Estructura y procesos políticos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos (5937)

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  • Nuts and Bolts
    Robert Creamer
    The success of the battle for the future of American Democracy-the struggle for progressive values-the battle between democracy and autocracy-between hope and fear-will not be determined entirely by the merits of our values or even the strength of our conviction.It will be determined by how well American progressives organize to promote those values. It will be determined espec...

    30,62 €

  • Varying Views of Democracy among Iraqi Citizens, 2005-2018
    Khodr M. Zaarour
    Discover the Dynamic Landscape of Iraqi Democracy: A Decade of Transformation and the Quest for Political Harmony (2005-2018)Embark on a profound journey through the heart of Iraq’s political metamorphosis in Varying Views of Democracy among Iraqi Citizens, 2005-2018: Democratic Experimentation in the New Middle East. This compelling study by Khodr M. Zaarour offers a unique gl...

    48,71 €

  • Varying Views of Democracy among Iraqi Citizens, 2005-2018
    Khodr M. Zaarour
    Discover the Dynamic Landscape of Iraqi Democracy: A Decade of Transformation and the Quest for Political Harmony (2005-2018)Embark on a profound journey through the heart of Iraq’s political metamorphosis in Varying Views of Democracy among Iraqi Citizens, 2005-2018: Democratic Experimentation in the New Middle East. This compelling study by Khodr M. Zaarour offers a unique gl...

    57,31 €

  • La guerra en ucrania
    Sebastien Adins
    La invasión rusa de Ucrania, que comenzó en el año 2022, constituye, sin duda alguna, el conflicto armado internacional más importante desde el fin de la Guerra Fría, no solo por su impacto humanitario y económico, sino también por sus posibles consecuencias geopolíticas sobre el orden internacional. Esto obliga a estudiar la guerra de Ucrania también desde una perspectiva lati...

    18,90 €

  • História E Memória De Brasilândia/ms Volume 5 - Poderes
    Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Dutra
    Este livro integra o 5º e último volume da coleção dedicada aos 50 anos de emancipação político administrativa do município sob o título História e Memória de Brasilândia/MS reunindo e dando destaque aos eventos históricos que gravitam em torno dos Poderes temporais, Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário desta cidade, as Eleições municipais e a Política em geral.Debruça também se...

    26,87 €

  • Democracia E Desenvolvimento
    Alex Leonam Liziero / Talden Farias / Taveira
    O livroDemocracia e Desenvolvimento , organizada pelos Professores Alex Taveira (UEPB/UFPB), Talden Farias (UFPE/UFPB) e Leonam Liziero (UEPB) traz diversos capítulos que versam sobre temas abordados nos estudos e obras da jurista paraibana Maria Luiza Alencar Mayer Feitosa, professora títular da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Uma das mais profícuas pesquisadoras do Direito n...

    42,73 €

  • Get Ahead of Propagandists
    Rodney G. Miller
    'Propagandists warp truth to get your trust.' 'Disinformation controls you.' We need more than warnings, says the author of Get Ahead of Propagandists. In about 70 pages, he crushes the fake information eating away our freedoms. With insights for nations, organizations, or anyone fighting disinformation, he reveals ways to -Outwit propagandists.Detect, deflect, and dismantle di...

    6,22 €

  • Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President
    Ashley Hayek
    A small group of 'elites' is cheating America. They’re trying to cheat us out of our rights as Americans: Our right to vote in free and fair elections. To elect the person we want as President. To be protected by secure borders and safe communities. To live free of government-funded pandemics. And to express ourselves any way we wish.If we don’t stop them, they will succeed. Th...

    22,64 €

  • Breves Apontamentos Sobre O Poder Judiciário Na Democracia Brasileira
    João Herminio Marques De Carvalho E Silva
    Este livro propõe um breve debate sobre o Poder Judiciário na democracia brasileira, quais sejam suas funcionalidades e disfuncionalidades sociais, quais sejam suas possíveis virtudes e limitações, dialogando com as noções de juristocracia, de supremacia judicial, de judicialização da política, de ativismo judicial e da crítica marxista do direito. Discute-se a hipótese do pape...

    8,59 €

  • No Life Without You
    Franklin Felsenstein
    The letters and journals of Ernst Moritz (’Mope’) and Vera Hirsch Felsenstein, two German Jewish refugees experiencing the tumultuous years leading up to the Second World War, form the core of this book. Abridged in an English translation from the original German, this vast correspondence and diaries has been expertly compiled and annotated by their son, Franklin Felsenstein, w...

    60,94 €

  • Um Pouco De Tudo (e Outras Merdas)
    Cristiano Alarcon Da Silva
    Disposto a ofender a todos, todas, todes, direita, esquerda, pra cima, pra baixo, estica e puxa, cristãos, ateus, mulçumanos e quem mais parar na reta, Cristiano chega com seu livro repleto de polêmicas. O título já dá uma boa dica do conteúdo. Sem se preocupar se vai ou não agradar, o autor despeja seus pensamentos para quem quiser ouvir, mas não sem um mínimo de embasamento, ...

    19,64 €

  • Rioting for Representation
    Risa J. Toha

    41,54 €

  • Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax
    Tess Nichols / Theresa Nichols
    In a concrete box, in the Alcatraz of the Rockies, a true American POW is imprisoned. Barry Croft Jr. is an innocent Christian Constitutionalist targeted by the FBI, in a plot the feds designed to kidnap and steal his life. The Whitmer Kidnapping Plot is a ruse the FBI created in order to arrest and silence Croft. This real American hero has knowledge of the FBI’s murders and i...

    7,78 €

  • Making a Difference
    Chesley B Sullenberger / Chesley B. Sullenberger / Chesley BSullenberger

    16,18 €

  • Speech to the Youth of Spain
    Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
    Fascism in its various iterations swept through continental Europe like a tidal wave in the 1920s and 30s. While Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy tend to steal the show in historical examinations of the topic, Spain was also one of its most fruitful strongholds. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, born in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, made a name for himself as one of the...

    29,50 €

    Jordan De La Sierra
    Invitation To Readers:As the author of this work and as a citizen of this great democracy, I want to invite you to explorewith me the amazing, expandable range of opportunities and responsibilities thatawait us everyday as constituents of this young, democratic republic.This inspired idea, this landmark experiment in democratic, self-government asks citizensfrom here and everyw...

    26,00 €

    Jordan De La Sierra
    Invitation To Readers:As the author of this work and as a citizen of this great democracy, I want to invite you to explorewith me the amazing, expandable range of opportunities and responsibilities thatawait us everyday as constituents of this young, democratic republic.This inspired idea, this landmark experiment in democratic, self-government asks citizensfrom here and everyw...

    30,44 €

  • The Gospel According to Orange Jesus
    Reported by Fake News
    A Biblical Rationale for Trump Derangement SyndromeWith the aid of the Holy Bible, the Ten Commandants, reporting from the 'Fake News,' anecdotes from former staff and the court system, and the graphic power of AI, this is an attempt at encapsulating the reign of God’s other son, Donald J. Trump.Let us pray. ...

    12,80 €

  • Bridging the GOP Gap
    Philip Blackett
    Are you tired of seeing the gap between the Republican Party and Black & African American voters widen? Do you believe that true inclusivity and bridging the divide are possible? It’s time to unlock the strategies that will enable the Republican Party to win over African American voters without compromising their core values.Bridging the GOP Gap: How the Republican Party can Wi...

    16,39 €

  • Critical Theory from the Margins
    Saladdin Ahmed
    Putting at work a negative pedagogy centered around learning from unlearning, problematizes and boldly challenges today’s culturalist discourses, camouflaged racisms, and masked fascisms. ...

    44,68 €

  • The Vote Collectors, Second Edition
    Michael Graff / Nick Ochsner
    In November 2018, Baptist preacher Mark Harris beat the odds, narrowly fending off a blue wave in the sprawling Ninth District of North Carolina. But word soon got around that something fishy was going on in rural Bladen County. At the center of the mess was a local political operative named McCrae Dowless. Dowless had learned the ins and outs of the absentee ballot system from...

    28,88 €

  • Lei De 07 De Novembro De 1831: 'uma Lei Para Inglês Ver'
    Murillo Henrique Girotti Chagas
    Muito Pouco Se Ouvira Falar Na Historiografia E Nos Materiais Didáticos, Sobre Esta Lei E Seu Funcionamento, Se Fazendo Assim Necessário O Resgate A Esta Legislação E A Quem Estava Por Trás Desta E De Outras Medidas Anti Escravocratas Que Dominaram O Cenário Nacional Antes De 1850, Focando Em Trazer A População Um Texto De Qualidade Com O Cuidado Em Garantir Facilidade Pedagógi...

    16,87 €

  • The American Demagogue, Donald Trump -Revised Ed.
    Molefi Kete Asante
    The American Demagogue: Donald Trump analyzes Trump’s presidency through the lens of communication and Africology, highlighting his unique approach in distorting American values and institutions. The author specifically explores Trump’s use of fear, lies, and derogatory language, drawing parallels to historical demagogues. The book delves into Trump’s attacks on various America...

    33,30 €

  • Life in the Fishbowl
    Guisselle Nuñez / Ron Gonzales
    Guisselle and Ron write a one-of-a-kind book that takes a deep dive into the personal side of politics that no one talks about. Real-life stories from current and former elected officials. A must-read for the aspiring candidate, elected official, their families and anyone who wants a peek into life in politics.Running for office and serving in elected office can be exhilarating...

    19,64 €

  • Popular Dictatorships
    Aleksandar Matovski

    35,42 €

  • Montesquieu’s ’The Spirit of the Laws’
    W. B. Allen
    The Spirit of the Laws is the canonical text of modern republicanism and the English translation - always deficient heretofore - is critical to an appreciation of those deliberations that led to adoption of the Constitution of the United States. The present update recovers the sense of the original French. ...

    234,98 €

  • Putting Women Up
    For the duration of Myanmar’s experiment with electoral democracy, why did some women run for political office, and not others? What role did gatekeepers such as party leaders play in those decisions, and using what criteria in selecting candidates? How did experience of domestic violence or harassment affect women’s likelihood to participate in politics, especially beyond the ...

    49,55 €

  • BJP Unboxed
    Ankush vig
    Book Description: 'BJP Unboxed: The Story of India’s Political Powerhouse'In 'BJP Unboxed: The Story of India’s Political Powerhouse,' we embark on a comprehensive journey through the political evolution of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from its inception to the contemporary political landscape. This meticulously crafted narrative explores the party’s founding principles, tr...

    8,35 €

  • Defending the Dream
    James Russell
    In this book, the author emphasizes the need for a positive and constructive approach to American politics. He has argued that instead of focusing on bringing others down, candidates should concentrate on presenting their own merits to voters’ support. The book advocates for a transformation of America’s voting system, placing greater emphasis on serving the people’s needs rath...

    30,92 €

  • Partido Persuasão
    Victor Palandi
    Descubra como os políticos aplicam as mais poderosas técnicas de persuasão para ganhar o coração das pessoas, construir uma base forte de eleitores (e fãs) - conquistando o poder e garantindo apoiadores fiéis e com amor incondicional!Victor Palandi selecionou 14 discursos políticos a dedo para analisar parágrafo por parágrafo, explicando em detalhes cada técnica empregada - te ...

    12,92 €