Cocina para dietas y estados de salud específicos

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. / Cocina sana y con alimentos integrales / Cocina para dietas y estados de salud específicos (1046)

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  • 100+ Keto Chaffle Recipes
    Sam Kuma
    This book on Keto Chaffles is the answer.For the longest time, we have blamed the increase in dietary fats for our health problems. We've tried the craziest diets, hardest exercise programs and other methods with varying results. However, we've ignored the root cause of the issue. The root cause is the increase in carbohydrates and sugar in the diet caused by the food p...

    31,86 €

  • 100+ Keto Chaffle Recipes
    Sam Kuma
    This book on Keto Chaffles is the answer.For the longest time, we have blamed the increase in dietary fats for our health problems. We've tried the craziest diets, hardest exercise programs and other methods with varying results. However, we've ignored the root cause of the issue. The root cause is the increase in carbohydrates and sugar in the diet caused by the food p...

    22,02 €

  • Super Easy Vegetarian Keto Cookbook
    Amy Moore
    Do you want to try keto, but you can’t because it’s too hard, and you’re a vegetarian?Going vegetarian can limit your food options, and going keto can limit those options even further. What do you eat? How do you source ingredients, or make food? And do you have to quit your job just to spend all day making food that you don’t even like.Fortunately, you’re not alone. More and m...

    30,32 €

  • Keto-Kekse und Snacks
    Amy Moore
    Finden Sie es auch so gut wie unmöglich, Ihren Gelüsten nach ungesunden Nachspeisen zu widerstehen, während Sie der Keto-Diät folgen? Träumen Sie davon, Kekse und Snacks essen zu können, und trotzdem dabei abzunehmen?Man sagt, dass man aufhört, sich nach Zucker zu verzehren, sobald man sich an die gesunde Ernährungsweise der ketogenen Diät gewöhnt hat. Aber wir wissen doch beid...

    16,98 €

  • Low Carb Meeresfrüchte-und Fischrezepte
    Amy Moore
    Langweilt Sie Ihre Ketogene Diät?Geraten Sie in Versuchung, aufzugeben oder zu mogeln?Einer der Hauptgründe, warum wir bei unserer Keto-Diät schummeln wollen, ist Eintönigkeit. Es ist langweilig, immer wieder dieselben Mahlzeiten zu essen, und diese Langeweile verführt uns zu Cheat Meals und Ausrutschern, welche den Stoffwechsel unterbrechen. Wenn Sie eine kleine Pause von den ...

    16,83 €

  • Keto Cookies and Snacks
    Amy Moore
    Are you finding it impossible to resist caving in to your junky dessert cravings on your keto diet? Do you wish you could eat cookies, and snacks and still lose weight? They said you wouldn’t crave sugar once you got used to eating clean on the ketogenic diet. But we know that’s not true, right? The first thing on your mind after eating a delicious keto meal is what’s for desse...

    24,02 €

  • Keto Seafood and Fish Recipes
    Amy Moore
    Are you bored with your keto diet?Are you ready to give up, or grab a cheat meal?One of the main reasons we want to cheat on our keto diet is because eating the same foods over and over is repetitive,and that boredom leads to cheat meals,and slip ups that break the cycle of ketosis. If you need a little break from your same old same old foods, then maybe what you need is some n...

    23,91 €

    John Carter
    Combata la Inflamación y lleve Una Vida Sana Con la Dieta Antiinflamatoria...2 Manuscritos en 1 Libro - Libro de Cocina de Dieta Anti Inflamatoria y Recetas Anti Inflamatorias de Cocción Lenta***Libro de Cocina de Dieta Anti Inflamatoria***Este nuevo libro, Libro de cocina de dieta antiinflamatoria: El Plan de Acción de 3 semanas , tiene como objetivo volver a poner su cuerpo e...

    17,39 €

  • Blood Sugar
    Madison Fuller
    Balance your blood-sugar naturally & Improve Your Health - without visiting a doctor, clinic, or hospitalBlood sugar is an essential measure of your health.Poorly controlled blood sugar levels can lead to health complications. Over several years it can damage blood vessels in the body and can ultimately cause a heart attack or stroke.High blood sugar doesn't only affect peo...

    15,00 €

    John Carter
    Combata la Inflamación y lleve Una Vida Sana Con la Dieta Antiinflamatoria...2 Manuscritos en 1 Libro - Libro de Cocina de Dieta Anti Inflamatoria y Recetas Anti Inflamatorias de Cocción Lenta***Libro de Cocina de Dieta Anti Inflamatoria***Este nuevo libro, Libro de cocina de dieta antiinflamatoria: El Plan de Acción de 3 semanas , tiene como objetivo volver a poner su cuerpo e...

    26,18 €

  • The Renal Diet Cookbook
    Emma Green
    Support Kidney Health With This Complete Renal Diet Cookbook!Finding out what you or someone you care for can eat and avoid eating, when is diagnosed with kidney disease (CKD) is extremely important.This Kidney Cookbook offers you an easy 30-day meal plan for a kidney-healthy diet and lifestyle. The Stopping Kidney Disease Food Guide for the Newly Diagnosed is an action-based p...

    10,85 €

  • Cocina rica y sabrosa para diabéticos
    La época en la que nos ha tocado vivir nos impone un ritmo de vida cada vez más agotador, con una considerable disminución del tiempo libre.El mundo de la cocina no ha sido insensible a estos cambios.En efecto, el estrés y la dinámica de vida actual ya no nos permiten dedicar muchas horas a la cocina; el tiempo disponible para los menesteres culinarios se ha reducido, debido a ...

    19,71 €

  • Recetas Anti Inflamatorias de Cocción Lenta
    John Carter
    Combata la inflamación y lleve una vida sana con la dieta antiinflamatoria... ¿Sufre de inflamación y busca una manera de curarte? ¿Quiere evitar complicaciones de salud a largo plazo o enfermedades crónicas? ¡Este libro proporcionará la solución! La inflamación puede ser un problema grave si no se trata eficazmente. Si no tenemos cuidado podemos terminar sufriendo de enfermeda...

    17,27 €

  • Low-Carb Hauptgerichte
    Janina Heinz
    Low-Carb-Gerichte gelingen perfekt im Thermomix! Man kann sich kaum vorstellen, dass man mit Gerichten, die so toll schmecken, sogar abnehmen kann. Und doch ist es genau so! Beim Abnehmen kann natürlich auch das einfache Punkte Konzept helfen! Damit Sie sich diese Vielfalt mit allen ihren Facetten in Ihre eigenen vier Wände holen können, gebe ich Ihnen in diesem Buch zahlreiche...

    11,95 €

  • Abnehmen mit Skyr. Die Komplettanleitung zum effektiven Gewichtsverlust durch das isländische Milchprodukt. Mit hilfreichen Tricks und ausgewählten Skyr Rezepten überraschend schnell zum Wunschgewicht
    Helga Seidel
    Autorin Helga Seidel, gebürtige Isländerin, aber in Deutschland aufgewachsen, hat mit Skyr ihr Leben verändert:Viele Jahre war sie übergewichtig und litt stark darunter. Dann integrierte sie den wertvollen Skyr ihrer Heimat regelmäßig in ihre Ernährung und verlor stetig an Gewicht.Heute ist Helga Seidel eine schlanke, attraktive Frau und fühlt sich rundum wohl. Skyr ist weiterh...

    13,04 €

  • Sugar Detox
    Simon Keller
    Imagine how different your life would be if you could crush those carb cravings, reduce inflammation whilst losing weight all at the same time. Just by removing added sugar from your diet.Going on a sugar detox can literally give you all of these things…I know this sounds like an exceptional claim, but in my opinion, eradicating this sweet little devil from your life really is ...

    15,02 €

  • Recetas Anti Inflamatorias de Cocción Lenta
    John Carter
    Combata la inflamación y lleve una vida sana con la dieta antiinflamatoria...¿Sufre de inflamación y busca una manera de curarte?¿Quiere evitar complicaciones de salud a largo plazo o enfermedades crónicas?¡Este libro proporcionará la solución!La inflamación puede ser un problema grave si no se trata eficazmente. Si no tenemos cuidado podemos terminar sufriendo de enfermedades ...

    13,29 €

  • Ayuno Intermitente
    Mark Evans
    ¿Alguna vez llegaste a un punto en el que solo quieres renunciar a todos estos planes de dieta que apenas marcaron la diferencia? Bueno, en el ayuno intermitente , descubrirás un enfoque completamente nuevo para perder peso. Un enfoque comprobado que puede proporcionar cambios dramáticos no solo en tu peso sino también en tu salud en general, algo que no teníaa en ninguno de es...

    18,15 €

  • Dieta Cetogénica
    Mark Evans
    Las dietas bajas en carbohidratos son uno de los tipos de dieta más populares, y por una buena razón. Muchas personas reportan: pérdida de peso, control del peso y mejoras en la salud al disminuir los carbohidratos. Pero, ¿qué ocurre con las personas que tienen éxito con otras dietas? ¿Y por qué algunas personas no logran cumplir sus objetivos con una dieta baja en carbohidrato...

    19,75 €

  • Mediterranean Diet for Beginners
    Brad Clark
    You Are 1-Click Away From Understanding The Ins And Outs Of The World’s Healthiest Diet, The Mediterranean Diet!The Mediterranean diet has consistently emerged top on the list of the world’s healthiest diets. Therefore, if you want to live a healthy life, adopting the Mediterranean diet should be top on the list of priorities.But what exactly does it entail?Why is it considered...

    16,92 €

  • Keto diet cookbook for beginners
    Brad Clark
    You Are 1-Click Away From Uncovering How To Switch Your Body From Burning Glucose To Burning Fat 24/7 By Leveraging The Power Of Keto Diet!The Keto diet is without doubt the best out there for bringing about rapid weight loss. Ordinary people around the world are sharing on various social media platforms how they have been able to lose belly fat, love handles, bingo wings, beco...

    17,31 €

  • Paleo Diet
    Alice Kroft
    This Book Is A Great Guide On How To Get Started On A Paleo Diet!If You Wonder Why You Should Try A Paleo Diet, The Answer Is Quite Simple – The Paleo Diet Is The Healthiest Diet You Have Ever Tried. Forget About Eating Less, Feeling Depressed And Hungry. The Paleo Diet Will Help You Lose Weight And Will Keep You Healthy, Balanced And In A Great Mood.The Paleo Diet Is Designed ...

    14,01 €

  • Alkaline Diet
    Michelle Houston
    Feeling good shouldn't be complicated – it's just made to seem that way. All of the recipes you will find in this book are comforting, healing, energizing, and perfect all year long. While this book and its recipes focus more on the plant-based approach, this book is not only for vegans and vegetarians. Everyone can benefit from it!The alkaline diet is truly a unique di...

    11,18 €

  • Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet
    Sarah Bruhun
    Are you currently on a Keto Journey but find that you just aren't breaking through to your goals?What about Intermittent Fasting, are you currently doing a fasting regime?Have you ever considered combining the two? To the average person trying to lose weight or become healthier, it is hard to decide what regime would be best to follow and this combination lifestyle allows y...

    29,46 €

  • Alkaline Diet
    Albert Marino
    Alkaline diet is one of the most effective yet misunderstood diets out there right in the mainstream world! Inside this book you will also find out what a high acidic diet can do to your body, and how the alkaline diet can quite literally save you a lot of time suffering. There are many different conditions that are caused by not eating the right foods. You will also be given r...

    11,08 €

  • Keto Bread
    Brad Clark
    Discover a surefire way to enjoy the fluffy softness of warm, fresh-baked bread and other keto bakes and satisfy your sweet tooth while staying on track with the keto lifestyle!Do you want to adopt the keto lifestyle, but find it difficult to give up carbohydrates and your favorite desserts? Is the prospect of having to give up all your favorite foods holding you back from taki...

    16,41 €

  • Alkaline Diet
    Ashton Romano
    Do You Want to Feel Good and Improve Your Health Without Giving Up Good and Tasty Food? Keep Reading! The positive effects include: maximized weight loss, sustainable health, healing from disease and the achievement of longevity for both genders. Presented throughout major clinical studies and trials as early as the 1900s, this program will aid you in balancing, restoring, heal...

    11,75 €

  • Ketogenic Diet For Beginners
    Anivya A Publishing / Anivya Publishing / David F. Wilson / David Wilson
    Do You Want To Experience The Keto Lifestyle & See The Amazing Results Happening To Your Body?FREE BONUS INCLUDED– LIMITED-TIME OFFER- Get Free Instant Access to “35 Tips To GO LOW CARB When Eating Out ($19 Value)” - Details InsideAs you probably know, people living in modern countries are fatter than ever before, in the US, more than 1/3 of all people are obese. This can lead ...

    9,45 €

  • Alkaline Diet
    Martha Jensen
    Energize Your Life with The Alkaline Diet to Look and Feel Amazing! This book will give you everything you need to first get properly informed about the Alkaline Diet, and then to take the correct steps in order to implement it into your life. Use this book as a reference manual for abundant health!In order to truly bring your body back to health so that it can begin to lose we...

    7,21 €

  • Alkaline Diet
    Nancy Franklin
    Eat Wholesome and Natural FoodsThe alkaline diet is one of the remarkable diet plans that allow enjoying the food while keeping the pH level balanced. This cookbook is designed to provide you the perfect meal idea that fulfills the criteria of the alkaline diet.Inside this book, you will find: Facts and know-how about the Alkaline Diet Benefits of using this diet Common myt...

    7,19 €