Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias (11590)

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  • Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting
    Air quality is personal. Its management is highly so. Asthmatic or air-pollutant-sensitive individuals depend on accurate air quality forecasts to help manage their daily activities.  However, the adverse effects of poor air quality on public health and visibility extend far beyond the daily time horizon. Pneumonic and cardiac vascular responses of individuals in all age groups...

    59,74 €

  • Polarimetric SAR Techniques and Applications
    Carlos López-Martínez / Juan Manuel Lopez-Sanchez
    An increasing number of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have been equipped with polarimetric capabilities: ALOS and ALOS-2, Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, Envisat-ASAR, Sentinel-1a/b, etc. Future mission will still present this type of diversity: RCM, SAOCOM, Cosmo-Skymed 2nd generation or PAZ. Polarimetry allows sensitivity to the structural and geometric properties...

    59,61 €

  • Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation
    Alexander G. Flor / Alexander GFlor / Benjamina Gonzalez Flor
    The changes the earth is currently undertaking has been at the forefront of scientific discourse in recent years. Humans as a species have needed to react to these changes and shift their behavior accordingly. Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship bet...

    216,16 €

  • Coastal Sea Levels, Impacts and Adaptation
    Extreme sea levels can lead to hazardous events, such as coastal flooding, erosion, or salt water intrusion, with-wide ranging environmental, societal, and economic consequences. In combination with climate-driven sea-level rise, and, potentially, additional changes in storminess, dynamic wave contributions, and tidal dynamics, the adverse consequences of extreme oceanographic ...

    75,97 €

  • Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Geoinformatics
    Saro Lee
    Recently, a need has arisen for prediction techniques that can address a variety of problems by combining methods from the rapidly developing field of machine learning with geoinformation technologies such as GIS, remote sensing, and GPS. As a result, over the last few decades, one particular machine learning technology, known as artificial neural networks, has been successfull...

    59,81 €

  • Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed
    Andrew Johnson
    The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probab...

    13,82 €

  • Exploration Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    About Exploration ScienceHave you wondered what the science of geology is all about?Together we will explore of the surface and sub-surface of the Earth, the sub-branches of geology, including mineralogy, petrology (rocks), palaeontology (fossils), geochemistry, seismology (earthquakes), engineering geology, and many more.The scientific method used by all scientists as well as ...

    30,12 €

  • Fossils, Dinosaurs and Cave Men
    Patrick Nurre
    This textbook is a high school, semester study of the differences between the Biblcal and secular views of fossils, dinosaurs, and cave men.  Topics include the cause and mechanism for a global flood, the geologic time table, living fossils, the Tower of Babel, modern classification of dinosaurs, and more.  Students will also learn to interpret the geologic column from a Biblic...

    43,86 €

  • Checklist of Papuasian Orchids
    Paul Ormerod
    This is the most comprehensive account to date of all Papua New Guineas wild orchids and will no doubt prove to be the essential reference to PNG's orchids for all botanists, ecologists and orchid enthusiasts for decades to come. All types and relevant data including where published are listed and the herbariums where they are kept. All synonymous names, where published and...

    59,91 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography. It has been written with over forty years of experience in studying, researching and teaching earth science. Whilst it has been designed for senior high school and junior university or col...

    142,25 €

  • The 1980 Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
    Don J Easterbrook
    On March 27, 1980 St. Helens suddenly began to erupt steam and ash. These eruptions continued sporadically for the next seven weeks and Dr. Easterbrook made frequent flights to the mountain to observe the eruptive activity. On May 18, 1980, he flew to St Helens at 5:30 a.m. and flew in tight circles a few hundred feet above the summit crater for 2-1/2 hours, photographing the s...

    17,46 €

  • Auswirkungen der städtischen Küstenentwicklung auf die Umweltzerstörung
    Ayodele Agboola
    Der zunehmende Trend zur Verstädterung hat Folgen für das Klima, die Umwelthygiene, die Veränderung des Gleichgewichts der Ökosysteme, die Erschöpfung der natürlichen Ressourcen und andere schädliche Auswirkungen. Auch wenn der Mensch weiterhin mit seiner Umwelt interagiert, um sich wohlzufühlen, muss dieses Bestreben für eine nachhaltige Interaktion gelenkt und angemessen über...

    89,72 €

  • Impact du développement urbain côtier sur la dégradation de l’environnement
    Ayodele Agboola
    Cette tendance croissante à l’urbanisation s’accompagne de conséquences sur le climat, l’hygiène environnementale, l’altération de l’équilibre des écosystèmes, l’épuisement des ressources naturelles et d’autres effets délétères. Même si l’homme continue d’interagir avec son environnement dans le but de trouver un certain confort, cette quête doit être guidée et correctement con...

    89,73 €

  • Impatto dello sviluppo urbano costiero sul degrado ambientale
    Ayodele Agboola
    La crescente tendenza all’urbanizzazione comporta conseguenze sul clima, sull’igiene ambientale, sull’alterazione dell’equilibrio degli ecosistemi, sull’esaurimento delle risorse naturali e altri effetti deleteri. Anche se l’uomo continua a interagire con l’ambiente, con l’obiettivo di trovare benessere, questa ricerca deve essere guidata e monitorata adeguatamente per un’inter...

    89,73 €

  • Impacto do desenvolvimento urbano costeiro na degradação ambiental
    Ayodele Agboola
    Esta tendência crescente de urbanização tem consequências sobre o clima, a higiene ambiental, a alteração do equilíbrio dos ecossistemas, o esgotamento dos recursos naturais, entre outros efeitos deletérios. Embora o ser humano continue a interagir com o seu ambiente, com o objetivo de encontrar conforto, esta procura precisa de ser orientada e devidamente monitorizada para uma...

    89,73 €

  • Влияние развития прибрежных городов на деградацию окружающей среды
    Айоделе Агбола
    Растущая тенденция урбанизации влечет за собой последствия для климата, гигиены окружающей среды, изменения баланса экосистем, истощение природных ресурсов и другие пагубные последствия. Несмотря на то что человек продолжает взаимодействовать с окружающей средой, стремясь к комфорту, эти поиски необходимо направлять и должным образом контролировать для обеспечения устойчивого в...

    89,71 €

  • Разработка буровых растворов с использованием синтезированных наночастиц железа
    Боркха Меч Дас / Деепйёти Меч
    Эта книга посвящена эволюции наночастиц и их использованию для обработки буровых растворов, что имеет огромное значение для буровых работ в нефтяной промышленности. Буровые работы являются неотъемлемой частью добычи сырой нефти, а также важнейшим процессом поддержания целостности ствола скважины при бурении. Наночастицы - это новая технология, которая пытается стать важной част...

    60,32 €

  • The geology of South Kivu in DR Congo
    Kamituga is a mining town in the province of Sud-Kivu in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kamituga lies to the east of the Bulega mining region, on the western slopes of the Mitumba mountain range. The current population is over 260,000. Kamituga is a mining center and an important communications hub on the RN2 national road, and is the economic pool of the wes...

    60,13 €

  • Die Geologie von Süd-Kivu in der DR Kongo
    Kamituga ist eine Bergbaustadt in der Provinz Süd-Kivu im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Kamituga liegt im Osten der Bergbauregion Bulega an den westlichen Hängen der Mitumba-Bergkette. Die derzeitige Bevölkerung beträgt mehr als 260.000 Einwohner. Kamituga ist ein Bergbauzentrum und ein wichtiger Verkehrsknotenpunkt an der Nationalstraße RN2..Die Region Kamituga ist ...

    60,13 €

  • A geologia do Kivu do Sul na República Democrática do Congo
    Kamituga é uma cidade mineira da província de Sud-Kivu, no leste da República Democrática do Congo. Kamituga situa-se a leste da região mineira de Bulega, nas encostas ocidentais da cordilheira de Mitumba. Atualmente, tem uma população de mais de 260.000 habitantes. Kamituga é um centro mineiro e um importante eixo de comunicações na estrada nacional RN2, sendo o centro económi...

    60,13 €

  • Геология Южного Киву в ДР Конго
    Кри Секимоньо Шамаву / Моис Каджангва Банзи
    Камитуга - шахтерский город в провинции Суд-Киву на востоке Демократической Республики Конго. Камитуга расположен к востоку от горнодобывающего района Булега, на западных склонах горного хребта Митумба. В настоящее время его население составляет более 260 000 человек. Камитуга является центром горнодобывающей промышленности и важным коммуникационным узлом на национальной дороге...

    60,13 €

  • La geologia del Kivu meridionale nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo
    Kamituga è una città mineraria della provincia del Sud-Kivu, nella parte orientale della Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Kamituga si trova a est della regione mineraria di Bulega, sulle pendici occidentali della catena montuosa di Mitumba. Attualmente ha una popolazione di oltre 260.000 abitanti. Kamituga è un centro minerario e un importante nodo di comunicazione sulla strad...

    60,13 €

  • Antropologia sostenibile
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    Lo scopo sostanziale di questa ricerca è lo studio del biodiritto sostenibile latinoamericano, come principio quadro per il Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite del 2018, che stabilisce gli obblighi fondamentali degli Stati ai sensi del diritto dei diritti umani in relazione al godimento di un ambiente sicuro, pulito, sano e sostenibile, sulla base dei postulati dell...

    60,20 €

  • Anthropologie durable
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    L’objectif principal de cette recherche est l’étude du droit biologique durable latino-américain, en tant que principe-cadre pour le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies 2018, établissant les obligations fondamentales des États en vertu du droit des droits de l’homme en ce qui concerne la jouissance d’un environnement sûr, propre, sain et durable, sur la base des pos...

    60,20 €

  • Antropologia sustentável
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    O objetivo substantivo desta pesquisa é o estudo do direito biológico sustentável latino-americano, como um princípio-quadro para o Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas 2018; estabelecendo as obrigações básicas dos Estados sob a lei de direitos humanos em relação ao gozo de um ambiente seguro, limpo, saudável e sustentável com base nos postulados do autor J. Knox. Ref...

    60,20 €

  • Устойчивая антропология
    Дэнни Фрэнси Гомес Р.
    Основная цель данного исследования - изучение латиноамериканского устойчивого биозаконодательства как рамочного принципа для Совета ООН по правам человека 2018 года; установление основных обязательств государств по праву прав человека в отношении пользования безопасной, чистой, здоровой и устойчивой окружающей средой на основе постулатов автора Дж. Нокса. В ней отражено значени...

    60,26 €

  • Nachhaltige Anthropologie
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    Der inhaltliche Zweck dieser Forschung ist die Untersuchung des lateinamerikanischen nachhaltigen Biorechts als Rahmenprinzip für den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen 2018; die Festlegung der grundlegenden Verpflichtungen der Staaten nach dem Menschenrechtsgesetz in Bezug auf den Genuss einer sicheren, sauberen, gesunden und nachhaltigen Umwelt auf der Grundlage der Pos...

    60,26 €

  • Sustainable Anthropology
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    The present research has as its substantive purpose the study of Latin American sustainable biolaw, as principles Framework to the Human Rights Council in the United Nations 2018; establishing the basic obligations of States under human rights law in relation to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment based on the postulates of the author J. Knox. It...

    60,13 €

  • Дистанционное зондирование расширения городов, конфигурации и состава ландшафта
    Педзисай Кове
    Существует множество учебников по теме применения дистанционного зондирования в городах, в большинстве из которых дается общее описание основных данных и характеристик дистанционного зондирования, методов и приемов, а также пространственных данных и информации для извлечения пространственно-временной изменчивости моделей расширения городов и конфигураций ландшафтов. Именно благ...

    49,74 €

  • Deteção remota da expansão urbana, configuração e composição da paisagem
    Pedzisai Kowe
    Existem muitos livros de texto sobre o tema das aplicações da teledeteção urbana, a maioria com uma cobertura geral dos principais dados e características da teledeteção, métodos e técnicas e dados espaciais e extração de informação para padrões de variabilidade espacial e temporal da expansão urbana e configurações da paisagem. É através desta compreensão que os actuais modelo...

    49,74 €