Ensayos literarios

Literatura y estudios literarios / Prosa: no ficción / Ensayos literarios (13300)

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  • Becoming Poetry
    Jay Rogoff
    Winner of the Lewis P. Simpson Award In Becoming Poetry, Jay Rogoff closely inspects the work of two dozen poets, his forebears and his contemporaries, to reveal how their poetry impacts readers. His essays, drawn from more than twenty years of literary criticism, explore how the staying power of a poet’s work and the likelihood of it enjoying a lasting identification with its ...

    71,44 €

  • Becoming Poetry
    Jay Rogoff
    Winner of the Lewis P. Simpson Award In Becoming Poetry, Jay Rogoff closely inspects the work of two dozen poets, his forebears and his contemporaries, to reveal how their poetry impacts readers. His essays, drawn from more than twenty years of literary criticism, explore how the staying power of a poet’s work and the likelihood of it enjoying a lasting identification with its ...

    26,63 €

  • The Long COVID Reader
    COVID-19 is possibly the world’s biggest mass-disabling event. This ambitious book gives a humanized view of chronic illness while offering a poignant reminder of the millions of people with long COVID. The collection is rich with living history from the stories, essays, and poems of 45 long haulers.  Writer Mary Ladd, a one-time Anthony Bourdain collaborator, leads the team be...

    17,44 €

  • Flags & Bones
    Ben Wildsmith
    From Westminster to the Senedd, liars, posers and fools are harpooned as we revisit the surreal bin fire of current affairs 2023-style. Taking in - but never taken in by - a cast that includes Boris Johnson, Carol Vorderman, Mark Drakeford, Shakin’ Stevens, Wayne Pivac, and Charles Windsor;  Wildsmith’s unflinching eye dissects the tragedies and comedies of the year. Whether wr...

    14,18 €

  • 黑暗之家
    [日] 上野千鹤子 / [日] 贵志祐介
    编辑推荐◆冷血无情的反社会人格,连家人都当待宰的羔羊!◆日本销量超过130万册,无数人读后留下心理阴影。◆明目张胆的杀亲案只是挑衅,一连串的冷血谋杀还在逼近!◆反社会人格发出预警:砍下猫头、分尸心理学家......死亡威胁步步紧逼!◆斩获恐怖小说大奖,横扫两大推理榜单,原版豆瓣8.4分!◆恐怖大师贵志祐介,是日本推理作家协会奖等重磅奖项得主!◆它不利用任何妖魔鬼怪等超自然的存在,就成功地写出了让人血液凝固的恐怖。--西上心太(日本评论家)◆翻开本书,看清反社会人格的冷血!◆ 认准读客读悬疑,本本都是大师级。(读客悬疑文库) 内容简介人群中的反社会人格,就像鸡舍中的狐狸。他们行走在人群中,寻找弱小的、能宣泄快意的猎物。若槻是一名保险公司员工,负责理赔审核。一日,他被点名去处理一桩投诉,却在客户臭气熏天的屋里,见到了一具上吊孩子的尸体。一旁孩子的父亲没有...

    40,94 €

  • An Earnest Blackness
    Eugen Bacon
    In this debut collection of personal essays, Eugen Bacon offers critical perspectives on blackness, Afrofuturism, colonialism, historicity, and (mis)recognition as she explores the untapped possibilities of speculative fiction. Using a variety of analytic, narrative, and anecdotal techniques, Bacon shares her experiences as an African Australian woman, mother, and writer who oc...

    19,09 €

  • Damned Agitator
    Michael Gold
    The most comprehensive collection of writings by an important twentieth-century radical writer. ...

    126,61 €

  • Gobierno y gestión de universidades
    Tirso Suarez-Núñez
    ¿De dónde viene y a dónde va esa forma de organización tan original, tan ubicua y poco estudiada que es la universidad?, esa forma privilegiada de impartir educación superior, que demanda independencia y subsidio, que aspira a ser espacio de libertad siendo elitista, que busca impulsar la ciencia y preservar la cultura, son algunos de los rasgos contradictorios que la distingue...

    15,00 €

  • Underdogs
    This collection of short stories, poems, personal essays, and other pieces came together from a collection of authors and artists primarily in the San Gabriel Valley in California. The collection was first envisioned as we imagined expanding our bookstore from a pop-up bookstore at the Monrovia Street Fair & Market to a brick-and-mortar shop on Myrtle Avenue in Old Town Monrovi...

    7,97 €

  • Tránsito
    Raúl Riebenbauer
    Tránsito es el retrato de un lugar y una época, y al mismo tiempo es una narración universal: cada día, a cada momento, en todas las grandes ciudades nacen, viven y mueren murales de manera continua. Tránsito también es un libro con fotografías, pero no es un libro solo fotográfico: posee catorce textos esenciales para contar ese viaje de la vida a la muerte que ocurre una y ot...

    45,76 €

  • Shoes for Lucy
    Lynne Kemen
    Lynne Kemen’s Shoes for Lucy is a beautiful and relatable collection of poems that explores a wide range of emotions. From grief to rediscovery, Kemen writes with a deft hand, creating vibrant and introspective pieces that remind us to cherish life’s simple pleasures.- Kelli Russell AgodonAuthor of Dialogues with Rising Tides (Copper Canyon Press)Shoes for Lucy is like a beauti...

    17,27 €

  • Paramparça Kalpler ve Böcekler
    Yusuf Solmaz
    Az önce ders zili çaldı. Koridorlardaki öğrenciler, öğretmenler sınıflarına girince Nasuh da demir bir evrak dolabıyla, birkaç rafı olan, iki metre uzunluğunda, bir buçuk metre genişliğindeki demirden bir kitaplığın bulunduğu rehberlik servisine döndü. Kapıdan girince tam karşıda eski bir masayla, masanın üzerinde geniş ekran bir bilgisayar duruyordu. Nasuh, her zaman, müdürün,...

    18,22 €

  • Religious and Philosophical Views of Ahmad Zaki Validi
    Muminjon Khojayev
    The spirituality and culture of the nation, and the enlightenment of Uzbek children, and that their progressive ideas are realized due to independence. From this point of view, the religious and philosophical views of the Turkic peoples have left a rich heritage. The hero of the Bashkir people, Ahmad Zaki Validi, who is a descendant of intellectuals, is the leader of enlightene...

    25,47 €

  • 古诗词里的快意人生2
    编辑推荐◎名家推荐:品味中国经典古诗词之美,领略诗人骚客千古风流传奇。诗书画家、文艺评论家刘释之作序推荐:'她俨然一位优秀的导游,引领着大家一起穿越时空,她把陶渊明、王维、李白、杜甫、白居易、韩愈、李商隐、李煜、柳永、晏殊、范仲淹、苏轼、李清照、辛弃疾等人一个个隆而重之地请出来,如数家珍,抑扬顿挫,声情并茂。她为他们的高尚灵魂而歌,为他们的生平遭遇而哭。她甚至和他们一起把臂同游,和他们同呼吸共悲喜......' ◎内容精彩:发世道人心之感慨,道千古风流人物之传奇,透过诗人的人生品读中国古典诗词之美,展现古典诗词的盛世江湖。自'诗三百'、魏晋风骨,至盛唐、晚宋,一路走来,诗词江湖门派众多,高手林立,在文学的天空中鲜活而生动。陶渊明不为五斗米而折腰,王维诗画俱绝,李白千金换酒,柳永一生如灿烂烟花,苏轼人生也无风雨也无晴,岳飞尽忠报国,辛弃疾是铁血男儿.....

    40,45 €

  • Nostradamus, la guerra en Ucrania y lo que está por venir
    Ernesto González Litvinov
    La casualidad no es eterna. Al igual que la vida humana, tiene un límite matemático. Su existencia está supeditada a sobrevivir cierta cantidad de veces. Toda profecía está sentenciada a encarar idéntico destino. Solo las más ambiguas se resisten al paso del tiempo, pero al final el veredicto siempre será el mismo: serán declaradas un fraude o bien, por el contrario, se les rec...

    18,00 €

  • Becoming Human
    Natalie Kathryn Sanchez
    Becoming Human explores the essence of grief and its evolutionary nature. Through cherished childhood memories, deep reflections, and current life experiences, Natalie Sanchez provides an introspective commentary on loss. This collection of vignettes features core themes of longing, connection, growth, and love, all sewn together by the universal desire to be understood. Becomi...

    12,19 €

  • La importancia de la Tierra ancestral e identidad de los pueblos indígenas
    Susana Pérez Civit
    Este ensayo nace de un estudio profundo sobre minorías a través del máster: Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Globalización y por un estudio etnográfico con la población indígena, en Cobán (Guatemala, mayo 2022), que se refleja en el anexo del libro. Los pueblos indígenas han luchado por disponer de tierras propias para desarrollar y preservar su cultura y garantizar su sustento e...

    15,00 €

  • Imperfect Memories
    Lenore Manderson
    IMPERFECT MEMORIES EXPLORES THE RELIEF OF STORYTELLING, DELVING DEEP INTO WORKS BUILT FROM REMINISCENCE AND DISCONNECTION, HUMOUR, STRENGTH AND LOVE...For many, telling stories is a means of survival, of making it through days, weeks, months, years. But capturing the past is tumultuous and flawed at best, influenced always by our capability to grasp the fleeting moments when we...

    14,25 €

  • Adab wo Adeeb
    Dr. Mohammed Aslam Faroqui
    This book, 'Adab wo Adeeb (Literary Essays)' by Dr. Mohammed Aslam Faroqui presents critical and biographical review of few Urdu authors, writers and laureates.'ادب و ادیب' مختلف ادیبوں کی حیات اور ادبی خدمات پر لکھے گئے تحقیقی مضامین کا مجموعہ ہے۔ اس کتاب میں شامل مضامین تحقیقی نوعیت کے حامل ہیں جن سے متعلقہ شخصیت کی حیات اور اس کی ادبی خدمات کے تمام پہلوؤں پر روشنی پڑتی ہے۔ ...

    28,60 €

  • Genuflect 2.0
    Tracy R. Twyman
    2nd Edition PublicationGenuflect 2.0 is a collection of essays and articles pertaining Tracy R. Twyman novel Genuflect written by the author.Adding more external details unto the meaning of her novel, Tracy published online a few articles and essays explaining the construct and other concepts that are in her novel Genuflect, and specifying the locations of where the novel takes...

    81,95 €

  • Rosa azul
    Eulalia Solis
     El libro presenta una variada gama de temáticas, a través de composiciones poéticas en verso y prosa, donde la autora hace una reflexión de sus anhelos y propósitos, entre otros elevar el nivel de conciencia de las personas, nos abre su mente en los secretos más escondidos que vuelca en su libro Rosa AzulEl libro nos lleva a saltos abruptos, reflexiones en temas como:  El bien...

    14,50 €

  • Fugue State
    John Wilkinson
    Fugue State is John Wilkinson’s fifteenth book of poems, and the most fiery. In it, the world is thicker than ever, crowded with all sorts of things, from futures to the exhumed bodies of 80 girls. His muse is a fly, try to catch it. His sentences zigzag. His unique fashion of figuration risks cutting ties with 'verisimilitude.' Opposing everything that blocks, hardens, locks, ...

    17,84 €

  • Raushan Raahein
    Mukarram Niyaz
    This book, 'Raushan Raahein (Essays)' is a collection of urdu essays related to moral and religous topics written by different renown and lesser known writers from India and abroad.علمِ نافع کی اشاعت کی خاطر سائبر دنیا کے متعدد علمی، ادبی و ثقافتی ویب پورٹلس پر مذہبی و اصلاحی مضامین کی شمولیت کو بھی مناسب اہمیت اور جگہ دی گئی ہے۔ تعمیر نیوز نے اسی روایت کی پاسداری کرتے ہوئے کسی...

    20,97 €

  • Ernting
    Jan Deichmohle
    Leben und Alltag im Jahre 2023. Träume, Feiern, nachdenken.Wie es hiesigen männlichen Verlierern in dieser Gesellschaft ergeht. ...

    20,81 €

  • Quietly Hostile
    Samantha Irby

    17,59 €

  • Not That It Matters
    John E. Budzinski
    'Life is full of tiny moments thrown together to create events worth remembering.' Most people miss out on these mundane, ordinary, and bizarre moments because they are so busy living, they never take the time to stop and notice them.Not John E. Budzinski. He is an observer and storyteller. He not only stops and takes time to notice, but then he writes about them, too. For year...

    35,46 €

  • 100 Scribblings
    Marc Pierre Bonis
    This book consists of 100 personal poems/ideas/observations the author wrote over the course of his lifetime and reflects how a person’s perspectives change over a period of 50-60 years. ...

    17,27 €

  • Uzbek Modern Storytelling
    Barno Eshmurzayeva
    This book 'Uzbek Modern Storytelling' is a collection of research articles by Barno Eshmurzayeva, a poetess and scholar from Uzbekistan. It contains 8 essays ranging from Image of human spirituality and psychology in the works of Uzbek writers, principles of realism, Image of human psyche to interpretation of women’s spirit, Image of women in modern Uzbek stories. ...

    15,85 €

  • Perilous and Playful
    THE WRITE BRIDGE JOURNALIn each edition of The Write Bridge readers are encouraged to 'mind the gap' as writers and artists with powerful voices explore topics that broaden our thinking. In a 1936 Esquire article entitled 'The Crack Up,' author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote:'Before I go on with this short history, let me make a general observation-the test of a first-rate intellige...

    29,11 €

  • Passport Stamps
    Sean D. Carberry
    A candid, darkly comic, and emotionally naked tale of a former NPR journalist who-driven by grief, loss, and the desire to find his 'tribe'-seeks solace in the world’s most dangerous places and his pursuit to join the ranks of combat-tested war correspondents. The learning curve of reporting in hostile environments is steep and at times comical, at others nearly fatal. He encou...

    25,06 €