Ficción erótica

Ficción y temas afines / Ficción erótica (3893)

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  • Mal estar
    Javier Zúñiga
    Sabemos que una de las líneas de continuidad de la obra de nuestro autor ha sido el erotismo, abordándolo desde distintas perspectivas y registros; ahora, un paso más, la delgada frontera entre deseo y delirio. No hay un más allá del lenguaje, afirmación que, de entrada, nos evitaría la bochornosa reducción de Mal estar a un problema moral o a una óptica normalizadora, al tiemp...

    14,56 €

  • La mirada vaciada
    Paqui Bernal
    Cuando la belleza y la desenvoltura de Sameentha, una angloíndia graduada en Arquitectura, enamoran a Pablo, un estudiante de Informática algo más joven que ella, ambos iniciarán una relación muy sensual. El exotismo de sus respectivas culturas, tan sumamente diferentes, contribuirá a incrementar la enorme atracción física del uno hacia el otro.Durante sus viajes al Rajasthan y...

    12,00 €

  • La noche
    Ana Prego
    Mientras un asesino en serie aterroriza a la población de Madrid y la amenaza de una sangrienta guerra entre clanes mafiosos se cierne sobre todos, en la concurrida discoteca Sala Inferno, el implacable enfrentamiento entre dos hombres está a punto de cambiar el destino de todo un país:Álex es un joven español que acude a la Sala Inferno buscando trabajo, pero acaba atrapado en...

    20,81 €

  • Todas las fotos que me hiciste
    Nora Blues
    Paula acaba de llegar a Madrid para trabajar como becaria en uno de los periódicos más importantes de la ciudad, aunque enseguida descubre que no todo es tan perfecto como había imaginado. Su jefe es detestable, se pasa las horas en el trabajo tecleando la agenda cultural y su mejor amiga está a más de seiscientos kilómetros. Pero justo cuando comienza a aceptar que ese no será...

    15,08 €

  • Opus pistorum
    Opus pistorum nos cuenta las andanzas eróticas de un personaje que recorre los excitantes ambientes parisinos en busca de sublimes experiencias sexuales. Las más exuberantes e inimaginables fantasías eróticas tienen cabida en estas páginas, escritas con un lenguaje muy expresivo y absolutamente procaz. 10 ...

    20,80 €

  • Los jardines de Sira
    Edurne Cadelo
    Sira es fisioterapeuta y vive con David: su socio, su ex y su amigo.No tiene pelos en la lengua, es divertida, fuerte y experta en jardines, como la define su amiga Laura.Las circunstancias nunca han jugado a su favor y siempre se pone en el último lugar. Protege a su círculo con uñas y dientes, sin esperar que nadie cuide de ella.La inestabilidad ha sido una constante en su vi...

    20,09 €

    John Sullivan
    Nombres de mujer es una recopilación de relatos eróticos donde la mujer es la protagonista. Aunque se narra en primera persona por parte del personaje masculino, lo cierto es que este pasa casi de puntillas por los relatos, mientras cada mujer presente en los mismos representa un prototipo en lo físico, en su personalidad, en la forma de vivir la sexualidad; de hecho, frente al...

    12,00 €

  • Solo a un beso de ti
    Laurent Kosta
    Christian no creía en el amor a primera vista, hasta que Vlad se cruza en su camino, y queda hechizado por el magnetismo que desprende el joven camarero ruso.Pero Vlad tiene una deuda en su pasado de la que no consigue liberarse y una relación con el reconocido top model no le conviene en ese momento de su vidaY es que, a veces, las personas adecuadas se encuentran en el moment...

    15,95 €

  • Angels Inc.
    José María Pumarino
    We all feel, want and need more, much more... what we dare to confess.This is a plot about passions, loves, fears, fantasies and secrets, based on many real stories, that crumbles the daily battle against our own demons, as well as how complicated it is to live from moments and, at the same time, survive without them... ...

    12,48 €

  • 72% Match
    Dalia Lance / Raymond Cloose / Raymond Close
    The dating world can be perilous. It’s much worse when you’re not a good person. Meet Chrissy and Schuyler. Both are on a conquest to satisfy their appetites, but how they aim to do so leads to some very questionable attempts.Chrissy is after the Adonis of her dreams. Searching everywhere including online and at the local bars. Schuyler is trying to decide if it’s worth even ...

    13,40 €

  • My Home on Whore Island
    Dalia Lance
    What happens when you stop looking for Mr. Right and start looking for Mr. Right Now?A day comes in every girl’s life when she tosses a few condoms in her purse, throws caution to the wind, and says, 'Let’s Do This 'Well, maybe not every girl, but when Randi Michaels finds out her boyfriend has cheated on her, she decides to turn the tables and take control.Giving each playmate...

    16,59 €

  • Tutoring Center
    Ali Whippe
    Take another peer under the skirt of higher education! When student William Turner literally crashes into tutor  Kimberly Chapman in the stairwell, he expects her to shout at him and call him clumsy while they clean up the spray of papers and books. He does not expect the pages she carries to be erotica, but he is pleasantly surprised to find that this tutor is way more excited...

    10,11 €

  • Office Hours
    Ali Whippe
    Take a peek under the skirt of higher education! English professor Dr. Jacoby is only looking for a one-night stand before the start of the new semester, but her plans are foiled when her lover turns out to be her new colleague in the department. Despite her hesitation to indulge in a relationship with a co-worker, the attraction between them proves too much, resulting in a siz...

    10,34 €

  • Athletics
    Ali Whippe
    Take a peek under the skirt of higher education! Bree Johnson was only looking for some help studying. She didn’t expect to find her best tutors on the football team, and she definitely didn’t expect the players to have such motivational methods, especially when it comes to cramming. Now it’s Bree’s turn to become the perfect student if she wants complete satisfaction. The Athl...

    10,05 €

  • El reflejo de Amunet
    F.J. Gálvez / F.JGálvez
    La doctora Muñoz acude a la clínica mental dirigida por el doctor Arnaldo para trabajar sobre el caso de Cristina Briones, una paciente acusada, presuntamente, del asesinato de un empresario muy conocido. Con su estudiada técnica de trabajo, conseguirá que la paciente le confiese los oscuros secretos de su vida.Vendida por su padre, siendo una niña, para casarse con uno de sus ...

    20,80 €

  • Ocho mil kilómetros
    Ami Mercury
    No todas las normas están para cumplirlas. No siempre es verdad lo que damos por sentado. Eso es algo que Matsubara no se ha planteado nunca hasta que, en una fría mañana, conoce a Arian.Matsubara es japonés. Vive su vida de hijo y estudiante modelo, saca buenas notas en la universidad, es obediente y amable y trata de no contrariar nunca a nadie, aunque para ello deba guardar ...

    25,45 €

    Xya T McKinley
    Elaine comes from the Torres family who has a long history of wealth in North Carolina. About fifteen years ago, Marvin Clarke was the son of the family attorney that she has had a crush on since childhood. That is, until they were both watching the sunset on the roof of her family’s chateau one day and she falls, thereby putting her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Fo...

    14,74 €

  • Because Of You
    Susan Harris
    Jack is back! With a vengeance, he’s come to claim the wife that should have been his. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants and will destroy anyone and everyone who gets in his way. Happily married, little does Autum and Frank know what destiny has in store? Can they survive whatever Jack has planned this time around? How far will Jack’s obsession take him? Will Isobell...

    16,33 €

  • Lucky Girl
    CJBailey / C. J. Bailey
    "I’m beautiful and I’m smart. It’s a problem."    In C.J.’s experience, her appearance has been in direct conflict with her intelligence and her ability to be taken seriously. Her solution? Dress down, drab out and blend in with her fellow students in the Computer Sciences program at UCLA. She can also go off-campus, glam up and attract as many men as her healthy young libido m...

    29,37 €

    Eva Harmon
    Have you ever experienced the rush that comes with dominating your sexual partner?Have you ever experienced the power trip you get with submitting your sexual partner to your will?Have you ever experienced the adrenaline you get with seeing your sexual partner helpless while begging you for mercy?Have you ever experienced the satisfaction that comes with reducing your sexual pa...

    14,12 €

  • The Tethering
    Jeremy RStrong / Jeremy R. Strong
    Tiger has lost almost everything. Her village. Her community. Her father. But her brother Tarren, who has been kidnapped by the deadheads that razed her village, still lives. With only the loyal but enigmatic old man Sai to guide her into the nightmare-jungle that was once North America, Tiger must face her greatest fears in a race to save her brother before he is lobotomized, ...

    10,04 €

  • El Velo Sagrado
    Carlos Vargas Vinatea
    `Mi interior se debatía en una angustia terrible. Al tiempo que la espigada rubia, asomándose a la puertecilla, me mostraba con generosidad sus grandes pechos y, con sensual voz, me pedía que ingresara a su pieza. Finalmente entré...´Mi Amigo Temerife`...todo él se veía reducido, daba la impresión de que los huesos luchaban para reventar su frágil piel y huir del moribundo cuer...

    13,50 €

  • Dukes of Hell Book 1
    MFrancis Lamont
    She was supposed to be a toy for the party, but he didn’t want to share.Viper was a man that cared for nothing but his club and no one but his brothers, so when he was tasked with finding a willing participant in a weekend long party filled with sex and debauchery he didn’t expect anything other than a good time. Then he met Betty.Betty needed to make rent and was willing to do...

    9,97 €

  • The Marquis
    Shanna B. Talley / Shanna BTalley / Shanna B Talley
    Oracle Winchester is a former Interpol and FBI agent turned private consulting investigator in the city of New Orleans. She has a unique affinity for catching serial killers. Her first boyfriend from high school was a serial murderer and intended on making her his final victim before her escape. The psychological and physical scars left on Oracle sent her on the path to catchin...

    14,90 €

  • Historias Golfas
    Pepe Hevia
    Descarnadas, jocosas y divertidas, las 'Historias golfas' de Pepe Hevia son el resultado de la suma de largas esperas en aeropuertos y una imaginación capaz de idear las situaciones más inverosímiles. Estos doce cuentos componen un volumen desenfadado, destinado al puro entretenimiento. En todos ellos subyace el misterio que enciende el deseo o la simpleza que en ocasiones lo a...

    14,00 €

  • Son of a Royal Line
    Grace Drune
    With the lady of the great house gone, Nathan thought the horror was, over...Not sure what to think, Ellie was not quite ready to... come in from the cold? Position of the lady of the great house vacant, maybe... it... was her turn?Luke, Josh and Isaac just wanted to get on with their lives when they felt that... calling... tried to... resist...Father Gregory biding his time, ...

    13,61 €

  • Cosmic Decay
    Courtney Hope
    The war for Earth is over, but there is one more battle left to win.In this third and final part of the action-packed Cosmic Decay series, Victoria and Max Stone prepare for life to return to normal with the impending birth of their first child.But a surviving Visitor, the Captain of the fleets, refuses to go down without a fight. In desperation and anger, the Captain sets its ...

    10,52 €

  • Petal
    Mely Quan
    Nested in the deep woods of Durham, North Carolina is a world of innocence and mystery with Penelope Ash. On her way to medical school with her friends, she is ready to begin her journey of becoming a doctor. Her plans come crashing when she loses someone close to her but they are revived when she meets an alluring and beautiful man named Ford. He comes to Penelope from another...

    10,65 €

  • Luxúria
    António Almas
    O teu corpo é o mar onde navego, os teus fluidos elixires que me alimentam e a tua insaciedade é a musicalidade que embala os meus desvarios.Descobrir-te é uma viagem alucinante, aos mais recônditos lugares da tua pele, aos mais quentes e abrasadores desertos, cheios de oásis húmidos onde bebo.A tua existência é uma verdadeira epopeia, um épico desfilar de loucuras e uma insaci...

    14,16 €

  • Horror #2
    D Kershaw
    Interpretation by Andra DillLeft Hanging by Beth W. PattersonFast Food by Chris BannorThe Weathermaster by Christopher T. DabrowskiDeath Becomes Her by Cindar HarrellIsolation by D.M. BurdettFlock by David GreenSomething Wicked Lives in the Woods by E.L. GilesOpen Windows by Frederick PangbourneDone Just Right by Gabriella BalcomAn Unknown Fact by Galina TrefilA Recovered Lette...

    10,82 €