Estudios parapsicológicos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Estudios parapsicológicos (627)

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  • Los niños del sueño
    Marianne Poncelet / Yehudi Menuhin
    A lo largo de un sueño, ora maravilloso, ora inquietante, Sebastián vuelve a encontrar las sensaciones, los deseos y las esperanzas perdidos de su infancia. Al mismo tiempo toma conciencia de todo lo que provoca la desdicha de los hombres y destruye el planeta. Lo ayudan tres niños uno de ellos es su doble y una muchacha que, pasando por una aventura iniciática, le van a propor...

    13,47 €

  • RingoNomics II
    Dan Ringo
    RingoNomics II is the sequel to RingoNomics Volume 1 which began as inspirational and comical quotes and sayings posted on Facebook and Instagram. The reaction of followers clamoring for a compilation of these quotes in a book birthed this book. The quotes are universal and applicable to all regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation. RingoNomics...

    35,48 €

  • MEMENTO 13
    MEMENTO 13 zal een breed publiek aanspreken, omdat het de kloof tussen lectuur over zelfontdekking die bedoeld is voor de academicus en die bestemd is voor de leek overbrugt. Het  is bedoeld om in dezelfde mate zowel filosofen, wetenschappers, architecten, kunstenaars te intrigeren, alsook algemene lezers die meer willen begrijpen over de fascinerende eigenschappen van de geome...

    45,77 €

  • Las profecías de Nostradamus
    Mirella Corvaja
    Las centurias escritas por Nostradamus no siempre han sido bien interpretadas. En esta obra podrá conocerlas en su versión original, para evitar cualquier desviación interpretativa.¿Cuáles son los acontecimientos más importantes que profetizó Nostradamus para el futuro próximo?¿Hasta qué punto se han cumplido sus profecías, a juzgar por los recientes acontecimientos?Nostradamus...

    21,79 €

  • Las claves de la intuición
    Bernard Baudouin
    En nuestro día a día, la intuición interviene muy a menudo: tanto si se trata de tomar una decisión importante como de efectuar una elección en temas profesionales, durante encuentros con los amigos...La intuición permite percibir la vida con una mirada distinta y acceder a otra dimensión de la mente. Porque, tal y como indica el autor, «al entreabrir la puerta de la intuición,...

    13,47 €

  • Nostradamus
    Anna Lamberti Bocconi
    ¿Qué nos reserva el próximo siglo? El rapto del Papa tras luchas internas en la Iglesia, una carestía general y la difícil situación de las regiones receptoras de inmigrantes.¿Son situaciones que no nos conciernen? No todas, sin embargo algunos hechos, por ejemplo, los problemas metropolitanos, podríamos vivirlos.¿Todos los sucesos serán trágicos? No, también los habrá positivo...

    16,59 €

  • El extraordinario mundo de lo paranormal
    Massimo Centini
    * Clarividencia, telepatía, experiencias extracorpóreas, magnetismo, voces del más allá... un viaje guiado a un universo enigmático que, en principio, estamos dispuestos a negar, a relegar y a considerar producto de alucinaciones, trucos o sugestiones, en la medida en que es portador de un mensaje alternativo que desestabiliza nuestro modelo de «normalidad»* ¿Existen los fenóme...

    11,39 €

  • Your Mind and How to Use It - A Manual of Practical Psychology
    William Parker Atkinson
    'It is not enough merely to have a sound mind-one must also learn how to use it, if he would become mentally efficient.' -ATKINSONWilliam Walker Atkinson was an merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. This book (Your Mind and How to Use It) is a series of lessons in psychic influence, thought-force, concentra...

    17,69 €

  • MEMENTO 13
    MEMENTO 13 atraerá a una audiencia amplia porque cierra la brecha entre los escritos sobre autodescubrimiento destinados al académico y los designados para el laico. Está destinado a intrigar igualmente a filósofos, científicos, arquitectos, artistas, así como a lectores en general que quieran comprender más sobre las fascinantes propiedades de la geometría y los números y su r...

    45,90 €

  • Seven Questions About The Greater Reality
    Cynthia Spring / Frances Vaughan
    Seven Questions about the Greater Reality: We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience is Book Two of The Greater Reality Series. It continues the journey begun in Book One by giving us a larger frame within which to hold the precious contents of our human lifetimes. In this second volume of the trilogy, co-authors Frances Vaughan (discarnate / speaking from her vantage p...

    14,92 €

  • Zen
    Scott Shaw
    In this book, Scott Shaw, a prolific proponent of modern Zen Buddhism, leads the reader through a series of essays, detailing the various aspects of human consciousness and developmental awareness. This book provides deep insight into the spiritual and psychological path of ever-unfolding human awareness. Part Awareness Guidebook. Part Spiritual Memoir. ...

    44,05 €

  • Empath
    Kristine S. Everest
    Are you  an Empath who knows you have the ability to heal... or do you feel as though you aren't using your natural abilities? Are you buried under limiting beliefs at work or home? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and surrounded by emotional vampires?Are you terrified of wasting your life without unlocking your natural healing ability?If you keep doing what you've...

    12,57 €

  • Pointers to Reality
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    "Consciousness is the cosmic mystery that provides all the ingredients to the majesty and beauty of Life and existence on earth. We take the simple day-to-day awareness of this Life for granted, without the respect that it deserves. Every life moves towards higher and higher levels of consciousness, often a great source of delight for us, when we witness the distinctions of gro...

    8,22 €

  • Somatic
    Ann Keniston
    Sorrowing, searching, and uncompromising as she lifts the fabric of language to come closer to what language resists, Ann Keniston in Somatic unravels meaning, examining issues of dominance and shame and what it means to be “torn and then / remade.” Keniston builds upon and inhabits historical materials regarding the condition formerly known as hysteria, working with a heighten...

    13,09 €

  • Third Eye Awakening
    Mari Silva
    There is an untapped goldmine that exists within each and every one of us, a tremendous treasure trove that defies imagination. If you want to discover this, then keep reading...Do you often feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained?Do you often ask yourself why you’re not happy?Do you have difficulty staying in relationships or gravitate toward unhealthy attractions...

    23,44 €

  • Psychic
    Mari Silva
    Countless people all across the world have had experiences they cannot explain; experiences that come from the spirit realm and point to their inherent psychic abilities.In addition, most everyone has at least one psychic talent waiting to be discovered and used, but only a small number ever fulfill their true psychic potential.If you are one of those who have had experiences y...

    23,54 €

  • 'New' Book of the Dead
    Anderson Andrews
    Funerals don’t just help the living cope with death, they allow ‘the departed’ to know they have died! The good news is … most religions agree that there is an Afterlife; and yet … they perpetuate the lie that ‘someday you will die.’ You do not die … you just transform, because your consciousness creates a new energy body. Life and death is a continuous journey … but ‘to die’ i...

    30,70 €

  • Apparitions
    Joseph Taylor
    Apparitions: Or, The Mystery Of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, And Haunted Houses, Developed. Being A Collection Of Entertaining StoriesThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reform...

    15,63 €

  • L’Ombilic des limbes
    Antonin Artaud
    Ce livre aborde les obsessions de l’auteur : son questionnement face à la maladie mentale ainsi que l’univers troublé des rêves. Son univers est marqués par la douleur, la mutilation des corps, et l’étourdissement des esprits face aux immensités tant extérieures qu’intérieures... ...

    7,99 €

  • The Lily Nurse
    Julia Evans
    Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like? Julia Evans can tell you.She's heard the whispered questions and seen the quizzical looks, and now she's sharing the full story of the day that transformed Julia Evans into The Lily Nurse. See the experience through her eyes as it loops, turns, and links back together, illuminating a journey like no other. Imm...

    17,15 €

  • Reality in the Eye of the Beholder
    Raphael C Felix
    This is a spiritual solution to a human condition. Every problem and every solution stem from a mental and personal definition. A definition is what we create to interpret every situation in life. Then we use those interpretations to create new definitions. The catch is learning how to change those definitions at a subconscious level to help us achieve the things that we value....

    35,39 €

  • Architecture of the Afterlife
    Richard Martini
    After filming 50 cases of people under hypnosis saying the same things about the afterlife, ("Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife") and working with medium Jennifer Shaffer talking to people directly ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer") I began to focus my research on people who were NOT under hypno...

    27,20 €

  • Jack Webber Physical Medium
    Denzil Fairbairn
    March 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the death of the most photographed physical medium, Jack Webber.  He was not 33 years old when he died, a few days after an act of kindness to a stranger on a train. This is an important piece of Physical Mediumship history. Never before has the story been told in detail of the years leading up to the last 16 months of his life, so well ...

    15,56 €

  • Wicca For Beginners, Complete Guide
    Serra Night
    Did you know that you are incredibly powerful? That you are full of light and energy and can attune yourself with nature to access ancient and powerful magic?It might sound a little like science fiction, but this is reality! Wicca is a religion and lifestyle that derives from some of the oldest practices of humankind, dating back to 30,000 years. These traditions and practices ...

    25,02 €

  • Dark Psychology 101
    Moneta Raye
    If you are looking for a practical and complete guide to implement and master the art of Dark psychology to protect yourself and improve every area of your life, then keep reading..Dark psychology is a method that looks at the influence of other people... It is usually a negative influence. People who use dark psychology try and get into your brain, since if they have a say the...

    16,74 €

  • SELF-Parenting For Life
    John K Pollard

    19,74 €

  • Dark Psychology 101
    Moneta Raye
    If you are looking for a practical and complete guide to implement and master the art of Dark psychology to protect yourself and improve every area of your life, then keep reading..Dark psychology is a method that looks at the influence of other people... It is usually a negative influence. People who use dark psychology try and get into your brain, since if they have a say the...

    21,51 €

  • Dark Psychology Secrets
    Moneta Raye
    Growing up, it is inevitable to fall a victim of manipulation and mind control. Manipulation is an effective way of ensuring the victim does what the practitioner wants them to do, and in most cases, only the practitioner tends to gain the outcome of the process.. The practitioner tends to lure you into doing something with the intention of gaining while making it difficult for...

    21,51 €

  • Dark Psychology Secrets
    Moneta Raye
    Growing up, it is inevitable to fall a victim of manipulation and mind control. Manipulation is an effective way of ensuring the victim does what the practitioner wants them to do, and in most cases, only the practitioner tends to gain the outcome of the process.. The practitioner tends to lure you into doing something with the intention of gaining while making it difficult for...

    15,35 €

  • What Is Man?
    Mark Twain
    Do you want to read What is Man? If so then keep reading… In “What is Man?” Mark Twain raises numerous thought-provoking questions about mankind and the way the mind works. With his usual wit, Twain has created a beautiful dialogue that in many ways can be compared to that in Plato's The Republic. In this book, Twain’s knack for explaining reality without any of its grand n...

    18,60 €