Germán Belizario Quispe / Guillermo Gomer Cotrina Cabello / Heber Nehemias Chui Betancur
The evaluation of the simple compressive strength of concrete from samples at different heights in Puno is of great importance because the strength is a function of temperature. Low environmental temperatures delay the setting time of concrete, as well as its hardening and the development of its resistance. Pouring in cold climates normally allows a greater final resistance of the concrete, since the lower the initial temperature, the better the hydration of the cement will be, allowing the maximum efficiency of the cementitious material. The lower the initial temperature, the better the hydration of the cement will be, allowing for maximum efficiency of the cementitious material, so the resulting concrete strength will achieve better concrete strength, which implies delays in finishing operations. However, temperatures below 5 °C characteristic of the Peruvian highlands negatively affect the strength of fresh concrete.