Adopción y acogimiento

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología / Bienestar social y servicios sociales / Adopción y acogimiento (486)

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  • Black Baby White Hands
    Jaiya John
    It is only months following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the nation is burning. Black and White America are locked in the tense grip of massive change. Into this inferno steps an unsuspecting young White couple. Neither truly knew even a single African American person while growing up. Now, a child will change all of that forever. Over the fateful years to ...

    29,93 €

    'At its simplest, this is the story of an adoption. Simple stops there. How is this different? The 13-year old boy initiates the process himself None of the boy’s living parents has ever met each other, and they do not share a common language. He comes from one of the remotest, yet loveliest, locations in the world-the North Caucasus The 'rules' for this process are unfathomab...

    15,48 €

  • The Family of Adoption
    Joyce Maguire Pavao

    17,27 €

  • Adoption and Recovery - Solving the mystery of reunion
    Evelyn Robinson
    'Adoption and Recovery - Solving the mystery of reunion' describes from a new and exciting perspective, why those who have been separated by family members through adoption often feel a desire to seek them out and also why certain issues arise when such reunions do occur. It is described as a companion volume to Evelyn's first book 'Adoption and Loss - The Hidden Grief', in whi...

    13,61 €

  • Private Adoption in Virginia
    Robert Klima

    10,14 €

  • Butterflies in the Wind
    Jean N. Erichsen
    The book chronicles not only the adoption of their three children abroad, but follows each of their children (including their biological son) into young adulthood. It vividly depicts their difficulties in raising teenagers in a cross-cultural, transracial home, and also exposes the frightening conditions facing today’s kids in our public schools, including gang issues, drop out...

    21,48 €

  • Butterflies in the Wind
    Jean N. Erichsen
    The book chronicles not only the adoption of their three children abroad, but follows each of their children (including their biological son) into young adulthood. It vividly depicts their difficulties in raising teenagers in a cross-cultural, transracial home, and also exposes the frightening conditions facing today’s kids in our public schools, including gang issues, drop out...

    29,81 €

  • The Post-Adoption Blues
    John R. Thompson / John RThompson / Karen J. Foli / Karen JFoli

    15,76 €

  • Katya’s Comet
    Scott Roos
    Once Scott Roos embraced his wife Nancy’s vision to adopt an older child in need, the couple embarked on a roller coaster ride of international adoption. While the process was challenging and downright discouraging at times, they persevered with strength derived from heart-sourced guidance to overcome many obstacles, doubts, and fears. The joyous outcome, Katya, provided a gift...

    15,31 €

  • Parents by Choice
    Terese E. Deblander
    'Parents By Choice is an excellent guide for researching adoption as a method for building a family. It is informative and enjoyable. I highly recommend this book for any prospective parent or parents wishing to pursue a domestic or international adoption.'--Chriss Barnes, Small Miracles International'Few books move me to tears and laughter any more, but Parents By Choice did. ...

    8,29 €

  • The Chinese Adoption Handbook
    John HMacLean
    Adopting a child can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Unfortunately, complex policies, legal risks, and fewer available children can make a domestic adoption difficult. International adoption offers a solution to parents yearning for a child of their own.American parents are now adopting over 6,000 children a year from China and Korea. John Maclean’s The Chinese Ado...

    15,75 €

  • Adopting a Toddler
    Denise Harris Hoppenhauer
    Finally, a childcare book written with the unique needs of adopted toddlers in mind. Written by an adoptive parent, Adopting A Toddler: What Size Shoes Does She Wear? is an indispensable guide to the wonderful world of toddler adoption. Filled with essential parenting information, Adopting a Toddler answers many questions that parents ask, including questions about changing a n...

    15,07 €

  • The Russian Adoption Handbook
    John HMacLean
    Adopting a child can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Unfortunately, complex policies, legal risks, and fewer available children make adopting domestically difficult. International adoption offers a solution to parents yearning for a child of their own.American parents are now adopting over 5000 children a year from Russia and Eastern Europe. John Maclean’s The Russ...

    25,62 €

  • Coming Out of the Adoptive Closet
    Kyle N. Weir / Kyle NWeir
    Coming Out of the Adoptive Closet explores the social disclosure patterns of adoptive parents, giving voice to the 'everyday life' of adoptive families. Focus is given to issues of social perception, individual development, family development, and family presentation strategies. ...

    151,13 €

  • If You Think You Are My Daughter
    Jeanne Biedrzycki / Karen Sweet
    True story of how a sixteen year old girl, forced to give up her baby girl at birth, finds her after thirty years with the help of a private detective. ...

    17,69 €

  • The Language of Blood
    Jane Jeong Trenka
    A lyrical memoir by a Korean adoptee that explores the many facets of personal and cultural identity. ...

    19,83 €

  • Family Bound
    Carrie Ostrea
    Statistics show that over two million couples will experience some type of infertility issue when they try to become pregnant. However, when you are one of those two million, you feel completely alone and believe that no one can truly understand what you are going through.This honest and revealing book documents one couple’s long and arduous journey to become parents from the ...

    21,03 €

  • We Have a Baby for You
    Rebecca A. Foreman
    When faced with the prospect of being a one-child family, and yet having a strong desire for more children, this Midwest family embarks on what would become the adventure of their lives. Through the eyes of a mom, this book is written for all of us who know the joys and frustrations of foreign adoption as well those who may still be in God s holding pattern as they struggle ...

    17,44 €

  • Miracles for Marlee
    Shannon G. Turner / Shannon GTurner

    22,63 €

  • Waiting for Me
    Jodie Peyton

    13,41 €

  • Waiting for Me
    Jodie Peyton

    25,25 €

  • Children of Intercountry Adoptions in School
    Ruth Lyn Meese

    121,88 €

  • Daughter from Afar
    Sarah LWoodard

    15,17 €

  • Journeys After Adoption
    Betsie L. Norris / Betsie LNorris / Jayne E. Schooler / Jayne ESchooler

    44,29 €

  • Foundling
    Mary Sturge

    18,75 €

  • Bringing Our Angel Home
    Tracy S. Pillow

    17,45 €

  • Orphans of Islam
    Jamila Bargach
    Orphans of Islam portrays the abject lives and ’excluded body’ of abandoned and bastard children in contemporary Morocco, while critiquing the concept and practice of ’adoption,’ which too often is considered a panacea. Through a close and historically grounded reading of legal, social, and cultural mechanisms of one predominantly Islamic country, Jamila Bargach shows how ’the ...

    77,44 €

  • Handbook on Adoption
    Herbert Wieder

    17,73 €

  • Adoption Digest
    Rita Laws / Tim O'Hanlon / Tim O’Hanlon

    44,75 €

  • Received in Grace
    Norman Carson

    13,99 €