David Eastwood
Speaking EnglishDid you ever want a job but you didn’t think you knewenough of the language?I’ve developed a program that can help you speak English while you also learn math. How does it work?Go to the website teachmath.info and download the course of study for you. Don’t know which one?We’ve put a quick quiz on the front of the website. Thatwill help you know where to start.Once you know where to start, you’ll listen while Mr G and Caveman learn the simplified lessons.Next, find the lesson in the workbook and go through the questions. You will need a friend, family, or classmate to go through the questions as you enunciate the math answers.Finally, finish the problems on the back and go throughthe questions for the second time. It’s that easy!!!You will be learning math as well learning the Englishthat you so desperately need to make that job.I originally wrote Algebra to start out this workbook, but thenI changed it to be Two Variable Algebra and Quadratics. It seemedthat beginning Algebra should go with Prealgebra. What do youthink?I actually spent more time writing Quadratics than any otherbook in the series. It seemed difficult, but at the same time simple.My favorite part is the chapter on Revenue. At first, it was muchtougher, but I made it simpler and simpler. Enjoy!!!