Derechos fundamentales y libertades públicas

Derecho / / Derecho constitucional y administrativo / Derechos fundamentales y libertades públicas (383)

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  • Making an Impact
    Gavin Folco
    I interviewed eight police officers in order to learn and understand the job better. I got to not only witness the job during a ride-along, but I heard stories from other officers that truly cement how hard the job is. ...

    17,50 €

    Brian Vukadinovich
    Rich in information, Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case shares Brian Vukadinovich’s experiences and intimate knowledge of governmental and judicial corruption and what went on behind the scenes in Indiana for years in efforts to take away his freedom and livelihood as a teacher. Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case, in a straightforward, no-holds-barred style, will open your eyes...

    25,82 €

  • Direitos Humanos Na Transição Paradigmática
    Antonio De Melo Guerra Neto
    Esse livro analisa a fragilidade espistemológica orientada pela característica universalista dos Direitos Humanos proposta desde a criação da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Ao longo desta pesquisa tal fragilidade será evidenciada por meio da colonização brasileira, numa proposição de averiguação decolonialista, à qual traz à tona toda segregação e silenciamento sofrido pe...

    11,41 €

  • Direito À Memória E À Verdade
    Elisa Hartwig
    O livro estabelece paralelismos entre o período militar e a situação atual do país, indicada por muitos especialistas como uma pós-democracia. Isto pois, além de o Brasil estar vivenciando uma instabilidade política inegável com o impeachment de uma presidenta em 2016, considerado por muitos como um golpe parlamentar , apontam-se graves desrespeitos aos direitos e garantias co...

    10,70 €

  • Apuntes de Derecho Procesal 1
    Franklin Díaz
    Apuntes de Derecho Procesal 1 tomados en clases, complementados con doctrina y jurisprudencia española.Dirigido a estudiantes de Derecho, opositores y carreras relacionadas.  ...

    13,35 €

  • Prestação Jurisdicional E Diferentes Formas De Acesso À Justiça
    Yanko Fabrício Germano Alves & Thiago Oliveira Moreira Marcius De Alencar Xavier
    No texto é possível encontrar capítulos específicos sobre as seguintes temáticas: decisões descentralizadoras do Supremo Tribunal Federal e direitos fundamentais na crise causada pela COVID 19; tribunal de múltiplas portas e virtualização das audiências de autocomposição; princípios do acesso à justiça e presunção de inocência como limites ao poder punitivo estatal; controle ju...

    21,32 €

  • Novas Perspectivas De Direito Ambiental Do Trabalho E Do Consumidor
    Fabrício Yanko Marcius De Alencar Xavier & Kleber Soares De Oliveira Santos Germano Alves
    No texto é possível encontrar capítulos específicos sobre as seguintes temáticas: litígios climáticos na defesa do clima; aquecimento global e o princípio da integridade do sistema climático; o conceito de sustentabilidade na Constituição Federal e sua aplicabilidade às políticas de eletromobilidade; direito ao trabalho decente na perspectiva da não discriminação de gênero; vin...

    18,41 €

  • Segregation and Common Sense
    Sr. O. R. Williams
    A history of racial intermarriage and race-mixing (miscegenation), with various arguments against it. Presents forced integration as slavery. This book was privately published at the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement (1961), just a few years prior to Loving v. Virginia, and just after the desegregation decision of May 17th, 1954.While being a little-known title, it is historica...

    21,26 €

  • Ética, Cidadania, Direito E Gestão
    Carlos Vicente Coutinho Neto E Carla Cristina Coutinho Garcia
    Uma abordagem direta, didática e fascinante sobre diferentes campos das Ciências Humanas que interessam a gestores, operadores do direito, educadores e estudantes em geral: O que é Ética? O que é Cidadania? O que é Direito? O que são Direitos Humanos? Como gerir uma organização complexa com competência e humanidade ao mesmo tempo? Uma deliciosa viagem pela História e pelo pensa...

    11,52 €

  • The Red Record
    Ida Wells-Barrett
    An important historical work, 'The Red Record' is also a horrifying account of African American lynchings after the Civil War. Black Americans lost their lives for such offenses as offending a white person in some way, proposing marriage to a white woman, providing information to someone who asked, introducing smallpox, 'conjuring,' and/or writing a letter to a white woman. In ...

    7,51 €

  • Diálogos Jurídicos Contemporâneos
    De Oliveira Gonçalves Toledo / François Silva Ramos / Marcos Lucas De Oliveira Gonçalves Toledo / Mateus Castro Alves França
    Quando temos o direito por foco, sabemos que estamos diante de uma ciência de proporção imensa, que aborda inúmeras temáticas distintas e até mesmo vários pontos diferentes sobre um mesmo tema. Isso acontece pelo fato de que vários assuntos são considerados como inesgotáveis.Porém, há outros temas que, ainda que se mostre de grande relevância, não são comumente debatidos, seja ...

    15,64 €

  • Life Without Rights
    Birgit Berggrensson
    The topic of the book is the focus on rights, which has spread like wildfire above all in the western part of the world since the Second World War and the impact this way of thinking has had on how we see our fellow human beings. The author sees rights focused thinking and neighborly love as opposites and does not think that the two are compatible. They are mutually exclusive. ...

    33,13 €

  • Same-Sex Marriage
    Scott Merriman

    55,21 €

  • The Bad Old Days
    Herbert Rothschild Jr.
    The Bad Old Days: A Decade of Struggling for Justice in Louisiana is a combination of grassroots history and personal memoir. It recounts the author’s experiences as a volunteer leader of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1966, when he founded an ACLU chapter in Baton Rouge, to 1977, when he ended his work as state legislative director. Through a series of 'war stories,' ...

    13,43 €

  • Utopia of Usurers and other Essays
    G K Chesterton
    Utopia of Usurers and other Essays is a fine collection of essays on the politics and social conditions of England during the time of its author, G K Chesterton.This collection of Chesterton works includes the following titles: A Song of Swords Utopia of Usurers I. Art and Advertisement II. Letters and the New Laureates III. Unbusinesslike Business IV. The War on Holidays V. T...

    13,90 €

  • Healing Neighborhoods
    Manal J. Aboelata
    In Healing Neighborhoods, Aboelata explores the role of public investments to facilitate and maintain healthy infrastructure in underserved neighborhoods. Rich with images and illustrations, Healing Neighborhoods illuminates barriers, challenges, opportunities, frameworks and recommendations for those committed to creating healthier communities and advancing racial justice. ...

    41,13 €

  • The Yellow Wallpaper
    Charlotte Perkins Gilmin
    'The Yellow Wallpaper' is a short story by American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman, first published in January 1892 in The New England Magazine. It is regarded as an important early work of American feminist literature for its illustration of the attitudes towards mental and physical health of women in the 19th century.Narrated in the first person, the story is a collection of...

    11,11 €

  • The Right to Science

    140,89 €

  • The Subjection of Women
    John Stuart MILL
    The Subjection of Women is an essay by English philosopher, political economist and civil servant John Stuart Mill published in 1869, with ideas he developed jointly with his wife Harriet Taylor Mill. Mill submitted the finished manuscript of their collaborative work On Liberty (1859) soon after her untimely death in late 1858, and then continued work on The Subjection of Women...

    14,42 €

  • Integration Now
    William P. Hustwit / William PHustwit
    Recovering the history of an often-ignored landmark Supreme Court case, William P. Hustwit assesses the significant role that Alexander v. Holmes (1969) played in integrating the South’s public schools. Although Brown v. Board of Education has rightly received the lion’s share of historical analysis, its ambiguous language for implementation led to more than a decade of delays ...

    38,03 €

  • The Trial of Oscar Wilde
    Anonymous Author
    The Trial of Oscar Wilde tells the story of the infamous trial of the great Irish writer, Oscar Wilde and it has this passage: 'It is wrong for us during the greater part of the time to handle these questions with timidity and false shame, and to surround them with reticence and mystery. Matters relating to sexual life ought to be studied without the introduction of moral prepo...

    14,33 €

  • The Seed That Fell On Rocky Ground
    David Arthur Walters / Sarah E. Walters
    Sarah E. Walters’ unusual book from a century ago reads better than a current novel, yet an appendix of newspaper articles from the period verifies that everything she says is true. Her story is that of an extraordinary ordinary woman with elementary schooling who married a man of her dreams, a doctor, no less, who, in reality, and despite his redeeming qualities, turned out to...

    24,08 €

  • Whispers from the Land of Snows. Culture-based Violence in Tibet
    Fanny Morel Iona Morel
    This study focuses on the struggle of Tibetans for the recognition of their most fundamental rights and freedoms. In addition, it investigates the correlation between violations of cultural rights and the violence committed by state actors against a community rooted in a profoundly Buddhist society. Collaboration with Tibetans was at the heart of the participative approach adop...

    28,27 €

  • Rohingyatography
    Sahat Zia Hero
    This photobook is the first of its kind - self-published by the talented photographer and Rohingya refugee, Sahat Zia Hero. With his unique perspective, Sahat Zia invites you to look and to really see the Rohingya community and life as it simply is, in one of the largest refugee camps in the world, in a remote corner of south-east Bangladesh. In the tradition of documentary pho...

    31,16 €

  • On Liberty
    John Stuart MILL
    On Liberty is a philosophical essay by the English philosopher John Stuart Mill. Published in 1859, it applies Mill’s ethical system of utilitarianism to society and state. Mill suggests standards for the relationship between authority and liberty. He emphasizes the importance of individuality, which he considers prerequisite to the higher pleasures-the summum bonum of utilitar...

    16,64 €

  • Slamming Bricks
    Avery Brooks (Ed.)
    The Slamming Bricks Anthology features poetry from nineteen LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and AAPI poets across the world ranging from debut artists to award-winning slam poets. It includes over 80 pages of beautiful prose and meaningful expressions of liberation and resistance. The Slamming Bricks Anthology grew from the annual poetry slam competition, Slamming Bricks: A Riot on 1st Street, ...

    9,57 €

  • L’opinion et la foule
    Gabriel Tarde
    L’expression psychologie collective ou psychologie sociale est souvent comprise en un sens chimérique qu’il importe avant tout d’écarter. Il consiste à concevoir un esprit collectif, une conscience sociale, un nous, qui existerait en dehors ou au-dessus des esprits individuels. Nous n’avons nul besoin, à notre point de vue, de cette conception mystérieuse pour tracer entre la p...

    12,95 €

  • Monadologie et sociologie
    Gabriel Tarde
    Les monades de Leibniz ont fait du chemin depuis leur père. Par diverses voies indépendantes elles se glissent, à l’insu des savants eux-mêmes, dans le cœur de la science contemporaine. Il est remarquable que toutes les hypothèses secondaires impliquées dans cette grande hypothèse en ce qu’elle a d’essentiel, sinon de leibnizien, sont en train d’être établies scientifiquement. ...

    10,74 €

  • Essais et mélanges sociologiques
    Gabriel Tarde
    Jusqu’à nos jours, pendant toute la durée de cette crise d’individualisme qui, depuis le dernier siècle, a sévi partout, en politique et en économie politique comme en morale et en droit, comme en religion même, le délit passait pour ce qu’il y avait de plus essentiellement individuel au monde ; et, parmi les criminalistes, la notion du délit indivis, pour ainsi dire, s’était p...

    14,84 €

  • La logique sociale
    Gabriel Tarde
    Quand un astronome nous apprend que tout notre système solaire se transporte vers la constellation d’Hercule, peu nous importe ; quel que soit le point cardinal visé par le déplacement gigantesque, nous ne sommes portés à en augurer rien de bon ni de mauvais pour nous. Nous n’imaginons plus, que, suivant sa direction, ce voyage nous conduise à l’Eden de nos songes ou à l’Enfer ...

    18,54 €