Arte (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general / Arte (infantil/juvenil) (534)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general Eliminar filtro Arte (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • I Like Art
    Margaux Stanitsas
    Art history made accessible and enjoyable for kids Learn all about the Baroque period in this art history book for kids. Meet famous artists like Caravaggio, Rubens, and Strozzi and find out why they painted the way they did. The Baroque period of art began in 1600 and featured ornate paintings filled with movement. Kids will learn to spot details and themes in Baroque art and ...

    11,80 €

  • I Like Art
    Margaux Stanitsas
    Art history made accessible and enjoyable for kids Learn all about Expressionism in this art history book for kids. Meet famous artists like Gustav Klimt, Edvard Munch, and Paul Klee and find out why they painted the way they did. The Baroque period of art began at the beginning of the 20th century and featured art that expressed the artists’ feelings. Kids will learn to spot ...

    11,80 €

  • Imagination and Feelings
    Tracy Ford
    This interactive book encourages a child to use their imagination and creativity to explore emotions in a positive way.  After each emotion, there are questions to go through with your child that will help create vivid images that may comfort them and inspire them draw, paint, sing, write, or dance! ...

    10,68 €

  • Just Walkin’! A Kid’s Guide to Cozumel, Mexico
    Peneope Dyan
    Cozumel is an island in the Caribbean Sea sitting off the east coast of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, opposite Playa del Carmen,  close to the Yucatán Channel, and is part of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico.  When you are there, you can visit the Mayan Ruins of the Yucatan Peninsula, which is exactly what award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, and pho...

    12,81 €

  • Ancient Times -- A Kid’s Guide to Belize’s Altun Ha
    Penelope Dyan
    Altun Ha is located in Rockstone Pond Village, in Belize in Central America. If you want to learn more about the ancient Mayans‛ culture beliefs and traditions, you can visit Altun Ha where the Mayans left traces of their culture and lives. The Mayans had many social rituals, and they studied mathematics and the heavens. And, no, they were NOT decedents of aliens from the sky, ...

    12,81 €

  • Feelin’ Good! A Kid’s Guide To Fort Lauderdale, FL
    John D. Weigand / John DWeigand / Penelope Dyan
    When you go to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, there is a lot to see and do.  You can tour the everglades and go on an alligator hunt (with your eyes only, of course) or you can look for some flamingos on a Flamingo Gardens’ tour.  You can climb a tree.  You can go shopping, or you can even go to the beach.  The possibilities are endless!  Use this ‘learn to read’ book written by the...

    12,81 €

  • How to Draw Cars, Trucks, Planes, and Other Things That Go!
    DP Kids
    How to Draw for Cars, Trucks, Planes, and Other Things That Go! provides simple, easy-to-follow pictures that make it easy for kids to start drawing. Boost confidence and inspire creativity with 30 projects including cars, trucks, trains, boats, bicycles, tractors, trucks, and more. Includes plenty of room to practice drawing. ...

    7,42 €

  • How to Draw Animals
    DP Kids
    How to Draw Animals provides simple, easy-to-follow pictures that make it easy for kids to start drawing. Boost confidence and inspire creativity with more than 60 animals including dogs, cats, horses, elephants, zebra, monkeys, birds, fish, bumble bees and more! Includes plenty of room to practice drawing. ...

    10,28 €

  • How to Draw for Kids
    DP Kids
    How to Draw for Kids provides simple, easy-to-follow pictures that make it easy for kids to start drawing. Boost confidence and inspire creativity with more than 45 projects including animals, flowers, cars, fruits, and other everyday objects. Includes plenty of room to practice drawing. ...

    8,47 €

  • Snaphappy
    Nisha Jayne Todd
    'Let's get #Snaphappy! Get creative and look around you. Find inspiration everywhere. Create something from nothing. Lets WOW people!!! Plan a fashion shoot. Be retro, be modern, be unique, be you. A project for you and your #girlgang!''#Snaphappy - A Fashion Photography Project' is aimed at kids that love taking photographs and love making art. It is for th...

    10,89 €

  • Words
    J. Tillman
    Words is a riveting descriptive, colorful and imaginative book teaching children young and old the power in the spoken word. It teaches children accountability, responsibility and the effect of words. In the age of tweeting, posting, snapping, videos and memes; words have become more important than ever. Words empowers children of all ages to see the strength they possess in wh...

    16,45 €

  • Traveling Buddies
    Activity Crusades
    Keep your traveling buddy entertained with activity books. As you child focuses on the activities, they will forget about time and distance. They will become visibly relaxed and less fussy during the trip. This also means that you can focus on the road and even come up with revisions to the itinerary, too. Make traveling a more comfortable adventure. Pack up some activity books...

    11,62 €

  • Not So Boring
    Activity Crusades
    Both drawing and coloring are artistic activities with mental benefits. Asking your child to draw will help you gauge their understanding of the natural world. It helps to break down complex thought processes by making them visual. Coloring, on the other hand, appeals to both brain hemispheres responsible for logic and creativity. Encourage your child to use this workbook today...

    11,62 €

  • New Arrivals
    Activity Crusades
    This last volume of New Arrivals: Activity Books presents the most challenging activities for preschoolers. Here, your child will be taught to draw and to color by number. Drawing is more structured than coloring. It is an opportunity to express emotions, thoughts and feelings. Color by number, on the other hand, combines numeric knowledge with creativity. Complete your child’s...

    11,62 €

  • Don’t Be So Quick
    Activity Crusades
    Drawing is more than just a means to showcase understanding of lines, shapes and forms. Drawing is also a means of knowing how the world looks like to a child. It is a means of communication, where words fail. Encourage your child to draw. Grab a copy and use this activity book today. ...

    11,62 €

  • Active Hands
    Activity Crusades
    We have more coloring and shape-learning activities in store for your little learner! Volume 2 of Active Hands: Activity Books 4-6 is composed of more edutaining fun designed to grow your child’s understanding of colors and shapes. Both forms the foundation of advanced math concepts. Secure a copy today! ...

    11,62 €

  • Aller Plus Lentement
    Activity Crusades
    Le dessin est plus qu’un simple moyen de mettre en valeur la compréhension des lignes, formes et formes. Le dessin est aussi un moyen de savoir comment le monde ressemble à un enfant. C’est un moyen de communication, où les mots échouent. Encouragez votre enfant à dessiner. Prenez une copie et utilisez ce livre d’activités aujourd’hui. ...

    11,62 €

  • Muy Divertido
    Activity Crusades
    Tanto el dibujo como el colorante son actividades artísticas con beneficios mentales. Pedirle a su hijo que dibuje le ayudará a medir su comprensión del mundo natural. Ayuda a romper los procesos de pensamiento complejos haciéndolos visuales. Colorear, por otro lado, apela a ambos hemisferios cerebrales responsables de la lógica y la creatividad. ¡ Anime a su hijo a usar este l...

    11,62 €

  • Manos Ocupadasn
    Activity Crusades
    ¡ tenemos más colorear y las actividades forma-que aprenden en almacén para su pequeño aprendiz! Volumen 2 de manos activas: libros de actividades 4-6 se compone de más edutaining diversión diseñado para crecer la comprensión de su hijo de colores y formas. Ambos forman la base de conceptos matemáticos avanzados. ¡ Asegure una copia hoy! ...

    11,62 €

  • Viaggiare Con Gli Amici
    Activity Crusades
    Mantenere il vostro compagno di viaggio intrattenuti con libri di attività. Mentre il bambino si concentra sulle attività, si dimenticheranno di tempo e di distanza. Diventeranno visibilmente rilassati e meno esigenti durante il viaggio. Questo significa anche che è possibile concentrarsi sulla strada e anche venire con revisioni per l’itinerario, anche. Rendere il viaggio un’a...

    11,62 €

  • Neue Anfänge
    Activity Crusades
    Dieses letzte Volumen von neuen Ankünfte: Activity Books stellt die anspruchsvollsten Aktivitäten für PRESCHOOLER. Hier wird Ihr Kind gelehrt, zu zeichnen und zu Farbe nach Nummer. Zeichnung ist strukturierter als Färbung. Es ist eine Gelegenheit, Emotionen, Gedanken und Gefühle auszudrücken. Farbe nach Nummer, andererseits, kombiniert numerische Kenntnisse mit Kreativität. Ver...

    11,62 €

  • Voyager Avec Des Amis
    Activity Crusades
    Gardez votre compagnon de voyage divertir avec des livres d’activités. Comme vous l’enfant se concentre sur les activités, ils vont oublier le temps et la distance. Ils deviendront visiblement détendus et moins pointilleux pendant le voyage. Cela signifie également que vous pouvez vous concentrer sur la route et même venir avec des révisions à l’itinéraire, aussi. Faire voyager...

    11,62 €

  • Nuevos Comienzos
    Activity Crusades
    Este último volumen de recién llegados: los libros de actividades presentan las actividades más desafiantes para los niños en edad preescolar. Aquí, a su hijo se le enseñará a dibujar y a colorear por número. El dibujo es más estructurado que colorear. Es una oportunidad para expresar emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos. El color por número, por otro lado, combina el conocim...

    11,62 €

  • Ve Más Lento
    Activity Crusades
    El dibujo es más que un medio para mostrar la comprensión de las líneas, formas y formas. El dibujo es también un medio para saber cómo se ve el mundo como un niño. Es un medio de comunicación, donde las palabras fallan. Anime a su hijo a dibujar. Tome una copia y utilice este libro de actividades hoy. ...

    11,62 €

  • Molto Divertito
    Activity Crusades
    Sia il disegno che la colorazione sono attività artistiche con benefici mentali. Chiedere al vostro bambino di disegnare vi aiuterà a valutare la loro comprensione del mondo naturale. Aiuta a suddividere i processi di pensiero complessi rendendoli visivi. Colorazione, d’altra parte, fa appello ad entrambi gli emisferi cerebrali responsabili della logica e della creatività. Inco...

    11,62 €

  • Mani Occupate
    Activity Crusades
    Abbiamo più colori e le attività di forma-apprendimento in serbo per il vostro allievo poco! Volume 2 di mani attive: libri di attività 4-6 è composto da più edutaining divertimento progettato per crescere la comprensione del bambino di colori e forme. Entrambi formano il fondamento dei concetti avanzati di matematica. Secure una copia di oggi! ...

    11,62 €

  • Reisen mit Freunden
    Activity Crusades
    Halten Sie Ihren Reisenden Buddy unterhalten mit Activity Books. Wie Ihr Kind konzentriert sich auf die Aktivitäten, werden Sie über Zeit und Distanz vergessen. Sie werden sichtbar entspannt und weniger wählerisch während der Fahrt. Dies bedeutet auch, dass Sie sich auf die Straße konzentrieren können und sogar mit Überarbeitungen auf die Reiseroute kommen, auch. Machen Sie Rei...

    11,62 €

  • Très Amusé
    Activity Crusades
    Le dessin et la coloration sont des activités artistiques avec des avantages mentaux. Demander à votre enfant de dessiner vous aidera à évaluer leur compréhension du monde naturel. Il permet de décomposer les processus de pensée complexes en les rendant visuels. Coloriage, d’autre part, les appels à la fois les hémisphères cérébraux responsables de la logique et la créativité. ...

    11,62 €

  • Viajando Con Amigos
    Activity Crusades
    Mantenga a su compañero de viaje entretenido con libros de actividades. A medida que su hijo se concentre en las actividades, se olvidarán del tiempo y la distancia. Se convertirán visiblemente relajados y menos quisquillosos durante el viaje. Esto también significa que usted puede centrarse en la carretera e incluso llegar a las revisiones del itinerario, también. Hacer viajar...

    11,62 €

  • Mains Occupées
    Activity Crusades
    Nous avons plus de coloriage et des activités d’apprentissage de forme en magasin pour votre petit apprenant! Volume 2 des mains actives: les livres d’activité 4-6 est composé de plus de plaisir Edutaining conçu pour développer la compréhension de votre enfant des couleurs et des formes. Les deux forment la base des concepts mathématiques avancés. Sécurisez une copie aujourd’hu...

    11,62 €