The masks of ambition

The masks of ambition

Marie Dachekar Castor

16,24 €
IVA incluido
Marie Dachekar Castor
Año de edición:
16,24 €
IVA incluido
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Great descriptionThe Masks of AmbitionIn a world where ambition can be a driving force or a poison, The Masks of Ambition explores the limits of what some are willing to do to achieve their dreams. This captivating novel immerses us in the lives of Sophonie and Carla, two sisters from a humble village who move to the capital in hopes of a better future.Sophonie, eager for wealth and recognition, is seduced by the glitter of appearances and the lure of luxury. Obsessed with the success embodied by Magdalena Gaspard, an elegant and beloved woman, Sophonie sets a goal: to take her place in the heart of Winer Gaspard, an influential and respected man. Through manipulation and lies, she destroys a solid marriage, thinking that it will fill her inner void. However, the masks she wears to conceal her true intentions will eventually crack, revealing the consequences of her choices.On the other hand, Carla, gentle and altruistic, remains true to her values despite the opportunities to succumb to temptation. Her relationship with Marcus Gaspard, Winer’s son, highlights a sincere love, based on mutual respect and understanding. However, Carla must cope with her sister’s actions, which cast a shadow over their family.This story also weaves a reflection on lasting love through the marriage of Magdalena and Winer. Despite the storms they face, their story proves that true love can overcome even the deepest wounds.Through poignant plots, heart-wrenching betrayals, and moving reconciliations, The Masks of Ambition reveals the consequences of choices driven by selfishness and the thirst for power. This novel invites readers to reflect on the importance of staying true to oneself and essential values, even in the face of the promises of a glittering but deceptive world.In the end, this story teaches us that while ambition is a motor, it must be guided by solid principles, otherwise, it risks leading to downfall.

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