Biografía: religiosa y espiritual

Biografía e historias reales / Biografía: general / Biografía: religiosa y espiritual (8187)

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  • The Historical Life of Christ
    J. Warschauer

    35,11 €

  • Touching the Bones of Elisha
    Albert OFM Haase / Phil Vestal
    In this book, Franciscan priest Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, and Protestant pastor Phil Vestal bring to life nine spiritual practices from the life and ministry of the ancient Hebrew prophet Elisha--practices later promoted by Jesus, Paul, and subsequent figures in the history of Christian spirituality. These spiritual practices point directly to important themes in spiritual formati...

    19,71 €

  • The Historical Life of Christ
    J. Warschauer

    56,82 €

  • Touching the Bones of Elisha
    Albert OFM Haase / Phil Vestal
    In this book, Franciscan priest Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, and Protestant pastor Phil Vestal bring to life nine spiritual practices from the life and ministry of the ancient Hebrew prophet Elisha--practices later promoted by Jesus, Paul, and subsequent figures in the history of Christian spirituality. These spiritual practices point directly to important themes in spiritual formati...

    32,19 €

  • Conversos, buscadores de Dios
    Pablo J. Ginés
    Como periodista escribo sobre conversiones al cristianismo desde 2002. Habré leído, entrevistado o traducido, o al menos investigado con cierto detenimiento, las historias de unos 300 conversos modernos, del siglo XX y XXI, época de gasolina, electricidad, incluso Internet.Es un mundo fascinante para explorar, porque en sus historias se puede ver cómo actúa Dios, a veces con su...

    12,48 €

  • A Voice A Soul A Man Speaks
    Tyra J. Robinson Sr.
    Voice A Soul A Man Speaks unveils the silent things men are taught to keep to themselves. Tyra J. Robinson Sr.’s experiences as a black man led him to wrestle with the uncertainties of knowing whether there was a good enough brother to stare his insights with. But God gave him once shy little boy a new song, a new voice.This is not just a message, but a testimony, that there ar...

    17,01 €

  • A Voice A Soul A Man Speaks
    Tyra J. Robinson Sr.
    Voice A Soul A Man Speaks unveils the silent things men are taught to keep to themselves. Tyra J. Robinson Sr.’s experiences as a black man led him to wrestle with the uncertainties of knowing whether there was a good enough brother to stare his insights with. But God gave him once shy little boy a new song, a new voice.This is not just a message, but a testimony, that there ar...

    10,42 €

  • Garimpo De Ouro Do Rio Madeira Em Rondônia
    Gilberto Carniatto Dos Santos
    O rio Madeira foi palco de uma das maiores aventuras ocorridas do país, o garimpo de ouro do rio Madeira em Rondônia. Nenhum outro garimpo resiste há tanto tempo e iniciou em condições muito adversas, uma verdadeira saga que custou a vida de muita gente, de diversas maneiras e o livro percorre essa história como forma de guardar as memórias do autor sobre essa época vivida, ao ...

    12,17 €

  • Helena
    Helena Guimarães E Patricia Martins
    A história da minha vida dava um livro, dizia Helena sorridente.A pedido da nossa rainha doRei do gado, eis a obra Helena em versos, contos, músicas e prosas.Quando a saudade corta,morena, é que eu vou voltar. (Jair Rodrigues Vaqueiro de profissão O rei do gado) ...

    8,81 €

  • Three Generations of Love
    James Pope
    A foursome of two pair of lesbians playing golf. A little hanky - panky, while searching for a lost ball out of bounds. 3 G L, has more turns and twist than our intestines. A 25 year period of RAGING EMOTIONS! ...

    21,33 €

  • Three Generations of Love
    James Pope
    A foursome of two pair of lesbians playing golf. A little hanky - panky, while searching for a lost ball out of bounds. 3 G L, has more turns and twist than our intestines. A 25 year period of RAGING EMOTIONS! ...

    11,62 €

  • Walking the Leadership Tightrope
    Christopher P. Ice
     Great leadership is a prerequisite for success. It’s about communicating the vision and mission of your organization effectively and creating cultures of innovation, inspiration, and a strong sense of purpose to allow your employees to flourish.Chris’ multitude of experiences in multiple industries-insurance, higher education, hospice, non-profit, and consultation-have helped ...

    29,96 €

  • Jesus in the Minnows
    David Craig
    This is a memoir, yes, fictionalized (as all of them are in some way) because the facts don’t matter nearly as much here as the Holy Spirit who moves the furniture, the physical world, and everything in it. This unvarnished book tries to do more than offer a happy or easy conversion. It foregrounds the Beat movement too, a movement that has long been way station and home to man...

    22,63 €

  • Growing Pains
    Rosilyn Walker
    From being abandoned in the hospital at birth, living with a clinically diagnosed schizophrenic mother, and dealing with a somewhat absent alcoholic father. To fighting through epilepsy during my teenage years and some of my adulthood. From dealing with the heartbreaks and betrayals of relationships and friendships. To laying my dreams down, literally. From battling anxiety, de...

    22,37 €

  • Folhas Do Outono - Vol. 2
    Walkyria Gaertner Boz
    Memórias de uma história real que abrange cinco gerações.Walkyria é neta orgulhosa dos personagens mais antigos, que viveram no final dos anos 1800, e é avó dagaleranascida no final dos 1900.O leitor é levado a uma viagem no tempo, com passagens surpreendentes acontecidas no Paraná, Goiás e Rio de Janeiro ao longo de mais de um século.Folhas do Outono mostra que a vida real é u...

    22,11 €

  • Padre Pio
    Roberto Allegri
    Be introduced to Padre Pio by those who knew him well and discover why he remains one of the most beloved saints of our time. This book from Roberto Allegri includes firsthand accounts of how this friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic embodied God’s limitless mercy, even as he endured many trials and challenges. Read about how he cared deeply for the thousands of pilgrims who c...

    19,69 €

  • Walking the Leadership Tightrope
    Christopher P. Ice
    Great leadership is a prerequisite for success. It’s about communicating the vision and mission of your organization effectively and creating cultures of innovation, inspiration, and a strong sense of purpose to allow your employees to flourish.Chris’ multitude of experiences in multiple industries-insurance, higher education, hospice, non-profit, and consultation-have helped h...

    17,72 €

  • Urdiel
    Alexander P M van den Bosch
    What kind of revelations does archangel Urdiel had to share ...

    9,02 €

  • Swami Ramanujacharya
    Saumya Ranjan Das
    ସାଧାରଣ ମନୁଷ୍ୟ ସୀମିତ ଶକ୍ତି ଓ ସ୍ୱଳ୍ପ ଆୟୁଷର ଅଧିକାରୀ ହୋଇଥିବା ହେତୁ, ସେ ନିଜସ୍ୱ ବୁଦ୍ଧି ଓ ଉଦ୍ୟମ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଜଗତର ସ୍ରଷ୍ଟା ପରମତତ୍ତ୍ୱଙ୍କୁ ନିରୂପଣ କରିପାରିବା ଅତି କଷ୍ଟସାଧ୍ୟ ଅଟେ । ପରତତ୍ତ୍ୱଙ୍କ ବିଷୟରେ ଜାଣିବାକୁ ହେଲେ, ପରତତ୍ତ୍ୱଦର୍ଶୀ ମହାମାନବ ମାନଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ପ୍ରଦତ୍ତ ଭଗବଦ୍ ଜ୍ଞାନର ଆଶ୍ରୟ ନେବା ହିଁ ଉତ୍ତମ ପନ୍ଥା ଅଟେ । ସେହିପରି ମହାପୁରୁଷ ମାନଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଅଗ୍ରଗଣ୍ୟ, ଜଗତଗୁରୁ ସ୍ୱାମୀ ରାମାନୁଜାଚାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ଭାରତବର୍ଷରେ ଜଣେ ମହାନ୍ ଦାର୍...

    17,93 €

  • Brave for Freedom
    Jonathan Matei
    Many people worldwide view Romania as being one of the most beautiful and historic European countries,having marvelous castles, monasteries, and breathtaking scenery. That wasn’t the case for Viorel Matei, being born in Buzias in 1953-the place of the heart, known for its healing waters, just eight years after World War 2 had ended. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union overtook Roma...

    20,09 €

  • Don Milne
    Terry Alve
    This biography of Don Milne seeks to inform and challenge you to expect triumph out of tragedy, hope during hopelessness and faith to arise where failure and fear lurk. The message highlights the power of expectant prayer and the value of genuine and warm friendship to provide deep meaning and encouragement, especially to those who live on the ’edge’ in terms of health, isolati...

    22,14 €

  • Brave Son of Tibet
    David P. Jones
    For centuries, access to Tibet was difficult for geographical and political reasons until missionaries pried it open in the nineteenth century. Their reports provided glimpses of those living behind the towering mountains, hidden from the Western world.One of those missionaries, Robert B. Ekvall (1898-1983), stands out as one of the most illustrious and overlooked alumni of Nya...

    23,66 €

  • Josef’s Journey of Faith
    Josef Herz
    A Journey of Faith is a compilation of the life of Josef. Born in 1943 during WWII, while millions of soldiers died on the battlefields and millions of civilians died because of the bombing of cities and starvation, Josef survived against all odds. He was nursed and raised by a naturopathic-treatment-practicing mother, utilizing alternative medicine and prayer. She relieved her...

    12,90 €

  • Brave Son of Tibet
    David P. Jones
    For centuries, access to Tibet was difficult for geographical and political reasons until missionaries pried it open in the nineteenth century. Their reports provided glimpses of those living behind the towering mountains, hidden from the Western world.One of those missionaries, Robert B. Ekvall (1898-1983), stands out as one of the most illustrious and overlooked alumni of Nya...

    31,52 €

  • 7 days in Managua
    Kelly Grimes
    This is my story about my mission trip to Managua Nicaragua in 2009. This book is not only meant to honor God, but also share how he showed up in so many amazing ways during the trip. From missed planes, turbulance, broken vans, and people with machine guns. God was there. ...

    14,97 €

  • Reflections on a Life that Has Been Enough
    Rev. Louis A. Serio
    Rev. Louis Serio was diagnosed with Brain Cancer and reflected on his life that would be ended soon and wrote his challenges and his memories and reflections of his life that has been shortened.As a Chaplain, he had widened and deepened his understanding of the stories that we all tell about who we are and what small role we each play in the wider human communities. In his trai...

    17,67 €

  • The Larger Life
    Joan Shack / Reverend Sudha Puri
    A highly educated and cultured young woman, Laura Franklin Glenn (Devamata) was born in the Midwest in the nineteenth century. Possessing many talents and practical good sense, she was well prepared for the work which absorbed her. She began serving the cause of Vedanta as an active member of the first Vedanta Society of New York under Swami Abhedananda, Vivekananda’s brother m...

    28,08 €

  • Dead River to Living Water
    Tommy Poole
    'Will you love her, honor her, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?' Tommy assented to this question not once, not twice, but three times. And each time, he stood before the same woman!Follow his story as he journeys from the Dead River swamp of South Georgia through the muddy waters of a sin-filled life as a rebellious teen, a disrespectful son, an arrogant US M...

    18,87 €

  • Gesù Cristo Divino Salvatore Eterna Speranza
    Ary Jr. S.
    Gesù Cristo è la via, la verità e la vita.Questa è una credenza cristiana basata sulla dichiarazione di Gesù riportata nel Vangelo di Giovanni, capitolo 14, versetto 6, dove disse: "Io sono la via, la verità e la vita. Nessuno viene al Padre se non per mezzo di me. " Questa affermazione indica che Gesù è l’unica via per raggiungere Dio e ottenere la vita eterna.I cristiani cred...

    10,96 €

  • Marie Gérin-Lajoie
    Natasha Pemba
    Présenter l’œuvre et la personne de Marie Gérin-Lajoie à travers le regard d’une autre femme inspirée par la mission de cette leader, d’un autre siècle certes, mais dont les actions et la vision ont contribué à façonner des générations de femmes au Québec, tel est le propos de cet essai né d’une rencontre et qui prouve que pour son époque, cette pionnière de l’action sociale ét...

    20,07 €