Derechos humanos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Control y libertades políticas / Derechos humanos (2855)

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  • My Bondage and My Freedom
    Frederick Douglas / Frederick Douglass
    'We’ve railed against injustice for decade upon decade, a lifetime of struggle and progress and enlightenment that we see etched in Fredrick Douglass’s mighty, leonine gaze.' -Barack Obama'My Bondage and my Freedom, besides giving a fresh impulse to antislavery literature, shows upon its pages the untiring industry of the ripe scholar.'-William Wells BrownMy Bondage and my Free...

    14,27 €

  • Les Droits de l’Humanité
    Charles Secrétan
    'L’homme n’est pas nécessairement le jouet d’une aveugle destinée, la fatalité ne saurait être qu’accidentelle ; nous pouvons quelque chose pour nous-mêmes, car nous avons des devoirs.' C. SecrétanL’auteur a voulu dans ces pages énoncer et justifier les vœux formés aujourd’hui par le public éclairé relativement aux droits qu’une bonne législation doit consacrer. Leur cadre est ...

    18,81 €

  • The Language of Liberty
    Edwin C. Hagenstein / Edwin CHagenstein
    The Language of Liberty: A Citizen’s Vocabulary is a substantive lexicon of 101 political terms. These are not simply definitions, but explorations of each term’s meaning in the broader context of American life and history. Addressing nearly every aspect of our political system, and doing so in a non-partisan, accessible, manner, The Language of Liberty will appeal to anyone wa...

    15,24 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for enhanced global governance that can create workable solutions to mass poverty. William Felice and Diana Fuguitt emphasize the critical links between international human rights law, international political economy, and global organizations to formulate effec...

    162,55 €

    Reynaldo Reyes

    103,52 €

  • A Magna Carta for Children?
    Michael Freeman

    149,62 €

  • The Anthropology of Displaced Communities
    Robert Layton
    This collection highlights the work of the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Urgent Anthropology Fellowships fund, which supports research into communities whose culture and social life are under immediate threat. Created by George Appell in response to the distress he experienced working with a traumatized community of swidden cultivators in Borneo, who were struggling to surv...

    114,98 €

  • A Philosophical Introduction to Human Rights
    Thomas Mertens

    41,59 €

  • Human Rights and Public Goods
    Diana Fuguitt / William F. Felice / William FFelice
    This powerful and empowering text offers a way forward for alleviating human suffering, presenting a realistic roadmap for enhanced global governance that can create workable solutions to mass poverty. William Felice and Diana Fuguitt emphasize the critical links between international human rights law, international political economy, and global organizations to formulate effec...

    58,77 €

  • An Arrow Against All Tyrants
    Ian Gadd / Richard Overton
    In 1646, imprisoned in Newgate Gaol in London, Richard Overton penned a political pamphlet which asserted the inalienable rights of the individual.’No man has power over my rights and liberties, and I over no man’s... For by natural birth all men are equally and alike born to like propriety, liberty and freedom.’Reprinted here is Overton’s bold, declamatory pamphlet, with spell...

    10,88 €

  • The Splendid Mrs. McCheyne and the East London Federation of Suffragettes
    Jane McChrystal
    For a brief time in her life Mrs. Rosaline McCheyne became one of the heroines of the East London Federation of Suffragettes. “The Splendid Mrs. McCheyne” tells the story of her involvement in the women’s suffrage movement and what she did in the years which followed. Drawing on the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst, an extensive interview with Rosaline’s descendant, Anne Padfield, an...

    13,96 €

  • Black Political History
    Ken Raymond
    As I researched the African American journey for civil rights throughout history, I discovered many great sources of information. Some of the best places include the Copley Square Library in Boston and the library in the Massachusetts State House on Beacon Street.The libraries within the North Carolina Legislative Building and Wake Forest University have also been great sources...

    26,34 €

  • Black Political History
    Ken Raymond
    As I researched the African American journey for civil rights throughout history, I discovered many great sources of information. Some of the best places include the Copley Square Library in Boston and the library in the Massachusetts State House on Beacon Street.The libraries within the North Carolina Legislative Building and Wake Forest University have also been great sources...

    33,45 €

  • Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
    Austin Sarat
    This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society examines how law understands the past. Topics covered include the use of legal language to dehumanize slaves in the eighteenth century, the use of history by lawyers and judges to justify existing law or make changes to the law during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ...

    152,76 €

  • IRAN - The Imperative to Reimpose UN Sanctions
    National Council of Resistance of Iran / NCRI U.S. Representative Office / NCRI U.SRepresentative Office / NCRI- US
    This report shows how the Iranian regime is involved in procuring and manufacturing weapons and military equipment with the objective of exporting terrorism and warmongering, regional meddling by sending weapons and missiles to expand terrorist attacks, and resorts to terrorism.This manuscript highlights the consequences of lifting of arms embargo on the Iranian regime, and mak...

    22,28 €

  • Voting Rights in America
    Kyle Kreider / Richard Glenn

    81,70 €

  • Deutsche Verfassung
    das Verfassungskollektiv
    Die ist eine inoffizielle Verfassung Deutschlands und zugleich die vermutlich friedfertigste und freiheitsliebende Verfassung der gesamten Welt. Sie steht nicht nur für deutsche Souveränität und Rechtstaatlichkeit, sondern zugleich für die Wahrheit, Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Liebe eines neuen goldenen Zeitalters.Die wurde von einem Verfassungskollektiv aus dem deutschen Vol...

    20,10 €

  • Derechos feministas y humanos en el Perú: decolonizando la justicia transicional
    Pascha Bueno-Hansen
    En 2001, después de una generación de conflicto armado interno y de autoritarismo, el Estado peruano estableció la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación. Pascha Bueno-Hansen sitúa la Comisión, los movimientos feministas y de derechos humanos, así como las organizaciones no gubernamentales relevantes en un contexto internacional e histórico para descubrir las dificultades y avance...

    36,40 €

  • A Letter to the Queen
    Caroline Norton / Richard Garnett / William Bates
    Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton (1808–1877) was an English author and social reformer. After Norton left her husband in 1836, he sued her friend and Prime Minister Lord Melbourne for adultery. Though the claim was thrown out of court, Norton was denied a divorce and access to her children. In response to this, Norton campaigned vehemently, which eventually led to the passing of...

    19,17 €

  • Antisemitism
    Steven Jacobs

    55,07 €

  • Up from Slavery
    Booker T. Washington / Booker TWashington
    Booker T. Washington (April 18, 1856 – November 14, 1915) was an African American educator, leader, author and orator and was an adviser to several US presidents. He was born into slavery on a plantation in Virginia, remembering“I cannot recall a single instance during my childhood or early boyhood when our entire family sat down to the table together. On the plantation in Virg...

    20,22 €

  • The Mis-Education of the Negro
    Carter Godwin Woodson
    “When you control a man’s thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told.” – Carter G. Woodson. Carter Godwin Woodson (December 19, 1875 – April 3, 1950) was an African American histor...

    7,12 €

  • The Mis-Education of the Negro
    Carter Godwin Woodson
    “When you control a man’s thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told.” – Carter G. Woodson. Carter Godwin Woodson (December 19, 1875 – April 3, 1950) was an African American histor...

    17,21 €

  • Up from Slavery
    Booker T. Washington / Booker TWashington
    Booker T. Washington (April 18, 1856 – November 14, 1915) was an African American educator, leader, author and orator and was an adviser to several US presidents. He was born into slavery on a plantation in Virginia, remembering“I cannot recall a single instance during my childhood or early boyhood when our entire family sat down to the table together. On the plantation in Virg...

    9,18 €

  • Political Pioneer of the Press
    Known most prominently as a daring anti-lynching crusader, Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931) worked tirelessly throughout her life as a political advocate for the rights of women, minorities, and members of the working class. Despite her significance, until the 1970s Wells-Barnett’s life, career, and legacy were relegated to the footnotes of history. Beginning with the posthumou...

    54,37 €

  • Black Women, Work, and Welfare in the Age of Globalization
    Sherrow O. Pinder / Sherrow OPinder
    Pinder explores how globalization has shaped, and continues to shape, the American economy, which impacts the welfare state in markedly new ways. In the United States, the transformation from a manufacturing economy to a service economy escalated the need for an abundance of flexible, exploitable, cheap workers. The implementation of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity...

    54,45 €

    Sriyani Tidball
    The Breadwinner shares true untold stories of impoverished Sri Lankan women who have been exploited. This unique book includes the experiences gathered from over 200 struggling women, through focus groups, surveys, and in-depth interviews. Women showcased in this book either spent years working as housemaids in the Middle East or were preparing to leave their families for such ...

    20,08 €

  • Free the Land
    Edward Onaci
    On March 31, 1968, over 500 Black nationalists convened in Detroit to begin the process of securing independence from the United States. Many concluded that Black Americans’ best remaining hope for liberation was the creation of a sovereign nation-state, the Republic of New Afrika (RNA). New Afrikan citizens traced boundaries that encompassed a large portion of the South--inclu...

    126,83 €

  • Free the Land
    Edward Onaci
    On March 31, 1968, over 500 Black nationalists convened in Detroit to begin the process of securing independence from the United States. Many concluded that Black Americans’ best remaining hope for liberation was the creation of a sovereign nation-state, the Republic of New Afrika (RNA). New Afrikan citizens traced boundaries that encompassed a large portion of the South--inclu...

    44,51 €

  • A Lifetime of Total Recall
    Brooks Clark
    Among the more startling traits of my mother, Charlotte Cheever Cushwa Clark, is that, even as she neared her 90th birthday, on September 5, 2007, she remembered so many biographical details about so many people she has come to know in her long, rich life. Here is her story, from her birth in Exeter, New Hampshire, and her life with my father, the Rev. Bayard S. Clark, and the...

    23,25 €