Fauna: interés general

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Historia natural / Fauna: interés general (8452)

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  • LAIR W pX 067 Bluestone
    A texture study of washed bluestone road surfacing mixed with ice. Shot during a post-storm examination of damaged back woods properties, this series focuses on an individual element of that walkabout. ...

    33,77 €

  • LAIR W pX 072 Thudge
    Photographs in this run were shot during some particularly nasty wet snow. Nasty wet snow needs love too. ...

    67,77 €

  • INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    A Tanzânia, oficialmente a República Unida da Tanzânia, é um país da África Oriental na região dos Grandes Lagos Africanos. Faz fronteira com Uganda ao norte; Quênia ao nordeste; Ilhas Comoro e Oceano Índico a leste; Moçambique e Malawi ao sul; Zâmbia a sudoeste; e Ruanda, Burundi e República Democrática do Congo, a oeste. O Monte Kilimanjaro, a montanha mais alta da África, fi...

    107,74 €

  • INVEST IN TANZANIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Uganda to the north; Kenya to the northeast; Comoro Islands and the Indian Ocean to the east; Mozambique and Malawi to the south; Zambia to the southwest; and Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Mount Kilimanjaro,...

    88,42 €

  • INVISTA NO ZIMBÁBUE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    O livro INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles já está a caminho de Brasília e será entregue nas mãos do Presidente Lula, como podem ver no Shipment abaixo.A Agência de Investimento e Desenvolvimento do Zimbábue (ZIDA), é uma agência de investimento responsável pela promoção e facilitação do investimento local e estrangeiro no país. Surgiu como uma integração de tr...

    85,36 €

  • INVISTA NO ZIMBÁBUE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    O livro INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles já está a caminho de Brasília e será entregue nas mãos do Presidente Lula, como podem ver no Shipment abaixo.A Agência de Investimento e Desenvolvimento do Zimbábue (ZIDA), é uma agência de investimento responsável pela promoção e facilitação do investimento local e estrangeiro no país. Surgiu como uma integração de tr...

    112,51 €

  • INVEST IN ZIMBABWE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Zimbabwe is a land linked country in Southern Africa bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west and southwest, Zambia to the northwest and Mozambique to the east and northeast. A journey to Zimbabwe will take you through breath taking landscapes, from the highveld, balancing boulders, flaming msasa trees, and lush mountains. Zimbabwe is the home to the greatest...

    85,36 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SIMBABWE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Simbabwe ist ein Binnenstaat im südlichen Afrika und grenzt im Süden an Südafrika, im Westen und Südwesten an Botswana, im Nordwesten an Sambia und im Osten und Nordosten an Mosambik. Eine Reise nach Simbabwe führt Sie durch atemberaubende Landschaften, vom Hochland über balancierende Felsen, flammende Msasa-Bäume und üppige Berge. Simbabwe ist die Heimat der größten Wasserfäll...

    81,19 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SENEGAL - Invest in Senegal - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    An der Westküste Afrikas, zwischen 12°88 und 16°41 nördlicher Breite und 11°21 und 17°32 westlicher Länge, liegt Senegal am westlichen Ende des afrikanischen Kontinents in seiner am weitesten fortgeschrittenen Lage im Atlantischen Ozean eine Drehkreuzposition, die Afrika mit dem Rest der Welt verbindet. Es gilt als das einfachste und schnellste Tor nach Westafrika und eröffnet ...

    91,85 €

  • American Green Tree Frog Coloring Book
    American Green Tree Frog Coloring Book, Coloring Books for Adults, Amphibians Painting Pages, Funny Quotes Pages, Freestyle Drawing PagesIt was made for American Green Tree Frog lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring.American Green Tree Frog in pattern style with heartwarming quotes.It makes the perfect gift for your friends who are American Green Tree Frog lovers....

    19,02 €

  • INVISTA NA MAURITÂNIA - Visit Mauritania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Um vasto país de um milhão e trinta mil km² (1.030.700), a Mauritânia é habitada por quase quatro milhões de habitantes. O país possui importantes recursos naturais: minério de ferro, ouro e cobre, petróleo e gás, além de uma das costas mais ricas em pescado do mundo. É irrigado a sul pelo rio Senegal. A pecuária extensiva e as culturas irrigadas e de sequeiro são as atividades...

    69,44 €

  • A Bouquet of Days
    Fran Palmeri
    In Fran Palmeri’s 'Bouquet of Days' you explore not just Florida’s magnificent beaches but the fabled swamp of Okefenokee,and parks lush with rare wildflowers. Pelican 'comics', roseate spoonbills and friendly Florida scrub jays are just a few of the birds you’ll meet in her essays and colorful photographs of everyone’s 'fountain of youth.' ...

    28,57 €

  • INVEST IN MOZAMBIQUE - Visit Mozambique - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Mozambique is a country on the east coast of Southern Africa, bounded by: Tanzania to the north; to the northwest, Malawi and Zambia; to the west, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland; to the south, South Africa; to the east, the section of the Indian Ocean known as the Mozambique Channel.In the Mozambique Channel, neighbors are Madagascar and the Comoros (including the French ...

    48,88 €

  • INVEST IN MAURITIUS - Visit Mauritius - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    An attractive and thriving place for business with an incomparable art de vivre, Mauritius is the perfect home to the citizen of the world. The island is often referred internationally as the 'Star and Key of the Indian Ocean'. 'Star' for its strategic location on the network of air and sea routes between Asia, Europe and Africa and 'Key' as an international financial hub of ex...

    54,89 €

  • LAIR W pX 083 Crete Lik
    A study of moss and lichen along a worn and broken concrete wall. ...

    34,48 €

  • Botanical Flowers Coloring Book for Adults
    Luna B. Helle
    This coloring book for adults features 51 hand-drawn botanical illustrations of flowers in shades of grayscale. To enjoy the color and relaxation, create a wonderful Botanical Flower coloring book for adults. These flowers can be colored in any way you like.Be inspired to create your own collection of artistic designs with this calming activity that helps reduce stress, anxiety...

    28,49 €

  • LAIR W pX 092 Millard
    A study of mildew on plastic, in the form of an early morning table. ...

    63,92 €

  • Hermosas Flores
    Lea Schöning BB
    70 Hermosas Flores Libro de Colorear de Lea SchöningHermosas Flores Libro de Colorear es una forma única de expresar tu creatividad y relajarte al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de flores para colorear.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto para principiantes como para artistas avanzados, este libro para colorear es ideal para los amantes de l...

    21,06 €

  • INVISTA EM CAMARÕES - Visit Cameroon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Camarões está situado na África Central, na junção do Golfo da Guiné.É limitado a norte pelo Chade, a leste pela República Centro-Africana, a sul pelo Congo, Gabão e Guiné Equatorial e a oeste pela Nigéria.Camarões é um país com várias cidades importantes, entre as quais YAOUNDE, a capital política do país com cerca de um milhão de habitantes. DOUALA, que é a maior cidade econô...

    75,46 €

  • Biere Livre de Coloriage
    Lea Schöning BB
    Incroyable livre de coloriage de bière par Lea SchöningLivre de coloriage de bière offre une occasion unique d’exprimer votre créativité tout en favorisant votre détente. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de bière dans différentes poses, qui n’attendent que vous pour être colorées.Superbe pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez un débutant ou...

    15,40 €

  • La Faune et la Flore d’Haïti (Bilingual Book French-Creole / Liv bileng franse kreyòl )
    Kike Calvo
    Les livres de coloriage Les Aventures de Pili sont des outils éducatifs parfaits pour initier les enfants à la beauté de la nature et à l’importance de la conservation. Destinées aux enfants de 2 à 7 ans, les illustrations attrayantes inspireront les petits explorateurs à s’amuser tout en développant leurs compétences d’apprentissage les plus précoces. Un excellent outil pour a...

    13,34 €

  • INVERTIR EN CAMERÚN - Visit Cameroon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Camerún está situado en África Central, en la unión del Golfo de Guinea.Limita al norte con Chad, al este con la República Centroafricana, al sur con Congo, Gabón y Guinea Ecuatorial y al oeste con Nigeria.Camerún es un país con varias ciudades importantes, entre las que se encuentran YAOUNDE, la capital política del país con alrededor de un millón de habitantes. DOUALA, que es...

    75,46 €

  • Schmetterlinge Malbuch
    Willie Jones
    Dieses Malbuch für Erwachsene enthält 48 wunderschöne Schmetterlings-Malvorlagen, die Sie nach Belieben ausmalen können. Entspannen Sie sich und entspannen Sie sich, während Sie diese erstaunlichen Schmetterlinge nach Herzenslust ausmalen!Das Schmetterlings-Malbuch für Erwachsene bietet eine unterhaltsame und kreative Möglichkeit, sich nach einem langen Tag in der Arbeit, der S...

    20,75 €

  • INVISTA E VISITE A ÁFRICA - COLEÇÃO 2022 - 2023 - Celso Salles - Edição Especial
    Celso Salles

    132,26 €

  • Pinguini alla scoperta del mondo ghiacciato
    Claire Tressett
    Nei gelidi confini del mondo, dove il ghiaccio abbraccia l’orizzonte e le stelle brillano con uno splendore particolare, vivono i nostri amici piumati: i pinguini. Ma questi non sono comuni pinguini. Ogni giorno, tra scivolate e giochi, scoprono segreti nascosti nel ghiaccio e vivono avventure che vanno oltre la loro terra fredda e luminosa. ...

    52,08 €

  • Animals Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a way to unwind and relieve some stress, coloring can be a great activity. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a great way to tap into your creativity. The Animals Coloring Book is a particularly great option for animal lovers. Here are some reasons why:Cute and fun designs: The animals in this coloring book are drawn in a cute and whimsical style, making th...

    20,88 €

  • The Ultimate Animals Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    Looking for a way to unwind and tap into your creative side? The Ultimate Animals Coloring Book is the perfect solution! With intricate designs featuring majestic lions, graceful elephants, wise owls, and powerful horses, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of relaxation and entertainment.Here are some reasons why you should consider getting The Ultimate Animals Colorin...

    20,88 €

  • Wild Animal Coloring Book for Kids
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids, consider getting them a wild animal coloring book. Not only will they enjoy coloring in the various animals, but they’ll also learn about different species that inhabit forests.Here are some of the benefits of using a wild animal coloring book:Enhances creativity and imagination: Coloring is a great way to unle...

    20,88 €

  • Animal Pals Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    If your child loves animals, then the Animal Pals Coloring Book is the perfect activity for them! This coloring book features a variety of awesome animals, from cute and cuddly creatures to wild and exotic beasts. Here’s what you can expect from this coloring book:A wide range of animals: The Animal Pals Coloring Book includes all kinds of animals, from domestic pets like cats ...

    20,88 €

  • Animals Coloring Book For Kids
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to keep your kids engaged and relaxed, then an animals coloring book is the perfect solution. Not only is coloring a great stress reliever, but it also helps improve motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and focus. Here are a few reasons why an animals coloring book might be just what your child needs:Animals coloring pages are a grea...

    20,88 €