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Under His Shadow Volume 3

Under His Shadow Volume 3

David Mayorga

12,86 €
IVA incluido
David Mayorga
Año de edición:
Religión y creencias
12,86 €
IVA incluido
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This book, which is comprised of daily devotions, was written with the intent, that the reader, would experience God in a deeper and more personal and intimate way. Also, in this book, you will also find principles that were birthed in prayer and processed through a willing attitude to be transformed by the hand of God. Birthed out of forty days of prayer and fasting, these devotions are freshly presented for such a time as this. As a consequence to prayer and fasting, the reader will be able to capture the daily revelations of the Holy Spirit as shown to the author. Our prayer is that the reader, will find both - sweet times of refreshing for their weary souls and also an awakening to pursue the heart of God with deeper longing.

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