Filosofía no occidental

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía no occidental (2789)

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  • La Métaphysique Orientale & Saint Bernard
    René Guénon
    J’ai pris comme sujet de cet exposé la métaphysique orientale ; peut-être aurait-il mieux valu dire simplement la métaphysique sans épithète, car, en vérité, la métaphysique pure étant par essence en dehors et au-delà de toutes les formes et de toutes les contingences, n’est ni orientale ni occidentale, elle est universelle. Ce sont seulement les formes extérieures dont elle es...

    22,42 €

  • Confucian Analects
    The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. Filial piety and fraternal submission,-are they not the root of all benevolent actions?To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the ...

    17,98 €

  • Thought Relics
    Rabindranath TAGORE
    It is given to us to reveal our soul, that which is One in us, which is eternal. This can only be done by its passage through the fleeting Many; to assert the infinity of the spirit by continual sacrifice of forms. The self being the vessel that gathers and holds gives us the opportunity of giving up. If we believe only in self then we anxiously cling to our stores which causes...

    18,10 €

    Rabindranath TAGORE
    The poet Kabîr is one of the most interesting personalities in the history of Indian mysticism. A great religious reformer, the founder of a sect to which nearly a million northern Hindus still belong, it is yet supremely as a mystical poet that Kabîr lives for us. A beautiful legend tells us that after his death his Mohammedan and Hindu disciples disputed the possession of his...

    20,66 €

  • Tao Te King
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational poem that guides through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing.The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,54 €

  • Lao-Tzu’s Tao and Wu Wei
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational work that guides us through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing. The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,51 €

  • Tao Te King
    The Tao Te Ching is a spiritual, inspirational poem that guides through life, helping us to live within each moment and find the beauty that is all around each of us. Simple, beautiful, and life changing.The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy (Dàojia) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. ...

    20,54 €

  • Gitanjali
    Rabindranath TAGORE
    I have carried the manuscript of these translations about with me for days, reading it in railway trains, or on the top of omnibuses and in restaurants, and I have often had to close it lest some stranger would see how much it moved me. These lyrics-which are in the original full of subtlety of rhythm, of untranslatable delicacies of colour, of metrical invention-display in the...

    18,10 €

  • Lazlo Llama - Happiness Handbook
    Lazlo Llama
    Hey, llama.  This is my pocket guide to happiness. A collection of stories to help you and your loved ones see life from a fresh perspective.  Here's a quick example:--------------------------------------------------------------The Grain of SandOne day, a tiny grain of sand asked a larger grain of sand,'What is my purpose?'The large grain smiled a warm smile and looked down...

    11,20 €

  • Leaves of Morya’s Garden II
    Agni Yoga Society
    Leaves of Morya's Garden II (Illumination) is the second book from the Agni Yoga Series which is composed of fourteen books. In them is found a synthesis of ancient Eastern beliefs and modern Western thought and a bridge between the spiritual and the scientific. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism—but of practice...

    12,10 €

  • Fiery World III
    Agni Yoga Society
    Fiery World III is the eleventh book from the Agni Yoga Series which is composed of fourteen books. In them is found a synthesis of ancient Eastern beliefs and modern Western thought and a bridge between the spiritual and the scientific. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism—but of practice in daily life. It is the yog...

    14,47 €

  • The Quantum Screen
    Samuel Avery
    What is the connection between physics and consciousness? In this groundbreaking new book, Samuel Avery presents the quantum screen, a paradigm-shifting model of perceptual consciousness and of the world. This model looks to the enigmas of modern physics to demonstrate the primacy of consciousness—the essential oneness of spirit and matter.Our intellectual culture is divided be...

    13,80 €

  • Understanding Aikido
    Jan J Sunderlin
    Understanding Aikido: Essential Information and Perceptions (Special Edition) presents an historical, cultural, and philosophical look at the development of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Sunderlin focuses on the influences brought to bear on Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and the subsequent cultivation of the latter's martial art as a vessel of Budo. The author a...

    63,06 €

  • Bhagavad Gītā
    Swami Lakshmanjoo
    This treasure of knowledge was one of the last works by Swami Lakshmanjoo. He said, "It was a new revelation of the supreme secrets, hidden in the Kashmiri recension of the Bhagavad Gita." Based on Abhinavagupta's commentary of the Gitarthasamgraha, "The Essence of the Gita", Swamiji declared that, "this revelation was initiated by his direct experience of the state of Univ...

    42,64 €

  • Bhagavad Gī̄tā
    Swami Lakshmanjoo
    This treasure of knowledge was one of the last works by Swami Lakshmanjoo. He said, "It was a new revelation of the supreme secrets, hidden in the Kashmiri recension of the Bhagavad Gita." Based on Abhinavagupta's commentary of the Gitarthasamgraha, "The Essence of the Gita", Swamiji declared that, "this revelation was initiated by his direct experience of the state of Univ...

    26,24 €

  • Chinese Spiritual Thoughts
    Kevin M Thomas
    Chinese Spiritual Thoughts  is a direct English translation of the Tao Te Ching, the second most translated book in the world next to the bible. This solid English version comes from the foundational thoughts behind Taoism, Chinese religion, and Chinese philosophy. Lao Tzu's original wisdom in the Tao Te Ching is beautifully revealed in Chinese Spiritual Thoughts for easy u...

    15,36 €

  • Ratnakar-rachitam Gitopanishad रत्नाकर-रचितम् गीतोपनिषद्
    Ratnakar Narale
    This is the Sanskrit-English B/W Edition of Gitopanishad composed by Ratnakar. It is world’s first Sanskrit rendering of the Gita, wholly in Anushtubh Shloka chhanda of Valmiki Ramayan. Its brand new 1500 sholks are in side-by-side union with the 700 verses of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. This work is neither a translation nor a commentary, but it is a devotional musical poetry o...

    39,72 €

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Bhagavad-Gita with Literal Translation
    H.D. Goswami
    In the late 18th century Bhagavad-gita became the first Sanskrit work to be rendered in a European tongue, and since that time it has generated countless translations and secondary analyses. Among these, however, H.D. Goswami's Comprehensive Guide with Literal Translation excels in its capacity to schematize and summarize the Gita's powerful appeal as a source of perenn...

    16,16 €

  • The Diamond
    Robert B Davis II
    A collection of short stories and poetry presenting us with a look at the wisdom of the 'Old Master'. These lyrical stories give us a look into meditation, psychology, relativity, and Truth. All is covered in an artful and incredibly concise production. ...

    4,59 €

  • The Ancient Egyptian Buddha
    Muata Ashby
    This book is a compilation of several sections of a larger work, a book by the name of African Origins of Civilization, Religion, Yoga Mysticism and Ethics Philosophy. It also contains some new previously unpublished additional evidences not contained in the larger work that demonstrate the correlation between Ancient Egyptian Religion and Buddhism. This present volume, The Anc...

    16,03 €

  • Our Natural Potential
    David 'Davidya' Buckland
    In the last decade, we’ve seen an unprecedented growth in spiritual awakening. Why is this happening? How are we to understand the nature of enlightenment? Is it a normal part of human development we had forgotten how to culture? What is the underlying causal mechanism? What are the common differences in experiencing the unfolding? How can we support people making progress with...

    15,98 €

  • Deus Em Morphe
    Marcos Dias
    Essa obra faz parte de uma trilogia, o primeiro, intitulado de Deus em Morphe e o segundo, Monoteísmo Absoluto, essa primeira obra foca exaustivamente nas questões bíblicas, históricas e filosóficas, elucidando de maneira surpreendente a formulação do pensamento cristão dentro das mais diversas vertentes, que vai desde o monarquismo modalístico e dinâmico, arianismo e todas sua...

    42,48 €

  • Manual Para Confissão
    Frei O. Carm. Marcelo Amaral De Aquino
    O Manual para Confissão,examina de forma abrangente e profunda a prática da confissão na Igreja. O autor destaca a relevância desse sacramento como um meio crucial de reconciliação com Deus, apresentando discernimentos teológicos e práticos sobre como os católicos podem colher benefícios espirituais ao participar regularmente desse ato de contrição. Ao abordar o processo de pre...

    6,04 €

  • Versos Finais
    Luis Pereira
    Voluptuoso corre solto o meu pensamento e a tarde morna vai fazendo parte da minha insensata vida... não é a ausência do movimento das folhas das árvores que me atormenta, mas sim a saudade que paira como um cisne pensador no meu peito... buliçosas recordações, do bate papo com os amigos numa noite de verão me devora aos poucos. A bela lembrança da imagem da jovem tarde dos fol...

    15,92 €

  • Sete Verdades Sobre A Verdade
    Diante das mais diversas situações da vida cotidiana, a maioria das pessoas espera, senão exige, que se lhe digam a verdade. O paciente espera que o médico lhe informe a verdade sobre sua saúde; o juiz exige que as testemunhas em um processo digam somente a verdade sobre o que depõem; o povo deseja, ainda que desesperançado, que seus governantes digam a verdade sobre seus progr...

    8,64 €

  • Alguns Versos
    Sérgio Batista Bah
    Este é um livro de poemas curtos de temática variada. ...

    9,99 €

  • Poesia É Filosofia
    Sérgio Batista Bah
    Este livro é uma coletânea de poemas curtos de temática variada. ...

    10,29 €

  • Versos E Filosofia
    Sérgio Batista Bah
    Este é um livro de poemas curtos de temática variada. ...

    10,29 €

  • Além Da Separação
    Valdir Panace Junior
    Muitas vezes, o rompimento de um relacionamento afetivo nos joga em um mar de águas tempestuosas e imprevisíveis. Esse mar pode ser ainda mais agitado quando envolvem filhos e uma vida com a expectativa de construir uma família feliz.Nem sempre as coisas acontecem como esperávamos, e chegou a hora de enfrentarmos as mudanças. Essas mudanças envolvem um vulcão de sentimentos que...

    9,60 €

  • Zen - The Religion of the Samurai
    Kaiten Nukariya
    Zen was uniquely suited to the Samurai of Japan. The high moral principles of Buddhism, when adopted and adapted by the Japanese warriors who became the Samurai, created an austere philosophy of singular beauty and depth. Its characteristic requirements of strict control over body and mind was exemplified by ancient warrior monks whose serene countenance, even in the face of ce...

    17,01 €