The Magic of the Akashic Records

The Magic of the Akashic Records

The Magic of the Akashic Records

Chris Janet Wilson

10,67 €
IVA incluido
Akashic Readings NZ
Año de edición:
10,67 €
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      This book is about my work in the Akashic Records- an energetic record of the experiences of all souls on Earth throughout time. The key messages of The Magic of the Akashic Records are when we are challenged on a human level, on a soul level all is perfect. we can use the energy of the Akashic Records to help us in our daily lives. This understanding has the potential to end human suffering. Interwoven with my story and the real human and soul stories of others is information about life purpose and lessons, soul contracts and the higher reasons for difficult relationships and the challenges we face. I write about the healing potential of the Records and how we can use them to reclaim and reconnect with our talents, attributes and wisdom from past lives. Through my work in the Akashic Records I have transformed my life and am helping hundreds of others to do the same. The energy of the Akashic Records is of a high vibration. It is healing and uplifting. The Records are a place where magic and miracles happen. They have cast a spell on me and are too good a secret to keep to myself! The Magic of the Akashic Records includes:  how a family crisis led me to the Records.  information from the Akashic Records that reveals the perfection of our soul’s plan.  startling information and true stories about the healing potential of the Akashic Records.  ways ordinary people can use the Akashic Records to help themselves reach their potential. From Tragic to Magic! Seven years ago my (then) 18 year old daughter developed a serious mental condition. She was on a mission of self destruction, with repeated self harming episodes and suicide attempts. A devoted and loving mother of three children, I was heartbroken. I had been on a spiritual journey and developing and teaching a conscious parenting course since the late 1990s. It was a positive course designed to raise the self-esteem of parents and children. For years I had lived and breathed these techniques but now my own child hated herself so much that she wanted to die. I needed answers. On a human level what happened just didn’t make sense. I have always been drawn to the Akashic Records. I knew if I could access these I might be able to understand the higher reason for this experience. I found a way, experimented in my own Record and got answers that resonated. I started giving readings to friends. The feedback was encouraging. Word spread, people asked me for readings and now giving soul information and writing and teaching others how to help themselves through their Akashic Record is my full time job. This work is a gift. I work with people all over the world helping to transform their lives. I see their highest potential and purpose and reflect this back. Every time I open someone’s Record and am in their energy I am healing myself as well. My life has changed for the better. I have gone from ‘tragic to magic’ since I discovered ‘the Records.’ Anything is possible when working in this sacred space. I feel compelled to share my journey and the wisdom of the Akashic Records with the world.

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