The Night of Saint Bartholomew

The Night of Saint Bartholomew

By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia

26,00 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
El más allá, reencarnación y vidas pasadas
26,00 €
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Saint Bartholomew’s Night is the mass murder of Huguenots - French Protestant Christians of Calvinist doctrine - during the French Wars of Religion of the 16th century. It began on the night of August 23-24, 1572 in Paris, and spread for months across the country.It was a fanatical, immediate and cruel movement that, in the 'name of God', committed the most atrocious atrocities, unleashing causes that lasted for centuries of tests for the spirits that, in the darkness of the night, brutally interfered with the destiny of thousands of Huguenot Protestants, first locking them in a trap, using as bait the marriage of Henry and Navarre (Protestant) with Marguerite de Valois (Catholic, daughter of Catherine de Medici, the Queen Mother, who determined energetically over her son, the fragile Charles IX).

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