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The 13th Zodiac (Ophiuchus and the Galactic Solar System Unveiled

The 13th Zodiac (Ophiuchus and the Galactic Solar System Unveiled

The 13th Zodiac (Ophiuchus and the Galactic Solar System Unveiled

Kwame Osei-Ghansah

12,04 €
IVA incluido
AuthorHouse UK
Año de edición:
12,04 €
IVA incluido
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By the time one finishes reading the book the following astronomically and cosmographically verifiable facts emerge:There are 28 days to each lunar month, 364 days to each lunar year and 13 months to each lunar year. The 365,366 days years are FALSE concepts. It is the starry designs that form the background to each lunar month that constitute the ZODIAC SIGNS.There are therefore THIRTEEN Zodiac signs.OPHIUCHUS - The serpent holder - which is between Scorpio and Sagittarius, is the one which has been denied existence. The fact that no month is more than 28 days long puts a question mark on the concept of Leap Day and leap year... on all the 30-day and 31 day months. And why are SEPT-OCTO-NOVEM-DECEM no longer SEVEN -EIGHT-NINE-TEN as far as our CALENDAR goes? It seems all our BIRTHDATES , ZODIAC SIGNSand our VERY CALENDAR are FALSELY CALCUALTED Even though GALACTIC SUNS and PLANETARY GALAXIES are all seen as BALLS OF LIGHT in infinite space, Galactic Suns differentiate themselves by the compactness of their LIGHT! The fact that our telescopes show only Galaxies and Galactic Suns as the smallest UNITS, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SEPARATE OR SEPARABLE SOLAR SYSTEM. SO THE CREATION STORY IN GENESIS CHAPTER ONE IS COSMOGRAPHICALLY AND ASTRONOMICALLY UNTENABLE. It is only the concept of the Galactic Solar System which enables us to see why there are 2000 years to the so-called MILLENIUM.Our galaxy orbits its galactic sun over a period of 26,000 years The thirteen ZODIAC SIGNS of the Planetary Zodiac, are duplicated by the Greater Zodiac of Thirteen 2,000 year MILLENIA. We are at the brink of entering THE AGE OF AQUARIUS as we leave the AGE OF PISCES... THE AGE OF THE SIGN OF THE CHRISTOS... FISHES!

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