Filosofía: epistemología y teoría del conocimiento

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  • Introdução À Semiologia Investigativa - Edição Sherlock
    Luan Appel
    Sherlock Holmes, o maior detetive da literatura policial britânica, seria também o maior semiólogo de todos os tempos? Como a semiótica (ciência que estuda sinais linguísticos e sociais) explica o raciocínio de Holmes? É isso que esta obra pretende esclarecer através da filosofia e criminologia. ...

    9,58 €

  • The Labyrinth of Infinity or the Enigma of Existence
    Stathis Livadas
    It is almost beyond doubt in our time that the galloping progress in practically all fields of science has posed key philosophical questions, like the relation of being and existence,  the dialectics between multiplicity and continuous unity, the question of infinity as an ideatum `infinitely’ apart from its idea (in Levinas’ formulation),  etc., in the light of epistemology, m...

    26,21 €

  • Practical Rationality, Learning and Convention
    Christopher Winch
    This volume consists of a selection of the writings of Christopher Winch on topics on and related to the philosophy of education from 1988 until the present. ...

    180,13 €

  • Fenomenología del Espíritu
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Jorge Aurelio Díaz
    La Fenomenología del Espíritu constituye, sin duda, un hito en el desarrollo del pensamiento moderno, ya que se trata, como lo señala la Presentación, de una de las obras más importantes de la historia entera de la filosofía, de uno de aquellos libros emblemáticos no solo de la modernidad europea, sino de la cultura occidental en su conjunto. Pensada por su autor como una intro...

    30,94 €

  • Post-Truth?
    Jeffrey Dudiak
    In Post-Truth? Facts and Faithfulness, Jeffrey Dudiak explores the fissures and fractures that vex our so-called ''post-truth'' era, searching for a deeper, dare we say truer, understanding of the cultural forces that have led North American society to become so polarized. Eschewing the kind of easy responses that trade pluralistic solidarity for tribalistic certainty, Dudiak d...

    12,77 €

  • Post-Truth?
    Jeffrey Dudiak
    In Post-Truth? Facts and Faithfulness, Jeffrey Dudiak explores the fissures and fractures that vex our so-called ''post-truth'' era, searching for a deeper, dare we say truer, understanding of the cultural forces that have led North American society to become so polarized. Eschewing the kind of easy responses that trade pluralistic solidarity for tribalistic certainty, Dudiak d...

    26,05 €

  • 从惊奇开始:青少年哲学第一课
    编辑推荐★ 刘擎教授携手七位高校哲学系教师为青少年提供的一场哲学盛宴。本书参与讲授的八位教师,不仅有专业的哲学背景,而且他们中或者是经常参与哲学普及的学者,或者是为人父母者,或者曾经是中学教师。对于每一讲的主题,他们都结合青少年的认知和心理特点,精心选择,并以易懂的方式将哲学送到每一位青少年手中。★ 青少年亲近哲学,就像恋爱一样,是这个时期的必然。处于青春期的青少年,自我意识开始觉醒,开始意识到自己与他人的不同,开始去追问'我是谁''我的存在有何不同'。这些问题正是本书关注的核心问题,围绕这些问题,通过八位讲者的倾情讲授,无疑有利于青少年更好地认识自我、更好地走过青春期。★ 这是专为中国青少年倾心打造的哲学课。特别考虑当下中国的语境与当前国内的教育现状,这里有学校中不曾讨论的永恒之问,关于真理、自由、自我、心灵、爱与美等,为中国青少年开启哲学课。★ ...

    32,56 €

  • 感知·理知·自我认知
    编辑推荐★ 哲学家陈嘉映先生新近思考力作。陈老师精研现象学、语言哲学,善于从小词的辨析入手去分析哲学问题,并终通达他一直在思考的问题,也就是那个古老的苏格拉底之问:'人应该如何生活?'本书正是陈老师结合当今时代,从感知、理知等概念辨析角度入手通达这一哲学之问的力作。★ AI时代,我们如何思考人的位置以及人与世界的关系。在今天科学一往无前的时代,人工智能在很多方面已经超越了人,我们应该如何看待人在世界中的位置,以及人存在的意义,作为长期关注科学与哲学关系的哲学家,陈老师在本书中给我们提供了另一种思考视角:从感觉开始,连着理解自己来理解世界,连着理解世界来理解自己。 ★如何认识自我,'我该怎样生活',本书是送给今天有道路没方向一代的一味清醒剂。今天的社会,所有的一切都被明码标价;今天的一代,从小无不处于竞争的环境中,我们的人生道路变多了,却失去了人生的方...

    32,65 €

  • The God of Chance and Purpose
    Bradford McCall
    This brief title will pursue a triangulation of chance, divine involvement, and theology through a fundamentally Peircean lens--at least epistemologically and semiotically. The argument proceeds over five distinct chapters, and a conclusion that constitutes a sixth chapter. In Part I, I discuss the Modern Synthetic theory in evolutionary biology. In particular, I refer to what ...

    21,44 €

  • The God of Chance and Purpose
    Bradford McCall
    This brief title will pursue a triangulation of chance, divine involvement, and theology through a fundamentally Peircean lens--at least epistemologically and semiotically. The argument proceeds over five distinct chapters, and a conclusion that constitutes a sixth chapter. In Part I, I discuss the Modern Synthetic theory in evolutionary biology. In particular, I refer to what ...

    33,92 €

  • Nos/Otras
    Andrea J. Pitts / Andrea JPitts
    Offers a timely reconsideration of the writings of Gloria Anzaldúa, treating issues of multiplicitous agency, identarian politics, and the stakes of coalition building as core themes in the author’s work. ...

    40,92 €

  • Making the Case
    Analyzes the value of using case-based methodologies to address contemporary social justice issues in philosophy. ...

    42,94 €

  • Wittgenstein, Scepticism and Naturalism
    Marie McGinn
    The essays in Wittgenstein, Scepticism and Naturalism cover the later Wittgenstein’s thought on scepticism about the external world; scepticism about other minds; knowledge and belief; meaning and rule-following; and the nature of psychological concepts. Focusing on topics in the later philosophy, the essays provide a distinctive understanding of the nature of philosophical dev...

    180,41 €

  • Dialectic, Rhetoric and Contrast
    Richard Boulton
    By compiling an experimental method combining both dialectic and rhetoric, ’Dialectic, Rhetoric and Contrast: The Infinite Middle of Meaning’ demonstrates how singular meanings can be rendered in a spectrum of 12 repeating concepts that are in a continuum, gradated and symmetrical. The ability to arrange meaning into this pattern opens enquiry into its ontology, and presents me...

    46,07 €

  • Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly
    Engages and extends the feminist philosopher Lorraine Code’s groundbreaking work on epistemology and ethics. ...

    121,38 €

  • Arguing from Cognitive Science of Religion
    Hans Van Eyghen
    This book considers whether recent theories from Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) undermine the epistemic status of religious belief. After introducing the key theories in the growing area of CSR, Hans Van Eyghen explores some of the epistemic questions surrounding CSR, including: Is CSR incompatible with the truth of religious belief? How might CSR show that religious belie...

    51,27 €

  • La visión islámica de las fuentes del conocimiento
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes
    Desde la perspectiva del Islam, el tema del conocimiento presenta una especial importancia en su relación con la educación, pues esta relación conforma el pensamiento de la ummah y la identidad islámica. Este libro explica las diferencias básicas entre las bases del pensamiento occidental y los cimientos del conocimiento en el Islam; expone la clasificación de las ciencias y el...

    14,00 €

  • An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
    David Hume
    An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding is a book by the Scottish empiricist philosopher David Hume, published in English in 1748. It was a revision of an earlier effort, Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature, published anonymously in London in 1739-40. Hume was disappointed with the reception of the Treatise, which ''fell dead-born from the press, as he put it, and so tried agai...

    16,64 €

  • Man’s Knowledge of Reality
    Frederick D. Wilhelmsen / Frederick DWilhelmsen
    First published in 1956, Frederick Wilhelmsen’s Man’s Knowledge of Reality remains a classic study in Thomistic epistemology. Wilhelmsen begins with an examination of what he refers to as Descartes’ 'critical problem'; namely, the supposed inability of philosophy to procure what Descartes calls 'certain knowledge.' Using Descartes’ argument as a starting point, he then launches...

    22,54 €

  • The Heresy of Heresies
    Timothy M. Mosteller / Timothy MMosteller
    'The heresy of heresies was common sense.' --George Orwell, 1984. This book is a defense of common-sense realism, which is the greatest heresy of our time. Following common-sense philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, Dallas Willard, and J. P. Moreland, this book defends a common-sense vision of reality within the Christian tradition. Mosteller shows h...

    24,56 €

  • The Heresy of Heresies
    Timothy M. Mosteller / Timothy MMosteller
    'The heresy of heresies was common sense.' --George Orwell, 1984. This book is a defense of common-sense realism, which is the greatest heresy of our time. Following common-sense philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, Dallas Willard, and J. P. Moreland, this book defends a common-sense vision of reality within the Christian tradition. Mosteller shows h...

    38,39 €

  • The Thinking Process
    George Lowell Tollefson
    Why is it that an appreciation of a Rembrandt painting cannot be explained on a neurological basis? It is because the material perspective does not encompass the whole of experience. This book explores the mind’s functions in terms of an active consciousness which is involved in the construction of perception and thought. It expands upon previous discussions of the dominant rol...

    11,38 €

  • Critique of Impure Reason
    Steven James Bartlett
    Bartlett’s Critique of Impure Reason is a tour de force of philosophical analysis. Historic in scale and far-reaching in scope, this important and massive treatise offers a penetrating critical appraisal of concepts that form the basic vocabulary of philosophical problems. This groundbreaking work focuses on reference as the most conceptually basic means in terms of which we ma...

    30,11 €

  • Lost in Thought
    Zena Hitz
    An invitation to readers from every walk of life to rediscover the impractical splendors of a life of learningIn an overloaded, superficial, technological world, in which almost everything and everybody is judged by its usefulness, where can we turn for escape, lasting pleasure, contemplation, or connection to others? While many forms of leisure meet these needs, Zena Hitz writ...

    22,54 €

  • As Knowing Goes and Other Poems
    Christopher Norris
    This collection drops a boulder into the still waters of British poetry. It is wide-ranging, hard-hitting, and above all ambitious, both in vision and variety of poetic forms. Norris moves rhythmically through politics, philosophy, and science always with an eye for the particular, always in pursuit of the bigger picture. He has an extraordinary ability to blow the dust off our...

    21,58 €

  • Genealogies of Political Modernity
    Antonio Cerella
    What is political modernity? And how much of its concepts and structures has changed or remained the same with the advent of the so-called globalization? What does it mean, from a political perspective, that we live in a postmodern era? This book discusses these issues in light of the key authors and texts of the continental philosophical tradition: from Carl Schmitt to Giorgio...

    52,26 €

  • Bedraggling Grandma with Russian Snow
    João Reis
    One of the funniest novels you are likely to read, which you will particularly appreciate if you have the perverse nature of a Beckett lover, or have come across David Vardeman’s books, Bedraggling Grandma with Russian Snow is a book of precision taken to torturous limits of hilarity. Sure a woman has been murdered and the eye witness is a talking, thinking, reading stuffed don...

    12,97 €

  • Social Philosophy of Vivekananda and Indian Nationalism
    Sebastian Velassery
    Among the galaxy of scholars, Swami Vivekananda stands out as a majestic tower of light who has given a new tempo to the building up of a new sense of nationalism in modern India. The uniqueness of Vivekananda was his endeavour to translate every ounce of Vedanta into a social living and was never a cold theoretician or an abstract metaphysician. He was aware that India’s life ...

    33,07 €

  • Common Sense and Science from Aristotle to Reid
    Benjamin W Redekop / Benjamin W. Redekop
    Common Sense and Science from Aristotle to Reid brings to light the dynamic and evolving relationship between common sense and scientific thinking that stretches from Aristotle to the present day. ...

    57,52 €

  • The Everlasting Man
    G. K. Chesterton / GKChesterton
    The Everlasting Man, written by Gilbert Keith Chesterton in 1925, is on the surface a response to H.G. Wells’s The Outline of History, in which Wells ultimately argues for the theory of evolution over creationism. On closer review, rather than finding a typical discussion of faith and the mysteries of God as a response to the theory of evolution, readers will find Chesterton’s ...

    23,68 €