The Biggest Liar in Los Angeles

The Biggest Liar in Los Angeles

The Biggest Liar in Los Angeles

Ken Kuhlken

0,00 €
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Poisoned Pen Press
Año de edición:
Misterios históricos
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Praise for The Biggest Liar in Los Angeles...'Kuhlken demonstrates his command of keeping a story moving with a meticulously thought-out plot while populating it with believable characters.' -Library Journal In 1926, musician Tom Hickey reads about a lynching the Los Angeles newspapers failed to report and realizes the Negro victim is an old friend. He goes to his neighbor, LAPD detective Leo Weiss who confirms that, officially, the lynching didn't occur. The murder happened in Echo Park, across the street from evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson's Angelus Temple. When Tom goes there looking for clues, he is greeted by an usher who continues to follow him after the service. Leo, a speakeasy owner, and a Klansman all warn him he's made formidable enemies- among them publisher and political heavyweight William Randolph Hearst. When Tom discovers the key to the murder, it lies close to home. Ken Kuhlken's novels have been honored as finalist for the Ernest Hemingway Award for best first novel, won the Private Eye Writers of America/St. Martin's Press Best First Novel competition, and been chosen as finalist for the Shamus Best Novel Award. He lives and writes in La Mesa,

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