The Lord’s In The Viewfinder

The Lord’s In The Viewfinder

The Lord's In The Viewfinder

Arthur Spray

27,78 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Temas religiosos representados en el arte
27,78 €
IVA incluido
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A little explanation is needed, before I continue this book I believe strongly in the holy trinity.I guess this has not been shown enough in the way I Worship. I don’t wear my love on my sleeveIt’s in my heart and soul. I have tried to be as honest and trustworthy with people and tried never to lie, but that’s one sin I commit often. Lying is part of living, I lie when it keeps from hurting someone’s feelings.causing them pain. We all do that; no one can go through life without lying. Like everyone else I have broken a lot of the Commandments from time to time. I guess what I’m trying to explain is that we all must follow the Lords way’s in the way he has chosen for us. I believe he gives people different talents, I believe he guides us and watches over us, but gives us free will. We take the gifts from the Lord and use them effectively or squander them. I know the LORD isn’t physically in my viewfinder, but he is responsible for all I see through the viewfinder. I also believe we all have different talents, the degree we take these talents dependson our own desires. Some people are good at spreading GOD’S word, vocally telling others, guiding others and teaching themabout his LOVE and plans for all of us. Bless these people and give them strength to continue vigorouslyin their work. We have great scholars that give us explanations in books and articles they write. In classes and Seminars they bring knowledge to us all, but I find it hard to follow some of their rhetoric.Fortunately the Lord forgives people like me, with short attention spans. For some people visual aids are needed so the LORD gives us Artist. They proclaim his great workand his life, they build great Cathedrals, Lovely Church’s, statues and Crucifix’s for those of us that are not great scholars. I cannot claim to be an Artist or even a Great Photographer. What I am is a person who needs visual aids. So this is a little about my beliefs and why I like the title 'THE LORD’S IN THE VIEWFINDER'. All I am really trying to do with this book is give my Family an explanationto why I always seem to have a CAMERA in my hands.

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