The Men’s World-Yesterday and Today

The Men’s World-Yesterday and Today


10,40 €
IVA incluido
Gabriele Publishing House
Año de edición:
10,40 €
IVA incluido
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A book that covers the cosmic events from far into the past until today, in which a men’s world was built up, which bears in itself, the decline that is becoming more and more visible in the present time. It is about the very beginning of the Fall in the battle against the Kingdom of God, the eternal law of the love for God and neighbor. It is the battle of the Fall-beings, who behind the scenes of this world, continue to influence the fate of all life on the Earth, indeed, of all people and souls, according to their principle: 'Divide, bind and rule.' However, the Fall-system is drawing to a close ...An excerpt:'The Fall had consequences. ... Thus, the attributes of God, the Patience, the Love and the Mercy, are in all the men’s world extremely atrophied. Since then, the woman was not only denigrated by the men’s world, but also disdained, and, depending on the country and religious order, was considered inferior and deprived of her human rights. ...'

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