Ética y filosofía moral

Humanidades / Filosofía / Ética y filosofía moral (6804)

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  • Ethics
    Benedictus de Spinoza
    Baruch Spinoza (born Benedito de Espinosa, later Benedict de Spinoza; 24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardi origin. One of the early thinkers of the Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy...

    16,22 €

  • Ethics
    Benedictus de Spinoza
    Baruch Spinoza (born Benedito de Espinosa, later Benedict de Spinoza; 24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardi origin. One of the early thinkers of the Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy...

    28,16 €

  • Can We Believe in People?
    Stephen R. L. Clark / Stephen RLClark

    25,16 €

  • Can We Believe in People?
    Stephen R. L. Clark / Stephen RLClark

    34,55 €

  • Natural Law Jurisprudence in U.S. Supreme Court Cases since Roe v. Wade
    Charles P Nemeth / Charles P. Nemeth
    'Natural Law and the US Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade' is a critical examination of US Supreme Court cases since the Roe v. Wade decision in light of natural law reasoning and principles. It incisively reviews textual opinions of the various justices and attempts to discern the influence of natural law jurisprudence on modern-day decisions. ...

    180,26 €

  • Heidegger and the Problem of Phenomena
    Fredrik Westerlund
    This book offers a broad critical study of Heidegger’s lifelong effort to come to terms with the problem of phenomena and the nature of phenomenology: How do we experience beings as meaningful phenomena? What does it mean to phenomenologically describe and explicate our experience of phenomena?The book is a chronological investigation of how Heidegger’s struggle with the proble...

    160,65 €

  • Overcoming Addiction
    Gregory E. Pence / Gregory EPence
    Leading bioethicist Gregory Pence demystifies seven foundational theories of addiction to reveal how they must work together to build more comprehensive solutions. Concerned citizens, individuals suffering from addiction, their families, and those who devote their lives to fighting addiction will find this new perspective a hopeful call to arms. ...

    36,60 €

  • 'Human Beasts' and Animals
    Anna Pellanda
    The first part of this essay considers what humans and animals have in common—and identifies in suffering, musical language and will to live the basic elements of their similar/common condition.The second part studies what sets humans and animals apart—and identifies in the pursuit of economic profit, in the consumers’ demand for meat and in the combination of cruelty / ignoran...

    4,64 €

  • Time Out
    Robert Olesen
    Traveling coast to coast across the USA is the dream journey for many. Although this can be done in the comfort of a car, combining the love for Harley Davidson with touring across the United States both ways has always been on the bucket list. After fifteen years, a once in a lifetime opportunity arose and the author went for it.Trying to plan ahead was easier said than done, ...

    34,95 €

  • Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution and Freedom
    Mehmet Tabak
    This book attempts to expound Marx’s practical philosophy of freedom, to illustrate that a humanist ethics grounds it. It also provides important reasons to stress why he would have objected to an attempt of this kind. In other words, the philosophy of freedom this book attributes to him is purchased at the expense of his “historical-materialist” or “scientific” doctrine. 3 ...

    23,92 €

  • A Healer of Nations
    George Lowell Tollefson
    Through the millennia, Christianity has focused on the cross and resurrection. But Jesus did have a teaching mission. What was he trying to convey? Did a unified vision inform his parables and sayings? This book examines the text to answer these questions. 3 ...

    7,09 €

  • A Yearn To Discern
    R.L. Maco / R.LMaco
    What is Discernment? More importantly, do we need to Discern in our everyday life?The Answer is Yes!!! Discernment is about successfully navigating your way through the daily chaos of life. How does Discerning accomplish this task? It’s simple: Discernment is the ultimate navigation system that is superior to any other navigation system you will ever encounter. Discernment is a...

    11,65 €

  • A Yearn To Discern
    R.L. Maco / R.LMaco
    What is Discernment? More importantly, do we need to Discern in our everyday life?The Answer is Yes!!! Discernment is about successfully navigating your way through the daily chaos of life. How does Discerning accomplish this task? It’s simple: Discernment is the ultimate navigation system that is superior to any other navigation system you will ever encounter. Discernment is a...

    14,52 €

  • The G.E.U.
    Conrad Queen
    Can Jeff Jones, Decker Alcott, Stacy Williams, and their gathered colleagues and citizens, find the courage and skill to rise up to the criminals and gangs terrorizing their city?  The group is up against a leadership that is tolerant, a population that is frustrated, and a criminal element that is vicious.  The city, Austland, in the former United States, is confilcted by its ...

    11,39 €

  • Nietzsche on Love
    Friedrich Nietzsche / Ulrich Baer
    Friedrich Nietzsche presented many of his greatest insights in pithy, well-turned short phrases that do not follow any philosophical dogma. Instead, his chastening but ultimately life-affirming philosophy puts forth true love and friendship as our best hope in dark times. Here are Nietzsche’s key sayings about love from the vast body of his philosophical writings, which have in...

    7,37 €

  • Knowing Moral Truth
    Christopher B. Kulp / Christopher BKulp
    This book is staunchly anti-skeptical. It develops a theory of moral realism—there are indeed objective moral truths—and a broadly commonsense theory of moral knowledge: although we are certainly liable to error, we nevertheless often possess moral knowledge. ...

    50,46 €

  • Gorgias
    Gorgias est un dialogue écrit par Platon. Il a pour sous-titre De la rhétorique, mais il ne s’agit pas d’un traité sur l’art d’écrire, parler ou composer un discours : il s’agit d’examiner la valeur politique et morale de la rhétorique. Deux thèses s’affrontent donc : celle de Gorgias, sophiste qui enseigne la rhétorique et considère que «l’art de bien parler» est le meilleur d...

    9,54 €

  • Le Politique
    Après avoir défini le sophiste dans le dialogue éponyme, l’Étranger poursuit en recherchant la définition de l’homme politique, en reprenant la méthode par rassemblement et division. Ce dialogue de logique, le Politique comporte une digression sur les digressions et la juste mesure, et s’achève par des considérations sur la bonne constitution politique de la Cité : Platon criti...

    9,66 €

  • Apologie de Socrate
    Dans ce dialogue, Platon rapporte les plaidoyers de Socrate lors de son procès en -399 à Athènes qui déboucha sur sa condamnation à mort. La défense se déroule en trois parties, toutes en lien direct avec la mort. Socrate se défend devant les juges, mais aussi devant toute la cité d’Athènes (composant le Tribunal de la Cité). Il répond aux trois chefs d’accusation déposés contr...

    8,25 €

  • Le Sophiste
    Le sophiste se cache dans l’obscurité du non-être. Pour le débusquer, après une tentative de définition dialectique du sophiste qui n’aboutit pas, Platon critique Parménide et sa thèse sur l’être et le non-être, redéfinit la participation de l’être et du non-être et parvient finalement à définir le sophiste. Pour penser la possibilité des fausses propositions, Platon essaye de ...

    10,28 €

  • The Repairer of the Breach
    Don Smith
    The Repairer of the Breach is my contribution to raise up the foundations of God for my generation and those to come. It is my effort to partner with God’s people to repair any breach between them and the Heavenly Father, and to restore paths for men and women of various backgrounds, cultures, and races to walk or dwell in.I want to contribute to a better quality of life for al...

    10,48 €

  • Digest
    Quintus Curtius
    This comprehensive collection includes all of Quintus Curtius's important essays from 2016 to January 2020.  'No branch of knowledge,' as the author says, 'is tangential to the curve of wisdom.'  The range of topics is diverse, and includes history, moral and ethical philosophy, travel and exploration, language, and the wisdom of the Near East.  The essays are grouped into ...

    41,88 €

  • Yama Niyama
    Ananda Tapasidda / Ananda Tapasiddha
    Un análisis en profundidad del concepto de ética dentro de la cosmovisión yóguica y como parte de la meditación espiritual, este libro discute los principios de Yama Niyama desde la perspectiva de la psicología y la filosofía en un lenguaje moderno adecuado para el estudiante occidental.  Yama Niyama se considera como la base sobre la cual se puede desarrollar la empatía, la co...

    14,61 €

  • Global Bioethics and Human Rights
    The ethical issues we face in healthcare, justice, and human rights are global and cross-cultural in scope. The second edition of this interdisciplinary and international collection features new essays on the environment, medical tourism, mental health, vaccines, and other contemporary concerns. ...

    56,02 €

  • Global Bioethics and Human Rights
    The ethical issues we face in healthcare, justice, and human rights are global and cross-cultural in scope. The second edition of this interdisciplinary and international collection features new essays on the environment, medical tourism, mental health, vaccines, and other contemporary concerns. ...

    125,73 €

  • Issues and Challenges
    Peter C Bruechle
    In ‘Issues and Challenges’ I have presented my opinions about several matters I consider need unemotional discussion, not to cram those opinions into the minds of others but to introduce them to others, with the aim of provoking the needed discussion and, if possible, consensus.Looking disinterestedly at the current western democracies, it is difficult to be pleased with what o...

    27,09 €

  • A Lot of People Are Saying
    Nancy L. Rosenblum / Russell Muirhead
    How the new conspiracists are undermining democracy-and what can be done about itConspiracy theories are as old as politics. But conspiracists today have introduced something new-conspiracy without theory. And the new conspiracism has moved from the fringes to the heart of government with the election of Donald Trump. In A Lot of People Are Saying, Russell Muirhead and Nancy Ro...

    19,81 €

  • Ethics of Tragedy
    Ari Hirvonen
    Ethics of Tragedy is a profound analysis of Greek tragedies, especially refugee tragedies and Sophocles’ Oedipus-trilogy, that presents the sense of tragedy in a time of rapacious capitalism and ecocatastrophe. Ari Hirvonen argues that theatre is a public space for tragedies, politics, democracy and justice, bringing together thinking and poeticizing, limits and transgression, ...

    31,10 €

  • Sources of Holocaust Insight
    John K. Roth / John KRoth
    Sources of Holocaust Insight maps the odyssey of an American Christian philosopher who has studied, written, and taught about the Holocaust for more than fifty years. What findings result from John Roth’s journey; what moods pervade it? How have events and experiences, scholars and students, texts and testimonies--especially the questions they raise--affected Roth’s Holocaust s...

    32,93 €

  • Sources of Holocaust Insight
    John K. Roth / John KRoth
    Sources of Holocaust Insight maps the odyssey of an American Christian philosopher who has studied, written, and taught about the Holocaust for more than fifty years. What findings result from John Roth’s journey; what moods pervade it? How have events and experiences, scholars and students, texts and testimonies--especially the questions they raise--affected Roth’s Holocaust s...

    54,63 €