Biografía: religiosa y espiritual

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  • The Merciful Door
    Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle
    'Wherever it may be, the candle burns, and in burning it gives others light. That is the way you must be.' When the soul burns with love, the ego softens like wax and dissolves, and others benefit by the light it transmits. So taught Pir Rasheed Kaleemi, a Sufi master who lived in Hyderabad, India. The Merciful Door narrates what his American disciple learned from him over a de...

    25,84 €

  • Mervyn Himbury
    Frank D. Rees
    Mervyn Himbury migrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 1959. Through the sheer force of his personality, he led the transformation of a small, impoverished Baptist seminary to the premier Baptist institution in Australia.From the humble life of a Welsh mining village, Himbury proceeded to university studies in Cardiff and then Oxford. The story begins with the cultural and religio...

    38,82 €

  • Mervyn Himbury
    Frank D. Rees
    Mervyn Himbury migrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 1959. Through the sheer force of his personality, he led the transformation of a small, impoverished Baptist seminary to the premier Baptist institution in Australia.From the humble life of a Welsh mining village, Himbury proceeded to university studies in Cardiff and then Oxford. The story begins with the cultural and religio...

    29,11 €

    Flavius Josephus / Whiston Williams
    Josephus was born Joseph Ben Mattathias in 37 C.E. in Jerusalem of a priestly and royal family. He excelled in his studies of Jewish law and studied with the Sadducees, Pharisees, and the Essenes, eventually aligning himself with the Pharisees. In 62 C.E. he went to Rome to free some imprisoned priests. After accomplishing this mission through the intercession of Nero’s wife, P...

    32,13 €

  • Joining Jesus
    Christopher Meehan / Moses Chung
    Inspired by an incarnational theology that emerges from a missional reading of Luke 10, Chung and Meehan went out to discover the stories of contemporary disciples who labor in the harvest fields of God’s uncommon, upside down Kingdom. The stories that emerge describe the work and presence of the Spirit in communities across North America, where ordinary, faithful people and ch...

    22,81 €

  • Joining Jesus
    Christopher Meehan / Moses Chung
    Inspired by an incarnational theology that emerges from a missional reading of Luke 10, Chung and Meehan went out to discover the stories of contemporary disciples who labor in the harvest fields of God’s uncommon, upside down Kingdom. The stories that emerge describe the work and presence of the Spirit in communities across North America, where ordinary, faithful people and ch...

    36,52 €

  • Peter
    Robby Roberson
    Peter: The Man Who Went On An Adventure With Jesus is a biographical study of the life of the apostle Peter, including each New Testament event where we encounter him. It is the story of his life from his first exposure to Jesus Christ until the last New Testament scene involving him. His life is so raw and real that it is applicable to all and has lasting lessons for our own a...

    15,18 €

  • SEKIZHAAR / சேக்கிழார்
    Ma. Rasamanickanar
    This research book, published under the pseudonym  SEKIZHAR , is by Yan My M.O.L. Is part of an English research book prepared for the degree. The SEKIZHAR (according to the research method of the German historian Van Rankey) (1) visited all the places where the Nayans lived and learned all over Tamil Nadu. (3) one who examines old texts and accepts only relevant references (In...

    17,98 €

  • God Answered Me in Tough Times
    Carl Moore
    This author used the Holy Bible: Easy to Read Version (ERV). Also, this author wanted to show you with 8 main points of his story from his personal experiences and/or obstacles. So, this book will tell us that:1. According to 1 Peter 5:7 (ERV), God knew about his worries.2. According to Psalm 23:1-6 (ERV), God knew about his troubles.3. According to Psalm 34:5-6; Psalm 34:18-19...

    16,42 €

  • Bierton Strict And Particular Baptists
    David Clarke
    There are three separate accounts in the New Testament of a man who had been possessed with devils. He had been living among the tombs and the people had attempted to bind him with chains and fetters but he broke them so he would not be bound. People were afraid of him and avoided him. He had no house and wore no cloths and the devil drove him often into the wilderness.And Je...

    26,33 €

  • God’s Perfect Plan
    Julia Olson
    With our children almost all raised, I asked God how, in the second phase of our life, we could be a tool for His service. I was not prepared for His answer and the plans He had for us. Whenever you hear God speak to you and you know you are doing exactly what God is telling you to do, satan will be right there to try to make you stop. This is a true story of the many trials an...

    26,29 €

  • God’s Perfect Plan
    Julia Olson
    With our children almost all raised, I asked God how, in the second phase of our life, we could be a tool for His service. I was not prepared for His answer and the plans He had for us. Whenever you hear God speak to you and you know you are doing exactly what God is telling you to do, satan will be right there to try to make you stop. This is a true story of the many trials an...

    19,20 €

  • Caves, Coprolites and Catastrophes
    Allan Chapman
    ’An irresistible biography of one of Oxford’s most colourful characters.’ John Hedley BrookeIn 1824, William Buckland stood in front of the Royal Geological Society and told them about the bones he had been studying - the bones of an enormous, lizard-like creature, that he called Megalosaurus.This was the first full account of a dinosaur.During his life, Buckland would also dem...

    23,64 €

  • The Power of Change
    Marcy (Weber) Ninomiya / Marcy Ninomiya
    Because my health continued to decline. . . I started bargaining with God. I was not going to die; I would do whatever God’s plan was for me if He spared my life. In my mind, I was going to become a nurse and go to Asia. . . Yes, I was going to get better and go to Asia as a nurse!In The Power of Change: A Mennonite Girl’s Footprints in Asia, Marcy Ninomiya tells her cross-cult...

    39,58 €

  • Blind In Affliction
    Erik Magnusson
    What a crazy world we live in! Between the covers you’ll read about defining faith amidst the storms of life and how our perspectives can change as our circumstances change. It’s about perserverance and the deception of the world. It’s about defining words and how we contradict ourselves in so many aspects of our conscious mind. You’ll read about humility, love, narcissism, rel...

    19,06 €

  • Blind In Affliction
    Erik Magnusson
    What a crazy world we live in! Between the covers you’ll read about defining faith amidst the storms of life and how our perspectives can change as our circumstances change. It’s about perserverance and the deception of the world. It’s about defining words and how we contradict ourselves in so many aspects of our conscious mind. You’ll read about humility, love, narcissism, rel...

    27,21 €

  • Mending the nets
    Patrick Chambron
    We are living in a time when God is restoring His Church, so that 'He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.' Ephesians 5:27. Patrick Chambron, Director of Ellel Ministries in France and Regional Director for Western Europe, shares his personal testimony of how God guided him a...

    12,34 €

  • Just a Dream
    Jimmy Clanton / Sandy Weeks
    Jimmy Clanton became an internationally recognized rock and roll singer in the late 1950s and continues to perform to this day. Some of his hit songs were 'Just a Dream,' 'Go, Jimmy, Go,' and 'Venus in Blue Jeans.' He also starred in the iconic rock and roll movie Go, Johnny, Go, produced by rock and roll DJ legend Alan Freed. He has performed with most of the major artists who...

    30,69 €

  • My Family, My Relations, My Friends
    Frederick John Turner
    Fred was unaware of the poverty he was exposed to while he was growing up. As far as he was concerned, this was normal. His mom, Irene, a single mother, made certain that his two boys, Fred and his older brother Leonard, were well taken care of. After being a captive of a residential school, she came back home to Sturgeon Lake not knowing where she belonged, or where to turn.Fr...

    25,92 €

  • My Family, My Relations, My Friends
    Frederick John Turner
    Fred was unaware of the poverty he was exposed to while he was growing up. As far as he was concerned, this was normal. His mom, Irene, a single mother, made certain that his two boys, Fred and his older brother Leonard, were well taken care of. After being a captive of a residential school, she came back home to Sturgeon Lake not knowing where she belonged, or where to turn.Fr...

    18,66 €

  • The Folly of Revolution
    S. Scott Rohrer / SScott Rohrer
    A biography of a leading loyalist named Thomas Bradbury Chandler (1726–1790), exploring his advocacy of monarchy and his criticisms of the American revolutionary movement. ...

    158,19 €

  • 2 Close Apart
    Maurice Rankin
    The only difference between the future and today is choice. Wisdom is the oil refined squeezed from the mistakes of the past, and if we use the precious oils of wisdom to light the paths of our lives, we create a special opportunity to leverage our choice today in such a way that we are propelled toward our true destiny. Your future and present are 2 Close Apart. Enjoy the ride...

    8,95 €

  • Vodka Water
    Sheri Roslin
    Memories I thought I had moved on from or deeply buried actually needed to be revisited and healed through Christ.After spending nine days at a healing retreat my life changed forever. What I remembered as a child and what actually happened to me wasn’t synonymous. It was astonishing. As a child I aligned myself with an evil spirit. I was tricked into believing a false narrativ...

    14,42 €

  • Di-lặc Kinh (bản in từ năm 1953)
    Đoàn Trung Còn
    Bản in lần đầu năm 1953 - Hán văn, Việt dịch và chú âm, của cư sĩ Đoàn Trung Còn, do Phật Học Tùng Thư ấn hành. ...

    13,87 €

  • I Strip for God Part 6
    Rasa Von Werder
    Stories on Otis Redding-Marvin Gaye-O.C. Smith-other stars, the woman who had sex with our President & helped me speak in front of the White House & international press-ended Communism & prevented WWIII-1978, How I escaped my family & went from torture to Happiness, Mommy Fearest & the Homestead Failure, How I gained wealth, Mom nails a sugar daddy who improves our lives, my da...

    41,31 €

  • You Matter to God
    Patricia C Watson
    As the Christmas season approached, I prayed and asked God, my heavenly Father, to let me enjoy this time of the year. It was my first Christmas since my mother had gone to her heavenly home. I did not want to be alone, depressed, and sad, for I believe my mother is in heaven, based upon her acceptance of Jesus Christ as her Savior. I believe she would want our family and me to...

    20,95 €

  • The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints
    Jacobus de Voragine / William Caxton
    *** UNABRIDGED PREMIUM EDITION IN SEVEN VOLUMES ***AMONG the books which afford us an insight into he popular religious thought of the middle ages, none holds a more important place than the Legenda Aurea or Golden Legend. The book was compiled and put into form about the year 1275 by Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, who laid under contribution for his purpose the Live...

    34,10 €

  • A Moment of Eternity
    Éva Nyáry
    The enamel pictures of the Hungarian Saint Crown mark the pick of the successful painter’s carrier of Éva Nyáry. Her uncle, Ernest Nyáry, Archbishop of Baghdad inspired the paintings of equal size, representing the pictures decorating the crown of our first king, Saint Stephan’s, presented with national and international recognition to the interested public. The artist publishe...

    20,16 €

  • The Art of Empowering Others
    Juliet Gentzkow
    ’She swept through like a conquering queen but worked like an unpaid serf.’ Elena Marsella, 1949Gayle Woolson had already been pioneering in Latin America for fourteen years when in early 1954 she opened the Galápagos Islands to the Bahá’í Faith, thus earning the title ’Knight of Bahá’u’lláh’. Although her time there was brief, the story of her rich and varied life, dedicated t...

    37,07 €

  • Unfurling the Divine Standard
    Baron Harper / Barron Harper
    ... As the world passes through its darkest hour before the dawn, the Cause of God, shining ever more brightly, presses forward to that glorious break of day when the Divine Standard will be unfurled and the Nightingale of Paradise warble its melody. ⏤ The Universal House of Justice.This book of vignettes about the lives of the Hands of the Cause of God unfolds the divine stand...

    26,23 €