Planet-Centered Astrology

Planet-Centered Astrology

Stephanie Jean Clement

27,08 €
IVA incluido
American Federation of Astrologers
Año de edición:
27,08 €
IVA incluido
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Astrology is founded on the premise that the planets embody and exemplify archetypal concepts. The gods themselves, for whom the planets are named, were projections of human qualities onto deities. Each planet's perspective includes its moons or asteroid companions. Why should we study astrology from each planet's perspective? · To find direct expressions of each planet at your time of birth · To distance personal ego from the equation · To appreciate your own planet-centered charts · To discover clear choices/alternatives that have been there all your life · To become acquainted with energy allies for personal growth and spiritual understanding · To amplify your understanding of the diversity of planetary perspectives · To explore Unity of multiple energies entering your awareness With planet-centered alternatives you may adopt a transpersonal perspective and transcend the limitations of personal biases to embrace your greater potential.

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