Ética y filosofía moral

Humanidades / Filosofía / Ética y filosofía moral (6807)

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  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a foundational work of Western literature and is widely considered to be Friedrich Nietzsche’s masterpiece. It includes the German philosopher’s famous discussion of the phrase ’God is dead’ as well as his concept of the Superman. In addition, Nietzsche delineates his Will to Power theory and devotes pages to critiquing Christian thinking, in particula...

    36,58 €

  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a foundational work of Western literature and is widely considered to be Friedrich Nietzsche’s masterpiece. It includes the German philosopher’s famous discussion of the phrase ’God is dead’ as well as his concept of the Superman. In addition, Nietzsche delineates his Will to Power theory and devotes pages to critiquing Christian thinking, in particula...

    22,09 €

  • Reembelleciendo a la humanidad
    Reembelleciendo a la Humanidad, es una obra de teología sistemática que se centra en la doctrina de la humanidad. Aborda las principales cuestiones antropológicas de nuestra época, como el transexualismo, la homosexualidad, la tecnología, la ideología de género, el feminismo, racismo, y más. El autor Owen Strachan establece una antropología cristiana enraizada en la verdad bíbl...

    26,00 €

  • Ethics, Reason, & Excellence
    Kevin Unruh
     Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership presents three leadership pillars for all types of leaders. This book distills these leadership principles into pleasantly fluent and easy to understand language in a thorough but concise collection of short chapters. It is confident in its wisdom but unimpressed by the truth of its convictions. Ethics, Reason, & Ex...

    17,42 €

  • Power Thoughts
    Arthur Teare / JrRodney Hayes / Sylvia Hayes
    I call it ’Life 101’. This book empowers you to continue to reach for your goals despite the player haters and obstacles. You are motivated to learn and to be the best that you can be in all things. You are empowered to love yourself and to accept nothing less than the respect and treatment that you truly deserve. While knowing that people will try to discourage you from yo...

    9,58 €

  • The Dark Years?
    Jacob L. Goodson / Jacob LGoodson
    In 1997 and 1998, the American secular philosopher Richard Rorty published a set of predictions about the twenty-first century ranging from the years 2014-95. He predicted, for instance, the election of a ''strong man'' in the 2016 presidential race and the proliferation of gun violence starting in 2014. He labels the years from 2014-44 the darkest years of American history, po...

    23,24 €

  • The Dark Years?
    Jacob L. Goodson / Jacob LGoodson
    In 1997 and 1998, the American secular philosopher Richard Rorty published a set of predictions about the twenty-first century ranging from the years 2014-95. He predicted, for instance, the election of a ''strong man'' in the 2016 presidential race and the proliferation of gun violence starting in 2014. He labels the years from 2014-44 the darkest years of American history, po...

    40,34 €

  • Jouissance
    Néstor A. Braunstein / Silvia Rosman
    A comprehensive discussion of an important but elusive Lacanian concept within the field of psychoanalysis, as well as its relevance for philosophy, literature, gender, and queer studies. ...

    126,80 €

  • Enchiridion
    “Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” ― Epictetus“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” ― Epictetus“I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.” ― Epictetus“No man is free who is not master of ...

    4,79 €

  • Enchiridion
    “Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” ― Epictetus“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” ― Epictetus“I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.” ― Epictetus“No man is free who is not master of ...

    15,57 €

  • Selected Discourses of Epictetus, and the Enchiridion
    “Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” ― Epictetus“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” ― Epictetus“I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.” ― Epictetus“No man is free who is not master of ...

    8,72 €

  • Selected Discourses of Epictetus, and the Enchiridion
    “Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.” ― Epictetus“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” ― Epictetus“I laugh at those who think they can damage me. They do not know who I am, they do not know what I think, they cannot even touch the things which are really mine and with which I live.” ― Epictetus“No man is free who is not master of ...

    17,82 €

  • So We Live, Forever Bidding Farewell
    John Parratt
    A re-evaluation of assisted dying from a theological perspective, relating theological issues to scientific, pastoral and practical concerns about the subject. ...

    18,83 €

  • Athletes Breaking Bad
    John C Lamothe
    At their basic level, sporting events are about numbers: wins and losses, percentages and points, shots and saves, clocks and countdowns. However, sports narratives quickly leave the realm of statistics. The stories we tell and retell, sometimes for decades, make sports dramatic and compelling. Just like any great drama, sports imply conflict, not just battles on the field o...

    57,40 €

  • An Innocent World
    Douglas A. King / Douglas AKing
    What if the biblical Fall of Man story was a lie? What if Adam and Eve were not forbidden to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What if instead they were given a choice between that tree and the Tree of Life? What effect would that have on our living today?King shows through logic that the Garden of Eden story couldn’t be true, that Adam and Eve did ...

    16,09 €

  • An Innocent World
    Douglas A. King / Douglas AKing / Douglas King
    What if the biblical Fall of Man story was a lie? What if Adam and Eve were not forbidden to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What if instead they were given a choice between that tree and the Tree of Life? What effect would that have on our living today?King shows through logic that the Garden of Eden story couldn’t be true, that Adam and Eve did ...

    14,02 €

  • The King Who Would Be Man
    Brian A. Plank / Brian APlank
    Haunted by childhood abuse and triggered by years of emotional turmoil in a hostile work environment, The King Who Would Be Man’s unnamed narrator is trapped in a maze of madness, struggling to fight the demons tormenting him. But while he’s clawing his waytoward the light, darker forces have other plans in mind. Follow this unnamed narrator-who could easily be any of us-in thi...

    32,45 €

  • The King Who Would Be Man
    Brian A. Plank / Brian APlank
    Haunted by childhood abuse and triggered by years of emotional turmoil in a hostile work environment, The King Who Would Be Man’s unnamed narrator is trapped in a maze of madness, struggling to fight the demons tormenting him. But while he’s clawing his waytoward the light, darker forces have other plans in mind. Follow this unnamed narrator-who could easily be any of us-in thi...

    24,43 €

  • The contract of mutual indifference
    Norman Geras
    Norman Geras discusses a central aspect of the experience of the Holocaust with a view to exploring its most important contemporary implications. Geras’s argument focuses on the figure of the bystander to consider the moral consequences of looking on without active responses at persecution and great suffering. ...

    157,62 €

  • The contract of mutual indifference
    Norman Geras
    Norman Geras discusses a central aspect of the experience of the Holocaust with a view to exploring its most important contemporary implications. Geras’s argument focuses on the figure of the bystander to consider the moral consequences of looking on without active responses at persecution and great suffering. ...

    24,89 €

  • Confucianism’s Prospects
    Shaun O’Dwyer
    Challenges descriptions of East Asian societies as Confucian cultures and communitarian Confucian models as a political alternative to liberal democracy. ...

    43,22 €

  • Hyperthematics
    Marc M. Anderson / Marc MAnderson
    Presents a new and unique method for developing principles to be applied in creating and increasing value. ...

    37,04 €

  • On the Good Life
    Cristina Ionescu
    Argues that mediation is a central theme in this Platonic dialogue dedicated to the exploration of what it means to live a good life. ...

    42,22 €

  • Conflict in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy
    Steven C. Skultety / Steven CSkultety
    Offers a careful analysis of how Aristotle understands civil war, partisanship, distrust in government, disagreement, and competition, and explores ways in which these views are relevant to contemporary political theory. ...

    41,86 €

  • Reflections and Reminiscents
    Thomas Murphy
    This small book consists of a hodgepodge of extremely personal essays, initially written over the past decade and now edited to reflect current conditions, public attitudes or my own opinions. I wanted these essays to inform, not to persuade.When I occasionally offer advice, it is with the pronounced admission that I ’know' nothing and that what I offer is my own beliefs. I hav...

    10,54 €

  • Of Suicide
    David Hume
    “No man ever threw away life while it was worth keeping.” —David HumeThe essay, Of Suicide, was originally planned for publication in a 1755 collection called Five Dissertations. However, philosopher David Hume decided to withdraw this and another essay (Of the Immortality of the Soul). Both these essays were published anonymously and posthumously in 1777. The current edition f...

    7,27 €

  • Everyday Ethics and Equity
    Gwendolyn Forrest / Gwendolyn Rose Forrest
    In these turbulent times of COVID-19, when many leaders in government, business, and other positions of power behave as though greed is good, lying is laudable, and corruption is commendable, should we expect ethical behavior from them or from each other?What are we willing to tolerate or not tolerate? Does our worldview align with our core values? How do we conduct ourselves? ...

    9,67 €

  • Candide
    "To name Voltaire is to characterize the entire eighteenth century."—Victor Hugo. “Italy had a Renaissance, and Germany had a Reformation, but France had Voltaire; he was for his country both Renaissance and Reformation, and half the Revolution. … His spirit moved like a flame over the continent and the century and stirs a million souls in every generation.” – Will Durant. "Not...

    16,64 €

  • Candide
    "To name Voltaire is to characterize the entire eighteenth century."—Victor Hugo. “Italy had a Renaissance, and Germany had a Reformation, but France had Voltaire; he was for his country both Renaissance and Reformation, and half the Revolution. … His spirit moved like a flame over the continent and the century and stirs a million souls in every generation.” – Will Durant. "Not...

    7,01 €

  • Value and Vulnerability
    Value and Vulnerability brings together scholars of many religions-including Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Islam, and Humanism-to identify and examine conceptions and interpretations of dignity within different religious and philosophical perspectives and their applications to contemporary issues of conflict, such as gendered, relig...

    215,29 €