On the Wing 翅膀 - North American Birds 7

On the Wing 翅膀 - North American Birds 7

Andrea Voon

12,37 €
IVA incluido
Hei Greenhouse Studio
Año de edición:
12,37 €
IVA incluido
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Book DescriptionLittle wings, great big wings, flap flap flap... Freshwater birds and seabirds are on the wing. Wading birds, diving birds, clap clap clap...Hunt for aquatic animals on the wing.Let your imagination fly and join Andrea Voon in identifying 12 types of freshwater birds and seabirds in a unique way. Each waterfowl has its characteristics and talents:Tunnel engineers, sword fighters, scavengers, jugglers, summer tourists, babysitters, living statues, arrow shooters, barbers, hatters, marine forces, and nurses.Where do they live? What do they do?With the help of fantastic pictures and bilingual bouncy rhyme, readers will learn some fun facts about these freshwater birds and seabirds.在這本書裡,作者將為讀者介紹12種淡水鳥和海鳥:隧道工程師,劍術高手,清道夫,雜耍者,夏季游客,保姆,活雕像,弓箭手,理髮師,帽匠,水兵 和 白衣天使。它們住在哪兒?它們有什麽專長?美麗生動的照片,簡短有趣的詩句,讓讀者能輕鬆地認識北美洲的淡水鳥和海鳥。From the Back Cover* A fantastic bilingual picture book in Chinese and English! *Birds in the freshwater; Birds in the brackish marshes.Birds in the ocean; Birds along the shorelines.Who is a good wader? Who is a plunge-diver?Water birds and seabirds are hunting for aquatic animals on the wing.淡水水域裏的鳥兒;鹹水沼澤裏的鳥兒;大海裏的鳥兒;沿海一帶的鳥兒......誰是涉水高手?誰是潜泳師傅?淡水鳥和海鳥展開翅膀,捕食各類海鮮,讓美麗的地球熱鬧非凡。* 一本適合親子趣讀的中、英雙語繪本。 *繪本的中、英文各成一律,各有韻味,建議讀者以單一語言展開閱讀。家長可先選一種語言和孩子閱讀一遍,再鼓勵孩子們以另一種語言閱讀,以促進母語與第二語言的雙向學習。閱讀的同時,家長可以和孩子聊一聊詩句的內容,探討北美洲的淡水鳥和海鳥,其生活習性和特徵。

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