Ética y filosofía moral

Humanidades / Filosofía / Ética y filosofía moral (6804)

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  • Ética, Direito e Educação
    Wilma Alves Santos Vivas
    O presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou a mensuração dos níveis de desenvolvimento moralem alunos formandos do Curso de Direito da UESC Universidade Estadual de santa Cruz,tomando por base os estágios desenvolvidos por Lawrence Kohlberg em sua obra PsicologiaDel Desarrollo Moral através de pesquisa de campo com a constatação dos estágios em queestão inseridos - 3 e 4 - , pre...

    20,77 €

  • Thoughts on Life
    William Doak
    This book is about my life long search to understand what is important in life and just what kind of person I want to be. I have come to the conclusion that both the source of our troubles and of our happiness lies primarily in our own thoughts and beliefs and the choices that we make based on same. Although I think it importantfor each of us individually to wrestle with our va...

    20,34 €

  • Thoughts on Life
    William Doak
    This book is about my life long search to understand what is important in life and just what kind of person I want to be. I have come to the conclusion that both the source of our troubles and of our happiness lies primarily in our own thoughts and beliefs and the choices that we make based on same. Although I think it importantfor each of us individually to wrestle with our va...

    29,55 €

  • Man the Rational Animal
    Edo Pivcevic
    This challenging and refreshingly innovative book addresses certain fundamental questions concerning rational legitimacy of some widely held beliefs and provides argument-based answers to such questions, while at the same time encouraging the reader to actively engage with the views put forward and form his/her own judgement. ...

    50,39 €

  • An Ethical Guidebook to the Zombie Apocalypse How to Keep Your Brain without Losing Your Heart
    Bryan Hall
    When your base camp is overrun by zombies, whom do you save if you cannot save everyone? Is it permissible to sacrifice one survivor to an undead horde in order to save a greater number of the living? Do you have obligations to loved ones who have turned?These are some of the troubling ethical questions you might face in a zombie apocalypse. Bryan Hall uses situations like thes...

    102,10 €

  • The Ethics of Digital Literacy
    This book address ethical issues in the teaching of digital literacy. ...

    40,59 €

  • Good Form
    Jesse Rosenthal
    What do we mean when we say that a novel’s conclusion 'feels right'? How did feeling, form, and the sense of right and wrong get mixed up, during the nineteenth century, in the experience of reading a novel? Good Form argues that Victorian readers associated the feeling of narrative form-of being pulled forward to a satisfying conclusion-with inner moral experience. Reclaiming ...

    47,36 €

  • Stoicism
    Marcus Holt
    There are many hidden gems in history that if uncovered, could unleash so much physical and intellectual wealth, which we need to restore our society back to glory, in the midst of the transformative changes brought by modernism. The Stoic philosophy is one such gem. It is an ancient philosophy developed to make people happy.Many times, people seek happiness in the wrong activi...

    11,81 €

  • Roland’s Story
    Roland S Takaoka
    Take an unforgettable journey with stroke survivor, Roland Takaoka.  While facing paralysis on his right side, Roland recognizes the importance of focusing on the positive in every situation.  He shares his adventures in the hospital, rehab and at home with candor, humor and optimism.  Roland's Story, Inspired By A Stroke, is a memoir for stroke survivors and their families...

    13,15 €

  • The Complete Aristotle
    Aristotle / E. M. Edghill / W. D. Ross
    The Corpus Aristotelicum (The Complete Aristotle) is the collection of Aristotle's works that have survived from antiquity through Medieval manuscript transmission. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle's school. Reference to them is made according to the original texts of Aristotle, which in t...

    56,31 €

  • The Complete Aristotle
    Aristotle / E. M. Edghill / W. D. Ross
    The Corpus Aristotelicum (The Complete Aristotle) is the collection of Aristotle's works that have survived from antiquity through Medieval manuscript transmission. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle's school. Reference to them is made according to the original texts of Aristotle, which in t...

    36,72 €

  • Aline and Valcour, Vol. 1
    Marquis de Sade / Jocelyne Geneviève Barque / John Galbraith Simmons
    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary...

    14,41 €

  • Aline and Valcour, Vol. 2
    Marquis de Sade / Jocelyne Geneviève Barque / John Galbraith Simmons
    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary...

    14,22 €

  • Aline and Valcour, Vol. 3
    Marquis de Sade / Jocelyne Geneviève Barque / John Galbraith Simmons
    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary...

    21,74 €

  • 10th Anniversary Edition The Life You Can Save
    Peter Singer
    In this Tenth Anniversary Edition of The Life You Can Save, Peter Singer brings his landmark book up to date. In addition to restating his compelling arguments about how we should respond to extreme poverty, he examines the progress we are making and recounts how the first edition transformed the lives both of readers and the people they helped. Learn how you can be part of the...

    15,64 €

  • Nuestro íntimo enemigo
    J. M. Aguilera / JMAguilera
    La violencia nace del conflicto interno que tenemos todos los seres humanos entre nuestro lado racional, solidario, consciente, generoso, evolutivo, y nuestro lado irracional, insolidario y materialista, lo que Sigmund Freud denominó el subconsciente, que no es otra cosa que nuestra herencia primitiva del instinto de supervivencia animal; al cual nosotros hemos denominado EGOTo...

    15,55 €

  • Fate and Free Will
    Heath White
    In Fate and Free Will, Heath White explores and defends a traditional view of God’s relationship to creation that has in recent years fallen out of favor. White argues that theological determinism-the idea that God is directly responsible for every detail of history and existence-is relevant to concepts such as human responsibility, freedom, and justice; the meaning of life; an...

    91,95 €

  • Martha Nussbaum
    From texts first published in 1972 up to her most recent work, this volume consists of seven articles that discuss Martha Nussbaum’s work focusing on her treatments of ancient philosophy, civic education and liberal humanism. The volume provides a general overview of these three aspects of Nussbaum’s philosophy and raises some concerns and critical questions about specific part...

    19,02 €

  • Adapting Human Thinking and Moral Reasoning in Contemporary Society
    Studies on human thinking have focused on how humans solve a problem and have discussed how human thinking can be rational. A juxtaposition between psychology and sociology allows for a unique perspective of the influence on human thought and morality on society. Adapting Human Thinking and Moral Reasoning in Contemporary Society is an in-depth critical resource that provides c...

    255,95 €

  • Self-Organization of the Human Mind and the Transition From Paleolithic to Behavioral Modernity
    Alexander Yu. Nitsyn / Alexander YuNitsyn / Nver M. Mkhitaryan / Nver MMkhitaryan / Yury N. Kovalyov / Yury NKovalyov
    There is no common understanding of the concept of the human mind, its changes in different historical epochs, forecasts for development, or its influence on the phenomena of art and culture. The connection between the evolution of the mind, anatomical changes, and social organization are not clear. Through the theory of self-organization of complex systems, the essence of cult...

    371,71 €

  • Spiritualities, ethics, and implications of human enhancement and artificial intelligence
    Ray Kurzweil / Tracy J. Trothen / Tracy JTrothen
    By taking a religiously and spiritually literature approach, this volume gets the heart of several emerging ethical issues crucial to both human identity and personhood beyond the human as technology advances in the areas of human enhancement and artificial intelligence (AI). Several significant questions are addressed by the contributors, such as: How far should we go in impro...

    76,09 €

  • Stoicism
    James Daugherty
    Do you lack the resilience to deal with tough times? Want to develop this strength while effortlessly attaining peace of mind?If so, then keep reading…Stoicism is a timeless ancient philosophy which can teach you just that. Unlike many religious and new age thinking methods, Stoic teachings provide a clear road map on exactly “How” to think, not simply “What” to think. Thus giv...

    14,63 €

  • Stoicism
    James Daugherty
    Feeling overwhelmed by your emotions? Constantly worried & stressed out about your life? Struggling to stop negative thinking?If so, then you’re in the right place…Stoicism teachings not only provide the most efficient advice for dealing with adversity. But also the best playbook to harness your emotions. Both go hand-in-hand when traversing the many highs & lows of life. Stoic...

    15,05 €

  • Reading the Animal Text in the Landscape of the Damned
    Les Mitchell
    Reading the animal text in the landscape of the damned looks at the diverse texts of our everyday world relating to nonhuman animals and examines the meanings we imbibe from them. It describes ways in which we can explore such artefacts, especially from the perspective of groups and individuals with little or no power. This work understands the oppression of nonhuman animals as...

    63,61 €

  • Rethinking Ethics Through Hypertext
    Dominic Garcia
    This book is a formidably compelling source of insights for those who are interested in subjects ranging from moral philosophy, social justice, hermeneutics and education. It reconciles traditional theories of ethics by re-framing them through hypertextual techniques, bringing together contrasting and contradictory ethical views. ...

    143,10 €

  • The Elements
    Patsy Stanley
    To study the five basic elements is to study the foundation of the Organic Nature of Spirituality. The basic Elements are: Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Ether. All other elements are formed out of combinations and activities of the five basic elements. All phases of character development throughout all forms of Matter can only take place through the Elements. All connection to a...

    16,96 €

  • Reimagining Sympathy, Recognizing Difference
    Millicent Churcher
    Drawing on recent work in social epistemology, critical race theory, and settler colonial studies, Millicent Churcher outlines how Adam Smith’s account of ‘sympathy’ as an imaginative and reflective capacity provides fertile resources for addressing systemic failures to recognize the histories, needs, and experiences of marginalized social groups. ...

    163,81 €

  • Stoicism
    Christopher Mabel
    If You Want to Learn How You Can Become The Master of Your Mind and Body AND Deal With Whatever Life Throws at You Then Keep Reading… Feeling overwhelmed by your deceptive thoughts? Struggling with LACK of confidence and anxiety? Or are you just sick of things bringing you to your knees? The reality is that in life we all get brought down by either inside thoughts or outside ob...

    12,52 €

  • Mary Midgley
    Gregory McElwain
    For over 40 years, Mary Midgley made a forceful case for the relevance and importance of philosophy. With characteristic wit and wisdom, she drew special attention to the ways in which our thought influences our everyday lives. Her common-sense approach to human nature and the self, our connections with animals and the natural world, and the complexities of morality, gender, sc...

    42,03 €

  • A Climate of the Heart
    Ian Mills
    We are coming into dire catastrophe through our turning aside from inter-relatedness. Reality is relational, but our present way of being in the world is an adversarial going against others (our politics) and a displacement of our innate desire for relatedness into a grasping for ever more things (our economics).We now know, if most continue on our present way, we humans will b...

    15,42 €