Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Empresa y gestión / Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social (1233)

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Ética empresarial y responsabilidad social Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Bias in Investigations
    Marcus Williams
    Learn how to conduct fair and impartial investigations despite your biases. As an investigator, your job is to determine if the available evidence supports a finding to your evidentiary standard. You will not only learn how to do this without bias, you will grow the confidence to withstand false accusations of bias. ...

    21,91 €

  • Cowboy in a Corporate World
    Ray Marxer / TBD
    A Montana Cowboy. A Large Corporation. A Clash of Values.When Ray was hired on to the Matador cowboy crew in 1974, his youthful dreams came true. Montana’s sprawling Matador Cattle Company ranch had genuine cow camps, horses galore, and thousands of cattle. The 240,000-acre ranch, owned since 1951 by Koch Industries Inc., was known internally as the Beaverhead Ranch.Beyond his ...

    28,97 €

  • Live Abundantly! 50 Business Lessons from the Bible
    Fran Tabor
    'It is not how many times you fall. It is how many times you get up that counts.'What is the biggest difference between the ones who stay down, and those who, 'bloody but undefeated' get up one more time? Faith.Without faith, the first bump in life spells failure.With faith, each setback is an opportunity to regroup, learn deeper, apply new knowledge, try again. Repeat.The Bibl...

    18,95 €

  • Actionable Ethics
    Daniel Natal
    Actionable Ethics is part of a larger regimen of ethics training, for the company (but, more broadly-speaking, for life). What makes it different is the fact that it shares techniques gleaned from neuroscience on how to make moral behavior habitual. As Aristotle said, 'Excellence is not an act, but a habit'. Almost every other ethics book or course available addresses itself to...

    24,93 €

  • Learning Scientist Morality
    John Lok
     In first part, I shall indicate these two questions to concern the difference between (AI) scientist moral and other scientist moral.(AI) research and development raises two questions about moral responsibilities:⦁ Should we continue to develop artificial intelligent entities?⦁ If we do, what are our moral responsibilities to them? I write this (AI) moral first part aims to le...

    13,12 €

  • Humology
    Declan Foster / Joanne Griffin
    We need to talk about the future! Technology is advancing faster than we can keep up with. We are no longer living at the speed of humanity. Technology dictates the pace while we battle to keep up. Humology explores how rapid advances in technologies are impacting our world, disrupting societies and ourselves. We are approaching a tipping point; in order to build better technol...

    23,24 €

  • Leadership
    Art Padilla / Laura Gail Lunsford
    Leadership is more than a being a leader.This textbook presents a holistic and readable overview of leadership. The dynamics of leadership involve leaders, followers and their environments - the organizational contexts within which leading and following take place. This triangle approach illustrates a more comprehensive view of leadership by focusing on all three dynamics.Stude...

    178,70 €

  • Leadership
    Art Padilla / Laura Gail Lunsford
    Leadership is more than a being a leader.This textbook presents a holistic and readable overview of leadership. The dynamics of leadership involve leaders, followers and their environments - the organizational contexts within which leading and following take place. This triangle approach illustrates a more comprehensive view of leadership by focusing on all three dynamics.Stude...

    65,70 €

  • Who’s watching? Surveillance, big data and applied ethics in the digital age
    Who’s watching? Surveillance, big data and applied ethics in the digital age critically examines the ethical use of surveillance data through the lens of large institutions, including corporations or government agencies, particularly including the collection and use of big data sets. ...

    158,57 €

  • La ética de los conflictos de interés en los negocios. Una introducción
    Alonso Villarán
    Junto con otros dilemas morales y cuestiones relacionadas con la responsabilidad social corporativa, los conflictos de interés son uno de los desafíos más comunes que se enfrentan en el lugar de trabajo. El libro se dedica a examinar la ética detrás de los conflictos de interés en el contexto de los negocios, centrándose en los fundamentos de la filosofía moral que informan nue...

    12,48 €

  • Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 1
    Responsible Management in Africa delivers a rich reservoir of indigenous value-narratives based on a well-balanced philosophical anthropology, enriching global knowledge in the philosophy of management and in business ethics and contributing much-needed insights for leaders around the world to manage enterprise responsibly. ...

    142,98 €

  • Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 2
    Responsible Management in Africa delivers a rich reservoir of indigenous value-narratives based on a well-balanced philosophical anthropology, enriching global knowledge in the philosophy of management and in business ethics and contributing much-needed insights for leaders around the world to manage enterprise responsibly. ...

    142,99 €

  • Products for Conscious Consumers
    Products for Conscious Consumers is a guide for academics, students and professionals who want to measure and influence responsible consumer behaviour and attain genuine Green Marketing. ...

    142,70 €

  • Conscious Business Ethics
    Wade M. Chumney
    This book will transform your life for the better.The case for business ethics is both settled and urgent; we are within an era of human history in which the most influential organizations on the planet, businesses, must align their goals with principles of human flourishing, ethics, if humanity is going to experience a more ideal future than what we now know. To accomplish thi...

    23,16 €

  • Gestão De Processos Em Bibliotecas
    Rodrigo Pereira
    As bibliotecas desempenham papel determinante ao desenvolvimento da civilização humana.Do ponto de vista de seu potencial, não importa qual seja a tipologia da biblioteca, todas possuem a capacidade, se bem geridas, de contribuir de maneira sem precedentes à sociedade.Em Gestão de Processos em Bibliotecas, Rodrigo Pereira apresenta a importância de ressignificar o papel social,...

    10,20 €

  • Ethics in the real estate and hospitality industry (Volume 1 - Architectural, Interior Design and MEP Services)
    Arvind Dang
    This handbook is based on a comprehensive analysis of 91 business processes performed by design professionals.It identifies 900+ activities in these processes that, if performed correctly, will enable significant improvements in the quality of design and construction, project cost optimization, and customer-focused delivery. Timely and accurate implementation of these activitie...

    43,19 €

  • Mainstreaming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as Future Workplace Ethics
    Currently, there are several divergent and convergent understandings of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as the term continues to evolve and expand. A number of scholars, practitioners, and international bodies have attempted to define the concept, theoretical underpinnings, dimensions, and sources of DEI as well as its advantages and disadvantages in organizations and wo...

    242,26 €

  • Principles of Islamic Finance
    Hussein Elasrag
    Islamic Finance is the only example of a financial system directly based on the ethical precepts of a major religion, providing not only investment guidelines but also a set of unique investment and financing products. Islamic Finance is based on Shari’a, the Islamic law that provides guidelines for multiple aspects of Muslim life. The Islamic financial industry is playing a pi...

    32,75 €

  • Las reglas del currículum vitae eficaz
    Roberta Biglino
    * El curriculum vitae: la forma de revalorizarlo. * Incluso quien tenga un currículum pobre, puede hacerlo aparecer rico e interesante. * Nunca se ha de pensar que un currículum tiene el éxito asegurado: su éxito depende de quién lo pide y a quién lo enviamos. En este libro encontrará la forma de prepararlo ad hoc. * Qué espera el seleccionador de un currículum. Cómo sorprender...

    15,86 €

  • Qué escribir en toda circunstancia
    Equipo de expertos 2100
    A lo largo de nuestra vida son muchas y variadas las situaciones en las que debemos apelar a la palabra escrita para comunicarnos con amigos, familiares y con personas en principio desconocidas, normalmente por motivos laborales o de estudio.En la obra que presentamos se aborda esta problemática, tratando de incluir las más diversas posibilidades de empleo de la carta como medi...

    19,24 €

  • El currículum vitae perfecto
    Equipo de expertos 2100
    * ¿Cómo debe contestarse un anuncio de prensa? * ¿Qué apartados debe tener un currículum? * ¿Cómo debe redactarse el currículum? * ¿Es importante la carta de presentación? * ¿A quién hay que dirigir el currículum? El currículum puede ser el primer paso para lograr un empleo. Su presentación y redacción ha de evitar que sea eliminado por quien realiza la selección. Acertar en el...

    17,63 €

  • Redacte usted mismo currículum vitae y propuestas de colaboración
    Equipo de expertos 2100
    El libro que tienes en tus manos redactado a modo de manual pretende que el esfuerzo que realices sea provechoso y eficaz para aprender la técnica que te permita desarrollar, en el mundo laboral, la actividad más importante para ti: presentarte a ti mismo. En el contenido de este libro se especificarán los elementos necesarios para poder redactar por sí mismo un currículum vita...

    14,51 €

  • Cómo encontrar un trabajo
    Nicoletta Piccardo
    Las ideas y los principios que surgirán a partir de la lectura de este libro no pretenden ser ni verdades absolutas, ni remedios mágicos para resolver el problema del empleo a todos aquellos que son víctimas de él, sino una aportación para facilitarles el camino. Esta idea nace después de algunos años de experiencia y relación con las empresas de consultoría y selección o con a...

    11,39 €

  • Estrategias para hacer carrera
    Nicoletta Piccardo
    * Cómo obtener un aumento de sueldo. * Cómo elegir el puesto ideal. * Cómo cambiar de trabajo. * Cómo lograr mayor independencia. * Cómo asumir nuevas responsabilidades. Hay quien cree que la carrera hay que hacerla en una única empresa, bien escogida, grande y segura: y quien, en cambio, prefiere ir de empresa en empresa, subiendo escalones hasta alcanzar el máximo nivel. En e...

    12,43 €

  • Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies
    Yusuf M. Sidani
    Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies delineates principles of responsible management from an Islamic perspective, exploring the concept of responsibility in Islamic religious texts, and how the understanding of responsibility evolved in Islamic jurisprudence. ...

    88,12 €

  • La Finance Islamique
    Hussein Elasrag
    La finance islamique est un système financier dont le fonctionnement est régi par la loi islamique, également appelée « Sharia ». C’est sur base de cette loi que vont s’articuler les affaires. Il est ici important de signaler qu’on ne peut comprendre les principes de fonctionnement de la loi islamique sur base de lois et de méthodes d’analyse utilisées en finance conventionnell...

    32,71 €

  • Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam
    Hussein Elasrag
    Islam provides a basis and guideline for living one's life. Within this, there is a very detailed concept of ethical and social behavior which allows us to deduce that the concept of social responsibility automatically has a role in Islam. The aim of this book is to review the Islamic principles of CSR, and the definition of a structured social corporate responsibility (CSR...

    32,90 €

  • Greenwashing
    Agostino Vollero
    Greenwashing: Foundations and Emerging Research on Corporate Sustainability and Deceptive Communication examines the understanding of greenwashing, provides a systematic review of available literature review, and reflects on theoretical approaches and research trends. ...

    87,82 €

  • Good Culture
    Andrea Burns / Richard Davies
    In a world of uncertainty and unprecedented change, your company culture is key to helping your business survive and your people thrive, no matter the location - office, home or beach.Good culture is why people buy from you, supply, invest in, join, perform for and stay with you. Underpinned by the rigour of three disciplines - Moral Philosophy, Psychology and the Science of Va...

    25,76 €

  • Cases on Organizational Communication and Understanding Understudied Groups
    Jessica A. Kahlow
    In today’s business world, understanding and supporting understudied groups is vital to maintain workplace diversity, safety, and ethics as well as promote a positive work environment. Communication within a business is a key aspect of ensuring these groups are considered and all employees are informed of guidelines, services, and other various support systems available. Cases ...

    242,04 €