Ética y filosofía moral

Humanidades / Filosofía / Ética y filosofía moral (6760)

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  • Thinking About Morality
    Bernie Koenig
    This book addresses the processes behind how we resolve moral issues and the factors that can impact that such as differing values and cultures. ...

    47,77 €

  • Nurturing Decent Human Beings
    Michael Nill PhD
    The education we provide our children is most likely to determine whether or not we nurture in the next generation a commitment to the common good, civility, and truth. Surveys consistently indicate that a majority of Americans believe its schools should help students embrace such values and lead lives that contribute to the common good. Indeed, we all have a vested interest in...

    16,62 €

  • The Recovery of Historical Law
    Friedrich Julius Stahl / Ruben Alvarado
    As the world reels from crisis to crisis, the most serious one seems to draw the least attention. And that is the crisis of the Western mind. The seeds of radical subjectivism sown at the time of a previous such crisis, chronicled in Paul Hazard’s Crisis of the European Mind, have now borne fruit, fruit of such stupendous magnitude that they threaten to drag us down into the de...

    18,57 €

  • Torque
    Kaitlin Puccio
    The absence of a clear, universally accepted legal definition of torture is not just a theoretical issue; the practical consequences of confusion over what precisely constitutes torture are severe. Using waterboarding as a case study, Torque analyzes the language of torture, the morality of torture, and the importance of communicating an explicit US policy in order to maintain ...

    11,15 €

  • Corrupting Youth
    Peter Worley
    A practical guide to facilitating philosophical conversations with groups (especially in schools) based on philosophical and pedagogical principles derived from the ancient Greek philosophers but supported my modern-day research and pedagogical practices. ...

    40,92 €

  • The Holy Spirit and Moral Action in Thomas Aquinas
    SJ Jack Mahoney
    This book is a detailed study of how, according to Thomas Aquinas and his works, God’s Holy Spirit is continuously at work in and through human moral activity. ...

    129,31 €

  • Shame, Gender Violence, and Ethics
    Through cutting-edge accounts and interdisciplinary critiques of shame, this collection responds to the epidemic of gendered violence that the world witnesses daily. Contributors expose and challenge how oppression and violence connect to regimes of injustice that have dominated modern times. ...

    136,13 €

  • Organizational Improvement of Nigerian Catholic Chaplaincy in Central Ohio
    Hilary Ike
    The book is based on a qualitative study of faith-based organizations as agents of ethical community development. This thesis proposes ways to improve diaspora faith-based organizations for ethical and effective collaboration, particularly with mainstream agencies in social services delivery. The thesis also focuses on the values, which need to be sustained by diaspora faith-ba...

    20,22 €

  • Diario de un activista (vegano)
    Óscar l. Sánchez / Óscar lSánchez
    El veganismo es comprender que existe una injusticia y rechazarla. Convivimos con perros y gatos, y nos despiertan ternura los vídeos de algunos animales que podemos encontrar por internet, pero ¿cuál es en realidad nuestra relación con la mayoría de animales? Lo más habitual es que nos los comamos o los usemos para vestirnos, que compremos productos cosméticos que han sido tes...

    15,90 €

  • Mainstreaming Ethics in Higher Education Vol. 2
    Chidiebere Onyia / Justus Mbae / Obiora Ike
    The 18 chapters of this book are a result of a Globethics.net conference in March 2018 at the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA) in Kenya, focused on the integration of Ethics in Higher Education. The book captures the potential for sharing of knowledge, and triggering interdisciplinary collaboration and research across a wide variety of issues ranging from research prac...

    32,01 €

  • The Consolation of Philosophy (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    The Consolation of Philosophy was written in 523 AD during a one-year imprisonment Boethius served while awaiting trial-and eventual execution-for the alleged crime of treason under King Theodoric the Great. Boethius held the prestigious office of magister officiorum in Rome, but was brought down by treachery. The text reflects on how evil can exist in a world governed by God a...

    54,11 €

  • Human Beings or Human Becomings?
    Argues that Confucianism and other East Asian philosophical traditions can be resources for understanding and addressing current global challenges such as climate change and hunger. ...

    126,88 €

  • The Antichrist (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    The reference to the Antichrist is not intended to refer to the biblical Antichrist but is rather an attack on the 'slave morality' and apathy of Western Christianity. Nietzsche’s basic claim is that Christianity is a poisoner of western culture and perversion of the words of and practice of Jesus. Throughout the text, Nietzsche is very critical of institutionalized religion an...

    54,30 €

  • Ethics and Insurrection
    Lee A. McBride III
    Ethics and Insurrection articulates an ethical position that takes critical pragmatism and Harrisian insurrectionist philosophy seriously. It suggests that there are values and norms that create boundaries that confine, reduce and circumscribe the actions we allow ourselves to consider. McBride argues that an insurrectionist ethos is integral in the disavowing of norms and trad...

    154,79 €

  • Beyond Good and Evil (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Beyond Good and Evil accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. He argues that past philosophers founded grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expressi...

    54,02 €

  • The Complete Essays of Michel de Montaigne (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    Michel de Montaigne
    The Essays are contained in three books and 107 chapters of varying length. Montaigne’s stated goal in his book is to describe himself with utter frankness and honesty. The insight into human nature provided by his essays, for which they are so widely read, is merely a by-product of his introspection. Montaigne’s essay topics spanned the entire spectrum of the profound to the t...

    108,06 €

  • Church on the Golf Course
    Tennison Hubbard
    Do you ever wish you could strengthen your faith and biblical understanding while playing the great sport of golf? Church on the Golf Course masterfully accomplishes just that. In a simple yet profound way, Tennison Hubbard produces this short book to help you to:Identify the Seven Christian Virtues in the Bible and on the golf coursePinpoint these virtues in yourself and impro...

    15,19 €

  • Who Cares About Ethics?
    Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué / Anja Andriamasy / Obiora Ike
    Ethics is a universal concern for all people around the world, and this book explores how and why ethics is still relevant today. Who Cares About Ethics? is made up of selected essays by the Globethics.net Network, capitalizing on the diverse knowledge and life experiences. Topics range from ethics in the cyberworld, the role of religious ethics in advocating for the environmen...

    32,34 €

  • Paul Ricoeur and the Hope of Higher Education
    The stresses of the twenty-first century have exposed the fault lines in Higher Education, both as an instructional space that facilitates student growth and as a social space that shapes our economic, political, and religious institutions. This book uses Paul Ricoeur’s rigorous writings to envision a Just University necessary for the years ahead. ...

    163,28 €

  • Jacob Taubes. Soberanía y tiempo mesiánico
    Elettra Stimilli
    Segunda edición corregida y ampliada de la única monografía existente sobre Jacob Taubes (1923-1988), en la que la biografía y el pensamiento del filósofo y rabino alemán se reconstruyen mediante la confrontación de su reflexión, auspiciada por Pablo de Tarso, con la de algunos de los filósofos y teólogos más importantes del siglo XX (G. Scholem, T. W. Adorno, K. Löwith, K. Bar...

    23,96 €

    This is my first book of 2021. In this book you get dreams, my thoughts, songs, and more.Dreams to do with China and the United States of America, Ruby Rose, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, and more. ...

    10,61 €

  • Nietzsche and Adorno on Philosophical Praxis, Language, and Reconciliation
    Paolo A. Bolaños / Paolo ABolaños
    This book experiments with Nietzsche and Adorno who are contemporary proponents of early German Romanticism. By reconstructing the philosophies of language of these thinkers and their critique of metaphysics and identity thinking, this book develops a notion of philosophical praxis that is grounded in the ethical dimension of thinking. ...

    129,25 €

  • 35 Sonnets
    Fernando Pessoa
    Book ExcerptBook Excerpt: ...That saw the Possible like a dawn grow paleOn the lost night before it, mute and vast.It dates remoter than God’s birth can reach, That had no birth but the world’s coming after.So the world’s to me as, after whispered speech, The cause-ignored sudden echoing of laughter.That ’t has a meaning my conjecture knows, But that ’t has meaning’s all its me...

    9,02 €

  • Haunted by Paradise
    James Bernard Murphy
    The Bible today is weaponized by both liberals and conservatives, each side cherry-picking their favorite verses. Have you ever wondered why the Bible lends itself to supporting contradictory positions in moral debates--why even the devil quotes Scripture? If so, you will enjoy this book. Haunted by Paradise reveals the unity and coherence of the Bible in the light of paradise....

    36,62 €

  • Haunted by Paradise
    James Bernard Murphy
    The Bible today is weaponized by both liberals and conservatives, each side cherry-picking their favorite verses. Have you ever wondered why the Bible lends itself to supporting contradictory positions in moral debates--why even the devil quotes Scripture? If so, you will enjoy this book. Haunted by Paradise reveals the unity and coherence of the Bible in the light of paradise....

    22,90 €

  • An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells
    Solatle Lu
    Solatle Lu - an ordinary oriental, an author of several extraordinary books.Is he an independent thinker, or only a misfit? From this book, his own sketch book, you may find the answer for yourself.People gloat that 'philosophy is dead', but he is sparing no effort to revive it, and successfully so. In the rush to pay tribute and lay flowers before scientists, man has overreach...

    20,89 €

  • An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells
    Solatle Lu
    Solatle Lu - an ordinary oriental, an author of several extraordinary books.Is he an independent thinker, or only a misfit? From this book, his own sketch book, you may find the answer for yourself.People gloat that 'philosophy is dead', but he is sparing no effort to revive it, and successfully so. In the rush to pay tribute and lay flowers before scientists, man has overreach...

    15,22 €

  • The Antichrist
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    In the Antichrist, Nietzsche’s basic claim is that Christianity is a perversion of the words of and practice of Jesus. The book is critical of institutionalized religion and its priest class, from which Nietzsche himself was descended. Most of the book is a systematic, logical, and detailed attack upon the interpretations of Christ’s words by St. Paul and those who followed him...

    28,57 €

  • Jouissance
    Néstor A. Braunstein / Néstor ABraunstein / Silvia Rosman
    A comprehensive discussion of an important but elusive Lacanian concept within the field of psychoanalysis, as well as its relevance for philosophy, literature, gender, and queer studies. ...

    43,17 €

  • Thinking Difference with Heidegger and Levinas
    Rozemund Uljée
    Highlights the extent to which the two thinkers share a common philosophical framework, while also demonstrating how Levinas shifts the orientation of philosophical thinking from truth to justice. ...

    41,89 €