Estudios étnicos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Grupos sociales / Estudios étnicos (8296)

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  • African Genesis
    Douglas C. Fox Leo Frobenius
    An eminent German explorer, ethnologist, and authority on prehistoric art, Leo Frobenius (1873‒1938) startled the world of anthropology with his concept of 'continuity of cultures' - proposing, for instance, a link between Egyptian religious symbols and preexisting African mythology. In the course of his anthropological fieldwork, Frobenius and other members of his expeditions ...

    21,61 €

  • African Genesis
    Douglas C. Fox Leo Frobenius
    An eminent German explorer, ethnologist, and authority on prehistoric art, Leo Frobenius (1873‒1938) startled the world of anthropology with his concept of 'continuity of cultures' - proposing, for instance, a link between Egyptian religious symbols and preexisting African mythology. In the course of his anthropological fieldwork, Frobenius and other members of his expeditions ...

    33,78 €

  • African Folk Tales
    Blair Hughes-Stanton Yoti Lane
    A delight for readers and listeners of all ages, these 25 traditional tales from West Africa were originally accompanied by music and dance. The stories’ drama and folk wisdom shine through in these captivating retellings, which are illustrated by evocative woodcut illustrations.Age-old fables explain why the leopard has no friends, how wild dogs became domesticated, and why pi...

    15,82 €

  • African Folk Tales
    Blair Hughes-Stanton Yoti Lane
    A delight for readers and listeners of all ages, these 25 traditional tales from West Africa were originally accompanied by music and dance. The stories’ drama and folk wisdom shine through in these captivating retellings, which are illustrated by evocative woodcut illustrations.Age-old fables explain why the leopard has no friends, how wild dogs became domesticated, and why pi...

    27,99 €

  • African Folk Tales
    Yuko Green Hugh Vernon-Jackson
    This exciting collection of traditional African folk tales introduces you to a host of interesting people and unusual animals. Eighteen authentic fables, recorded as they were told by tribal members of Nigerian and other cultures, range from the imaginative 'Story of a Farmer and Four Hyenas' to an entertaining account of 'The Man with Seven Dogs.'In 'The Magic Crocodile,' you’...

    8,49 €

  • Infants of the Spring
    Wallace Thurman
    In this rambunctious satire, Wallace Thurman, one of the leading figures of the Harlem Renaissance, takes his fellow artists and critics to task. The setting is a buzzing apartment building in 1930s Harlem, where avatars for the likes of Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen, and Thurman himself come together to push past old boundaries and test out new ideas. But...

    27,99 €

  • African Folk Tales
    Yuko Green Hugh Vernon-Jackson
    This exciting collection of traditional African folk tales introduces you to a host of interesting people and unusual animals. Eighteen authentic fables, recorded as they were told by tribal members of Nigerian and other cultures, range from the imaginative 'Story of a Farmer and Four Hyenas' to an entertaining account of 'The Man with Seven Dogs.'In 'The Magic Crocodile,' you’...

    22,20 €

  • Infants of the Spring
    Wallace Thurman
    In this rambunctious satire, Wallace Thurman, one of the leading figures of the Harlem Renaissance, takes his fellow artists and critics to task. The setting is a buzzing apartment building in 1930s Harlem, where avatars for the likes of Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen, and Thurman himself come together to push past old boundaries and test out new ideas. But...

    15,82 €

  • Comunicação dos Chefes de Estado - Governança do Peru 1999 - 2002
    Christian Walter Castro Silva
    Antes de mais nada, é de salientar que este trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado devido ao interesse do autor em conhecer a influência da comunicação dos chefes de estado peruanos durante os anos em questão. O foco principal foi o fim do governo de Alberto Fujimori, o governo de transição do Dr. Valentín Paniagua e o início do governo do Dr. Alejandro Toledo.O principal objetivo ...

    118,27 €

  • Сообщение глав государств - Управление Перу 1999 - 2002 гг
    Кристи Кастро Сильва
    Прежде всего, следует отметить, что данная исследовательская работа была проведена из-за интереса автора к изучению влияния общения глав перуанских государств в рассматриваемые годы. Основное внимание было уделено концу правления Альберто Фухимори, переходному правительству доктора Валентина Паниагуа и началу правления доктора Алехандро Толедо.Основной целью исследования было п...

    50,27 €

  • Communication des Chefs d’Etat - Gouvernance du Pérou 1999 - 2002
    Christian Walter Castro Silva
    Tout d’abord, il convient de souligner que ce travail de recherche a été réalisé en raison de l’intérêt de l’auteur à connaître l’influence de la communication des chefs d’État péruviens au cours des années en question. L’accent a été mis sur la fin du gouvernement d’Alberto Fujimori, le gouvernement de transition du Dr Valentín Paniagua et le début du gouvernement du Dr Alejan...

    118,27 €

  • Mitteilung der Staatsoberhäupter - Regierungsführung in Peru 1999 - 2002
    Christian Walter Castro Silva
    Zunächst ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass diese Forschungsarbeit aus dem Interesse des Autors heraus entstanden ist, mehr über den Einfluss der Kommunikation der peruanischen Staatschefs in den betreffenden Jahren zu erfahren. Im Mittelpunkt standen das Ende der Regierung von Alberto Fujimori, die Übergangsregierung von Dr. Valentín Paniagua und der Beginn der Regierung von Dr. Ale...

    118,23 €

  • Communication of Heads of State - Governance of Peru 1999 - 2002
    Christian Walter Castro Silva
    First of all, it should be pointed out that this research work has been carried out due to the author’s interest in knowing the influence of the Peruvian heads of state’s communication during the years in reference. It was mainly taken from the end of Alberto Fujimori’s government, the transition government of Dr. Valentín Paniagua and the beginning of Dr. Alejandro Toledo’s go...

    118,29 €

  • Comunicazione dei capi di Stato - Governo del Perù 1999 - 2002
    Christian Walter Castro Silva
    Prima di tutto, bisogna sottolineare che questo lavoro di ricerca è stato realizzato per l’interesse dell’autore di conoscere l’influenza della comunicazione dei capi di stato peruviani durante gli anni in questione. L’attenzione si è concentrata sulla fine del governo di Alberto Fujimori, il governo di transizione del Dr. Valentín Paniagua e l’inizio del governo del Dr. Alejan...

    118,29 €

  • Global Citizenship Education in Praxis
    This book examines the experience of combining internationalisation, intercultural competence and global citizenship in an upper secondary school in Denmark with links to schools in 15 countries. The book includes a description of the project by the teachers who have taken part and an analysis by researchers who have worked with them. ...

    42,26 €

  • Global Citizenship Education in Praxis
    This book examines the experience of combining internationalisation, intercultural competence and global citizenship in an upper secondary school in Denmark with links to schools in 15 countries. The book includes a description of the project by the teachers who have taken part and an analysis by researchers who have worked with them. ...

    157,72 €

  • Warum entscheiden wir uns für die Meditation?
    Robert Petrykowski
    Während meiner Recherchen interessierte ich mich besonders für den Alltag derjenigen, die sich für die Meditation in der buddhistischen Schule Kwan Um entschieden haben, und dafür, wie diese aus einem anderen Teil der Welt stammende Praxis auf polnischem Boden Fuß gefasst hat. Ich habe mich gefragt, warum sich meine polnischen Gesprächspartner für die koreanische Meditation ent...

    56,60 €

  • Why do we choose to meditate?
    Robert Petrykowski
    During my research, I was particularly interested in the daily life of those choosing to meditate at the 'Kwan Um' Buddhist school, and how the practice, which originated in another part of the globe, has taken hold on Polish soil. I wondered why my Polish interlocutors decided to take up Korean meditation and what it gives them. The research I conducted was essentially an 'int...

    56,47 €

  • Porque é que optamos por meditar?
    Robert Petrykowski
    Durante a minha investigação, estava particularmente interessado na vida quotidiana dos que escolhiam meditar na escola budista Kwan Um, e em como a prática, que teve origem noutra parte do globo, se tinha instalado em solo polaco. Interroguei-me porque é que os meus entrevistados polacos decidiram retomar a meditação coreana e o que ela lhes dá. A pesquisa que realizei foi ess...

    56,53 €

  • Pourquoi choisissons-nous de méditer ?
    Robert Petrykowski
    Au cours de mes recherches, je me suis particulièrement intéressée à la vie quotidienne de ceux qui choisissent de méditer à l’école bouddhiste Kwan Um, et à la manière dont cette pratique, originaire d’une autre partie du globe, s’est implantée sur le sol polonais. Je me suis demandé pourquoi mes interlocuteurs polonais ont décidé d’adopter la méditation coréenne et ce qu’elle...

    56,53 €

  • Perché scegliamo di meditare?
    Robert Petrykowski
    Durante la mia ricerca, ero particolarmente interessata alla vita quotidiana di coloro che sceglievano di meditare nella scuola buddista Kwan Um e a come questa pratica, originaria di un’altra parte del mondo, avesse preso piede in terra polacca. Mi sono chiesta perché i miei intervistati polacchi avessero deciso di intraprendere la meditazione coreana e che cosa essa desse lor...

    56,53 €

  • Почему мы выбираем медитацию?
    Роберт Петриковски
    В ходе исследования меня особенно интересовала повседневная жизнь тех, кто решил медитировать в буддийской школе Кван Ум, и то, как эта практика, зародившаяся в другой части земного шара, прижилась на польской земле. Мне было интересно, почему мои польские респонденты решили заняться корейской медитацией и что она им дает. Исследование, которое я проводила, по сути, было 'интен...

    27,85 €

  • La véritable histoire de Prince Noir
    Rebecca Fuchs
    C’est l’histoire d’un jeune guerrier qui se nomme Prince Noir et il était respecté par tous les royaumes car il était gentil et courageux mais sa vie va basculer vers une terrible nuit qui va le conduire vers l’exil, le mensonge, la solitude et la colère des royaumes et de ses amis notamment envers ses élèves et où il va devoir vivre dans le mensonge, la solitude et la colère e...

    62,12 €

  • Lest We Lose Love
    Scherto Gill
    Lest We Lose Love is a most timely book that helps the reader to resume confidence in humanity’s future in the light of the present complex global crises. It enables people to find hope in our collective capacity to value what truly matters to our common life, sustain congenial relationships amongst all, and extend our caring to self, other people, and other beings on the plane...

    28,09 €

  • Lest We Lose Love
    Scherto Gill
    Lest We Lose Love is a most timely book that helps the reader to resume confidence in humanity’s future in the light of the present complex global crises. It enables people to find hope in our collective capacity to value what truly matters to our common life, sustain congenial relationships amongst all, and extend our caring to self, other people, and other beings on the plane...

    158,18 €

  • The Story of the Negro the Rise of the Race from Slavery, Vol. 2
    Booker T. Washington
    The Story of the Negro is a detailed account of how Americans of African descent endured slavery and how they rose from it. Originally produced in two volumes the book exposes the origins of Black Nationalism . Black Nationalism as a philosophy was examined by the author from two different periods that led to the birth of modern Black nationalism.The first period began when the...

    47,00 €

  • Pathans in old social structures and Islamic Revisionism
    Kemal Yildirim
    The vast majority of Pashtuns can be found in an area stretching from southeastern Afghanistan to western Pakistan. Small additional colonies can be found in the Northern Areas, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, and Karachi in Pakistan, as well as in other parts of Afghanistan. There are smaller communities in Iran and India, and a large migrant worker community in the countries of th...

    86,96 €

  • Emotional Self Care for Black Women
    Marsha E. Felix
    Strengthen your mind-body-soul connection and take charge of your life! Keep reading to learn powerful self-care practices and achieve total healing for your entire being!Are you a black woman struggling with emotional and mental health issues?Are you tired of overwhelming feelings but don’t know what to do about them?Are you ready to learn practical tips to kickstart an emotio...

    20,49 €

  • Inner-City Blues
    Darvin Anton Adams
    Black theology’s addressing of economic poverty in the Black neighborhoods and communities of the United States gives substantive reasoning to the fact that Black poverty is a theological problem. In connecting the narrative of idolatry to the irreversible harm that is associated with all forms of poverty, this new book interlocks the racial subjugation of Black Americans with ...

    29,44 €

  • Inner-City Blues
    Darvin Anton Adams
    Black theology’s addressing of economic poverty in the Black neighborhoods and communities of the United States gives substantive reasoning to the fact that Black poverty is a theological problem. In connecting the narrative of idolatry to the irreversible harm that is associated with all forms of poverty, this new book interlocks the racial subjugation of Black Americans with ...

    42,61 €