Biografía: religiosa y espiritual

Biografía e historias reales / Biografía: general / Biografía: religiosa y espiritual (8272)

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  • Athanasius
    Henry Robert Reynolds

    36,18 €

  • Confissões
    Agostinho de Hipona
    Confissões é a primeira autobiografia na história cristã. Trata-se, no entanto, de algo muito diferente do que hoje se entende por esse gênero literário, pois consiste acima de tudo na investigação brilhante e na descrição implacavelmente honesta da trajetória interior e espiritual do autor. Agostinho de Hipona é uma figura exponencial na história do pensamento e da espirituali...

    20,09 €

  • God, You Ain’t Enough for Me
    Everrick R. Simmons / Everrick RSimmons
    This book came from a revelation God gave me in November 2020 as I was meditating on the Word of God for a message I was scheduled to give for my church anniversary. I was reading Genesis 3:6: 'When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husban...

    9,58 €

  • God, You Ain’t Enough for Me
    Everrick R. Simmons / Everrick RSimmons
    This book came from a revelation God gave me in November 2020 as I was meditating on the Word of God for a message I was scheduled to give for my church anniversary. I was reading Genesis 3:6: 'When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husban...

    17,17 €

  • Jacopone da Todi
    Evelyn Underhill
    The object of this book is to give the English readers the material necessary for a full understanding of one of the greatest and most interesting Italian mystical poets: Jacopone da Todi, the typical singer of the Franciscan movement, the first writer of philosophic religious poetry, and perhaps the most picturesque figure in the history of early Italian Literature.- From the ...

    47,31 €

  • Jacopone da Todi
    Evelyn Underhill
    The object of this book is to give the English readers the material necessary for a full understanding of one of the greatest and most interesting Italian mystical poets: Jacopone da Todi, the typical singer of the Franciscan movement, the first writer of philosophic religious poetry, and perhaps the most picturesque figure in the history of early Italian Literature.- From the ...

    69,01 €

  • Saint Augustin
    Louis Bertrand / Vincent O’Sullivan

    35,93 €

  • Saint Augustin
    Louis Bertrand / Vincent O’Sullivan

    57,64 €

  • The Letters of S. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

    47,28 €

  • The Letters of S. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

    68,98 €

  • Pieces of a Whole Heart
    Cory Standinger
    Hope. What is hope? What does it mean to you? Where do you find your hope? How does one hope? Why is hope important? Regardless, hope is somewhere in your life. It could be in the people around you. Or in a stranger. Hope, trust, love, and belief are connected. What happens when those things are taken away? ...

    10,63 €

  • Pieces of a Whole Heart
    Cory Standinger
    Hope. What is hope? What does it mean to you? Where do you find your hope? How does one hope? Why is hope important? Regardless, hope is somewhere in your life. It could be in the people around you. Or in a stranger. Hope, trust, love, and belief are connected. What happens when those things are taken away? ...

    24,11 €

  • God Promised Me Wings to Fly
    Janet V Grillo / Janet V. Grillo
    God Promised Me Wings to Fly empowers readers and provides hope to those who feel powerless. ...

    16,38 €

  • Kapaun’s Battle
    Ian William Gress / Jeff Gress
    Kapaun’s Battle is a powerful testament to the heroism of US Army Chaplain Emil Kapaun (Medal of Honor). The story follows him, from the start of the Korean War until his death as a Prisoner of War in a Communist Chinese Prison Camp in 1951, following the destruction of the 3rd Battalion, 8th Regiment of the US 1st Cavalry Division in November 1950. Written by Screenplay Writer...

    14,24 €

  • Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century
    J. Ryle
    Biographies of George Whitefield, John Wesley, William Grimshaw, William Romaine, Daniel Rowlands, John Berridge, Henry Venn, Samuel Walker, James Hervey, Augustus Toplady, and John Fletcher.The reader will soon discover that I am an enthusiastic admirer of the men whose lives and ministries I have narrated in this volume. I confess it honestly. I am a thorough admirer of them....

    19,21 €

  • Where No Roads Go
    Carin LeRoy
    I screamed and jumped from the chair to run for cover under our bed’s mosquito netting. Not another night of dive-bomb roaches. One of the epic-sized ugly bugs had launched from the wall and glided toward me. Under the safety of the net’s cover, I would read for the evening. This jungle setting was no place for a wimp, and I needed to toughen up fast.I didn’t know that trekking...

    16,59 €

  • Utterly Amazed
    Miriam Davis
    ’I can stick anything for two years,’ she said and ended up staying forty-two. So said former OMF worker Miriam Davis, whose book ’Utterly Amazed: Following the call of God in Japan’ tells the story of how those two years became forty-two, as well as the surprising challenges of retiring to the UK in 2017. In that time, as OMF Japan Field Directors Chris Pain and Kesia Pain s...

    12,33 €

  • Valley Experiences with Mountaintop Blessings
    Rev. Dr. Walter L. Johnson Sr. / RevDrWalter LJohnson Sr.
    This book depicts my life traveling from childhood to adulthood. Because of my humbled spirit during my valley experiences, I received mountaintop blessings.My life is a living testimony that the goals that you set in life are achievable when you put God first in all that you do and maintain a positive attitude.The Bible teaches us that you become what you think of yourself. If...

    14,65 €

  • A Soldier’s Journey with The Presence of God
    Arthur David Jr.
    Take a roller-coaster ride of emotions through the life of a young soldier as he struggles to find purpose in his life. Journey with him as he comes face-to-face with death and disease, searching to understand why God had a special purpose in store for him.Discover how life took him to the very brink of complete hopelessness and how he came to find his purpose lying flat on his...

    12,21 €

  • The Road between Us
    Jason Galvas / Tom Saunders
    Tom and Jason met over twenty years ago under circumstances that should have severed any chance they would develop any kind of a personal relationship, let alone a close friendship.Yet their paths continued to cross, and over time, the answer to why this happened would be made very clear to both of them and hopefully become a lesson for many others as well.Jason believed in sci...

    12,07 €

  • Tajuddin Baba / தாஜுத்தீன் பாபா
    நாகூர் ரூ Nagore Rumi
    ஆரஞ்சுப்பழம், அம்பேத்கரியம், ஆன்மிகம் - இம்மூன்றுக்கும் புகழ் பெற்ற நகரம் நாக்பூர். அதில் ஆன்மிகத்தைச் சேர்த்தவர் தாஜுத்தீன் பாபா. தன் வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் மானிட நலனுக்காக அற்புதங்களை நிகழ்த்திக்கொண்டே இருந்த மாபெரும் சூஃபி ஞானி அவர். சமுதாயத்தால் மதிக்கப்பட்டவர்கள், மிதிக்கப்பட்டவர்கள், பெண்கள், குழந்தைகள், மிருகங்கள், மரம் மட்டை என அவரது கருணை அனைவரையும், அனைத்தையும் சென்றடைந...

    12,26 €

  • A Missionary’s Chronicle
    Jerry Morris
    True missionary life experiences of Jerry and Miok Morris. ...

    19,14 €

  • Warrior for Christ
    Peter Schuler
    Warrior for Christ: Overcoming Cancer by Faith is the inspirational story of how Peter Schuler is walking by faith in God to overcome incurable Stage 4 cancer that has caused eleven compression fractures of his vertebrae. Every day, Jesus does a miracle and lifts Peter up to walk with severe back pain. This book describes how Jesus has healed Peter of a near-terminal illness, a...

    21,21 €

  • Four Egyptian Martyrs
    OSB Fr Robert Nixon
    In the early fourth century, under the reign of the emperor Diocletian, followers of the Christian Faith experienced a sustained and systematic campaign of fierce persecution at the hands of the Roman authorities. The aim of this persecution was nothing less than the entire abolition of the true Faith and the utter destruction of the Church. Much blood was shed and many lives w...

    14,93 €

  • Nisei Resistance and Resilience
    V. L. Purvis-Smith / VLPurvis-Smith
    Teenage Allen Maruyama internalized the hostility directed at Japanese/Japanese Americans subsequent to the Pearl Harbor attack. He says he learned to hate himself and ''felt subhuman,'' but Presbyterians in his home state of Colorado ''befriended'' him. He proved himself as a student athlete and US Army Buck Sergeant. He graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary (MA, Chris...

    35,97 €

  • Nisei Resistance and Resilience
    V. L. Purvis-Smith / VLPurvis-Smith
    Teenage Allen Maruyama internalized the hostility directed at Japanese/Japanese Americans subsequent to the Pearl Harbor attack. He says he learned to hate himself and ''felt subhuman,'' but Presbyterians in his home state of Colorado ''befriended'' him. He proved himself as a student athlete and US Army Buck Sergeant. He graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary (MA, Chris...

    43,84 €

  • The Man Called Messiah
    Corey Stumne
    The Man is burdened beyond belief. It’s been three years since his ministry began, and now it’s come to its climax.Although fully human, he doesn’t find much comfort being surrounded by his twelve closest friends. Although fully divine, he can’t stomach the thought of what’s set before him.After his arrest, The Man stands before a powerful ruler trapped in a political dilemma. ...

    19,24 €

  • The Man Called Messiah
    Corey Stumne
    The Man is burdened beyond belief. It’s been three years since his ministry began, and now it’s come to its climax.Although fully human, he doesn’t find much comfort being surrounded by his twelve closest friends. Although fully divine, he can’t stomach the thought of what’s set before him.After his arrest, The Man stands before a powerful ruler trapped in a political dilemma. ...

    32,78 €

  • Uma confissão
    Liev Nikolayevich Tolstói
    'Minha vida parou. Eu podia respirar, comer, beber, dormir, porque não podia ficar sem respirar, sem comer, sem beber, sem dormir; mas não existia vida, porque não existiam desejos cuja satisfação eu considerasse razoável. Se eu desejava algo, sabia de antemão que, satisfizesse ou não meu desejo, aquilo não daria em nada.'Liev TolstóiUma confissão registra a intensa crise de fé...

    13,43 €

  • The Blistering Morning Mist
    Kathleen Weaver Kurtz
    ''Out we go into the blistering morning mist,'' the words of Kathie’s son on his first day of school, reminded her of how cautiously she faced going into the unknown. The death of her father when she was three shattered her sense of security. Even though her extended family provided the stability she needed for a happy childhood, this major loss continued to impact her in hidde...

    21,73 €