
Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Finanzas y contabilidad / Finanzas (13552)

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  • Impatto informativo delle forze dinamiche sull’andamento del prezzo delle azioni
    M. M. Mofiz Uddin
    Gli investitori del nostro mercato azionario non sanno quali siano le forze dinamiche che stimolano effettivamente il trading in borsa. Pertanto, il ricercatore sta cercando di accertare le principali forze dinamiche e il loro ruolo informativo nel movimento del prezzo delle azioni. Le informazioni sulle forze dinamiche del mercato azionario forniscono agli investitori un quadr...

    48,51 €

  • Performance d’une sélection de fonds communs de placement sectoriels en Inde
    P. Karthikeyan
    Les fonds communs de placement sont considérés comme l’un des meilleurs investissements disponibles, car ils sont très rentables et faciles à investir. Ainsi, en regroupant leur argent dans un fonds commun de placement, les investisseurs peuvent acheter des actions ou des obligations à des coûts de transaction beaucoup moins élevés que s’ils essayaient de le faire seuls. Le plu...

    68,29 €

  • Performance ausgewählter sektoraler Investmentfonds in Indien
    P. Karthikeyan
    Fonds auf Gegenseitigkeit gelten als eine der besten verfügbaren Anlagen im Vergleich zu anderen, da sie sehr kosteneffizient und auch einfach zu investieren sind. Indem sie ihr Geld in einem Fonds auf Gegenseitigkeit bündeln, können Anleger Aktien oder Anleihen mit viel geringeren Handelskosten erwerben, als wenn sie es auf eigene Faust versuchen würden. Der größte Vorteil von...

    68,29 €

  • Performance di alcuni fondi comuni settoriali in India
    P. Karthikeyan
    I fondi comuni di investimento sono considerati uno dei migliori investimenti disponibili rispetto ad altri, in quanto sono molto efficienti dal punto di vista dei costi e anche facili da investire: mettendo insieme il denaro in un fondo comune di investimento, gli investitori possono acquistare azioni o obbligazioni con costi di negoziazione molto più bassi rispetto a quelli c...

    68,22 €

  • Desempenho de regimes sectoriais seleccionados de fundos mútuos na Índia
    P. Karthikeyan
    Os fundos mútuos são considerados como um dos melhores investimentos disponíveis em comparação com outros, uma vez que são muito eficientes em termos de custos e também fáceis de investir. Assim, ao juntar dinheiro num fundo mútuo, os investidores podem comprar acções ou obrigações com um custo de negociação muito mais baixo do que se o tentassem fazer sozinhos. A maior vantage...

    68,29 €

  • Результаты деятельности отдельных отраслевых паевых инвестиционных фондов в Индии
    П. Картикеян
    Паевые инвестиционные фонды считаются одним из лучших вариантов инвестиций по сравнению с другими, поскольку они очень экономичны, а также просты в инвестировании. Объединив деньги в паевой фонд, инвесторы могут приобретать акции или облигации с гораздо меньшими торговыми издержками, чем если бы они пытались сделать это самостоятельно. Самым большим преимуществом взаимных фондо...

    68,35 €

  • International Finance
    Hartley Withers
    Responsibility for the appearance of this book, but not for its contents, lies with the Council for the Study of International Relations, which asked me to write one 'explaining what the City really does, why it is the centre of the world’s Money Market'. In trying to do so, I had to go over a good deal of ground that I had covered in earlier efforts to throw light on the machi...

    11,87 €

  • Of Banks and Crises
    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    69,20 €

  • Of Banks and Crises
    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    33,68 €

  • Analyse von Szenarien für Risikokapitalinvestitionen
    Tales Tozatti
    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, das Verhalten von Anlageportfolios aufzuzeigen, die für sechs Einzelanleger mit niedrigem, mittlerem und hohem Risikoprofil konzipiert wurden. Die Arbeit wurde aufgrund des gestiegenen Interesses der Brasilianer an Investitionen, der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Anlagemöglichkeiten durch Finanzinstitute und der größeren Leichtigkeit, mit der normale An...

    68,55 €

  • Analysis of Venture Capital Investment Scenarios
    Tales Tozatti
    The aim of this study is to show the behavior of investment portfolios designed for six individual investors with low, moderate and high risk profiles. The work was developed due to the increased interest of Brazilians in making investments, the growing dissemination of investment options by financial institutions and the greater ease with which ordinary investors can make and ...

    68,48 €

  • Analyse des scénarios d’investissement en capital-risque
    Tales Tozatti
    L’objectif de cette étude est de montrer le comportement de portefeuilles d’investissement conçus pour six investisseurs individuels présentant des profils de risque faible, modéré et élevé. Ce travail a été réalisé en raison de l’intérêt croissant des Brésiliens pour les investissements, de la diffusion croissante des options d’investissement par les institutions financières e...

    68,48 €

  • Analisi degli scenari di investimento in capitale di rischio
    Tales Tozatti
    L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di mostrare il comportamento di portafogli di investimento progettati per sei investitori individuali con profili di rischio bassi, moderati e alti. Il lavoro è stato sviluppato in seguito all’aumento dell’interesse dei brasiliani per gli investimenti, alla crescente diffusione delle opzioni di investimento da parte delle istituzioni finanz...

    68,48 €

  • Анализ сценариев инвестирования в венчурный капитал
    Талес Тозатти
    Цель данного исследования - показать поведение инвестиционных портфелей, разработанных для шести индивидуальных инвесторов с низким, умеренным и высоким уровнем риска. Эта работа была разработана в связи с возросшим интересом бразильцев к инвестициям, все более широким распространением вариантов инвестирования финансовыми учреждениями и большей легкостью, с которой обычные инве...

    68,55 €

  • The Wizard Of Wall Street And His Wealth
    Trumbull White
    The history of any man who had been able to distinguish himself by acquiring in his lifetime the greatest amount of wealth ever accumulated by one man, would necessarily be of interest, even if his success had been won by the most ordinary of methods or the most marvelous succession of good fortune. But when that man is one whose career was full of the most dramatic incidents; ...

    17,01 €

  • As Finanças Públicas Portuguesas
    Ricardo Ferraz
    «O trabalho agora publicado (que se baseia na investigação de doutoramento do autor) é [] muito relevante para compreender uma parte considerável das finanças públicas portuguesas do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial e até ao advento do primeiro choque petrolífero que marcou o fim dos anos dourados de crescimento. [] Além disto, esta obra ajuda a contextualizar a época a que diz respe...

    15,70 €

  • Determinanten der Kundenzufriedenheit in islamischen Banken in Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    Das islamische Bankwesen in Pakistan hat in den letzten zehn Jahren eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung durchgemacht und sich zunehmend schwieriger gestaltet. Der Hauptzweck dieser Forschungsarbeit bestand darin, die wichtigsten Determinanten zu untersuchen, die das Zufriedenheitsniveau der pakistanischen Kunden im Islamic Banking beeinflussen können. Servicequalität, Produktqualit...

    49,81 €

  • Déterminants de la satisfaction de la clientèle dans les banques islamiques du Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    La banque islamique au Pakistan a connu un développement remarquable et un rythme de plus en plus difficile au cours de la dernière décennie. L’objectif premier de ce travail de recherche était d’examiner les principaux déterminants susceptibles d’influencer le niveau de satisfaction des clients pakistanais de la banque islamique. La qualité du service, la qualité du produit et...

    49,81 €

  • Детерминанты удовлетворенности клиентов в исламских банках Пакистана
    Мубин Батт / Мухаммад Али Аслам / Фахад Ахмед Куреши
    За последнее десятилетие исламский банкинг в Пакистане пережил значительное развитие и становится все более сложным. Основной целью проведения данной исследовательской работы было изучение основных факторов, которые могут повлиять на уровень удовлетворенности пакистанских клиентов исламским банком. Качество обслуживания, качество продукта и уровень осведомленности были использо...

    49,87 €

  • Determinantes da satisfação do cliente nos bancos islâmicos do Paquistão
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    A banca islâmica no Paquistão registou um desenvolvimento notável e um ritmo cada vez mais exigente na última década. O principal objetivo deste trabalho de investigação era examinar os principais factores determinantes que podem influenciar o nível de satisfação dos clientes paquistaneses no sector bancário islâmico. A qualidade do serviço, a qualidade do produto e o nível de ...

    49,81 €

  • Determinanti della soddisfazione del cliente nelle banche islamiche del Pakistan
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Muhammad Ali Aslam
    Nell’ultimo decennio l’attività bancaria islamica in Pakistan ha conosciuto un notevole sviluppo e un ritmo sempre più impegnativo. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro di ricerca è stato quello di esaminare le principali determinanti che possono influenzare il livello di soddisfazione dei clienti pakistani nel settore bancario islamico. La qualità del servizio, la qualità del ...

    49,81 €

    Carl Robson
    'DOLLARS & DREAMS' is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to take control of their financial future and build lasting wealth. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking financial freedom and the realization of their dreams.In the opening chapter, 'Laying the Foundation for Wealth Creation,' the author lays the groundwork by exploring the fundamental principles and mind...

    20,62 €

  • Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management
    Vojo Bubevski
    Financial institutions face a critical challenge in managing financial risks effectively under the stringent regulatory frameworks of Basel III and Solvency II. Traditional risk management approaches often need to provide the necessary tools to control risks in a dynamic and evolving market environment. A comprehensive methodology integrating advanced risk analysis concepts and...

    334,29 €

  • Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management
    Vojo Bubevski
    Financial institutions face a critical challenge in managing financial risks effectively under the stringent regulatory frameworks of Basel III and Solvency II. Traditional risk management approaches often need to provide the necessary tools to control risks in a dynamic and evolving market environment. A comprehensive methodology integrating advanced risk analysis concepts and...

    255,37 €

  • Trade Smart
    Unlock the secrets to financial success with this comprehensive guide to Trading Psychology. Dive into a transformative journey through 18 chapters, each crafted to equip traders, from novices to seasoned investors, with the mental tools needed for success. ...

    34,01 €

  • Mastering YouTube
    Mastering YouTube: A Comprehensive Money-Making Guide' is your ultimate companion to navigating the intricate world of YouTube and turning your passion into profit. This book provides step-by-step instructions, insider tips, and expert strategies for maximizing your earning potential on the world’s largest video-sharing platform. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or jus...

    103,06 €

  • A Millionaire’s Guide | Creating Habitual Wealth
    Clay Clark
    ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE PROVEN PATH TO CREATING FINANCIAL SUCCESS? Are you looking for a proven and practical plan for achieving financial freedom? In this millionaire’s guide, Clay Clark teaches the specific steps that you need to take in order to create habitual wealth including: • How to Go from Poverty to Prosperity• How to Increase Your Income• How to Invest In Yourself, S...

    20,53 €

  • Unlock The Millionaire Lying Dormant Inside
    Keith Henderson
    Prepare to embark on an exhilarating odyssey of self-discovery and empowerment with 'Unlock the Millionaire Lying Dormant Inside.' Join Michael on a riveting journey from the depths of ordinary existence to the pinnacle of extraordinary success.In this gripping narrative, follow Michael’s incredible transformation as he navigates the twists and turns of life, fueled by a burnin...

    28,43 €

  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    353,90 €

  • Financial Inclusion, Sustainability, and the Influence of Religion and Technology
    Financial inclusion has proven to be a looming issue challenging policymakers and scholars. Financial inclusion revolves around the fundamental notion of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life have access to affordable and effective financial products and services that cater to their unique needs. Yet, as we grapple with this issue, we find it entwined with other crit...

    268,46 €