Biografía: religiosa y espiritual

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  • Shoghi Effendi Through the Pilgrim’s Eye
    Earl Redman
    Shoghi Effendi Through the Pilgrim’s Eye tells the story of the Guardian’s ministry from 1922 when the young Shoghi Effendi, just 24 years old, was charged with guiding the affairs of a worldwide Faith. Rather than a biography, it draws on the diary entries and letters (many now published for the first time) of the many pilgrims and visitors to the Bahá’í Holy Places in Haifa a...

    39,51 €

  • Agnes Baldwin Alexander Hand of the Cause of God
    Duane Troxel / Earl Redman
    Agnes Alexander was the only Hand of the Cause of God to be mentioned in the Tablets of the Divine Plan. ’Abdu’l-Bahá wrote of her: ’I declare by the Lord of Hosts that had this respected daughter founded an empire, that empire would not have been so great’, and described her as ’the daughter of the Kingdom, the beloved maid-servant of the Blessed Perfection’. Her life spanned ...

    38,03 €

  • Your Mouth Confessing God’s Healing Promises Will Heal Your Disease
    Ronald P. Braddock Sr.
    I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood disease, in February 2019. I looked up God’s healing scriptures in the Bible and confessed them daily, and my disease began to disappear.After a few months of speaking these healing promises out loud, the disease was no longer present in my blood.The teaching in this book is God’s method of healing. It is not the only me...

    9,89 €

  • Born to Live
    Peter Yarrell
    In a multi-day bike race or ride, each day is defined as a stage. As you ride with Peter along the course of his life, you will see that life is made up of stages from which we learn and grow. In 2012 Peter had the privilege of planning and organizing an eight-day multi-stage bike race named The Tour of New Zealand. It’s a biennial Tour de France-style event for riders who love...

    21,42 €

  • Gratitude and Grit
    Leo Wollenweber
    Gratitude and Grit tells the startling story of the simple friar whose loving concern for everyday people dramatically transformed thousands of lives. A warm, straightforward account of Casey’s life from someone who knew him personally, this book is a testament to the fact that God is present in even the most unlikely places. Detroit in the first half of the twentieth century w...

    15,03 €

  • Time in the Cocoon
    Rebecca L. Lilly
    Time in the Cocoon depicts the life story of Rebecca L. Lilly. Although she thought her life was headed for disaster time and time again, God always showed this determined woman that she had beauty for ashes waiting for her.This book, although it is a story of someone’s life, is written through the four stages of the life cycle of the butterfly. As you go on this journey with t...

    9,73 €

  • The Monk of Park Avenue
    Yun Rou
    The Monk of Park Avenue is a kaleidoscopic ride through the upper echelons of New York Society and the nature-worshipping, sword-wielding world of East Asian religious and martial arts ...

    16,48 €

  • Here Be Magick
    Melissa Seims
    This compelling account of eccentricity and Witchcraft in the 1950s and 60s revolves around two principal characters: ’Rex Nemorensis’ (Charles Cardell), son of an internationally famous Victorian stage magician, and Ray Howard, owner of the Head of Atho - a representation of the Horned God of the Witches reputedly over 2000-years-old.. From the luxury of his country estate, Ca...

    48,26 €

  • 儒特风:玛莎·儒特与巴哈伊在中国的早期传播
    德贵 蔡
     玛莎·儒特(Martha Root, 1872-1939)是巴哈伊重要的早期信仰和传导者,去世后被尊为'圣辅'。中国是她全球传导之旅的重要一站。作者从浩如烟海的中英文报刊资料中爬梳整理出线索,理清了儒特中国之行的具体行程、日常起居与传导活动;尤其是她与中国知识界和中英文媒体的交流与合作。由于世界语与巴哈伊的紧密关系,本书也第一次梳理了上世纪早期世界语在中国的传播,以及胡适、胡愈之、蔡元培、周氏兄弟、于道泉、陈原、冯省三等对世界语运动的支持和推动。 ...

    27,60 €

  • The Shape of My Heart
    Richard Ray
    How well do we know our vocational purpose? How do our life circumstances cause us to reconsider our vocational purpose? How can we know if we are living the life to which God is calling us? This book tells the story of author Richard Ray as he searches for answers to these questions while making a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James on the Camino de Santiago. Human beings ha...

    31,72 €

  • The Shape of My Heart
    Richard Ray
    How well do we know our vocational purpose? How do our life circumstances cause us to reconsider our vocational purpose? How can we know if we are living the life to which God is calling us? This book tells the story of author Richard Ray as he searches for answers to these questions while making a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James on the Camino de Santiago. Human beings ha...

    21,73 €

  • زیر سایۀ شمشیرها - A l’Ombre des Sabres
    Hamid Simab / Hela Ouardi
    این کتاب دومین دفتر از زنجیرۀ جانشینان نفرین شده (الخلفاء الملعونون) یا پنج کتابی است که با بازسازی تاریخی دوره های حکمروایی چهار جانشین پیامبر اسلام، آن روزگار پارینه را بر بنیاد قدیمی ترین روایات و کتب تاریخی مسلمان ها در برابر دیدگان ذهن خواننده به گونۀ زنده به نمایش می گذارد. مشخصۀ دوره های زمامداری این چهار جانشین، که آثار و احادیث اسلامی آنانرا خلفای راشدین لقب داده اند، ...

    16,09 €

  • The Spiritual Path
    Mira Mikulic
    Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Have you questioned where you came from, why your life has unfolded as it has and what will happen after you die? These questions began to interest me as a teenager after immigrating to Tasmania from communist Czechoslovakia with my family.Join me on my journey from Czechoslovakia to Australia into a new life of extraordinary se...

    26,85 €

  • The Spiritual Path
    Mira Mikulic
    Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Have you questioned where you came from, why your life has unfolded as it has and what will happen after you die? These questions began to interest me as a teenager after immigrating to Tasmania from communist Czechoslovakia with my family.Join me on my journey from Czechoslovakia to Australia into a new life of extraordinary se...

    34,64 €

  • Sonja
    Sonja Skillingstad
    My name is Sonja Skillingstad, and I have been inspired to write about myself during my early years and the beautiful angel lady sent to assist me during the serious abuse I was receiving from my mother. ...

    12,22 €

  • Island Boy
    J. Michael Woods
    Have you wondered about your purpose in life?Island Boy chronicles seven years of a remote life. His existence was neither planned nor wanted. His life journey is ravaged by severe epileptic seizures, isolation, and depression. His only comfort is his grandmother, Cootie, who wrapped him in love. She taught him to pray and trust in a God who would one day provide salvation thro...

    15,83 €

  • From the End Zone to a Wheelchair
    Doug Smooth Harrington
    'This book is refreshingly honest and goes deep into Doug’s soul and emerges with a confession that will bring tears to your eyes. From the first page to the last, you will be taken on a rollercoaster ride of sex, overindulgence, and self-hate. Doug’s journey to God didn’t start with his accident, it started years before in college when his battle with demons first began. Journ...

    14,24 €

  • Dr. Mordechai Helfman
    Raphael Israeli
    This volume sums up the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man. Dr. Mordechai Helfman was born and raised in Ukraine at the turn of the 20th century.He started his academic training in medicine in Kiev. Due to the severe anti-Semitic persecutions there, he fled to Prague, where he was caught up by the winds of Zionism, which swept up Diaspora Jews, partly in response to the...

    15,06 €

  • Shotgun Rider
    Richard Lininger
    Anyone with an interest in angels will enjoy this true story like no other. The story is about angel power, love, music, and life in the 1960s, amid the menacing fear of the effects of the Vietnam War. The author tells a true account of something extraordinary that happened to him during that time. That propelled him to spend the rest of his life trying to sort things out throu...

    20,85 €

  • Jesus Stole My Weed!
    Kevin Coker / Marlo Coker
    She’s a hot mess looking for the right love in all the wrong places. He’s a pothead in love with another girl. Somehow, they fall in love and try to make the love triangle work. But eventually, one of these things has to go. With God by their side and guiding their steps, the right choices are eventually made, in a unique and divine way.See how God helps them give up their addi...

    10,71 €

  • In My Right Mind
    Amy Crane
    In My Right Mind is a story of a woman’s experience living with epilepsy in her childhood and young adult years. Amy had complex partial and grand mal seizures, those seizures that are difficult to control by medication. Amy went on to college to pursue a teaching degree, although she continued to have seizures on a regular basis. She faced physical, emotional, and spiritual tr...

    15,79 €

  • I. Witness
    Matthew Edward Clifton
    I pray this book finds you in time. There may not be much left. Whoever gave it to you must really love you. If you found this book discarded, pray you don’t make the same mistake as the last poor soul who threw it away.If I were you, I would open it up and give it a chance. I genuinely believe this may be the second most important book you ever read. You never know, it might j...

    12,88 €

  • Luz de la Selva
    Nick Parren
    En el interior de este libro, el lector encontrará la transcripción, tal cual, sin cambios, de un manuscrito que me entregó Luz de la Selva.He querido mantener el texto con una tipografía tipo manuscrita (como en el original), para que no pierda su fuerza, su personalidad y su energía, que hace la lectura muy placentera, aunque lenta por todos los momentos de meditación que pro...

    10,00 €

  • By Faith And A Spin
    Doris Mech
    Once upon a time, many years ago, a man named Donald Mech courageously stepped into an exciting, intriguing career, the ancient art of beekeeping. He actually made a living with honeybees.Read the story of how Mech Apiaries’ honey traveled everywhere, from Pike Place Market in Seattle, all across the land. And who could better tell this amazing story than his wife and helpmate ...

    13,60 €

  • Come Follow God
    Marianna S. Albritton / Marianna W. Albritton
    How can a person 'follow God'? Through many years of getting to know and follow God, I have discovered He is very individual-minded. You as an individual matter to God. He is interested in you and getting to know you. God seeks out a person and issues a call to come to Him in belief and communication. This book is an attempt to share with you, the reader, some of my own experie...

    8,52 €

  • Realizing Our Deepest Desires
    Bernie SJ Owens
    From his Jesuit background, Bernie Owens has written a twenty-first-century version of Teresa of Avila’s sixteenth-century classic, The Interior Castle. He writes in an experiential, easy-to-read style with numerous contemporary stories taken from North American and African cultures to illustrate the seven stages of spiritual growth Teresa describes. His book is a map for those...

    33,75 €

  • Realizing Our Deepest Desires
    Bernie SJ Owens
    From his Jesuit background, Bernie Owens has written a twenty-first-century version of Teresa of Avila’s sixteenth-century classic, The Interior Castle. He writes in an experiential, easy-to-read style with numerous contemporary stories taken from North American and African cultures to illustrate the seven stages of spiritual growth Teresa describes. His book is a map for those...

    20,17 €

  • Chosen by God, Called by Grace
    Peter Schuler
    Chosen by God, Called by Grace is the story of how the Lord called Peter to preach to the nations forty-four years ago and then delivered him from childhood trauma, and a terminal illness, and sent him to minister to the homeless for twenty-five years. This book describes Peter’s search for God and his relationship of love and friendship with the Lord as he walked with his Heav...

    21,33 €

  • Befreiung von den Ketten der Vergangenheit
    Annette Nsoh
    Gott hatte einen Plan für mein Leben, aber nicht nur er. Das Erbe meiner königlichen Blutlinie übte einen mächtigen Einfluss auf mein Leben aus und steuerte es in eine komplett andere Richtung, als ich wollte. Dieses Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf meine Lebensreise mit ihren Konflikten um die Befreiung von den Ketten der Vergangenheit. Obwohl ich die meiste Zeit meines Lebens ein...

    13,66 €

  • The Dragons of Decagon
    Sandra Kelly
    Once long ago, on a distant mountain called 'Dec-Agon', life was very different from what we humans know now. This mountain had ten huge sides. Each side had forests, large valleys, rivers, and lakes. Each mountainside was beautiful in its own way, different, but beautiful. All except one side. It was grey and murky and always referred to as 'The Dark Side'. Not much was known ...

    12,43 €