Receive Their Messages

Receive Their Messages

Receive Their Messages

T M Orecchia

11,88 €
IVA incluido
Balboa Press
Año de edición:
Espíritus guía, ángeles y canalización
11,88 €
IVA incluido
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Have you ever wondered what life is all about? Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you ever said to yourself, 'Is this all there is in life? Why am I here? What role do I play in the universe?'Receive Their Messages contains twelve different stories addressing the events that souls will experience on the earth plane. These events are specific for each soul for their soul development process. The soul may want to experience a physical or mental disability or illness or help as many people as possible in its lifetime on earth.The twelve stories were channeled to the author by different angels. The angels introduce themselves in the beginning of each story, describe a soul’s life plan and the importance and reason for that soul’s plan. 3

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