Is your boss fed up of having to remind you of every deadline of every project? If any of these questions or other memory-related questions plagues you, then you have come to the right place.This book has memory improvement techniques that will help improv...

    13,49 €

  • Memory Improvement - The Secrets of Memory Manipulation Revealed
    Kyle Faber
    What if I told you that after reading this book you will be able to remember more, recall your memories faster, make better decisions, and even achieve your goals?Well, it’s true. Improving your memory isn’t just about remembering phone numbers or where you put your keys. By remembering to look after and improve your memory, you can boost the performance of your mind so that mo...

    11,18 €

  • It's Only Painting
    Tesia Blackburn
    In The Maker's Book Tesia Blackburn once again urges you to stop thinking about making art and just make it - right inside this book.  Filled with techniques and instruction on how to create art easily without a lot of set-up or expensive materials, The Maker’s Book even contains blank pages for your work.In this follow-up to It’s Only Painting: Essays on Creativity From A ...

    18,82 €

  • Down and Back
    Julia Novak
    DISCOVER THE TRUTH OF YOUR POWER TO LIVE A CONTENTED LIFE AND STAY CONNECTED FOR GOODLife wants to flow through you as your highest good. So why is it you often lose sight of your dreams and stumble into a pit of despair? All the power you thought you were missing is really waiting for you in the dark, masquerading as depression and disconnection. You do know who you are and wh...

    15,05 €

  • Are There Enough Apples to Share? Learn to Compare! Math Book for Kindergarten | Children’s Early Learning Books
    Baby Professor
    Math is fun to learn, as long as you use materials that young children will love. This is one example of a workbook that your little one will truly enjoy. It is colorful, and it is truthful to the concepts of mathematics. Count and compare. Yes, your little one can do it! Grab a copy of this math book today! ...

    18,19 €

  • Catalyst
    Josh D McLean
    Have you dreamed for more in life but feel stuck? Has fear been holding you back from achieving your full potential? You were born for more and you know it! You are not stuck in your current situation. IF you are ready for change >>  THEN you will find tools to help create a meaningful transformation. IF you are ready to take action and explore achieving your full potential ...

    10,94 €

  • Restartează-te cu APA! Analizează! Pregătește-te! Acționează!
    Vadim Turcanu
    Cum să alergi la un maraton, să scrii o carte, să iei decizii importante, să-ți păstrezi optimismul, să fii fericit și să ai succes. În RESTARTEAZĂ-TE CU APA... vei învăța metodele pe care le-am folosit eu pentru a fi mai pozitiv, mai energetic, mai puternic si mai productiv.„Când am publicat Pe cont propriu– o relatare a drumului meu ca migrant din Moldova la Londra –, cititor...

    9,20 €