Aromaterapia y aceites esenciales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Terapias complementarias, curación y salud / Aromaterapia y aceites esenciales (114)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Terapias complementarias, curación y salud Eliminar filtro Aromaterapia y aceites esenciales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    John Carter
    *** 3 Manuscritos en 1 Libro - Yoga Para Principiantes, Terapia de Masajes Y Aceites Esenciales ***Yoga Para PrincipiantesEn este libro, vas a aprender cómo puedes crear una rutina que te hará verte y sentirte mejor en muy poco tiempo.Aprenderás los diferentes tipos de yoga y poses que funcionarán mejor para ti.Descubrirás dónde encontrar el mejor equipo de yoga y la efectivida...

    25,47 €

  • El gran libro del masaje con los aceites esenciales
    Francesco Padrini / Teresa Lucheroni
    Una guía enteramente dedicada al masaje aromático-energético curativo, que contiene consejos de aplicación práctica útiles para todo el mundo. El masaje resulta siempre muy beneficioso, pero si se lleva a cabo con las esencias oportunas multiplica su potencia y consigue resultados extraordinarios. El cuerpo se revitaliza y tonifica, las defensas del organismo se refuerzan y tod...

    39,47 €

  • Aceites, aromas, esencias, sales de baño
    E. Canella / ECanella
    Los aceites esenciales se utilizan desde hace milenios, tanto en los ritos religiosos como en medicina o incluso como producto de belleza. Los egipcios fueron maestros en la fabricación de ungüentos y aceites perfumados, que la sociedad tebana consumía sin moderación durante la celebración de fastuosas fiestas. La autora le abre las puertas del mundo de las esencias, desde las ...

    33,23 €

    John Carter
    *** 3 Manuscritos en 1 Libro - Yoga Para Principiantes, Terapia de Masajes Y Aceites Esenciales *** Yoga Para Principiantes En este libro, vas a aprender cómo puedes crear una rutina que te hará verte y sentirte mejor en muy poco tiempo. Aprenderás los diferentes tipos de yoga y poses que funcionarán mejor para ti. Descubrirás dónde encontrar el mejor equipo de yoga y la efecti...

    19,78 €

  • Relaxation
    Jessica Thompson
    Relax Your Body Using  The Secrets of Essential Oils And Massage Therapy... ★★ 2 Books In 1 - Aromatherapy & Massage Therapy ★★ **Aromatherapy** Do you have minor or possibly major health issues that are always plaguing you and that you’re looking for a cure for? Have you heard of “Essential Oils” and possibly even tried some of them to help you live a healthier life? The truth...

    13,47 €

  • Aromatherapy
    Jessica Thompson
    Discover The Secrets of Essential Oils... Do you have minor or possibly major health issues that are always plaguing you and that you’re looking for a cure for? Have you heard of “Essential Oils” and possibly even tried some of them to help you live a healthier life? The truth is, if you know which essential oils to use and how to use them, they can improve your life more than ...

    8,03 €

  • Massage Therapy
    Jessica Thompson
    What You Need To Know About Massage Therapy... Have you always wondered about massage therapy or maybe even had your doctor recommend it at some point? Would you like to know the true healing properties that can be gained from using massage in your life? Chances are, you’ve probably been held back by worry and just plain not knowing all the details about massage... If you want...

    8,20 €

  • Cleaning With Essential Oil
    Rebecca Park Totilo
    Now you can have a clean, healthy home free from harsh chemicals using a few ingredients from your pantry and  essential oils! Cleaning With Essential Oil features over 75 easy-to-make recipes for every household chore, including laundry detergent, heavy-duty oven cleaner, carpet deodorizer, antibacterial wipes, stain remover, and many more!Essential oils expert Rebecca Park To...

    23,62 €

  • Essential Oils
    Jonathan S. Hunt
    Have you ever wondered if there is an alternative solution to our medicine cabinets that are chock full of meds with potentially harmful side effects?  Would you like to discover a better alternative that has been used for millennia and whose positive benefits have been backed up by science? If you answered yes to any of the above, then this beginner friendly guide is for you! ...

    10,96 €

    John Carter
    Descubre los Secretos de los Aceites Esenciales...¿Tienes problemas menores o posiblemente mayores de salud que siempre están molestándote o lo que quieres encontrarle una cura?¿Has escuchado de “Aceites Esenciales” y posiblemente trataste incluso de usar algunos de ellos para llevar una vida más saludable?La verdad es, si quieres saber cuáles aceites esenciales debes usar y có...

    11,27 €

  • Fragrant Earth
    Jan Kuśmirek
    This manual is an easy to use and understand assistant for aromatherapists, beauty therapists and all those engaged in artisan cosmetics and perfume. It explains common terms and explores the philosophy of natural which in the end relates to on pack copy and descriptions within the legal framework. This resource is designed for those who may not be trained in chemistry but who ...

    30,99 €

  • Coaching
    Joyce Huang / 采妍
    Joyce老師走進身心療癒的路途,完全無私地分享把自己的經歷分享給大家,只希望在身心靈修練的兄弟組妹們能有更好的提醒及瞭解!1996年透過臺灣美容雜誌的美容編輯老師認識了七輪,開始拜師學習七輸能量按摩, 那時的我已經當了6年的美容師學到新的手法特別高興,每天不斷的服務客人,就在那時候累績了非常多身體觸診及身體反應出來的狀況驗證。2003年開始七輪教學透過芳香療法開始七輪能量按摩,芳香七輪療法(七輪手法的按摩技巧)並首創結合七彩耳燭做頭顱淨仕的療癒法,且在其中結合薰臍做腹腔的淨化療法,透過跟葛蘭美的合作將印度尼西西亞非常原始非常棒的子宮腹療術帶入臺灣教學。  ...

    51,39 €

  • El herbario de la salud
    Bernardo Ticli
    El reino vegetal es una inmensa farmacia dispuesta por la naturaleza para ayudarnos a resolver nuestros problemas de salud y curar achaques, dolencias, trastornos y cualquier malestar. Es una verdadera lástima que ignoremos estas oportunidades, sobre todo si nos resulta fácil recurrir a estos remedios porque tenemos la suerte de vivir en contacto con la naturaleza, disponemos d...

    38,43 €

  • Healing Arthritis Naturally With Essential Oil
    Rebecca Park Totilo
    If you feel a bit like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz because your joints creak or don’t move when you want them to, maybe they are asking you for oil - essential oils that is. Why live with pain or limited mobility if you don’t have to? Medical research provides compelling evidence that essential oils can relieve pain and inflammation whether its due to a sports injury or art...

    16,59 €

  • Aloe vera
    Olga Roig
    Las propiedades del aloe vera son conocidas desde la Antigüedad, y se han transmitido de cultura en cultura, de generación en generación.En este libro encontrará todo lo que necesita para conocer en profundidad esta planta y sus propiedades (historia, usos...), así como toda la información para cultivarla en casa sin problemas (cuidados, plagas, etc.).Además, se proponen 50 rec...

    11,39 €

  • Aromatherapy
    Ken McDonald
    The art of aromatherapy has become extremely popular in the last twenty years.  More and more stores, such as Walmart, Hobby Lobby, and others have shelves in pharmacy sections with little glass bottles of essential oils for sale.  Houses of worship are scented with essential oils as well as church members selling and talking about how to use essential oils.Along with the popul...

    11,58 €

  • Essential Oils Recipes
    Sherry Styles
    Would you like to be able to eliminate discomfort, inflammation, & pain? For the longest time, essential oils have been used to treat a number of ailments such as poor sleep, anxiety, stress, acne, allergies, colds, low energy, and much more! Using essential oils will also help with inflammation, your immune system, energy levels, focus, overall happiness, and much more! Introd...

    9,41 €

  • Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Bundle
    Olivia Banks
    Looking for books on essential oils and aromatherapy? You’ve come to the right place.  This bundle features two of the best on the market!The Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Bundle contains everything a new or seasoned oils enthusiast would want to know.  You’ll explore the MANY benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils; from home remedies to picking your first starter kit of...

    16,07 €

  • Essential Oils Guide Book
    Olivia Banks
    Looking for books on essential oils and aromatherapy? You’ve come to the right place. Essential Oils Guide Book contains everything a new or seasoned oils enthusiast would want to know.  You’ll explore the MANY benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils; from home remedies to picking your first starter kit of oils, it’s all here! Here’s a quick preview of what’s inside: What...

    14,24 €

  • Flores de Bach
    Vincenzo Fabrocini
    Las flores de Bach poseen grandes propiedades terapéuticas: sus extractos pueden curar trastornos psíquicos como la angustia, el miedo, la inseguridad, el pesimismo o la depresión, y no presentan contraindicaciones.Al solucionar los problemas psíquicos pueden prevenir las disfunciones físicas que se derivan de ellos (cardiopatías, alergias, tumores, etc.). Pero el secreto se en...

    18,67 €

  • El gran libro de las flores de Bach
    Evelina Guastalla
    Este libro es un completo manual sobre los principios y las aplicaciones de la floriterapia, según el método original creado por el médico inglés Edward Bach. La floriterapia afirma que determinados estados de ánimo provocan trastornos en el organismo; sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones, interviniendo sobre dichos estados de ánimo se pueden resolver los problemas físicos.Las 38 ...

    35,31 €

  • Masaje antiestrés
    Sabrina Bevilacqua / Silvia Pareschi
    El estrés mental repercute en el plano físico y, de la misma manera, la relajación corporal puede aliviar la tensión mental.En este libro se examinan los distintos tipos de dolor de cabeza, se analizan sus causas y se presentan los tratamientos propuestos por lamedicina alternativa. Aprenderá a identificar los síntomas del estrés en usted mismo y en los demás.El libro le permit...

    26,99 €

  • Higher Vibrational Living
    Heather Ensworth / Michelle S Meramour
    Higher vibrational living means something different to everyone, and your path is as unique as your fingerprint. Understanding your birth chart is a way to honor the uniqueness of who you are and to see what life themes you are dealing with, what challenges and vulnerabilities you have, and how to honor your true self.  Essential oils provide access to taking charge of your own...

    15,34 €

  • Aromatherapy for Beginners
    Anne Kennedy
    The essential guide for people starting their exploration of essential oils.With the right selection of versatile essential oils, you only need a small number to satisfy most of your everyday needs. Whether you’ve purchased a starter kit or are still deciding on which oils to buy, Anne Kennedy shares her aromatherapy expertise and teaches you which oils best suit your needs and...

    16,71 €

  • Aromaterapia
    Pierrick Le Louarn
    La aromaterapia ofrece otra manera de prevenir las enfermedades sacando partido de las diferentes esencias vegetales. Actualmente despierta un interés más que notable; sin embargo, no se trata de una disciplina nueva, ya que los egipcios extraían los aceites de ciertas plantas con finalidades curativas algunos siglos antes de nuestra era. Con la aromaterpia redescubrirá los sec...

    10,35 €

  • The Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes Book
    Julia Grady
    Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes Book includes over 200 diffuser recipes for health, mood, and home. Diffuser recipes for: stress relief, anxiety, depression, cognition, mood enhancement, sleep, nausea, colds and congestion, headache, air fresheners, insect repellent, holidays, seasons, and more. ...

    21,17 €

  • Natural Perfume With Essential Oil
    Rebecca Park Totilo
    Using the same classic perfumery techniques and processes as mainstream houses, a natural perfumer can blend, dilute, age and bottle his or her own signature scent, rivaling any name brand. Perfumes, body splashes, and colognes can be healthy too when created with pure essential oils and absolutes derived from botanical ingredients harvested from the earth. Natural perfumes can...

    35,85 €

  • Generational Emotional Mapping
    Joyce M. Turkington
    This is a self-help book about using essential oils to shift the subconscious generational programming that is at the root of many illnesses. Essential oils help reprogram incorrect perceptions that have been passed on through generations. The emotions that trigger symptoms of disharmony in the mental, emotional, and physical body seldom, if ever, originate with us; rather, the...

    14,07 €

  • SuperCritical Essential Oils
    Dr. Scott A Johnson
    The first book of its kind, Supercritical Essential Oils, explores the emerging and immense potential of essential oils extracted by carbon dioxide. Detailed composition, safety, preferred extraction method, and advantages/disadvantages of more than 100 supercritical essential oils is shared in an easy to understand format. Dialing in to what makes essential oils so effective, ...

    209,19 €

  • Medicinal Essential Oils
    Dr. Scott A Johnson / DrScott A Johnson
    This highly regarded, evidence-based reference sets the standard for the clinical use of essential oils. Unmatched in scientific evidence, this book provides the most comprehensive and accurate guidance to enjoy the multiple benefits of essential oils. Written by one of the world’s leading experts in the clinical use of essential oils, Dr. Scott A. Johnson, Medicinal Essential ...

    286,25 €

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