Estudios parapsicológicos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Estudios parapsicológicos (627)

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  • How to Analyze People
    Ralph Atkinson
    Are you always gullible, believing things that people say and only get to know the true intentions when it is too late?Do you wish to learn the art of analyzing people accurately? You have come to the right place. One of the superpowers that human beings have is hidden thoughts. People say one thing and mean the opposite all the time. These deceptive tendencies are the primary ...

    9,09 €

  • What Is Man?
    Mark Twain
    Do you want to read What is Man? If so then keep reading… In “What is Man?” Mark Twain raises numerous thought-provoking questions about mankind and the way the mind works. With his usual wit, Twain has created a beautiful dialogue that in many ways can be compared to that in Plato's The Republic. In this book, Twain’s knack for explaining reality without any of its grand n...

    16,03 €

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Lin Pen
    Do you find yourself often feeling anxious, unmotivated, depressed, or feeling negative about yourself? Is it so often that it is beginning to impact your day-to-day life? Have you wondered if your feelings are normal, but you feel too ashamed to ask those close to you about their own experiences, and you are unable or unwilling to speak to a therapist? Are your negative emotio...

    11,72 €

  • Emotional Intelligence
    Edward Benedict
    Do you often find yourself struggling to get a handle on your emotions? How many times have you found yourself feeling guilt, regret even over the things that you said and did when you were emotional? Emotions are one of the most powerful, underlying forces within us. Every step we take in life, every move that we make is dictated or ruled at some point by our emotions. When yo...

    11,87 €

  • Deez Nuts
    Karen Lynn Feiling
    Deez Nuts is a relatable book to everyone who has ever lived! With an amusing tender heart the message is “The struggle is real, I care about you, and you’re loveable just the way you are.” Artist and author Karen Feiling shares her personal reflection, of the blessings and struggles, being part of a nutty bunch. Illustrated with witty line art that it gives a great perspective...

    16,43 €

    Fr. Francis Pompei ofm
    HOW EVIL WORKS: PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!Evil puts thoughts and images in your mind, tempting you to choose, download, and think about them. When you choose to think about them, that is when powers and spirits can almost immediately enter your feelings, emotions and desires, with fear, anxiety, lust, anger, etc.When you continue to DWELL on them, they intensify your emotions and des...

    9,74 €

  • Mesmerism
    Franz Anton Mesmer
    2019 Reprint of 1948 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer [1734–1815] was a German doctor who theorized the existence of a natural energy transference occurring between all animated and inanimate objects; what he called animal magnetism, later also referred to as mesmerism.  Mesmer's...

    12,37 €

  • The Garden of Meaning
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    Human love for beauty, harmony and gardens simply reflects our desire to connect forms, emotions and meanings. Energy and matter are inseparable, so are all beginnings and end. ʻThe Garden of Meaningʼ expresses the truth of the ever present Origin of all dualities, pluralities and diversities. Any reflection that elevates the human mind towards higher consciousness is a spiritu...

    10,80 €

  • Esos seres tan especiales
    Jose Antonio Viarengo
    La presente obra describe en detalle las caracteristicas de personas con habilidades psiquicas especiales. Esto incluye sus perfiles personales, sus caracteristicas corporales y, en casi todos los casos, una tipificacion del sinuoso camino que los lleva a realizar actividades que no hubieran siquiera imaginado.Puede ver mas informacion en

    21,50 €

  • The Little Book of Awareness
    Ingle Peter
    Hard cover edition. Insights about the nature of awareness and the self-realization of awareness as a result of being consciously aware of being aware. Based on the author’s experience with non-dualism teachings and the fourth way system. ...

    20,29 €

  • Creative Mind
    Ernest Holmes
    An unabridged edition, to include Parts One and Two: In The Beginning - A Principle That Can Be Proven - The Word Going Forth - Why And What Is Man? - The Law Of Our Lives - Man's Part - Bondage And Freedom - The Word - The Man Who Has Arrived - The Power We Have Within Us - Individual Ideas - The Reason For The Universe - Mind In Action - Action And Reaction - Arriving At ...

    6,41 €

  • Las Claves del Esoterismo
    M. Centini / MCentini
    Asimilado a menudo a las ciencias ocultas, la magia o la tradición satánica, el esoterismo es, en realidad y etimológicamente hablando, la enseñanza de «lo interior», lo que está reservado a un círculo limitado de discípulos, herederos de un saber secreto que se transmite de época en época. Esta obra nos invita a descubrir y comprender los caminos y los rostros de esta enseñanz...

    17,63 €

  • Feng Shui y El Poder de La Piramide
    Emanuele Alberti
    ¿Qué función tiene el yin y el yang chino, el prana hindú, el nirvana budista, los chakras, la geomancia, el Ayurveda, en relación a los secretos de las pirámides? Aquí podrá descubrir sus numerosas y misteriosas conexiones. No es necesario construir una gran pirámide de piedra para gozar de las influencias mágicas y psicológicas de la forma piramidal. Una pequeña y ligera pirá...

    13,47 €

  • Star Consciousness
    Greg Nielsen
    In order to align and resonate with Star Consciousness, which is the skill and wisdom to direct, manage and transform you life energy, there are practical and functional steps that can be taken. If you feel an inner-urge to know more, to self-discover, to manifest your life purpose, to experience a state of energetic equilibrium, then taking steps to make this happen will open...

    10,37 €

  • How to Analyze People
    J.P. Edwin
    This book is very important if you want to take the lead in improving your relationship, making a perfect first impression on any person that you meet and also be the lead in every social event. Human beings are different in various aspects, but not so different that you cannot figure out what makes every person unique in their own ways and make them perfect. Science has define...

    9,22 €

  • Crossing the Threshold from Fear to Love
    Paul Ferrini
    We may not know how to love without conditions when we come into this world, but we can use our time here to learn to open our hearts to love’s presence.  We can engage in a simple spiritual practice that helps us wake up, shine our light, and become an inspiration for others.There are many doors to unconditional love.  Entering any one of these doors makesit easier for us to e...

    24,51 €

  • Nonduale Therapie
    Georgi Y Johnson
    De term Non-duale Therapie wordt al jaren lang gebruikt voor therapievormen waarin de behandelaar vanuit de diepte van zijn spirituele ontwikkeling, het proces van zijn client ondersteund. Dit kan onder andere zijn, vanuit puur bewustzijn, stilte of “stillness”. Vanuit een meditatieve staat die voorbij de polariteit van het dagelijks denken gaat. Dit nodigt de client uit tot, e...

    15,87 €

  • El extraordinario mundo de los fantasmas
    Corinne Bouteleux
    Gracias al talento de la autora y a la rigurosidad de las fuentes, usted se estremecerá y sorprenderá ante los fantasmas más increíbles del más allá: la famosa Dama Blanca, que tantas novelas góticas del siglo xix ha inspirado; la casa de Amityville; el fantasma de los barcos; los castillos escoceses y sus corredores, poblados de ectoplasmas.... Sin duda le intrigarán los numer...

    13,47 €

  • Los test psicologicos
    Laurene Genain / Martine Lerond
    Una amplia variedad de test que le ayudarán a conocer sus aptitudes y las características de su personalidad. ¿Cómo debe medirse el coeficiente de inteligencia para no cometer errores en el resultado? ¿Cómo debe preparase un test y cómo puede asegurarse de que obtendrá los mejores resultados? También podrá conocer cuáles son sus mejores aptitudes profesionales. A tales fines aq...

    14,51 €

  • El poder mágico de la pirámide
    Lucia Pavesi / Stefano Siccardi
    Todos conocemos las pirámides egipcias, pero ¿cómo son por dentro?, ¿qué misterios ocultan?, ¿qué otras pirámides nos ha legado la antigüedad? Estas páginas reservan al lector una gran sorpresa: nosotros también podemos construir nuestra pirámide. Los autores le enseñarán cómo realizarlas; no importa el tamaño sino la proporción adecuada. Para ayudarle a conocer y apreciar las ...

    16,59 €

  • El Aura
    Stefano Mayorca
    Este libro desvela los secretos del aura vital y del campo etérico del hombre. Siguiendo las sugerencias y los ejercicios para despertar las facultades latentes en el hombre, el lector también podrá leer el aura, percibir sus colores y comprender su lenguaje. Penetrando en el mundo misterioso de las energías radiantes y sutiles del cuerpo humano, podrá conocerse mejor a sí mism...

    12,43 €

  • El jardin Feng shui
    Anne Dodd / Nathalie Anne Dodd
    El Feng Shui, arte chino milenario, enseña a redescubrir las energías que animan el espacio, para obtener paz y sacar provecho a los lugares donde vivimos. Aplicado a jardines, terrazas, balcones y rincones verdes de la casa, permite decorarlos de una forma más personal e interesante, y logra transmitir energía positiva a nuestro alrededor. En este libro profusamente ilustrado ...

    38,43 €

  • Mejora tu autoestima
    Silvio Crosera
    ¿Estoy satisfecho de cómo soy? No me siento seguro de mí mismo. ¿Me conozco lo suficiente? ¿Soy capaz de hacer todo lo que me gustaría? ¿Es posible cambiar? ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo? Todas estas preguntas encuentran respuesta en este libro, en el que el autor propone multitud de test para conocernos mejor y muestra el camino más adecuado para aprender a valorarnos nosotros mismos. R...

    10,35 €

  • Memoirs of a Future Ghost
    Heather Scarbro Dobson
    Heather Scarbro Dobson probes her fears while seeking out the paranormal, sharing the true, often freaky and/or funny, sometimes sad tales of over a decade investigating ghosts and the people haunted by them.  Through extraordinary occurrences in the everyday, she weaves a logical tale that death is nothing to be feared, that an afterlife exists, and though just like in life th...

    11,84 €

  • Unseen Forces
    Manly P. Hall / Manly P. Manly / Manly PManly
    2019 Reprint of 1929 Fourth Revided Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  This pamphlet is a treatise on the denizens of the invisible worlds and the individual’s connection with them.  Hall discusses Gnomes, Undines, Salamanders, Sylphs, Ghosts, Astral Forms, Specters, Dwellers on the Threshold, The Astral Body, Th...

    8,04 €

  • Love Without Conditions
    Paul Ferrini
    I have told you that, no matter how many times you have refused to enter the sanctuary, you have only to knock and the door will be opened to you. I have said to you, ask and it shall be given you, but you refuse to believe in me. You think that someone is counting your sins, your moments of indecision or recalcitrance, but it is not true. You are the only one counting. I say t...

    17,80 €

  • What Is Man?
    Mark Twain
    Do you want to read What is Man? If so then keep reading… In “What is Man?” Mark Twain raises numerous thought-provoking questions about mankind and the way the mind works. With his usual wit, Twain has created a beautiful dialogue that in many ways can be compared to that in Plato's The Republic. In this book, Twain’s knack for explaining reality without any of its grand n...

    20,34 €

  • Chakra
    Annaka Dispenza
    Discover and Activate Your Chakras - Change your life! Do you want to live a powerful life? Are you looking for change that will affect the way you live? Do you want to find balance within your body and mind? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then this book is for you! This book will help you unlock your hidden chakra potential! But what is a chakra? A ch...

    21,50 €

  • Pure Dzogchen
    Geshe Dangsong Namgyal
    Dzogchen is the state of great perfection. In Bon, there are nine steps to achieving enlightenment. The gradual path contains the beginning eight steps and include many practices and teachings. The Dzogchen teaching is the highest step and directly introduces Dharmakaya or primordial Buddhahood. This is attained by means of one practice: single-pointed meditation on the Natural...

    16,34 €

  • Thought-Forms
    Annie Wood Besant / Charles W. Leadbeater / Charles WLeadbeater
    Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation is a theosophical book compiled by the members of the Theosophical Society A. Besant and C. W. Leadbeater. It was originally published in 1901 in London. From the standpoint of Theosophy, it tells regarding visualization of thoughts, experiences, emotions and music. Drawings of the "thought-forms" were performed by painters V...

    15,02 €