The Universal Order of Things

The Universal Order of Things

Shahidi Islam

14,47 €
IVA incluido
Divine Black People Ltd
Año de edición:
Filosofía: metafísica y ontología
14,47 €
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A Cosmology for Black Theology that Can Transform the Black WorldWhat is the most likely origin of the racial problem? To find an answer we may need to look at the origin of the White race in Europe, an origin that might be quite unknown to most people but is well known throughout the ghetto communities of Black America. This book contains a new outlook on the origin of God, the universe, time, subatomic waves, the quantum field, humanity, and in particular, White racism. Although a little complex it has been written for all people and can be grasped by any. It is also deeply influenced by the Black American Cosmology of the universe and borrows particularly from the godbody movement.___________________________________________________________________ Shahidi Islam, formerly Tony Saunders, made his bones in New York City as O.G. Foot-C of the Brooklyn, New York Crips in the late 1990s. After returning to London he soon reconnected with the godbody movement existing in South London, taking the name Shahidi Islam upon joining. Islam has since become a member of the Society for the Study of Theology as well as an advocate for the godbody movement.

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